A message from Oded Revivi, mayor of Efrat.
“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”
— Maya Angelou
Hey! As many of you know Shimon Detwiler has taken the helm at Qreative Edge. One of the first things we wanted to do was to refresh our brand to align with the future of the company. The original brand that Raquella Raiz created provided the perfect bedrock for us to build on. Our new brand reflects the creativity, passion, excitement, and expression of light and color we look forward to sharing with our current and future customers.
#future #brand #creativity #videoproduction #videoagency #VideoIsrael #VideoJerusalem
Wherever you are, whoever you are, and whatever you want to say…
Say it better. With quality, on-brand video content that perfectly captures your message.
2 years deep into our journey, every single day, we’re in awe of the places we get to explore and the brilliant people we get to meet. We could not be prouder of the strength of partnerships we’ve formed and the magnificent causes our videos have helped draw attention to.
Reach out today for your video needs.
#RaizUp #videomarketing #videocontent #qreativeedge
We are extremely honored to highlight Shimon our Executive Producer.
We like to joke with Shimon that his super power is Empowering others. But the fact is he knows how to pinpoint talents in people and infuse encouragement and confidence.
A true words smith Shimon can paint beautiful pictures with his words. Our clients are lucky to have him in their corner.
Meet Shimon, Executive Producer of Qreative Edge.
Working with Tamir Goodman and Ira Stern on this video for Hoops for Kids we learned a lot about how basketball can really change a kid's life, and why the work that they are doing is so important.
We are so humbled to be able to spread the word about this important initiative. If you are interested in helping Tamir and his team by either sponsoring a team or exploring partnership opportunities and other ways to help please reach out to Tamir at [email protected]
For Israel’s Memorial Day, Yom HaZikaron, be the light in the darkness. A chance for anyone in the world to unite with Israel and give great comfort to those who’ve lost loved ones.
23,921 brave soldiers and security force members have made the 'ultimate sacrifice'. That means losing their lives to create, defend, and protect the land of Israel. Today is your chance to honor one of these fallen heroes and show their loved ones that their memory is being kept alive.
Will you get involved and dedicate one positive action to honor their memory? It could be:
🔯 Act of Kindness (Chesed)
🔯 Prayer (Tefillah)
🔯 Charity (Tzedaka)
🔯 Torah Learning (Limud)
So far, over 40,000 of these positive acts have been performed and recorded on the site for “Honoring Israel's Fallen”.
Can you imagine how comforting this is for the families of these fallen heroes? To see positive acts taking place around the world in dedication and memory of their loved ones
I’m in! How does it work?
👉 Visit https://honorisraelsfallen.com/
👉 Choose a fallen hero
👉 Select your positive act
👉 Share on social media
Qreative Edge are so deeply humbled to support this magnificent cause. Get involved if you can and start creating light in the darkness today.