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*The Night of Miraculous Journey*With Shaykh Imran Angullia8.45pm, Monday, 21 Feb 2022Mukha ب Above Mukha Cafe TTDIand f...

*The Night of Miraculous Journey*
With Shaykh Imran Angullia

8.45pm, Monday, 21 Feb 2022
Mukha ب Above Mukha Cafe TTDI


A mystical creature. An open heart surgery in the middle of the desert. Traveling miles in seconds. Ascension through the seven heavens and passing by the hellfire, watching all of its horrifying sights. Granted an audience with the King of kings. All of the above and much more on one single night.

Join us to be awed and inspired. can now view the recorded video of the talk by Sheikh Imran Angulia on 7 Tips To Destres...

You can now view the recorded video of the talk by Sheikh Imran Angulia on 7 Tips To Destress Like The Perfect Man on 21 January 2022 at Mukha Ba on UmranTV YouTube channel.

Includes questions and answers and Qasidah. very good talk on zikr and the Darqawi Tariqa.

A very good talk on zikr and the Darqawi Tariqa.

A talk by Ustadh Bashir Castineira on the Darqawi Tariqa on 15 January 2022 in Kuala Lumpur.

*7 Tips to Work like the Perfect Man, Muhammad ﷺ*With Shaykh Imran Angullia830pm Friday, 26 Nov 2021Mukha بAbove Mukha C...

*7 Tips to Work like the Perfect Man, Muhammad ﷺ*

With Shaykh Imran Angullia
830pm Friday, 26 Nov 2021
Mukha ب
Above Mukha Cafe, TTDI KL

A night of knowledge, poetry, incense and simply be in good company.

Everyone is welcomed, no fees or registration, just come.

PURIFICATION OF THE HEART & SOUL: Towards a balanced approach in our actions and intentionsWith our Instructor: Shaykh Muaaz Kalla of Madina Institute, SA.Ed...

Qosidah Burdah with Bashir Catineira. Recorded on the Prophet's Birthday 12 Rabiulawal 1442 (19 October 2021) at MukhaBa, Kuala Lumpur.

The Muhammadan Path : The Prophet's Guidance To God with Shaykh Masood Yusuf. Lesson 1.Was live via zoom on 12 October 2021. Organised by Madina Institute Ma...

Blessings of Rabiul Awwal.*أللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا وحبيبنا محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليماً كثيراً*(ﷺ).⛻...

Blessings of Rabiul Awwal.
*أللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا وحبيبنا محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليماً كثيراً*(ﷺ).⛻

The birth of the Prophet (saw) was 'a mercy to the worlds' (Qur'an, 21:107), and Allah(swt) chose Rabi'-ul-Awwal to illuminate us with this mercy. This is the time to be grateful to Allah (saw) for the amazing blessing of sending the Prophet (saw) to us and guiding us to His Light.

Pic: Early morning in Madinah.

PURIFICATION OF THE HEART & SOUL: Towards a balanced approach in our actions and intentionsWith our Instructor: Shaykh Muaaz Kalla of Madina Institute, SA.Ed...

PURIFICATION OF THE HEART & SOUL: Towards a balanced approach in our actions and intentionsWith our Instructor: Shaykh Muaaz Kalla of Madina Institute, SA.Ed...

Positive Family Advice For Challenging Timeswith Edris Khamissa2.30pm Malaysia8.30am South AfricaSunday 12 September 2021Who is Edris Khamissa?Edris Khamissa...

PURIFICATION OF THE HEART & SOUL: Towards a balanced approach in our actions and intentionsWith our Instructor: Shaykh Muaaz Kalla of Madina Institute, SA.Ed... 2016

Throwback 2016

Throwback of Friday Khutbah with Shaykh Fakhruddin Owaisi at Masjid IIUM Gombak on 7 October 2016

PURIFICATION OF THE HEART & SOUL: Towards a balanced approach in our actions and intentionsWith our Instructor: Shaykh Muaaz Kalla of Madina Institute, SA.Ed...

Throwback of Friday Khutbah by Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah at IIUM Crescent Masjid (previously known as ISTAC) , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 24 March 2017.

PURIFICATION OF THE HEART & SOUL: Towards a balanced approach in our actions and intentionsWith our Instructor: Shaykh Muaaz Kalla of Madina Institute, SA.Ed...

PURIFICATION OF THE HEART & SOUL:Towards a balanced approach in our actions and intentionsWith our Instructor: Shaykh Muaaz Kalla of Madina Institute, SA. on...

This video is an initiative by KahwinCare, an organisation in Malaysia to nurture marriages. It is supported by and Madina Institute Malaysia...

Throwback Friday Khutbah With Dr Umar Faruq Abd-Allah at IIUM Mosque (Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Mosque) on 6 May 2016.

Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi al-Gharnati (in Arabic, محمد ابن احمد ابن جزي الكلبي الغرناطي) was an Arab scholar, writer of poetry, history, and law...

Why I Love Tarim, Hadramaut, Yemen with Sheikh Abu Zaki on 3 July 2021.Organised by House Of Sayyidah KhadijahVideo courtesy of House Of Sayyidah Khadijah



An open letter to President Biden
Thursday, 20 May 2021
MR President, when you were contesting the US presidency last year, many Malaysians hoped for your political triumph because that would end the shame your predecessor had brought to the presidency. Your victory gave hope that America was at the gateway of justice. In the aftermath of your election, some of your words and actions did indeed reflect your decency and humanity.

But your imbalanced reaction and untruthful depiction of the ongoing Israeli-Hamas conflict demeans you and your nation. You spoke selectively of aggression by Hamas of firing (home-made rockets with a range of 25 miles) into Israel and you asserted Israel’s right of self-defence.

But you conveniently forgot (and I am relying on the New York Times) that 27 days before Hamas fired its first rocket on May 10, Israeli police raided the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and cut off the cables to the mosque’s loud speakers. That was the first day of Ramadan.

Closure of the Damascus gate to the Old City of Jerusalem followed suit. On April 21, right wing Jewish mobs attacked many Arab homes. On May 7, the last Friday of Ramadan, Israeli police again raided the Al-Aqsa mosque and used tear gas, stun grenades and rubber-tipped bullets to hurt and humiliate the congregation.

On May 10, three days before Aidilfitri, Hamas’ military wing called on Israel to lift the siege on Al-Aqsa. As expected, Israel ignored the call. Instead, it wounded 305 Palestinians at the mosque.

To make matters worse, right wing Zionist settlers, backed by the Israeli judiciary and apartheid laws, were forcing the eviction of several Arab families from Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian neighbourhood in East Jerusalem.

It is in this background of atrocities and provocations that Hamas took the illegal action of firing a salvo of rockets into Israel. Hamas was reacting to a series of vicious, humiliating actions by the caretaker Prime Minister of Israel who is facing corruption charges and a possible collapse of his caretaker government. Soaking the desert sands with the blood of a few thousand Palestinians may boost his political standing with the Zionist factions of Israel.

Surely, President Biden is not unmindful of this motivation.

Mr President, looking back at history, what right did European Christians, who for centuries had brutalised the Jews and tried to exterminate them, have of gifting Palestinian land to the Zionists and that, too, in such an unequal way that 32% of the Jewish population was gifted 56% of Palestine and 68% of Palestinian residents were allocated 42% of the land. Understandably, the Arabs rejected the partition plan.

Zionist forces then attacked major Palestinian cities and destroyed some 530 villages. Approximately 13,000 Palestinians were killed in 1948, and more than 750,000 expelled from their homes to become refugees.

Today, the refugees and their descendants number more than seven million. Many still languish

in refugee camps in neighbouring Arab countries, waiting to return to their homeland.

Due to Western and especially American support, Israel today is in unlawful occupation of the whole of Palestine. It annexed East Jerusalem in 1980. The most brutal subjugation is in Gaza where the 1.5 million Palestinians had voted the right wing Hamas to power in local elections. In retaliation, Israel withholds from the elected Hamas government all taxes collected from the people.

Israeli ground troops and tanks occupy all strategic sites. All borders are sealed. All Palestinian land, air and water remain under Israeli control. Israeli-controlled highways crisscross “Palestinian lands”.

For all practical purposes, the inhabitants of Gaza in particular, and Palestine in general, remain trapped in a massive jail.

In addition, there is a genocidal programme of economic strangulation of a whole people. An economic blockade prevents food, medicine and other basic necessities of life from reaching the hungry and angry inhabitants of this occupied land. Orchards are burnt, houses are demolished in the middle of the night. Water is contaminated. There are barbaric restrictions at checkpoints that hinder the Palestinians from going to work, harvesting farms, sending the sick and pregnant to hospital and children to school.

Apartheid walls surround the people. Fifty percent of the youth are unemployed. What choice do they have other than to live on their knees or die on their feet? Israel continues to expropriate Palestinian lands, demolish Palestinian homes, create Jewish-only settlements on confiscated property, and resort to targeted killings of Arab activists. Palestine has been converted into a purgatory.

And yet, Mr President, your great nation gives unconditional financial, diplomatic and military support to this genocidal and apartheid nation.

To many American leaders, no law or ideal is so worthy that it cannot be sacrificed to prop up Israel. Your nation hinders any international scrutiny of Israel’s atrocities. It has vetoed 47 or so UN Security Council Resolutions against Israel.

In 2001, a near unanimous 14-1 Resolution to station a UN Peacekeeping Force in Palestine was shot down by Washington. To the US, Palestinians have no right to international protection if that hinders Israel.

In its conquests and annexations over the last 73 years, Israel has perpetrated many pogroms and committed many flagrant violations. The massacres at Deir Yassin, Sabra, Shatilla, Rafah, Jennin, Gaza and Beit Hanoun easily come to mind. In 1973, Libyan Airlines Flight 114 was blown up in the sky by Israel.

Some years later, an Iranian airline was likewise shot down, killing hundreds of innocent passengers. In 1981, the Iraqi nuclear reactor was bombed. In 1967, the US ship SS Liberty was sunk. Lebanon and Syria have been invaded repeatedly.

Mr President, do you remember the young American girl, Rachel Corrie, who stood in protest between a Palestinian home and an Israeli bulldozer about to demolish it? The bulldozer did not stop. Rachel was crushed to death. This act of inhumanity symbolises what Israel is or has become.

Yet your military actively involves itself in every war that Israel has waged. You supply the latest lethal weapons, fly sorties to replenish petrol, provide intelligence and give unconditional diplomatic support. The US supplies to Israel US$7mil (RM28.8mil) per day to sustain its predatory policies. You keep your taxpayers in the dark about how Israel uses this American aid.

It is no exaggeration to say that the US is complicit in Israel’s ethnic cleansing, war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.

Privately, you must be aware that Israel has become a Frankenstein, which America does not know how to control. But you are wary of the power of the Jewish lobby, the Christian right, the financial dependence of many Congressmen on Jewish supporters, the Jewish stranglehold over the media and banks, and how an independent stand may affect your re-election.

Please heed alternative voices, which are many and growing. Among them, former President Jimmy Carter, Professors Noam Chomsky, Fred Boyle and Richard Falk, and groups like J. Street, which are challenging the all-powerful Israeli lobby AIPAC. Build alternative coalitions. Turn to your people. Take a leaf from President Eisenhower’s book. Tell your people how much money they dole out to Israel and how Israel spends it.

Tell them also what they do not know – that the Arabs at the Beirut Summit of 2002 and Riyadh Summit of 2007 accept Israel’s right to exist in secure pre-1967 borders. It is the present Israeli leadership that refuses to recognise the two-state solution, refuses to budge on East Jerusalem and refuses to stop building settlements on seized Arab property.

Tell your people also that nearly all the international organisations that matter, from the Red Cross to Amnesty International, Human Rights Council, the ICJ and the UN Human Rights Commissioner, have found Israel guilty of many wrongs.

Above all, Mr President, listen to your conscience. May God be with you.

The writer is holder of the Tunku Abdul Rahman Chair at UM, and the Tun Hussein Onn Chair at ISIS Malaysia. The views expressed here are his own.

Responsive Parents, Happy Kids with Assoc. Prof. Lihanna Binti Borhan on 17th April 2021 via ZOOM Meeting. Organised by faithworks.

Two videos worth watching discussion on the documentary Circling The House Of God with Dr Martin Lings.

Two videos worth watching discussion on the documentary Circling The House Of God with Dr Martin Lings.

CIRCLING THE HOUSE OF GOD is a personal recollection of the Hajj as it was performed in 1948. In the film, Dr Lings relates his experience, as well as his in...

The Book of Love (Part 7) with Ustadh Muaaz Kalla of South Africa on 16th March 2021."The Book of Love” is written by Shaykh Dr Muhammad Yahya Al-NinowyThis ...

The Book of Love (Part 6) with Ustadh Muaaz Kalla of South Africa on 9th March 2021."The Book of Love” is written by Shaykh Dr Muhammad Yahya Al-NinowyThis i...

Diwan, Moroccan Rendition by Spanish brothers on 3rd March 2021 at Mukha Cafe, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, Kuala LumpurRecited by muslims across the world, the bur...

The Book of Love (Part 4) with Ustadh Muaaz Kalla of South Africa on 9 February 2021."The Book of Love” is written by Shaykh Dr Muhammad Yahya Al-NinowyThis...


AN incredible Hajj Story

· Sa’eed was sitting at the waiting area at the Jeddah airport after having completed the rites of hajj, and next to him was another person who completed his hajj. The man next to him said: I work as a contractor and Allah (swt) has blessed me with performing my tenth hajj.

· Sa’eed told him: hajj mabroor, may Allah accept and forgive you your sins. The man smiled and said: ameen. Then he asked him: have you performed hajj before this time?

· Sa’eed was hesitating to tell him, and then he said: by Allah, it’s a long story and I don’t want to hurt your head with my talk.

· The man laughed and said: please tell me, as you see we have nothing to do, we’re just waiting.

· Sa’eed smile and said: yes, waiting is the start of my story. I’ve been waiting years so that I can go to hajj. After working for thirty years as a physiotherapist in a private hospital, I was able to save enough money to go for hajj. The same day I went to get my salary, I came across one of the mother’s whose paralyzed son I treat. I could see her face was worried and anxious. She said: I leave you to Allah’s keeping, brother Sa’eed this is our last visit to this hospital.

· I was surprised with her words and I thought she wasn’t happy with my treatment, and that she was considered moving her son to another hospital. She told me: no brother Sa’eed, Allah bears witness that you were to my son like a father, and you helped him in his treatment when we had lost hope. Then she left very saddened
· The man next to him interrupted and said: that’s strange, if she was pleased with your treatment and her son was improving then why did she leave?

· Sa’eed answered: that’s what I thought too, so I went to the administration to find out what happened. They told me the boy’s father had lost his job and was unable to continue paying for his son’s treatment.

· The man next to him said: there is no might and power except with Allah, poor them, how did you deal with it?

· Sa’eed said: I went to the manager and pleaded with him to continue treating the boy on the hospital’s expense, but he sharply rejected and said, ‘this is a private institution not a charity’.

· I left his office sad and broken for this family. Then suddenly, I placed my hands in my pocket which had my money all prepared for hajj. I stood in my place for a while, then I raised my head above and spoke to my Rabb: O Allah, You know how I feel and You know there is nothing more beloved to me than to go to Your house and do hajj, and to visit Your messenger’s masjid. You know I have been working all my life for this moment, but I prefer this poor lady and her son over myself, so don’t deprive me of Your favors.

· I went to the accounts desk and paid all I had for his treatment which covered the next six months. I begged the accountant to tell the lady that it’s from the hospital expense for special cases. He was affected by this and there were tears in his eyes and said, ‘baarak Allah feek and people like you’

· The man next to him then said: if you donated all of your money, then how did you go to hajj?

· Sa’eed said: I went back to my home sad that day for having lost the opportunity of a lifetime for hajj. But my heart was filled with happiness that I removed a distress from the lady and her son. I slept that night with a tear on my cheek. I had a dream and I was making tawaf around the ka’aba and people were saying salam to me and they told me: ‘hajj mabroor O Sa’eed, for you have performed hajj in the heavens before you performed hajj on earth’. I immediately woke up and felt an indescribable happiness. I praised Allah (swt) for everything and was pleased with His decree.

· When I got up from my sleep, my phone rang and it was the hospital’s manager. He told me the owner of the hospital wants to go to hajj this year and he won’t go without his personal therapist. But his therapist’s wife is expecting and has reached her final days of pregnancy so he can’t leave her. Would you do me favor? Would you accompany him in his hajj?

· I made sujood shukr to Allah (swt). And as you see, Allah (swt) granted me to go to His house without having to pay anything. And all praise to Allah, the owner of the hospital insisted on giving me something for his accompaniment. I told him the story of the lady and her son, and he demanded the boy be treated at the hospital from his own personal expense. And to place a donations box in the hospital for the treatment of needy patients. And on top of that, he gave the boy’s father a job at one of his companies. He even returned the money I had initially spent for the boy’s treatment. Have you seen great favors than the favors of my Rabb? Subhan Allah.

· The man next to him hugged him and told him: by Allah I have never felt this kind of shyness as I’m feeling now. I would perform hajj one year after another thinking I was doing something great, and that my place with Allah would be elevated as a result of it. But now I understood that your hajj is equivalent to a thousand of mine. I went to the house of Allah, but Allah invited you to His house. May Allah accept your hajj.

· Always think good about Allah (swt) and know He is able to do all things.

We ask Allah (swt) to open our hearts and to open the door of hajj for us. May He never deprive us of His great favors. Ameen.

The Book of Love (Part 2) with Ustadh Muaaz Kalla of South Africa on 9 February 2021."The Book of Love” is written by Shaykh Dr Muhammad Yahya Al-NinowyThis...

The Book of Love (Part 1) with Ustadh Muaaz Kalla on 2 February 2021."The Book of Love” is written by Shaykh Dr Muhammad Yahya Al-NinowyThis is the first a ... Class

Weekly Class

The 40 Hadith Series with Shaykh Masood Yusuf on 30th January 2021 via ZOOM Meeting Online




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