Urgent: Help Us Save My Sister’s Life
Hi, this my sister Lyn she has a facial tumor that is slowly taking her life, and we are in urgent need of your help. To cover her surgery, we need to raise $25,000. We’re asking 625 people to pledge $40 to save her life.
The doctors are ready for Tuesday to begin once we secure the funds.
Lyn is a citizen of Dominica and they do not have the doctors or equipment to take on her case. Some may ask why not bring her to the US. We'll unfortunately that's easier said that done. She does not have a visa and couldn't get a medical unless we were able to shoe a US doctor would take her case and proof we had the money to pay them. And if you live in the US you would know medical treatment is quite costly.
We have been trying to get her treated since 2020. We sent her to Cuba they took out money and didn't perform the surgery. She went to Martinique they rejected her. So we have been trying and this is the closest we have ever been. So close we can almost taste it. The only thing stopping us is money.
Please make a pledge today and share this message with your friends and family. We are on a mission to save Lyn.
You can send your donation via Zelle to: [email protected] or
Cashapp 9546149032