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  • Hi, I’m Vickie Andrews and I’m here to bring you along on my journey of personal growth and insp Follow me on Instagram

“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pa...

“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway...” Earl Nightingale ...........

There comes a time every once in a while when we have to reevaluate our priorities. This sometimes means stepping back f...

There comes a time every once in a while when we have to reevaluate our priorities. This sometimes means stepping back from our routines and figuring out what is working in our best interests and what might not be.
I have been doing just that over the past month or so, and am finding that less is definitely more. I have found more peace in giving up guilt, toxic relationships, complaining, striving, and that gnawing feeling that I’m not doing enough, don’t have enough, and that I am not enough!
I’ve given it all up! I’ve realized what is important! Eureka!! My realizations are these:

🌟 Love always, even when it’s hard.

🌟Don’t take anything personally - any insults directed at you are really about the person who insulted you. Love them anyway and let it go!

🌟Whatever makes you feel empowered, free, and happy - do that.

🌟Forgiveness truly is freedom and makes everyone feel better ❤️‍🩹

🌟Guilt is the worst. Stay away from it. Don’t give it and don’t receive it - even from yourself. It is poison!

🌟Have faith and hope! All works together for our good.
That’s all for now. Happy to share what I’ve been experiencing. I hope you all have a very grateful and joyful day ☀️🥰💛.

Happy Monday? or Dreaded Monday? I hope you are feeling energized, positive, and ready to embrace a new week. But if you...

Happy Monday? or Dreaded Monday? I hope you are feeling energized, positive, and ready to embrace a new week. But if you are not feeling so great, or are dreading this new week, you are not alone. Mondays are hard for a lot of people. The question is, how to turn that frown into a smile today! Here are 8 things you can do:
🙏🏼 The first thing you can do is think about the things in your life you are grateful for. It’s hard to stay in the dumps when you focus your attention on the things you’re thankful for.
🏃🏼‍♀️ Move! Energy in motion = Emotion. It is a scientific fact that when you exercise, it increases endorphins, dopamine, and adrenaline -- these are all brain chemicals associated with feeling happy, feeling confident, feeling capable, and feeling less anxiety and stress.
🌬Breathe. When you breathe deeply, your brain sends a message to your body to calm down, which decreases stress. Mindful meditation focuses on the breath and is such a great way to start your Monday!
🤣 Laugh! Find reasons to laugh. Listen to your favorite morning radio show on the way to work. Laughter is medicine.
🎶 Listen to music. Speaking of the radio, enjoy your favorite music. Music has a way of soothing the soul. Sometimes a certain upbeat song can make me so happy! If you’re feeling cranky or unmotivated, purposely listen to your favorite song!
📚Listen to or read something inspiring!
🍎💦 Eat something healthy and drink water!
✅ Get some work done. When you finish something, it makes you feel good. It builds your self-esteem.
Here’s to a Happy Monday!

Feeling this song this morning. I AM LIGHT ✨✨✨ 🎶🎵✨✨✨

Feeling this song this morning. I AM LIGHT ✨✨✨ 🎶🎵✨✨✨

Credits: Mariagerfjord Korskole (DK):Mariagerfjord PigekorMariagerfjord DrengekorMariagerfjord JuniorkorMariagerfjord JuniordrengekorMariagerfjord SpirekorMa...

What is the ego and why would we want it to die? I believe this term has different meanings to different people and is t...

What is the ego and why would we want it to die? I believe this term has different meanings to different people and is therefore often misunderstood.
The way most people understand it, it is a person’s self-esteem or self importance. In Psychology, Sigmund Freud defined it as the mediator between the Id (basic instincts) and Superego (morals). In Spirituality, it signifies the little “I”, the part of us that sees ourselves as separate from God and others, and therefore threatened, so it is always trying to protect itself. For purposes of this post, this last definition is the one I am referring to.
Because our egos perceive one another as separate and not connected in Love/God, we will always be in some state of suffering.
Why? Because the ego doesn’t have the capacity to access God which is that Divine Energy or Being that created us and which knows that we need to be in union with Him in order to reach a peaceful state of being. Our ego can’t play that role and was never meant to.
To answer the second question, we don’t really want it to die...the ego will never die completely, as its function is useful at times, but what we do want is for it to sit in the backseat and let the eternal “I” drive. The eternal “I” is your soul/spirit/true nature that is one with God and our brothers and sisters in Him. This “I” is not competitive, defensive or fearful. I (my true nature) have the peace of God, I am perfectly whole, complete, and cannot be attacked. That is why forgiveness is freedom from suffering. When you realize that you are powerful and lacking nothing, nothing your brother/sister does can harm or take anything away from you.
When the ego is not at the wheel, love and forgiveness abound. Putting the ego in its place is a practice, but as we practice, it gets easier. That is when our soul awakens and we remember who we truly are.
It is a higher nature, Jesus’ nature, that we want to attain don’t we? That is why I ask Jesus to take the wheel, so the eternal “I” can foster connectedness, because the little “I”only creates division, and we can see where that has led us.

“Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Jesus said this knowing that your neighbor would be different than you. Have different b...

“Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Jesus said this knowing that your neighbor would be different than you. Have different beliefs, be a different race, have different values, have different opinions, and yes, have different political views. That was Jesus’ whole point.
How can you love your neighbor when things that are important to you are clearly not important to them? When what your neighbor stands for goes against all your principles? It’s not easy, but it’s simple! At its best, Love is compassionate, forgiving, patient, kind, understanding, and trusting. At the very least, we can be respectful and tolerant.
I recently read one of my friends’ posts on social media venting and laughing about how certain people with certain beliefs were idiots. It hurt me to read this.
Not for the reason you may think.
I wasn’t on my high horse thinking how could they say such a hurtful thing? No, I’m too aware that every time I judge someone else, I am really seeing things the way I see myself. So, it was a blessing in disguise because it reminded me of Jesus’ words. He instructed us to love our neighbors. Not to love them except if.....or when it’s easy.....
It reminded me to love my neighbor and that no matter what our differences are, name calling, judging, thinking ourselves better than, smarter than, higher than our neighbor is not loving at all.
I invite you to challenge yourself. Love your neighbor - even NOW. I invite you to seek connection, not division. To seek understanding, not just to be understood. To open your mind to others’ point of view and your heart to see that we are more alike than we are different....and in fact, we are all brothers and sisters from the same Source which is light, love, and ONENESS in Him ✨✨💜✨✨.

Why meditate? The question should be why not? Studies have proven that it can reduce stress and anxiety, increase focus,...

Why meditate? The question should be why not? Studies have proven that it can reduce stress and anxiety, increase focus, help identify areas within that need emotional healing, positively shift your perspective, and well, the list goes on and on.
Could you use a little less stress, more focus, and more positivity in your life? Meditating takes less time than driving to the grocery store, doing the dishes, or waiting in line at a drive-thru. Oh yeah! And it’s FREE.
If you are interested (and I hope you are 😁), I encourage you to start with 5 minutes a day. Meditation is a practice. It takes a little “practice” to sit completely still for an extended period (binge-watching Netflix doesn’t count lol).
I recommend choosing a guided meditation, as it is already timed, and it helps a lot being guided through the process. There are tons of great guided meditations on YouTube.
Set aside 5 or 10 minutes, throw on some headphones, get in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and you’re off!
If you meditate regularly, what benefits do you receive? Let me know in the comments. It might inspire someone to give it a try 😃🧘‍♀️ 🙏🏼🥰.
Have a peaceful day all ☮️🕉☯️.
Love always, all ways 💜🙏🏼✨.
Vickie A.

Don’t let fear stop you. Do it afraid.Love Always, All Ways,Vickie A

Don’t let fear stop you. Do it afraid.
Love Always, All Ways,
Vickie A

Meditation is a way to press the pause button. You are unplugging from the hustle and bustle, the hundreds of thoughts s...

Meditation is a way to press the pause button. You are unplugging from the hustle and bustle, the hundreds of thoughts swirling around in your head, the dwelling on the past, the worrying about the future, and the constant pressure to (fill in the blank).
It is a time to be still. To notice the present moment and be ALIVE in it only.
It is a time to slow down time and get to know who you truly are. The part of you that is aware of all that you are sensing. When you do this, there is a peace that washes over you like a warm shower and comforts you like a soft blanket.
Once you have experienced this safe, peaceful, knowing place, you will crave it and it will lead you to YOU. It will lead you to God. It will change the entire game.
Meditate on that!Love always, all ways,
Vickie A.

Show up America 🗳 🇺🇸 ✅

Show up America 🗳 🇺🇸 ✅


You Tube Channel coming soon! I will be announcing my first video in the next week or so and I would love it if you would check it out‼️🙏🏼❤️.
I will be discussing all things related to personal growth, meditation, and spirituality. I will also share some tips on cool things to do here in my city of Las Vegas, Nevada from a local’s point of view, where you can experience some of our best kept secrets, get deals on tourist attractions, and point you to some great restaurants!
So stay tuned for launch date. You won’t want to miss it 💯😃🥰
Love Always, All Ways,
Vickie A.

And, if you aren’t already, DON’T FORGET TO FOLLOW ME on Instagram
Thank you 🙏🏼❤️

Are you feeling compelled to level up in some way? Are you awakening to new ideas and beliefs? Do you feel called to tak...

Are you feeling compelled to level up in some way? Are you awakening to new ideas and beliefs? Do you feel called to take a risk and go for your dreams? If so, stay away from stagnant, low-vibrational, discouraging people.
Let me tell you a story about 6-year-old me. I was in karate and I was really good. My teacher would always use me as an example in front of the class to show the others how to do whatever movement correctly.
I felt great about this, and it made me want to try even harder. My friends, however, did not like it. They actually asked me to not try so hard, because it made them look bad. They threatened to not be my friends if I continued to outshine them.
As you can imagine, I was shocked, confused, and torn. Not do my best?? Lose my friends??
I decided to try to appease my friends, and the next day, I performed with mediocrity. My instructor noticed immediately and asked me if I was feeling ok. I responded that I was just tired.
She pulled me aside after class and prodded me some more and finally I confessed what had really happened. She encouraged me to attend a different class with advanced students, so I did.
I no longer had to shrink, as my new classmates were as good and better than me! This made me strive even harder and I continued training for many years, earning my black belt, several trophies, and eventually becoming an instructor myself.
I tell you this to encourage you to surround yourself with people that are go-getters, that are stretching themselves, who are more advanced than you. Surround yourself with people who will not only cheer you on, but will help you and reach their hand back to pull you up!

Upon first glance, this scripture seems cruel. Yet Jesus, himself, said it. Jesus is love and if he is the way, the trut...

Upon first glance, this scripture seems cruel. Yet Jesus, himself, said it. Jesus is love and if he is the way, the truth, and the life, he could never be cruel or teach of a cruel God who takes things away from poor people and only gives to the rich. So, what did he mean by this?
I believe that Jesus was the first teacher in the Law of Attraction. There are so many things he said to point us all to this law.
What he is saying here is that as you see abundance in your life, embodying abundance, grateful for what you already have, and truly have an attitude of having more than enough, you are vibrating at a frequency of abundance, which in turn will attract more abundance.
When you look or perceive your situation as lacking, focusing on what you do not have, complaining about your poverty, your current circumstances, your own limitations and the idea that you are not worthy of wealth or abundance or health or happiness, you are vibrating at a frequency of lack, which will in turn and by law result in attracting more lack.
That is why I advocate starting each day (and trying to remember throughout the day) to be grateful for what I already have.
If you want more, first ask specifically for what you want, visualize who you are in that scenario and what you would feel. Feel it. This will propel you to act accordingly.
Do not let anyone or anything interrupt this process. If a thought contrary to what you want arises, firmly say, “No thank you. This is not for me.” And quickly redirect your attention to that which you do want.
Do this continually with faith. Do not keep asking. Do not attach to the outcome. When you do that, you are telling the Universe that you do not have it.
Simply rest in the knowledge that just as surely as the law of gravity never fails, so is the law of attraction. Then, watch the magic happen!

You’ve heard it said a thousand times: “Count your blessings.”I don’t want this post to be the millionth time you’ve hea...

You’ve heard it said a thousand times: “Count your blessings.”

I don’t want this post to be the millionth time you’ve heard it, just for the sake of having “something positive” to add to my account.

My intention is to give you some food for thought. Does happiness come first or does gratitude come first?

I feel strongly that gratitude comes first. Why? Because all circumstances are actually neutral. How you perceive the circumstances is what gives them meaning.

Some people are not grateful to wake up in the morning, because they are dreading another day. Another person is grateful to wake up in the morning, because a new day means new opportunities, new experiences, and new beginnings.

When one is grateful, he is less likely to feel entitled. When something “good” happens, it is a gift rather than taken for granted.

The opposite of gratitude is bitterness. When you are bitter, you see the world frowning at you. When you see the world through the lens of gratitude, you see the world smiling at you.

The saying, “Count your blessings,” may be cliche and even difficult at times, but is nevertheless much more rewarding than overlooking them.

How can we practice genuine gratitude for best results? I include statements of gratitude in my daily meditations, I also try to journal a few times a week to include specific things that come to mind that I’m grateful for. I also try to smile while I think on these things 😊.

So, do not wait until you judge something that is good that happens to you to be grateful. Just the act of being grateful for what you already have, not only gives you immediate happiness, it also gives birth to more good things, because you attract what you give your attention to 🙏🏼😃🥰🧘🏼‍♂️📕.

Does anyone out there have a bad habit they want to kick? Or a goal they want to reach? But every time you try to kick t...

Does anyone out there have a bad habit they want to kick? Or a goal they want to reach? But every time you try to kick that bad habit or reach that goal, something throws you off track? It could be you got into a fight with your husband or you lost your job, or some other unforeseen event occurs and you use that as an excuse to pick your bad habit back up or give up on your goal. I want to encourage you today not to beat yourself up for that. If plan A doesn't work, there are 25 other letters of the alphabet. We may fall down, but we can get up. If at first you don't succeed, try try again. Call them clichés, but there is truth to them. Many people in history who have done great things failed many times before they succeeded. If you got up this morning, you're already winning. Today is a new day! So kick that bad habit. Go after that goal that you have. Dust yourself off and try again!

You’re winning in life as long as you are growing. How do you know if you’re growing? If you’re uncomfortable, you’re gr...

You’re winning in life as long as you are growing. How do you know if you’re growing? If you’re uncomfortable, you’re growing. Starting something new, breaking a bad habit, taking a risk is scary, but worth it.

Sure, you can stay comfortable and stay stagnant, or you can stretch yourself, become uncomfortable, and grow. Choose the latter..

And that’s all.                      l

And that’s all.


The way you see yourself is the way you see the world.If you see yourself as powerful, then you see opportunities. If yo...

The way you see yourself is the way you see the world.
If you see yourself as powerful, then you see opportunities. If you see yourself as a victim, then everyone and everything is a threat.
You were created in the image of God. You are creative, loving, and powerful beyond measure. You are beautiful.
If you see yourself as beautiful, then life will look beautiful to you.
Step into your beauty today. Own it. As you do this, you will see that reflected in all things.
I am beautiful. You are beautiful. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.

Personal growth is not a sprint, it is a marathon. Success and failure are illusions. What matters is that you GROW. You...

Personal growth is not a sprint, it is a marathon. Success and failure are illusions. What matters is that you GROW. You might try something and fall on your face. That’s ok. Pull yourself together, dust yourself off, and try again.

I know it can be hard. Many things can derail you, including your own self-talk. Bounce back. Rest and then get back on that horse 🐎 and keep on riding!

Go easy on yourself as well. You’ve beaten yourself up long enough!You are doing the best you can, as long as you don’t throw in the towel. And that is what I leave you with: never give up the fight - the good fight - for whatever it is you’re seeking.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7


Music by (my son Elijah ;))

Sometimes we need to stop and smell the roses 🌹 The other day my son and I visited the Bellagio Conservatory & Botanical...

Sometimes we need to stop and smell the roses 🌹

The other day my son and I visited the Bellagio Conservatory & Botanical Gardens. We live in Las Vegas, Nevada and it is one of the few things you can do here that is absolutely FREE.
While admiring the sky-lit atrium featuring vibrant, seasonal scenes composed of plants, flowers & trees, I remembered this and made sure to do just that!
Why is it that we rush through life? We are either dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. But, as Eckhart Tolle said, “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” .
So, today’s challenge to you is to stop and smell the roses today. I know it’s Monday and it’s a bit stressful, but take a moment to look around. What do you appreciate about THIS moment?
Have a marvelous Monday! Follow me on for more content 😘




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