I provide valuable information and personal development to someone who is ready for change. Hi There! It's me Rachel, currently living in Canada, originally from the Philippines. I work in the Healthcare Industry. I have a very young child, and like you have big dreams to have more time to be with your children and family. I have big dreams too, and one of those dreams is to travel and create a qu
ality time and wonderful memories.
�� I know we are all longing for a better life. My biggest why...
It all started when my child was in first grade. When they had a Mother's Day Activity at school. I missed it, due to my 2 corporate jobs at that time.. He was sad and said to me " Why you did not come?, I made something special to show you, but you did not come.?"
At that moment, my heart was crushed and deep inside I cried. So, in that moment I was looking for another solution...
This opportunity started when I was searching for other options, that I can do during my extra time; in order to supplement of my daily budget and how to leverage the World Web Wide, and be with my son all the time. Then I came across this advertisement in my Timeline that offers a complimentary webinar. After a thorough review, I signed up and watched the ninety minute introductory video, that highlights everything I need to start your own successful internet-based business. I quit my other job and pulled out my child from daycare. Here I am now, we make a lovely memories together. I witnessed his milestones and get a closer relationship between parent and child
I chose this business to begin Living The Life I Deserved. After many years working in my profession. I realized all those dreams I cannot afford until I retired in my 60's. I looked for a solution just like you came across the ad like this one. Thought how to become a Digital Entrepreneur with the business system in place. The best part is I did not sacrifice so much time away from my family. It all started by watching the Complimentary Ninety Minutes Workshop Online. It's hard to live your dreams alone, let's get connected. I love to meet you. Feel comfortable to message me for more details. OR register your Name & Email for Complimentary Live Workshop @ www.rachelcaadan.com
May God bless You! Cheers,
Simple Changes with a Big Impact!