Weird tangent to go down, but for some reason I got to thinking about this tonight. I'll go more into this another time when I talk about why I always put 2 spaces after periods in my books, (and I'll site more of my sources,) but right now I feel compelled to point this out.
Two spaces after a period is objectively better than one. That is fact. If you don't like reading comprehension, or you would prefer fewer people read, then one space after a period is better for you. But if you prefer better reading comprehension, and more people reading, then two spaces after a period is OBJECTIVELY better than one. There is no factual argument against this based on studied evidence. The article I'm linking here is just one of many studies that proves my point. (And, spoiler alert, there is no evidence to the contrary. None. It's all just a ruse people have bought into.) The whole concept of one space after a period is based solely on stubborn decisions of tradition; NOT ON FACT. Not based on scientific study.
Two spaces after a period creates better reading comprehension. This is proven by scientific research. Two spaces after a period creates more desire to read. Again, this is proven by a multitude of scientific research.
One space after a period has never, ever been proven to help reading comprehension. It's just an idea people had, and it was picked up by publishers and people who make style guides. But rather than looking into what actually helps create better reading comprehension, and encourages better reading habits, they just ran with it, and wrote blogs that claimed their righteousness. (Gee, I can't imagine why the habit of reading has dropped over the past decade or so with this type of logic running rampant.)
But when you actually look into the studied science of this, you find that 2 spaces after a period always, ALWAYS results in better reading comprehension, and encourages more people to read.
So I continue to use 2 spaces in my books, and will continue to do so. Because my method is backed up by science. You know, that thing we typically claim to believe in being right because people spent real time researching it?
So you think that new study claims the old-school folks using two spaces after periods have been right all along? Think again.