Talks with Dad Rod

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Talks with Dad Rod Hosted by Dr. Rod Rosenbladt and Ted Rosenbladt, and produced by Rick Ritchie

We are not justified by our works. Nor is God's gift of faith by the Holy Spirit maintained by our works. Our works are ...

We are not justified by our works. Nor is God's gift of faith by the Holy Spirit maintained by our works. Our works are useful and helpful to our neighbor. God does not need our works at all, and [even our best] works would NEVER be enough to satisfy the law anyway. We are to repent of our imperfect works (which is ALL of us sinners's works—though those works are VERY valuable to our neighbors) and turn to Christ, Who is sufficient to save. Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead FOR YOU, sinner. Believe in Him and receive eternal life.

Why does this make me start humming, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"?

Why does this make me start humming, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"?

THIS. Why did we found 1517? Are your sins being forgiven EXPLICITLY at church EVERY WEEK?

THIS. Why did we found 1517? Are your sins being forgiven EXPLICITLY at church EVERY WEEK?

(Emergency Room, 2008, Season 14, Episode 13)


I apologize for being inactive in recent weeks. I know you all know why, but I think of you, our audience members, all the time. It's also hard being disconnected from you when we're not able to presently continue our content creation for you.

BUT KNOW THIS: We are right now in the R&D phase of what happens next. The TwDR set will get updated, and we're working on plans for creating the next series of comforting and faith-feeding content for you. What we're doing is not visible to you right now, so I wanted to keep you in the loop so that you can look forward to the next 'party'!

At the end of Dad's memorial, I had more than one person come up to me with a comment like, "You're not stopping, are you?! You're going to keep going with something else, right?!"

Yup, you betcha!

So, even if you have to wait a bit (no estimates presently on what that time frame is, but I will update you with more as I'm able), please know that we are in a 'back to formula' stage, tinkering, and grinding on what the show will be, who will be on it, and how it will look and feel (format). We've had some new interesting ideas, too, that I hope will make it even more fun and accessible for you.

And yet, we want to keep it as on-point for you personally as TwDR has been—at the level of your questions, at the level of your pain and doubt and struggles. We have been and remain in it with you, and have not wavered ONE IOTA in our commitment to bring you CHRIST FOR YOU. Jesus is sufficient to save you, even at your serial-sinning worst.

Because, as Dad made clear, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for sinning Christians, too.

He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!And why is this particularly good news for us sinners? Because, being sons of...

He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

And why is this particularly good news for us sinners? Because, being sons of Adam and daughters of Eve, we are doubters ‘at the cellular level’, to lean on Dad’s phrasing.

“But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!” – Matthew 6:30

“He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?”” – Matthew 8:26

“Immediately Jesus reached out with His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”” – Matthew 14:31

“But Jesus, aware of this, said, “You men of little faith, why are you discussing among yourselves the fact that you have no bread?” – Matthew 16:8

Who did Jesus spend His time with? SINNERS OF LITTLE FAITH! He came to die and rise for us of little faith... FOR YOU. What do we think it means that, “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”?! (Rom 5:8)

While we were yet of little faith Christ died for us.

While we were still rebelling against him, Christ died for us.

While we were yet trusting ourselves more than Him, and idolatrously taking God’s work upon our shoulders as though He won’t do what He promised and as though His works are not sufficient, Christ died for us.

We sinners always think so highly of ourselves and our works. And yet...

“Then Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away because of Me this night, for it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’ But after I have been raised, I will go ahead of you to Galilee.” But Peter replied to Him, “Even if they all fall away because of You, I will never fall away!” Jesus said to him, “Truly I say to you that this very night, before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” Peter said to Him, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!” All the disciples said the same thing as well.” – Matthew 26:31-35

“Then he began to curse and swear, “I do not know the man!” And immediately a rooster crowed. And Peter remembered the statement that Jesus had made: “Before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly.” – Matthew 26:74-75

We want to think we trust and have faith. And while we have certainly received that gift, we yet CONSISTENTLY refuse to see when we trust ourselves more than Him. And when He does great works (the greatest work!) to save us, do we even find consolation and peace there with Him, even when He’s told us in advance EXACTLY what He’s going to do and what is about to happen? No!

““Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’”

Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.”” – Mark 16:6-8

We run, terrified. Right after being told to not fear. Because, again, being sons of Adam and daughters of Eve, we struggle to trust Him who saves us. Period. Until the day we die. Even when God is fulfilling His promises before our very eyes, proving He is FOR US, and not against us.

We yet tremble and run in fear.

“Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief!”” – Mark 9:24

And He still rescues us. Peter was always safe with his Lord Christ, regardless of his faithlessness. Jesus died and rose for sinners. And not just for those who sin little... but CHIEFS OF SINNERS. Like me. Like Dad. And like you, too.

We are safer with Jesus in His death and resurrection than we will EVER believe in this life. And so we celebrate this great news as often as we can and receive His forgiveness over and over and over. And listen to His words and see His wondrous works to again be reminded just how safe we are, even as we doubt and fear.

Because all the work to save sinners is His. And His perfect work is sufficient to save you, for whom He died, by name. And how do you know? The historical fact of Jesus' resurrection. He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Believe in Jesus Christ and receive eternal life.

“Do not be afraid, little flock, because your Father has chosen to give you the kingdom.” – Luke 12:32

Happy Resurrection Day.

Today, Good Friday, is a day of perfection. And not ours. But for us sinners. While we sinners fumbled about, sinning at...

Today, Good Friday, is a day of perfection. And not ours. But for us sinners. While we sinners fumbled about, sinning at the foot of His cross, Jesus Christ was perfectly finishing ALL the atoning work necessary to save us sinners. It is into that perfect work which we are baptized and made one in Christ.

When we doubt that God did this, as He promised, and struggle with fear, it is literally idolatry and a First Commandment violation. But guess what? In His perfect atonement, Jesus Christ takes THAT sin onto Himself, too.

The GREAT news for you, sinner, is that there is no more work that must be done for you to be saved. Any good works of yours are for your neighbor (and, being imperfect, even in motive, must also be forgiven), and you are forgiven and free to do those.

Truly, it is finished, as Jesus said. God didn’t say He started the work for us. He finished the work to save us, as He promised. It is we who are smitten with sin who doubt and fear that His words are not true, or that His work is incomplete.

On this Good Friday, we can focus on repenting of the idea that He and His work FOR US are not perfect, and come to the peace He brings to us. Be at peace, He has truly won the war over sin, death and the devil... FOR YOU. Believe on Jesus Christ and receive eternal life.

“It is finished.” – John 19:30

Let’s just go to the OK Corral together to defend the gospel and help people.” In this episode of White Horse Inn, original hosts, Michael Horton, Ken Jones,...


To clergy who will be attending Dad's memorial service on March 10, please know that you are invited to vest, in color purple, out of respect for Dr. Rosenbladt. There will be special seating for all vested clergy.

If you're joining us, can you let us know so we can get an accurate head count?

If you're joining us, can you let us know so we can get an accurate head count?

The family of Rod Rosenbladt invites you to celebrate his life and his entry into eternal glory with a service on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 2:30 in the afternoon.

UPDATE (02/08/24): The family of Rod Rosenbladt invites you to celebrate his life and his entry into eternal glory with ...

UPDATE (02/08/24): The family of Rod Rosenbladt invites you to celebrate his life and his entry into eternal glory with a service on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 2:30 in the afternoon on the campus of Concordia University Irvine (1530 Concordia West, Irvine, CA 92612). The service will be held in the CU Center and a light reception will follow. Livestream information will be available soon.

Today, the 1517 family mourns the death of Dr. Rod Rosenbladt. For many, he was known as “Dad Rod,” and to others, he was known as professor, friend, and mentor.

UPDATE (02/08/24): The family of Rod Rosenbladt invites you to celebrate his life and his entry into eternal glory with ...

UPDATE (02/08/24): The family of Rod Rosenbladt invites you to celebrate his life and his entry into eternal glory with a service on Sunday, March 10, 2023, at 2:30 in the afternoon on the campus of Concordia University Irvine (1530 Concordia West, Irvine, CA 92612). The service will be held in the CU Center and a light reception will follow. Livestream information will be available soon.

Today, the 1517 family mourns the death of Dr. Rod Rosenbladt. For many, he was known as “Dad Rod,” and to others, he was known as professor, friend, and mentor.


Ray Kinsella plays catch with his father John at the end of Field of Dreams. Starring Kevin Costner.


Today, the 1517 family mourns the death of Dr. Rod Rosenbladt. For many, he was known as “Dad Rod,” and to others, he was known as professor, friend, and mentor. Rod’s influence will be felt long past his triumphal entry into the kingdom he so longed to enter, and his legacy will point many more to know the forgiveness and freedom found in Christ alone.


Jesus, you are the great physician. When you walked the earth, diseases fled before you and the demons cringed. Many of us have requested a reprieve for Rod and that you would raise him up. We have no doubt that with a word you can end our vigil. Like the centurion, we know that you don’t have to move, even lift a finger to make this happen for us. And as he did, we ask that you would speak and fully restore Rod in a miraculous way, so that everyone would be astounded and praise God. Let us hear his voice at the kitchen table once again, drink coffee, and laugh, and make TwDR shows and marvel at how you rescued him from death. We know this is a small thing for you. We ask it in your name. Amen.

h/t: Steve Byrnes


I got the call this afternoon. Dad had to be taken off dialysis because his heart and breathing were becoming labored. Eveything is crashing.

I told the doctor that Dad issued me a DNR, and I will honor it.

They've increased his sedation and mild assist from the ventilator.

Though as of 7:30 PM PST tonight, Dad is still with us, my sister and I now have to let him go home. His organs are failing, so I don’t think it will be long.

Thank you all SO MUCH for your love and prayers.

EPISODE  #200Ted asks about what is true about what the Lord’s Supper is and what it does. Rod talks about when Luther w...

Ted asks about what is true about what the Lord’s Supper is and what it does. Rod talks about when Luther went to Marburg to debate with Zwingly, how he made the case for what the Lord’s Supper actually is, what the first Christians considered it to be, the historical discussion about it, and what spiritual benefits it sounds like sinners receive from it.

Produced by: Rick Ritchie

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** WHAT’S NEW FROM 1517 **

Join Chad Bird as he walks chapter by chapter through the entire Bible in 2024.



What do seminary professors, Luther’s Small Catechism, and Hip Hop have in common?

With a surprising blend of contributors, 1517 Music proudly presents “Freedom Lessons”, its latest musical creation. "Freedom Lessons" delves into the core teachings of Luther's Small Catechism through the medium of music, offering a fresh and innovative way to convey the Reformation's enduring truths. This album is a testament to 1517 Music's commitment to conveying the profound truths of the Reformation in a creative and captivating manner.

This record explores the chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism through music. It features performances by Flame, LOSO, and many other highly talented musicians. Bookmark the page linked above, as we will have more freedom lessons resources, like a study guide, a limited podcast, and more coming soon.



“Your God Is Too Glorious” reminds readers that while a quiet life may look unimpressive to the world, it’s the regular, everyday people that God tends to use to do His most important work.

Now available in a second edition, Chad Bird invites the reader to go deeper into the pursuit of the faithful, ordinary life with study questions at the end of each chapter for personal or corporate use.


“Schweitzer's Psychoanalysis of Jesus Christ: & Other Essays in Christian Psychotherapy”, by John Warwick Montgomery

John Warwick Montgomery beautifully highlights how modern psychiatric treatment has lost its mind! Contemporary forms of psychotherapy are, soulless— psychological and spiritual problems require a transcendent solution, as Montgomery nicely documents. No citation of Freud, Jung, or Albert Schweitzer in his flawed diagnosis of Jesus will never be the same as quoting Holy Scripture. Dr. Montgomery’ s latest book is a fresh movement of the Spirit of God to a lost and dying world without Christ. The answer: Put Christianity back into the discussion of what is genuine treatment, and Montgomery’ s newest book wonderfully points us in that direction.


2024 Here We Still Stand Regional Conference
Tickets are on sale for the 2024 Here We Still Stand Regional Conference in Northwest Arkansas! Join us May 3rd and 4th as we gather again at the iconic Meteor Theater in Bentonville, Arkansas, and celebrate the boundless grace of God in the gospel of Jesus. The 2024 theme will be “Grace and Peace in Christ”—GET YOUR TICKETS while they’re still available!


Talks with Dad Rod playlist on YouTube:

Watch this episode on YouTube:

EPISODE #200: Ted asks about what is true about what the Lord’s Supper is and what it does. Rod talks about when Luther went to Marburg to debate with Zwingl...


“Sam struggled with his own weariness, and he took Frodo's hand; and there he sat silent till deep night fell. Then at last, to keep himself awake, he crawled from the hiding-place and looked out. The land seemed full of creaking and cracking and sly noises, but there was no sound of voice or of foot. Far above the Ephel Dúath in the West the night-sky was still dim and pale. There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach. His song in the Tower had been defiance rather than hope; for then he was thinking of himself. Now, for a moment, his own fate, and even his masters, ceased to trouble him. He crawled back into the brambles and laid himself by Frodo's side, and putting away all fear he cast himself into a deep untroubled sleep.”

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King


Rod Rosenbladt’s quick introduction to the subject of Christian confession, copied directly from his course handout:

“When I urge you to go to confession, I am simply urging you to be a Christian.”

The above quote from Martin Luther’s Large Catechism is not merely a pious phrase exhorting pious practice. Nor is it an example of Luther’s well-known use of hyperbole. Confession and Christianity are indeed so intimately entwined as to be used almost synonymously. The practice of confession and absolution as revealed in Scripture and professed in the Book of Concord stands at the heart of Christian faith and life. Christian confession is not simply a historic practice of the church or a pious ritual; it is a profound summary of the whole Christian faith.

In confession and absolution the two great emphases of Christianity—man as sinner and God, in Christ, as man’s Savior—are brought sharply and unmistakably into focus. In confession we humbly and sorrowfully admit all that we are: sinners in need of divine mercy. In absolution, we receive that which God so earnestly desires to give: forgiveness, consolation, and the firm assurance that the death and resurrection of his only Son have overcome our sin.

Given its central place in Christianity, it is not surprising then that confession and absolution stood also at the heart of the Reformation. As a young monk plagued by the knowledge of his own sinfulness, Martin Luther sought refuge in the confessional. Sadly, however, confession as practiced by the church of his day proved as burdensome to the conscience as did the sin for which he sought absolution. It was his search for forgiveness, for a gracious God, that plunged Luther into the word of God. And it was here in God’s own word that he found the glorious and consoling truth that this forgiveness is a free, unconditional gift, won by Jesus Christ and freely bestowed in his name.

It was this good news of forgiveness that Luther and his fellow Reformers so unceasingly proclaimed from the pulpit, in the confessional, and even in the home. This good news of absolution, forgiveness for the sake of and in the name of Christ, continues to remain central to the faith and life of the Lutheran church. The reason is simple; when one is urged to confess their sin and to be absolved, one is simply urged to be a Christian.

EPISODE  #199Ted asks about where Christians can expect to draw support when making the case for the truth of the Gospel...

Ted asks about where Christians can expect to draw support when making the case for the truth of the Gospel. Rod talks about Martin Luther’s comments about the idea that the Christmas story in Scripture seems to point to stars being more accurate about where baby Jesus was born versus Scripture, and talks about the value of apologetics, how we know anything, what evidence historically holds up in court, and how things look in a culture mired in nihilism.

Produced by: Rick Ritchie


“Sensible Christianity” by Dr. Montgomery -

Works by Roland Bainton -

“An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis”, by John Hospers-

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** WHAT’S NEW FROM 1517 **

Join Chad Bird as he walks chapter by chapter through the entire Bible in 2024.



What do seminary professors, Luther’s Small Catechism, and Hip Hop have in common?

With a surprising blend of contributors, 1517 Music proudly presents “Freedom Lessons”, its latest musical creation. "Freedom Lessons" delves into the core teachings of Luther's Small Catechism through the medium of music, offering a fresh and innovative way to convey the Reformation's enduring truths. This album is a testament to 1517 Music's commitment to conveying the profound truths of the Reformation in a creative and captivating manner.

This record explores the chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism through music. It features performances by Flame, LOSO, and many other highly talented musicians. Bookmark the page linked above, as we will have more freedom lessons resources, like a study guide, a limited podcast, and more coming soon.



“Your God Is Too Glorious” reminds readers that while a quiet life may look unimpressive to the world, it’s the regular, everyday people that God tends to use to do His most important work.

Now available in a second edition, Chad Bird invites the reader to go deeper into the pursuit of the faithful, ordinary life with study questions at the end of each chapter for personal or corporate use.


“Schweitzer's Psychoanalysis of Jesus Christ: & Other Essays in Christian Psychotherapy”, by John Warwick Montgomery

John Warwick Montgomery beautifully highlights how modern psychiatric treatment has lost its mind! Contemporary forms of psychotherapy are, soulless— psychological and spiritual problems require a transcendent solution, as Montgomery nicely documents. No citation of Freud, Jung, or Albert Schweitzer in his flawed diagnosis of Jesus will never be the same as quoting Holy Scripture. Dr. Montgomery’ s latest book is a fresh movement of the Spirit of God to a lost and dying world without Christ. The answer: Put Christianity back into the discussion of what is genuine treatment, and Montgomery’ s newest book wonderfully points us in that direction.


2024 Here We Still Stand Regional Conference
Tickets are on sale for the 2024 Here We Still Stand Regional Conference in Northwest Arkansas! Join us May 3rd and 4th as we gather again at the iconic Meteor Theater in Bentonville, Arkansas, and celebrate the boundless grace of God in the gospel of Jesus. The 2024 theme will be “Grace and Peace in Christ”—GET YOUR TICKETS while they’re still available!


Talks with Dad Rod playlist on YouTube:

Watch this episode on YouTube:

EPISODE #199: Ted asks about where Christians can expect to draw support when making the case for the truth of the Gospel. Rod talks about Martin Luther’s co...

"Arise, shine; for your light has come,And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." – Isaiah 60:1

"Arise, shine; for your light has come,
And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." – Isaiah 60:1

Happy 82nd birthday, Dad!I am ever thankful to have been able spend my whole life watching you put others first and be t...

Happy 82nd birthday, Dad!

I am ever thankful to have been able spend my whole life watching you put others first and be there for them. Your top concerns are never yourself, and always how to help people around you. May God continue to greatly bless you as you still work every week to help people, even though you don't have the youthful body and energy you once did. Truly amazing.

EPISODE  #198Ted asks about what it means that God has been born in the flesh, a baby in our presence. Rod talks about w...

Ted asks about what it means that God has been born in the flesh, a baby in our presence. Rod talks about what C.S. Lewis calls “the grand miracle” and what Jesus showed us His true vocation is and why it was necessary for Him to come.

Produced by: Rick Ritchie

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** WHAT’S NEW FROM 1517 **

Freedom Lessons

What do seminary professors, Luther’s Small Catechism, and Hip Hop have in common?

With a surprising blend of contributors, 1517 Music proudly presents “Freedom Lessons”, its latest musical creation. "Freedom Lessons" delves into the core teachings of Luther's Small Catechism through the medium of music, offering a fresh and innovative way to convey the Reformation's enduring truths. This album is a testament to 1517 Music's commitment to conveying the profound truths of the Reformation in a creative and captivating manner.

This record explores the chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism through music. It features performances by Flame, LOSO, and many other highly talented musicians. Bookmark the page linked above, as we will have more freedom lessons resources, like a study guide, a limited podcast, and more coming soon.


"Your God is Too Glorious, 2nd Edition”, by Chad Bird

Your God Is Too Glorious reminds readers that while a quiet life may look unimpressive to the world, it’s the regular, everyday people that God tends to use to do his most important work.

Now available in a second edition, Chad Bird invites the reader to go deeper into the pursuit of the faithful, ordinary life with study questions at the end of each chapter for personal or corporate use.


“Schweitzer's Psychoanalysis of Jesus Christ: & Other Essays in Christian Psychotherapy”, by John Warwick Montgomery

John Warwick Montgomery beautifully highlights how modern psychiatric treatment has lost its mind! Contemporary forms of psychotherapy are, soulless— psychological and spiritual problems require a transcendent solution, as Montgomery nicely documents. No citation of Freud, Jung, or Albert Schweitzer in his flawed diagnosis of Jesus will never be the same as quoting Holy Scripture. Dr. Montgomery’ s latest book is a fresh movement of the Spirit of God to a lost and dying world without Christ. The answer: Put Christianity back into the discussion of what is genuine treatment, and Montgomery’ s newest book wonderfully points us in that direction.


FREE 2023 Advent Resources
This Advent season, 1517 presents “The Clothing of the King”—a new free resource for churches that walks your congregation through the divine wardrobe God provides for his people. This all-in-one package includes a midweek Advent and Christmas Sermon Series for pastors to use in their congregations as well as music helps, original and suggested hymns, presenter slides, and more.


2024 Here We Still Stand Regional Conference
Tickets are now on sale for the 2024 Here We Still Stand Regional Conference in Northwest Arkansas! Join us May 3rd and 4th as we gather again at the iconic Meteor Theater in Bentonville, Arkansas, and celebrate the boundless grace of God in the gospel of Jesus. The 2024 theme will be “Grace and Peace in Christ”—GET YOUR TICKETS while they’re still available!


Talks with Dad Rod playlist on YouTube:

Watch this episode on YouTube:

EPISODE #198: Ted asks about what it means that God has been born in the flesh, a baby in our presence. Rod talks about what C.S. Lewis calls “the grand mira...

Lord, with this in mind, we pray that You will grant us faithful churches, where your Son, Jesus Christ—and Him crucifie...

Lord, with this in mind, we pray that You will grant us faithful churches, where your Son, Jesus Christ—and Him crucified—is faithfully preached for the forgiveness of sins and your sacraments are faithfully administered. Please feed us, your faithful yet sinful and fearful flock, with Your word, which is life eternal, and gift us these things as Your forgiveness pours into our ears and brings us peace every week.

Faith me, O Lord, and I shall be faithed. Feed me, O Lord, and I shall be fed. Forgive me, O Lord, and I shall be forgiven. Love me, O Lord, and I shall be loved. Peace me, O Lord, and I shall be at peace.

All thanks be to you, O God, through your Son, Jesus Christ, that you hear our pleas and give us our daily bread! Be not far from us in all of 2024, Heavenly Father, and bless us greatly, though the waters may be frightening and tumultuous. Remind us that your victory over this world, and even life and death, were won for us on Cavalry's cross, and will not be undone, and that our Lord Jesus Christ truly finished all the work necessary to save us sinners, even while we sin against you.



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