What would you do if you had the entire day to yourself?#SelfCare#IntentionalLiving#MentalWellness#SlowLiving#DreamDay#SimplifyLife#MomLife#LifeSimplified#TakeABreak#MyPerfectDay
Organize Kitchen Cabinets with Me and Finding Small Moments of Joy
Today we are organizing the pot and pans, and baking cabinets. I have found little moments of joy in my day through things like cooking and listening to music. We talk a little about this and how a subscription service has helped me to figure this out.
#Declutter #declutteryourlife #cleaningtips #decluttering #cleaning #declutteryourhome #ClutterFree #cleaningmotivation
Organize Tupperware With Me and Finding the Silverlinings
Today I will show you how I organize my food storage containers as we begin our kitchen declutter. I also had a pretty wild day yesterday when my air conditioning went out, but what I did about it changed my whole day.
#Declutter #declutteryourlife #cleaningtips #decluttering #cleaning #declutteryourhome #ClutterFree #cleaningmotivation #kitchenorganization #tupperware
Declutter And Organize Family Room and Dealing with Nostalgia
Today we are going through the family room and talking about how things that hold memories are delaying the decluttering process. We talk about tips that can help you overcome the urge to hoard things with nostalgia attached to it. I also give a few tips on how I personally organize what I call necessary clutter.
#Declutter #ClutterFree #cleaningtips #cleaningmotivation #cleaning #decluttering #declutteryourlife #declutteryourhome
How to Declutter Someone Else's Things and Perfectionism Paralysis
We are back in the family/living room and we will be talking about how to declutter someone else’s things and how our need for perfectionism creates procrastination and paralysis.
#declutterwithme #clutterfree #declutter #stayactive #hardworkpaysoffs
Decluttering Inspiration For Your Master Closet
If you’re looking for motivation to help you declutter the closet, then this video is going to be just that. We’re going to have the master bedroom bathroom and master closet mostly decluttered in five days. We will be taking small baby steps to help us transform our home and our lives. By working together, we can remove the clutter from our life.
#cleaningmotivation #declutteringinspiration #declutter
Decluttering Inspiration For Your Closet
If you’re looking for motivation to help you declutter the closet, then this video is going to be just that. We’re going to have the master bedroom bathroom and master closet mostly decluttered in five days. We will be taking small baby steps to help us transform our home and our lives. By working together, we can remove the clutter from our life.
#cleaningmotivation #declutteringinspiration #transformyourhome
Declutter With Me Master Bedroom And Bathroom Day 3
If you’re looking for decluttering inspiration to help you, then this video is going to be just that. We’re going to have the master bedroom bathroom and master closet mostly decluttered in five days. We will be taking small baby steps to help us transform our home and our lives.
#cleaningmotivation #declutteringinspiration #transformyourhome
Declutter With Me Master Bedroom And Bathroom Day 2
If you’re looking for decluttering inspiration to help you, then this video is going to be just that. We’re going to have the master bedroom bathroom and master closet mostly decluttered in five days. We will be taking small baby steps to help us transform our home and our lives.
#cleaningmotivation #declutteringinspiration #transformyourhome
Declutter With Me Master Bedroom And Bathroom Day 1
If you’re looking for decluttering inspiration to help you, then this video is going to be just that. We’re going to have the master bedroom bathroom and master closet mostly decluttered in five days. We will be taking small baby steps to help us transform our home and our lives.
#cleaningmotivation #declutteringinspiration #transformyourhome
Cleaning motivation for May 16th. More in depth videos on these can be found in my bio #cleaningmotivation #cleanwithme #CleaningHacks #cleantok