ITTMind A multi-platform podcast and YouTube channel broadcasting on mental health issues, created by Previn Karian.

RACISM is a psychological problem. It has been failed by the law, education, history and culture studies in stopping vio...

RACISM is a psychological problem. It has been failed by the law, education, history and culture studies in stopping violence, hate and aggression towards different ethnic groups.

Previn Karian highlights the stuckness of racism in colonial history alone. It results in white shaming which guarantees the white backlash of nationalist populism and nationalist fascism seen in the US and Europe.

Karian turns to Freud's group psychology to explain the origins of group hate which is the psychological root of racism, and to John Stuart Mill for fundamental principles of free speech and hate speech that are currently confused in democracies. For Karian, "we are all racists" living in what he calls "multicultural hate" . Listen to the full analysis here.

Racism is a psychological problem. It has been failed by the law, education, history and culture studies in stopping violence, hate and aggression towards di...

ANOREXIA: It's not about weight loss. It's not about body dysmorphia. It's not about relapses. What are the psychologica...

ANOREXIA: It's not about weight loss. It's not about body dysmorphia. It's not about relapses. What are the psychological roots of anorexia?

Chrissie Pollard interviews Previn Karian on the structures of mind that lead to the prevalence of anorexia in young girls and women. Whilst anorexia is a protest against something in the family system, it conflicts with a deep love of the family.

Self-persecution through food phobia, the dominant emotion of fear, the need to be invisible yet wanting to be seen, the relentless logic of torment, are all explained by Karian as the emotional chaos in the anorexia world.

Karian illuminates how talking therapies help the anorectic client to give their feelings a voice, make sense of the persecution from parents, peers or society, and connect with their own feelings, their own will, their own desires and their own mind.

We rely on public participation to shape our future broadcasts. Please send us your thoughts, feelings or comments through our Contact Us page.

Find out more about the ITTMind project and subscribe.


Please share our FB page (ITTMind) with anyone you know who might be interested in mental health topics that we are engaging with.

Female hate crimes, humiliation, harassment, degradation, r**e and murder have been celebrated in cultures and religions...

Female hate crimes, humiliation, harassment, degradation, r**e and murder have been celebrated in cultures and religions for centuries as acceptable norms. The idea that this might be wrong is a modern one. Hence the word: MISOGYNY.

Previn Karian discusses the psychological origins of men's hatred of women in the profound inferiority of the male brain structure as it cannot relate to life (birth) or pleasure (erotic zones) a neuro-wiring that women possess. Like no other animal on the planet, the male brain obsessively destroys its own kind and kinship group, but especially women.

This discussion is a necessary starter on the psychological origins of men's hate and fear of women. Until men confront their own darkness and shadow between themselves, there can be no progress in clearing out the roots of misogyny. Feminism and the law fail to deliver the psychological transformation required.

Listen to the podcast here:

We rely on public participation to shape our future broadcasts.

Please send us your thoughts, feelings or comments through our Contact Us page.

Find out more about the ITTMind project and subscribe:

Susie Orbach On Women in Therapy Iconic psychotherapist in the women's movement, therapist to the late Princess Diana, a...

Susie Orbach On Women in Therapy

Iconic psychotherapist in the women's movement, therapist to the late Princess Diana, author of insightful and bestseller books, co-founder of Women's Therapy Centres in London and New York.

Chrissie Pollard interviews Orbach, asking what has changed for women from past movements to present social realities.

Orbach highlights key themes of "internalised misogyny", the self-degrading and self-attack of women learned from male social structures and male social behaviour. Women are still subject to these external forces mentally and emotionally and keep them going. Even the rise of the independent woman created pressures to be there for everyone except themselves.

Whilst great progress has been made for women, Orbach urges them to listen to themselves, and to trust and enjoy doing so. Click here to listen to more:

What makes secure parents and parenting? How can parents reduce pressure, tensions and conflicts with constantly changin...

What makes secure parents and parenting? How can parents reduce pressure, tensions and conflicts with constantly changing needs of children?

Chrissie Pollard interviews co-founder and psychotherapist Previn Karian on the application of Attachment Theory to parent-infant, parent-child and parent-teenager relationships.

Breaking through the "parent power" delusion that "I know MY child", and giving up this god-like position, Karian outlines how parents can understand different stages of child development. A-Theory concepts of "attunement", "secure base", "emotional contact" and the ebb and flow of dependence-independence, are discussed. They provide a psychological response to parental pressures and breaking points.

Princess Diana's way of holding children in the gaze of the cameras as she gazed at a starving child illustrate the fundamentals of the parent-child bonding. Parenting is a psychological task, and children are starving for a psychological relationship and understanding with their parents.

What makes secure parents and parenting? How can parents reduce pressure, tensions and conflicts with constantly changing needs of children?Chrissie Pollard ...

COUPLE BREAKDOWNS: from attraction to idealisation, from idealisation to crash, from love to rage, from rage to hate. Ch...

COUPLE BREAKDOWNS: from attraction to idealisation, from idealisation to crash, from love to rage, from rage to hate.

Chrissie Pollard interviews ITTMind co-founder and psychotherapist Previn Karian to outline the contours of relationship breakdowns.

Beginning with initial attraction through fantasies of the Other, Karian explores the shock of switching from two individuals to one couple unit. It results in a lack of privacy, the shared space and shared time where there is nowhere to hide. What emerges is the shadow, the hidden parts of ourselves, the unconscious needs we never knew we had, the irrational rage when they are not met, the fallout of power inequalities, the splitting apart of the couple container. Love turns into hate.

Drawing on Carl Jung and Melanie Klein, Karian sees the predictable switch of love into hate (Klein) solved through ending the persecution of the Other. The secret of the couple lies in the mind of the individual, the ability to locate the triggered rage in yourself, to find self-knowledge through self-reflection (Jung), to know your own shadow.

The Podcast link here is also available on YouTube:

These are MONTHLY figures for a few keyword searches on Google. Please share our Podcast/YouTube upload with anyone who ...

These are MONTHLY figures for a few keyword searches on Google. Please share our Podcast/YouTube upload with anyone who may be struggling with extreme depression or suicidal ideation.

Anxiety, like Depression, is something that we all carry within us. But the surge of both conditions has been triggered ...

Anxiety, like Depression, is something that we all carry within us. But the surge of both conditions has been triggered by the Covid pandemic.

Chrissie Pollard interviews co-founder of ITTMind Previn Karian to understand how we can identify four fundamental sources of anxiety, with its dominant emotion of fear.

Anxiety can be caused by external factors - abuse, bullying, Covid, work, severe trauma events such as a car crash or sudden deaths. It can also be caused by factors internal to our minds - impulses of s*x and aggression, fear of our own goodness and light, fear of our own hate or evil.

Karian develops the distinction between external and internal causes of anxiety, the way that they shatter our sense of self, and how therapy can act as a reflective mirror that puts the pieces of who we are back together. This is a follow up to the general introduction to Anxiety available on Podcast or YouTube from our website.

Chrissie Pollard interviews ITT co-founder Previn Karian on how anxiety generates repeating patterns and compulsive or intrusive thoughts in our minds. These...

When ITTMind released the Grief & Grieving, Depression and Su***de podcasts before Xmas, we had an idea that there would...

When ITTMind released the Grief & Grieving, Depression and Su***de podcasts before Xmas, we had an idea that there would be many people hurting and raw this year for several reasons.

But we had no idea that we would reach 2005 Podcast downloads on Grief in less than one week! - with 1832 on Depression. We now have 250 likes/followers.

Our human world is so much more tragic than anything that news headlines can convey. And even when we were completely focussed on content and production values for these recordings and interviews, it was so easy to forget our world is made of individuals, isolated in their mental pain, unable to share anything about their feelings or their minds.

Please like and share recordings from our ITTMind FB page or our website at - and thanks for all your support for now!

For those who will experience the pain of loss and death at Xmas and New Year:Death is not just the loss of a person, bu...

For those who will experience the pain of loss and death at Xmas and New Year:

Death is not just the loss of a person, but has many shapes and forms in which the mind is afflicted with grief. We also experience death in the loss of relationships, jobs, animals and objects. What happens to us when we meet these deaths?

We talk through the Kubler-Ross model of grieving before discussing how the mind forms objects of love that sit at the core of our personality. The loss of love objects in the mind triggers grief and grieving.

This interview was pushed through to an early release before the year end to offer psychological perspectives on grief and grieving for those who have suffered deep loss. Please share with anyone who may experience deep loss this Xmas and at the New Year.

Death is a unarguable fact of life from which there is no escape. It's occurrence creates the profoundest anguish, darkness and despair for the human mind. I...

The festive season is not going to be festive for many people this year. The acute mental and emotional isolation at thi...

The festive season is not going to be festive for many people this year. The acute mental and emotional isolation at this time can be crushing for several reasons. Depression can turn into a wish for death.

What is the dominant emotion that leads to the fatal act of su***de? How does that emotion create the suicidal state of mind? What responses can we provide? And what of those who survive the loss of a close person in this tragic act?

In this sensitive but piercing interview, Chrissie Pollard probes a difficult topic with Previn Karian to illuminate the psychological state of mind that leads to suicidal ideation and the act of su***de.

Considered here as the extreme end of the Depression spectrum, Karian walks us through how specific dominant emotions create a state of mind which can become fatal if it is not broken in time.

You can click on the Broadcasts page on our website for the podcast version of this interview.

What is the dominant emotion in this fatal act? How does it create the suicidal state of mind? What responses can we provide? And what of those who survive t...

Sam Thompson from Survivors UK talks with Chrissie Pollard from ITTMind about the trauma of male s*xual abuse and male r...

Sam Thompson from Survivors UK talks with Chrissie Pollard from ITTMind about the trauma of male s*xual abuse and male r**e.

It is estimated that in the UK, 12,000 men are r**ed every year, and more than 70,000 are s*xually abused and assaulted. We obviously do not know the full extent of unreported figures.

There has never been an effective “men’s movement” like feminism which has allowed men the freedom and courage to discuss the struggles of what it means to be a man. And there are very few spaces in which men can discuss the true depths of their depression, or their s*xual traumas.

Sam helps to walk us through this dark area for so many men.

At In These Times we are sharing videos with you on topics you have asked for related to mental health and your well being.

Two individuals at the peak of their skills and experience. Broadcaster meets Psychotherapist. 8 interviews on different...

Two individuals at the peak of their skills and experience. Broadcaster meets Psychotherapist.

8 interviews on different topics on mental health including RACISM and MISOGYNY as social dimensions of mental illness.

It was a meteoric day for us both. And the afterglow looks like it's going to be with us for a long time.....

Subscribe/share the ITTMind page. We're just kicking off.

The team makes the dream. Pollard and Karian revving up for MISOGYNY AS MENTAL HEALTH Interview.

The team makes the dream. Pollard and Karian revving up for MISOGYNY AS MENTAL HEALTH Interview.

An absolutely heroic day for co-founders of ITTMind Chrissie Pollard and Previn Karian. EIGHT interviews filmed back to ...

An absolutely heroic day for co-founders of ITTMind Chrissie Pollard and Previn Karian.

EIGHT interviews filmed back to back in a solid 9 hrs workday. Energy levels sky high all the way to the end. It was more than just a conspiracy of croissants and coffee..... All about the prepartion - "The readiness is all." (Hamlet, Shakespeare)

Here's a series of photolog posts from Fri 10th Dec at Balmer Lawn Hotel in the New Forest, Hampshire - from daylight to night finish - from ponies in the lawn, ironing the tablecloth for the shoot, and the table with computer and notes from which the masterplan was directed!


Is it damaging to use terms like 'mental illness' when speaking about our mental health?

In this week's episode of In These Times, Chrissie sits down with Andrew Samuels to discuss the current state of therapy in Britain and how facilities can be improved in the future.

Listen to the full episode here:


What ever happened to the stiff upper lip approach to mental health we had during the world wars?⁠

In tomorrow's episode of In These Times psychotherapist Andrew Samuels explains why our approach to mental health has changed over the years and what needs to be done to improve public access to the right treatments.⁠

Subscribe to our podcast here:

If you are currently struggling with your mental health and need support, here are some services that can help:

Samaritans Rethink Mental Illness SANE Mental Health Charity

You can also send questions to us here:

TRIPLE LAUNCH RELEASE NOW!!! 1) Finding a Therapist2) Structures of the Mind: Anxiety3) Structures of the Mind: Depressi...


1) Finding a Therapist
2) Structures of the Mind: Anxiety
3) Structures of the Mind: Depression

On multiplatform podcasts and YouTube on our link below.

Introductory presentations for the dominant conditions that we all carry and which break so many of us down. The devastation of mental health is creeping up on us. And maybe already has with someone you know.

Let's do something about it. Listen, learn, share.

And use the Contact Us page to let us know what questions you would like to ask us so that we can shape our future programmes for you.

Any feedback welcome!

At In These Times we are sharing videos with you on topics you have asked for related to mental health and your well being.

"Money is the only value: human life has none." The summary BLOG for the live Launch Interview if you don't have time to...

"Money is the only value: human life has none." The summary BLOG for the live Launch Interview if you don't have time to watch/listen to it.

A stark assessment of our social realities today from co-founders Chrissie Pollard and Previn Karian. They discuss how the project started, what could be achieved, what the project is aiming at in mental health and what societal resistances will be met.

Although a little UK-centric, we have a miniature of the world epidemic in mental health issues, the guaranteed rejection of governments and medical institutions, and where that leaves the suffering individual.

Please share, like and send us your comments on the Contact Us page to which we will respond in our broadcasts. Your comments will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

“Money is the only value. Human life has none.” This stark comment from co-founder of ITT, Previn Karian, is his repeated response to the several moments when presenter Chrissie Pollard keeps pressing him on why governments take no action in the area of mental health. You can find this in their ...

It's here! Our very first LAUNCH INTERVIEW with Chrissie Pollard and Previn Karian on why mental health does NOT matter ...

It's here! Our very first LAUNCH INTERVIEW with Chrissie Pollard and Previn Karian on why mental health does NOT matter and why we set up the project. A survey of general problems in diagnosis of mental health and difficulties in getting ther**eutic help.

Watch out for our SPECIAL LAUNCH DAY next week when we simultaneously release three more intensive interviews: FINDING PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY.

Available on podcast (Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Google) or YouTube platforms from our website at, then click on Topics.


ITTMind: speaking for the mind with co-founders Chrissie Pollard and Previn Karian – Launch Interview We rely on public participation to shape our future bro...

3 launch interviews for podcast and YouTube recorded on set. Co-founders Chrissie Pollard and Previn Karian with Andy Go...

3 launch interviews for podcast and YouTube recorded on set.

Co-founders Chrissie Pollard and Previn Karian with Andy Goode and Jacob working a high intensity, productive and fun day.

Another 7 before end of Oct, including political activist Prof Andrew Samuels on the state of the nation and Susie Orbach on women in therapy.

Mental health project kick off coming soon!

Confused about your mind? How do you find the right help for you? A quick tour through the major different models of hel...

Confused about your mind? How do you find the right help for you?

A quick tour through the major different models of help for mental health distress. You can check out our "Links" page for resources and the kinds of organisations that can help you.

Click on the Contact Us button on the website and let us know your thoughts or experiences with help for mental health.

Addressing mental health can be confusing. There are numerous organisations and different methods that deal with what comes up for an individual. Some organisations are crisis based and provide immediate, short-term, practical help for you. Others are varied and have longer-term goals. Whilst there....

In These Times is dedicated to the public and public participation. We will be hitting our recording studio soon on the ...

In These Times is dedicated to the public and public participation.

We will be hitting our recording studio soon on the topics below. Please could you send us your questions, or questions on behalf of those you know struggling with mental health issues? You can use the link below or post your questions here.

Let's all join in and speak for the mind!

1) Launch interview with Previn Karian: why do we not speak for the mind?

2) Have you or anyone you know had any good or bad experiences with mental health assistance from institutions in your area or country? What happened? Tell us your story.

3) What would you like to know about suicidal ideation and su***de prevention? Do you know someone who struggles with this?

4) Do you or anyone you know struggle with eating disorders or self-harm? What help have you received? What questions do you have about this?

5) What would you like to know about the psychology or help for domestic abuse or domestic violence? What have you found helpful or unhelpful?

6) Do you understand the process of grieving and mourning in the face of death? Have you lost someone close to you as a result of Covid? How did you get through the grieving process?

7) What do you think is the psychology of racism? What kinds of psychological explanations have you come across for this divisive and violent aspect of the human mind?

We look forwards to receiving your questions and finding some responses to them which speak from and for the mind.

Send In These Times your emails on issues that concern or trouble you, we are hear for you. - Help with Mental Health Near Me

Why do we cry? How do we cry? What do we do with our tears?Tears can be visible or invisible, open or buried. The grief ...

Why do we cry? How do we cry? What do we do with our tears?

Tears can be visible or invisible, open or buried. The grief and grieving that drives our tears is about loss. The loss of someone or something loved. Someone or something that we just can't shake off.

Covid has reminded us that death does not discriminate. But can we see the tears of grief and grieving that go on quietly inside our heads? Have you gone through the grieving the process?

Death makes headlines. Sensational death makes sensational headlines. There is an estimated total of 4.42 million deaths in world records upto mid-Aug 2021 attributed to the Covid pandemic. But statistics on death through Covid merely created an outrage about freedom from wearing masks and refusing....

An illness that can strike across class, creed, colour, age. It does not discriminate. It's not the virus. It's mental h...

An illness that can strike across class, creed, colour, age. It does not discriminate. It's not the virus. It's mental health.

In These Times is a broadcasting project to provide information about psychological treatments for mental health. Our first broadcasts are planned for mid-Oct.

Please click on the Donate page on our website to help fund future podcast and YouTube uploads.

There is no protection against mental health issues. From royalty to the homeless, celebrities to the ordinary, from the wealthy to those relying on foodbanks, and billionaires to subsistence wage workers, mental health can strike any of us down. When mental health knocks on your door, there is no d...

The chimp brain? The rational brain? The human brain? Which of these cause mental health issues? And how?There are so ma...

The chimp brain? The rational brain? The human brain? Which of these cause mental health issues? And how?

There are so many models attempting to explain the human mind and its states of dysfunctions, collapse and crisis. With the pandemic, these states of mind are now a national phenomena worldwide. We cannot hide these as individual problems alone. We have to face the fact that we all have a mind and work our way through it.

There are some general models of mind that can work as an introductory framework to help us navigate the complexities of our inner space. Peter's model echoes that of other major psychotherapies. We can use it to start some general discussions.

Please use the contact us button on the website to let us know your thoughts.

In our previous post, we outlined Dr Steve Peters’ model of mind based on what he calls the chimp brain, the computer and the human. We discussed his concern about the chimp brain as a biological origin that can malfunction and take over our brain wiring.   Peters goes on to map the other two [.....

What are the origins of mental health issues? Does Dr Steve Peters' model of mind work for you? Are we still chimps?Clic...

What are the origins of mental health issues? Does Dr Steve Peters' model of mind work for you? Are we still chimps?

Click on the link below and let us know your thoughts on our "Contact Us" button.

Where do mental health issues come from? Are they purely chemical? Are they caused by evolution? Or are they a matter of sheer willpower and resilience that “weak” people don’t have?   In The Chimp Paradox, consultant psychiatrist Steve Peters moves across all three options with his proposed ...

Announcing our mental health multiplatform broadcasting on podcast and YouTube to be launched soon via ...

Announcing our mental health multiplatform broadcasting on podcast and YouTube to be launched soon via

Whilst mental health has been a visible problem from the urbanisation of the Industrial Age through to our Internet era, the arrival of Covid made mental health a national crisis and not just an individual one. There have been drastic increases in all key categories:

1 ) Anxiety

2 ) PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)

3 ) Depression

4 ) Mourning and losses through deaths

5 ) Financial stress

6 ) Eating disorders

7 ) Relationship breakdowns

8 ) Child mental health.

In These Times was launched to bring more psychological content and discussion into the public domain. We ask for your feedback to our blogs and future broadcasts so that we can shape our future programming with expert speakers in mental health. Please join in the discussion.

Do you know anyone who has been attacked for their mental health issues? Share your thoughts/experiences with us on the link.

Mental health awareness, mental health celebs, under attack from media.



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