I have officially joined ReignAboveGG as one of their content creators! Follow me on kick to follow along! Kick .com /TyFxrd
I have officially joined ReignAboveGG as one of their content creators! Follow me on kick to follow along! Kick .com /TyFxrd
Last night was surreal. SteffyEvans double my followers last night for me to hit affiliate on kick. I started the night with 41 followers and ended the night with 84. I don’t know how I could possibly make it up to her. #kickstreaming #lgbtstreamer
Always fighting for my liiiife 😂 #wz3 #LGBTStreamer #KickStreaming
Okay but why does this audio work?? First stream back after a long time! #warzone #KickStreaming
Come say hi!
Teammates fighting for their lives. I’m watching back door y’all. #fyp #ttv #mw2 #toxic #cod #gaymer #lgbt
Collin is too quick with these spicy comms 😂😂😂 #fyp #mw2 #fbgg #ttv #gayming #lgbt #stupidclips
Went from asking to join Toronto Ultra, to telling pickles that she probably has nice big nipples. 😂😂😂
It’s a lil excessive, but multi streaming requires a lot of screens! #streaming #fbgg #ttv #streamlabs #discord #pc #pcgaming
I’m pretty easily scared apparently. And like to do some stupid plays 🙃😂 #fyp #lgbt #gayming #wz2 #facebook #fbgg #mw2 #ttv #fbgg #stupidclips #jumpscare #compilation #multiplayer
I was told I looked like a pornstar and Deputy Dewey in one sentence. But we hit our goal of 50k stars for our celebration stream. I got sick from the beanboozle and hotsauce. But a promise is a promise. Shaved my beard for the first time in over 9 years. I absolutely hate it. 👶🏼