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Hey folks, I got some news out of Thunder Bay that's pretty concerning. A Toronto man has been charged with attempted murder after a daytime shootout that happened on Tuesday. Can you believe that? In broad daylight, people were exchanging gunfire in the streets. That's crazy dangerous, and it's a miracle that nobody got hurt.

The Thunder Bay Police Service responded quickly to the scene after receiving reports of gunfire. Officers from multiple units were dispatched to investigate, and they were able to locate a suspect matching the description provided by witnesses. The suspect tried to run, but the police were able to catch him after a short chase.

During the arrest, officers found a handgun and a quantity of crack co***ne in the suspect's possession. That's some serious stuff right there. It makes you wonder what kind of person would be carrying a gun and drugs around in broad daylight.

The suspect, Iverson THOMAS, is facing some serious charges, including attempted murder with a restricted or prohibited firearm, possession of a weapon for dangerous purposes, and possession of co***ne for the purpose of trafficking. That's a laundry list of charges, folks. This guy is in some serious trouble.

The investigation is still ongoing, and the police are asking for the public's help in finding any other suspects who may have been involved. If you have any information that could help, please contact the police non-emergency line. And if you have surveillance footage that could be helpful, please get in touch with the police as well.

Let's hope that the police are able to get to the bottom of this and keep the people of Thunder Bay safe. It's scary to think that this kind of thing can happen in broad daylight, but it's a reminder that we all need to be vigilant and look out for each other. Stay safe out there, folks.


A police officer and group of good Samaritans successfully rescued a woman from falling off a southside bridge Tuesday night.

Thunder Bay Police Service officers with the Primary Response Branch were dispatched to the James Street Bridge at about 10 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18 following reports of a woman hanging off the guardrail of the bridge.

Firefighters with Thunder Bay Fire Rescue and Paramedics with Superior North EMS were also dispatched to the scene.

When the first officer arrived -- Cst. Evan HAYWOOD -- he noticed a group of civilians huddled around an area of the bridge. The civilians had their arms through the guardrail and were holding onto the female, which was preventing her from falling into the cold river below.

It became apparent the woman was suffering from a mental health crisis and was attempting to harm herself.

Cst. HAYWOOD hopped over the guardrail, putting his own safety in danger, to get better leverage and bring the woman back to safety. With help from the involved civilians, the officer was able to get her back onto the bridge.

Superior North EMS paramedics were able to tend to the woman and transport her to the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre for further evaluation.

The Thunder Bay Police Service would like to thank the members of the public who put their own safety at risk to help rescue someone who was a stranger to them.

Attention drivers

Attention drivers

Rules 2023 Thunder City Speedway Hornet Rules Please note that Thunder City Speedway is following the Wissota Hornet regulations with the exception of the attached rules. The Hornets will not be Wissota sanctioned. Hornet Rules


URGENT REQUEST FOR HELP: Wildlife Rescue Needs Assistance
Running a wildlife rescue is a challenging task, and one of the most critical factors to consider is food for the animals. Unfortunately, our freezer, which was packed with fresh frozen food, has stopped working, leaving us in a dire situation.
We had a whole 8-foot freezer, three feet deep, filled to the brim with fresh frozen quails, mice, rats, chicks, rabbits, fish, and donated squirrels from trappers over the winter. However, all of it is now contaminated and stuck in ice under bloody water. We were only able to salvage about 20 quails that weren't wet and still frozen. The rest of the meat is soggy and under ice water, making it unusable.
This winter has been challenging, and we have faced numerous setbacks and problems to overcome. Food was the one thing we weren't worried about, and now it's all gone. We are in a panic and need your help.
We need to replace our freezer and restock our food supply. We cannot take in any more used freezers as every single one we've been donated has failed within a year. We need your help to buy brand new freezers and replace all the food.
If you can help, please donate to [email protected]. Your contribution will make a significant difference in our ability to care for the animals in our care. Additionally, if you have room in your incubators, we have about 80 quail eggs and two dozen bantams that need incubation before fertility starts to wane.
Thank you for your support.

Statement from Gateway Casinos & Entertainment LimitedSun, April 16, 2023, 7:08 PM EDTTORONTO, April 16, 2023 /CNW/ - Ea...

Statement from Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Limited
Sun, April 16, 2023, 7:08 PM EDT
TORONTO, April 16, 2023 /CNW/ - Earlier today all Gateway casino sites across Ontario experienced a system-wide IT outage. We have made the decision to close all locations until further notice as we work to correct the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please follow us on our pages for updates.

SOURCE Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Limited

Earlier today all Gateway casino sites across Ontario experienced a system-wide IT outage. We have made the decision to close all locations until further notice as we work to correct the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please follow us on our pages for updates.

Major Fraud: Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Exposes Deception in Enrolment ProcessIn a shocking turn of events, Nunavut Tunngavi...

Major Fraud: Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Exposes Deception in Enrolment Process

In a shocking turn of events, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) has uncovered a potential case of major fraud in the enrolment process under the Nunavut Agreement. Twin sisters Amira and Nadya Gill, along with Karima Manji, who claimed to be their adoptive mother, have been removed from the Inuit enrolment list following an investigation by NTI and the Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA). This unprecedented situation has raised serious concerns about the integrity of the enrolment process, which is meant to ensure that Inuit in Nunavut receive the benefits promised to them.

According to a joint statement issued by NTI and QIA, the Gill sisters and Manji submitted fraudulent applications for enrolment. The organizations have also requested that the RCMP investigate their actions, as their claims of Inuit heritage have been called into question. It has been revealed that Manji applied for enrolment herself in 2018, claiming to have been adopted by individuals from Iqaluit, a claim that has been proven to be false and was rejected at the time due to lack of supporting documentation.

The Gill sisters, who gained attention on social media last month due to their business venture Kanata Trade Co., which sold products with Indigenous artwork and promised to donate profits to Indigenous organizations, have been accused of deceiving the public about their Inuit heritage. Amira Gill's claim that she and her sister had no knowledge of the enrolment process and possessed NTI enrolment cards "from a young age" appears to contradict the information provided by NTI and QIA, which states that the sisters were approved for Inuit enrolment in 2016 based on an application submitted by Manji on their behalf.

The severity of this situation cannot be overstated. If proven to be true, this case of fraud strikes at the heart of the Nunavut Agreement, which was designed to protect the rights and benefits of Inuit in Nunavut. The deceitful actions of the Gill sisters and Manji not only undermine the integrity of the enrolment process, but also cast doubt on the authenticity of their claims of Inuit heritage. Such dishonesty is unacceptable and must be addressed with the full force of the law.

The Noah family, who has been implicated as victims of the alleged fraud committed by the Gill sisters and Manji, has expressed relief at the news from NTI. Noah Noah, son of Harry "Bud" Hughes, has stated that his family has no relation to the Gill twins, and he is elated that the truth has come to light. He has called for the RCMP to charge and convict the perpetrators of this fraud, as they should not be allowed to get away with such deceitful actions.

This case of major fraud within the enrolment process must serve as a wake-up call for all stakeholders involved. It is imperative that the integrity of the Nunavut Agreement be upheld and that any attempts at deception or fraud be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. NTI and QIA should be commended for their efforts in uncovering this potential fraud and taking swift action to address it. It is only through such vigilance and commitment to truth and honesty that the rights and benefits of Inuit in Nunavut can be safeguarded.

(LONDON, NORTH BAY, ORILLIA, THUNDER BAY, ON) - Communications Operators are Ontario's initial first responders. In 2022...

(LONDON, NORTH BAY, ORILLIA, THUNDER BAY, ON) - Communications Operators are Ontario's initial first responders. In 2022, they answered 2.22 million 911 and non-emergency calls for service, supporting their communities 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Communications Operators also help to ensure that Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers are able to make it home safely at the end of their shift.

This National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, OPP members across the province give their heartfelt thanks to all Provincial Communications Centre (PCC) staff for their commitment to safe communities and a secure Ontario. PCC members include over 500 civilian members and officers, who are based in one of four service delivery locations in London, North Bay, Orillia and Thunder Bay.

Communications Operators work in a fast-paced environment where the application of speed and accuracy is critical in urgent and sometimes life-threatening emergencies. Our PCCs are hiring throughout the year. Those interested in a rewarding career are encouraged to apply to a Communications Operator role, which include both English and bilingual positions. Further information on how to apply is available at

The OPP is dedicated to ensuring open, accessible, equitable and respectful workplaces, and is committed to reflecting the diverse communities it serves. We encourage applications from members of diverse communities, including Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, women, persons from racialized groups, 2SLGBTQ+ persons, those who are able to speak fluently in another language(s), and anyone committed to a rewarding career in public service.


Simply don’t do it


Yeah so get a grip

Tensions Rise as Police Clear Homeless Encampments on Vancouver's Hastings StreetTensions are running high in Vancouver ...

Tensions Rise as Police Clear Homeless Encampments on Vancouver's Hastings Street

Tensions are running high in Vancouver as police continue to clear homeless encampments on Hastings Street, resulting in angry protests from community members. The situation escalated as police formed lines and used force to push the crowd further down the street, while snipers could be seen on nearby rooftops.

Many people who have been forced to make the sidewalks of Hastings Street their homes are outraged by the city's approach to dealing with the situation. Barley, an activist, described the plan as "terribly thought out," comparing it to "shoveling water" and questioning where the displaced people would go.

In response to concerns raised by the community, Mayor Ken Sim addressed the issue, stating that the city needs to restore Hastings Street as a safe and welcoming place for everyone. He cited the escalation of violence, fires, and the occupation of sidewalk spaces as reasons for the police action.

However, the city admits that there is not enough housing or shelter spaces available to accommodate the growing number of people seeking housing. "There are more people seeking housing than we have housing available," acknowledged a city spokesperson. "Most of the people in Vancouver who are unsheltered are not on Hastings Street."

For Pat Weir, who has called the sidewalk on Hastings Street home for the last year, city workers recently threw out all his belongings and cleared his tent, along with those of others who are homeless. When asked what happens to the belongings, Weir explained that they are either thrown in the garbage, auctioned off at the police auction, or donated to the city.

The situation on Hastings Street is a complex issue that highlights the challenges of homelessness and the lack of affordable housing in Vancouver. As tensions continue to rise, community members, activists, and city officials are grappling with finding a solution that addresses the needs of both the homeless population and the city's desire to maintain safety and order on its streets.

As the situation unfolds, many are calling for a more comprehensive approach that includes providing more affordable housing options, mental health and addiction support, and social services to address the root causes of homelessness. In the meantime, the ongoing tension between the police and the community on Hastings Street remains a contentious issue that requires careful consideration and dialogue to find a resolution that addresses the needs

Dear Dr. Cranton,I am writing to address the concerning tone and content of your letter regarding the outstanding balanc...

Dear Dr. Cranton,

I am writing to address the concerning tone and content of your letter regarding the outstanding balance for an eye examination for one of your patients. As a healthcare professional, it is important to approach all patients with professionalism, respect, and without any form of discrimination, including racism.

It is unacceptable and unethical to differentiate treatment or payment policies based on a patient's ethnicity, as indicated by your statement that this is an exception you give only to your "native patients" and not to any other patients. This is discriminatory and goes against the principles of equality and fairness in healthcare.

Referring to your patients as "native" and implying that they are taking advantage of your offer is not only derogatory, but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces unequal power dynamics. Using language that highlights a patient's ethnicity in a negative or discriminatory way is unacceptable and goes against the principles of cultural competence and diversity in healthcare.

It is important to remember that all patients, regardless of their ethnicity, have the right to be treated with dignity, respect, and fairness, and to receive equal access to healthcare services without discrimination. Your letter not only demonstrates discriminatory undertones but also threatens to change your policy for all native patients as a result of one patient's unpaid balance, which is unjust and discriminatory.

I strongly urge you to reconsider your approach and language in your communication with patients, and to rectify the discriminatory language and policies in your practice. It is essential for healthcare professionals to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, inclusivity, and respect for all patients, regardless of their ethnicity or background.

Every person of colour


Alright, folks, let's talk about the weather, because apparently, Mother Nature is on some kind of a power trip. So, here's the forecast for today, issued at the ungodly hour of 5:30 AM EDT on Thursday, April 6, 2023.

We got flurries, folks. And not just any flurries, but flurries at times heavy. You know, the kind that makes you question why you ever decided to step out of your cozy bed in the first place. And don't get me started on the wind. We got some west wind blowing at 30 km/h, gusting to a whopping 60. Hang on to your hats, people!

And if you thought it couldn't get any worse, well, think again. The high today is a chilling minus 2 degrees Celsius. And that wind chill? Oh, it's gonna be near minus 14! So, if you were planning on rocking that spring outfit, forget about it. You better bundle up like you're heading to the North frickin' Pole.

But wait, there's more! Tonight, it's gonna be mainly cloudy, with a 40 percent chance of flurries in the evening. Because why not, right? And the wind, oh, it's gonna be northwest now, still blowing at 30 km/h, gusting to 50. But hey, at least it'll be light this evening. So, there's a tiny silver lining.

But don't let that fool you, because the low tonight is gonna be a bone-chilling minus 14 degrees Celsius. And that wind chill? Brace yourselves, folks. It's gonna be minus 8 in the evening, and a jaw-dropping minus 17 overnight. I mean, who needs Antarctica when you have this kind of weather, am I right?

So, there you have it, folks. Flurries, heavy wind, freezing temperatures, and wind chills that'll make you question your life choices. It's like Mother Nature decided to throw a winter party in April, and we're all invited. Bundle up, stay warm, and brace yourselves, because the weather gods are definitely messing with us. Thanks for the heads up, weather forecast. You really know how to brighten our day. Not!


Hey folks, it's Jenny here, bringing you some weather news at the butt crack of dawn on this fine Wednesday, April 5th, 2023.

Listen up, because we got a winter storm on our hands today, and it ain't no joke. We're talking about snow and ice pellets piling up to 15 to 25 centimeters. And if that ain't enough to get your blood boiling, we got peak snowfall rates of 2 to 4 centimeters per hour. That's some serious snow, man.

And don't even get me started on the visibility issues. We got heavy snow and local blowing snow in exposed areas, which means you're gonna need a map and a compass just to get from your front door to your car. And if you're near Lake Superior, watch out for that freezing rain, 'cause it's coming in hot.

And let's not forget about the wind gusts, folks. We're talking about speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour. You might wanna nail down your lawn furniture if you know what's good for ya.

So, when's all this madness gonna end, you ask? Well, you got the snow this morning, and it's gonna keep on keepin' on until early Thursday morning. The snow might mix with some ice pellets or freezing rain, which could lower the snowfall amounts, but let's be real, it's still gonna be a pain in the ass.

And don't even think about driving or walking on any of those surfaces like highways, roads, walkways, or parking lots. It's gonna be like navigating a damn obstacle course out there, and you might just end up flat on your ass.

So, if you gotta go out and brave the elements, take some extra care, will ya? And if you can avoid it altogether, I suggest you do that too. Stay safe out there, folks.

A Message from Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United StatesThe Left thinks that if they bury me with enough ...

A Message from Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States
The Left thinks that if they bury me with enough witch hunts and intimidate my family and associates that I’ll eventually throw up my hands and give up on our America First movement.
Let me be as clear as possible: I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR YOU.
I walked away from a very nice life where the media never said a single mean thing about me.
I knew the price I’d have to pay for running a campaign that promised to take on the Deep State, the Open Borders Lobby, global special interests, and the Soros Money Machine.
And I don’t regret it even for a second!
We have a country to save. And I’m not giving up now – and I know you aren’t either.
Our 2024 presidential campaign will continue on just the same.
As the never-ending witch hunts heat up, please make a contribution to defend our movement and SAVE America:


Winter storm beginning this evening.

Hazards: Snow and ice pellet accumulations of 15 to 25 cm. Peak snowfall rates of 2 to 4 cm/hour. Reduced visibility due to heavy snow and local blowing snow in exposed areas. Strong wind gusts up to 70 km/h.

Timing: Snow beginning this evening and tapering off Wednesday night.

Discussion: The snow will likely be mixed with ice pellets or freezing rain at times, potentially lowering snowfall amounts. The heaviest snow is expected this evening for areas near the Minnesota border and the Lakehead area. Regions north of Lake Superior will see the heaviest snow before dawn Wednesday.

Surfaces such as highways, roads, walkways and parking lots may become difficult to navigate due to accumulating snow. Rapidly accumulating snow could make travel difficult over some locations.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada.


Yo, what's up folks? I got some wild news coming out of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Apparently, the police executed a couple of search warrants in the southside and ended up busting some serious drug trafficking activity. Five people got arrested, and the cops found a ton of cash and co***ne at two different locations.

The first search warrant was served on Syndicate Avenue South, and the second one went down on McGregor Avenue. These warrants were the result of an ongoing investigation into drug trafficking, and the police found some serious evidence. They seized a ton of coke, cash, and paraphernalia consistent with drug dealing.

One of the suspects tried to run away, but they didn't get far. They found him a little while later in the Christina Street area. All in all, they seized nearly $135,000 worth of drugs and more than $16,500 CAD in cash. That's some serious loot, my friends.

Now, let's talk about the suspects. We got Joshua Savannah Cuthbert from Victoria, BC, Steven Alexander Maitland from Brampton, Ont., Valerie Anne Swan from Thunder Bay, Steven Tiboni, also from Thunder Bay, and a 17-year-old male from Brampton, Ont.

These cats are facing some serious charges, including possession of co***ne for the purpose of trafficking and possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000. Tiboni got released from custody with some conditions and a future appearance date, but the other three got remanded into custody with future appearance dates after their bail court hearing on Sunday, April 2.

Damn, Thunder Bay ain't playing around. Stay safe out there, y'all.


Hate will not be tolerated on this page ,
The phenomenon of homophobia has been a recurring theme in discussions concerning human rights and social justice. Homophobia is the term used to describe the discrimination and oppression that LGBTQ+ individuals face, manifesting in various forms, such as harassment, violence, and exclusion. Some individuals argue that homophobia is a societal problem, that it is the result of a lack of education and tolerance. However, upon closer examination, one can determine that homophobia is a personal choice that is firmly rooted in political and religious extremism.

The primary cause of homophobia is not inherent in human nature but rather learned behavior, influenced by social, cultural, and political factors. Homophobia is an acquired attribute propagated by society, which is responsible for shaping our attitudes, values, and perceptions. These negative attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community are perpetuated through discriminatory laws and policies, biased media coverage, and negative stereotypes.

Nonetheless, even with the external factors that perpetuate homophobia, it remains the responsibility of the individual to choose between tolerance and discrimination. It is crucial to recognize that homophobia is not an inevitable result of external influences, but a personal decision that individuals make based on their beliefs, values, and personal experiences.

Homophobia is closely associated with political and fundamental religious extremist groups. These groups utilize homophobia as a tool for manipulation and control, using it to maintain their hold over their followers and to advance their ideologies. They disseminate negative views of the LGBTQ+ community, portraying them as immoral and sinful, a threat to traditional values. They frequently use religion or conservative values to justify their beliefs and actions.

The results of these extremist ideologies can be devastating. Homophobic violence, including physical attacks, harassment, and murder, remain a significant threat to LGBTQ+ individuals worldwide. Such violence is often perpetrated by individuals or groups who hold extreme political or religious views, perceiving LGBTQ+ individuals as a threat to their way of life.

In conclusion, homophobia is a personal choice that is influenced by political and religious extremism. While societal factors may contribute to its perpetuation, individuals must accept personal responsibility and choose to prioritize tolerance and acceptance over fear and hatred. To combat homophobia effectively, it is crucial to promote education, tolerance, and equality, and to challenge the extremist ideologies that fuel discrimination and violence towards LGBTQ+ individuals.


The use of ten-digit numbers for phone calls in Ontario and other parts of North America is due to the implementation of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) in 1947. The NANP is a system of telephone numbering that assigns a unique three-digit area code to each geographic region, and a seven-digit local number to each individual phone line within that region.

When the NANP was first implemented, phone numbers were typically dialed using a rotary dial, which required the user to physically rotate a dial to select each digit of the phone number. Seven-digit phone numbers were initially used, but as the number of phone lines in use increased, it became necessary to add more digits to the phone numbers to accommodate the growing demand.

In 1995, the NANP introduced the use of ten-digit phone numbers in many areas of North America, including Ontario. The extra three digits are used to identify the geographic region and ensure that each phone number is unique. This allows for more efficient routing of phone calls and helps to prevent the same phone number from being assigned to multiple individuals or businesses within the same area code.


Hey, folks, Jenny again here to talk about the dangers of drinking and driving. I mean, come on people, we all know it's a terrible idea. It's not just about risking your own life, it's about putting everyone else on the road in danger too. And let's not forget about the legal consequences.

Case in point, some guy in Thunder Bay, Devin SHEPARSKI, was arrested and charged by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Nipigon Detachment after a traffic complaint resulted in him being caught driving while impaired. Not cool, man. Not cool at all.

Thankfully, the OPP was able to respond to the complaint and take this guy off the road before he caused any harm to himself or anyone else. But it's a stark reminder of how dangerous drinking and driving can be, not just for the driver, but for their friends, family, and community as a whole.

So, let this be a lesson to all of us. Don't get behind the wheel if you've been drinking. It's just not worth the risk. Devin SHEPARSKI is set to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Nipigon to face the consequences of his actions, and hopefully, he'll learn his lesson and never make this mistake again.


Well, well, well, it looks like the Kenora Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has been up to their old tricks again. Seems like they've gone and charged some fella from Winnipeg with a whole bunch of Criminal Code (CC) and Controlled Drugs and Substance Act (CDSA) charges.

Now, it all started on March 23, 2023, when the Kenora OPP Detachment tried to stop this motor vehicle after noticing it was swerving all over the road and driving way too darn fast in the City of Kenora. But, as you might've guessed, the driver didn't exactly take too kindly to being pulled over and decided to make a run for it.

After a bit of a chase, the cops managed to track down this Winnipegger and arrest him without any incident. And that's when things really started to heat up. Turns out, the motor vehicle had been reported stolen and ol' boy had some serious contraband on him, including methamphetamine.

So, they've gone and charged him with Flight from Peace Officer, Dangerous Operation, Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5,000, and Possession of a Schedule I Substance, Methamphetamine. That's quite the rap sheet if you ask me.

They've got him locked up in custody and he's scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Kenora. Let's just hope he learns his lesson and stays out of trouble in the future.


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