See how the story of Kooky Trails begins with the animated short film, "Kooky Trails Prologue"! Coming to a convention and film festival near you in 2025!
#KookyTrailsPrologue #KookyTrails #IndieAnimation #IndieAnimationDay #animation #FantasyFunwheel #WondermationProductions
Wondermation Demo Reel (2024)
Well now that #LightboxExpo2024 is here today, we thought it'd be appropriate to update our demo reel! Check out our work that we've done over the years!
Like what you see? Follow us on social media!
Interested in working with us? Get in touch with us on our official website at
#indieanimation #WondermationProductions #animation #indie #demoreels
The Road to Kooky Trails at Another Furry Con is almost here! So now would be a good time for you to meet your tour guide during our panel, Beni Galdo. He'll be joining our irl panelists from Wondermation and Fantasy Funwheel as they take you on a whirlwind adventure through the making of Kooky Trails! Hope to see y'all tomorrow!
#KookyTrails #AFC2024 #AnotherFurryCon #panel #convention #indie #attraction #animation #furry #FantasyFunwheel #Wondermation
The Road to Kooky Trails at Another Furry Con is almost here! So now would be a good time for you to meet your tour guide during our panel, Beni Galdo. He'll be joining our irl panelists from Wondermation and Fantasy Funwheel as they take you on a whirlwind adventure through the making of Kooky Trails! Hope to see y'all tomorrow!
#KookyTrails #AFC2024 #AnotherFurryCon #panel #convention #indie #attraction #animation #furry #FantasyFunwheel #Wondermation
Hey! The Road to Kooky Trails at Another Furry Con is in 2 days! So Luma is here to give you guys a little motivational reminder, just as she's doing with Alan for this Friday's presentation. Hope to see you guys there!
#KookyTrails #AFC2024 #AnotherFurryCon #panel #convention #indie #attraction #animation #furry #FantasyFunwheel #Wondermation
Hey! The Road to Kooky Trails at Another Furry Con is in 2 days! So Luma is here to give you guys a little motivational reminder, just as she's doing with Alan for this Friday's presentation. Hope to see you guys there!
#KookyTrails #AFC2024 #AnotherFurryCon #panel #convention #indie #attraction #animation #furry #FantasyFunwheel #Wondermation
Alan Kunero wanted to remind y'all that the Road to Kooky Trails at Another Furry Con is in 3 days! He would've gotten the word out sooner, but procrastination kept him from that!
#KookyTrails #AFC2024 #AnotherFurryCon #panel #convention #indie #attraction #animation #furry #FantasyFunwheel #Wondermation
Jackal Vacher has demanded us to remind everyone that there are only 4 more days until the Road to JACKAL'S Kooky Trails panel at Another Furry Con in Ontario, California! We hope that you show up, because we don't want Jackal to think we're a bunch of liars and then make us all disappear!
#KookyTrails #AFC2024 #AnotherFurryCon #panel #convention #indie #attraction #animation #furry #FantasyFunwheel #Wondermation
Jackal Vacher has demanded us to remind everyone that there are only 4 more days until the Road to JACKAL'S Kooky Trails panel at Another Furry Con in Ontario, California! We hope that you show up, because we don't want Jackal to think we're a bunch of liars and then make us all disappear!
#KookyTrails #AFC2024 #AnotherFurryCon #panel #convention #indie #attraction #animation #furry #FantasyFunwheel #Wondermation
An important message from the Liability Investigation And Research organization. There's only 5 days left until the Road to Kooky Trails panel at Another Furry Con in Ontario, California! And the first few people who enter will get a special complimentary gift bag courtesy of Fantasy Funwheel and Wondermation! So don't leave Bert and Apple hanging! Come visit our panel this Friday!
#KookyTrails #AFC2024 #AnotherFurryCon #panel #convention #indie #attraction #animation #furry #FantasyFunwheel #Wondermation
An important message from the Liability Investigation And Research organization. There's only 5 days left until the Road to Kooky Trails panel at Another Furry Con in Ontario, California! And the first few people who enter will get a special complimentary gift bag courtesy of Fantasy Funwheel and Wondermation! So don't leave Bert and Apple hanging! Come visit our panel this Friday!
#KookyTrails #AFC2024 #AnotherFurryCon #panel #convention #indie #attraction #animation #furry #FantasyFunwheel #Wondermation
Hey! There's only 6 more days left until the Road to Kooky Trails panel at Another Furry Con! Don't be a lazy kappa like Kogappa, go and get your badge while you still can!
#KookyTrails #AFC2024 #AnotherFurryCon #panel #convention #indie #attraction #animation #furry #FantasyFunwheel #Wondermation