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CHANDIGARH (U. T.) DAILY NEWS UPDATEPresented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7Sh. Dharam Pal, Adviser to the ...


Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

Sh. Dharam Pal, Adviser to the Administrator chairing the review meeting of Swachh Survekshan 2022 with senior officers at UT Secretariat

CHANDIGARH (U. T.) DAILY NEWS UPDATEPresented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7Sh. Dharam Pal, Adviser to the ...


Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

Sh. Dharam Pal, Adviser to the Administrator visited the UT Guest House, Sector 2 today with Sh. Yashpal Garg, Secretary Hospitality and Director Hospitality. The Adviser has asked the officials of Engineering Department to start the process of making UT Guest House Sector 2 on the lines of Ut Guest Sector 6. He has directed the officials to upgrade the facilities of the Guest House by enhancing the infrastructure and resources in a time bound manner.

CHANDIGARH (U. T.) DAILY NEWS UPDATEPresented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7Operationalise the completed & ...


Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

Operationalise the completed & Expedite the ongoing projects for the benefit of residents- Adviser Press Release The Adviser to the Administrator,Sh. Dharam Pal reviewed the undergoing works/ projects with various facilities of Chandigarh Administration. After inspecting the area earmarked for construction of Student Hostel at Government College of Commerce in sector 50, the Adviser directed to initiate construction at the earliest as currently there is no hostel facility for students at the College. Sh. Dharam Pal also asked the officials to carry out test run of the supply lines laid from water works sector 39 to Sarangpur to supply the canal water for the benefit of residents. Currently, 336 houses have been constructed at the newly built Police Housing Complex at Dhanas. The Adviser has directed the Police Department to start the allotment process and initiate the construction of remaining 240 houses at priority. Sh. Dharam Pal also inspected the construction of Government

CHANDIGARH (U. T.) DAILY NEWS UPDATEPresented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7Sh. Dharam Pal, IAS, Adviser to...


Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

Sh. Dharam Pal, IAS, Adviser to the Administrator, UT, Chandigarh inaugurating the continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations at forest nursery sector 53



Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

Important Issues pertaining to UT for your kind attention pl

Kindly look into these issues for making the UT better

1. There is no regular Project Director of Chandigarh State Aids Control Society (SACS) for the last six months as outgoing DHS was appointed temporarily as such necessary action may be taken to appoint a regular Project Director to SACS.

2. Increased Water Terrif had been deferred upto March 22 by the order of Chandigarh Administration. People are waiting for the decision of n this matter which should be taken up at the earliest to make it clear to the people of this UT

3. The term of Advisory Council to Administrator was extended upto March 22 which needs to be replaced by new members and process for the same needs to be started so that new Advisory Council to Administrator is in place well ion time.

4. The contract of Lions Company is on extension only and apparently the process fir further arrangements have not been started. With new MC House in operation the necessary action may be taken to make alternative arrangements for Cleaning of the Southern Part of UT.

5. The Smart Cycle Project is still under process as such the automatic annual increase in charges fir usage of Cycles may be deferred for at least a year to enable to the project to pick up fully.

6. Laying of Optical Fiber Cables and CNG Pipes is going on since last few years and unskilled digging which is left in between has spoiled almost all streets of UT without timely repairs and restorations. This issue may be looked into on priority to minimize the inconvenience of the residents

7. Recently the number plates of houses have been replaced in many Sectors but on inspection such Number plates are found made of cheap material which will worn out due to weather conditions.

8. Few years Back a survey of Homeless People was conducted and around 2000 persons were identified as Homeless and Administration was bound to make some regular arrangements like creation of permanent shelters was planned along side vacating of few Shelters in Chandigarh but same had=s not been initiates so far which needs an early action.



Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

The U.T. Powermen Union has given a call for observance of one day strike on 01.02.2022 in all shifts.

Chandigarh,31stJanuary.2022,Chandigarh Administration has always been sympathetic to the genuine demands of the Electricity Employees and there is no reason for any strike by the Employees. The Principle of “No work No Pay” shall be strictly enforced. The employees are, therefore, advised to attend duty. The defaulting employees will also be liable for other disciplinary action.
Necessary arrangements for maintaining the continuity of power supply although has been made but there may be chances of failure of power supply due to unavoidable circumstances. However, the best efforts shall be made to restore the supply to have minimum inconvenience to the general public. The Electricity consumers of U.T. Chandigarh are requested to kindly co-operate with the U.T. Administration.

The public is requested, in general, to contact the various Complaint Centers in their area for electricity complaints, if any. Besides above, they can also contact the established control rooms. The public is also requested to keep a vigil on the Electricity infrastructure/lines and in case they find anyone indulging to disturb the power supply, they may immediately inform the Police Control room and contact the following Numbers:-

Control Room Sec.17 0172-2703242

Control Room Sec.9 0172-2740475

Citizen Facilitation Centre 0172-4639999

CHANDIGARH (U. T.) DAILY NEWS UPDATEPresented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7Terapanth celebrated its 158th ...


Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

Terapanth celebrated its 158th Maryada Mahotsav

Chandigarh,30thJanuary.2021, Terapanth celebrated its 158th Maryada Mahotsav and 86th anniversary of Munishri Vinay Kumar Ji 'Alok' on January 30, 2022 to grace this occasion Sh.Banwari Lal Purohit Hon’ble Governor,Punjab and Administrator,U.T,Chandigarh was the Chief Guest. The programme started with the welcome address of Muni Shri Vinay Kumar Ji 'Alok' to all his followers of Jain Samaj. While addressing the gathering, the governor talked about the significance of celebrating festivals in Indian tradition and how these occasions lead to innovations and novelty. He defined 'Maryada' as a restraint way of living where an individual indulges in self-control and elevates himself spiritually.

Maryada Mahotsav, he mentioned, is a unique mahotsav where the 'self' is surrendered for the 'whole'. Its message is to discipline and enlighten oneself and motivate others. He also emphasised on the need of building a peaceful society which can be done by practicing truth and non-violence. With discipline and innovation, we can take our nation to new heights, he added.

On this event, the Governor also launched a supplement on Muni Vinay Kumar Ji 'Alok' in Arth Prakash (newspaper).

Among the others present were Sh.Gyan Chand Gupta,Speaker (Haryana Vidhan Sabha), Dr. Jora Singh,( Chancellor,Desh Bhagat University) and other dignitaries. The members were felicitated by the Governor towards the end of the event followed by a vote of thanks for the chief guest by Muni Shri Vinay Kumar Ji 'Alok'.



Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

Standard Operating Procedure for solemnizing the marriage of the couples

Chandigarh,31stJanuary.2022, It is for the information to all the Religious Institutes (Temple, Gurudwara, Mosque, Chruch etc.) in UT Chandigarh and the general public that all the Religious Institutes (Temple, Gurudwara, Mosque, Chruch etc.) in UT Chandigarh should adopt and follow the following Standard Operating Procedure for solemnizing the marriage of the couples from the date of issue of the notice:

1. Before getting the marriage solemnized by the Religious Institute, it should be ensured that both the boy and the girl have attained the age of marriage as per the Law and the marriage should be solemnized as per the personal laws of the boy/ girl.

2. The Religious Institutes shall not harass or exploit the couples for solemnizing their marriage.

3. The Religious Institutes shall not force to take consent of the parents of the couples for solemnizing their marriage.

4. The Religious Institutes shall not charge hefty amount from the couples for solemnizing their marriage.

5. Atleast two witnesses (of age 18 yrs. and above) in relation/ friends/known to the parties are required to attend the marriage solemnized by the Religious Institutes.

6. The Religious Institutes should obtain the following information of the couple& witnessesbefore marriage solemnization.

In respect of the couple:

Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Date of Birth, Residential address, Mobile No., Aadhaar No. (optional), Nationality, Religion, Marital Status at the time of marriage solemnization (Unmarried/Married/Divorced/Widow/ Widower).

In respect of the witnesses:

Name, Father’s Name, Age, Relation with the couple, Residential address, Mobile No.

7. The Religious Institutes should obtain the Date of Birth proof (Age proof)& Residence proof of the couple and Residence proof &Identity proofof the witnesses and maintain proper record of the information & documents so obtained.

8. A proper record/register of the marriages solemnized in the institute shall be maintained by the authorities of the religious institutes.

9. A duly stamped and signed certificate from Religious Institution by the priest who solemnized the marriage will be issued with complete details of the couple such as Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, Residential address, Nationality, Religion, Marital Status at the time of marriage solemnization (Unmarried/ Married/Divorced/Widow/Widower), name of the witnesses, signatures of the couple and witnesses and photograph of the couple (duly attested by the priest).

10. The record maintained by the Religious Institutions should be available with the authorities to be produced as and when required by any Court of Law/ Administrative Authorities or Police Department for verification.

In case of violation of the SOP/instructions by any religious institute, the appropriate action will be taken by the competent authorities.

CHANDIGARH (U. T.) DAILY NEWS UPDATEPresented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7Sh. SK Shrivastava, State Elect...


Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

Sh. SK Shrivastava, State Election Commissioner announcing the Election Schedule for General Elections of Municipal Corporation Chandigarh during the Press Conference.

CHANDIGARH (U. T.) DAILY NEWS UPDATEPresented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7दिनांक 18/ 11 /2021 को इंदिरा ग...


Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

दिनांक 18/ 11 /2021 को इंदिरा गांधी विश्वविद्यालय मीरपुर (रेवाड़ी ) के राजनीति विज्ञान विभाग में विभागाध्यक्ष डॉ रविंद्र सिंह के निर्देशन में अधिष्ठापन कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया इसमें नव प्रवेशित छात्र-छात्राओं का स्वागत किया गया। विभागाध्यक्ष डॉ रविंद्र सिंह ने शिक्षा के महत्व पर प्रकाश डालते हुए सभी विधार्थियो को विभाग एवं विश्वविद्यालय में होने वाली अनेकोंनेक गतिविधियों तथा विद्यार्थी जीवन में नैतिक मूल्यों से भी अवगत किया। सहायक प्राध्यापक डॉ.अदिति त्यागी ने भी सभी नव प्रवेशित विद्यार्थियों को राजनीति विज्ञान विषय में आजीविका (करियर )उच्च शिक्षा तथा अनुसंधान के लिए प्रेरित किया। इस अवसर पर श्री पवन कुमार, श्री कुलदीप कुमार भी उपस्थित रहें और सभी विद्यार्थियों को उनके उज्जवल भविष्य के लिए शुभकामनाएं दी।

CHANDIGARH (U. T.) DAILY NEWS UPDATEPresented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7विधि विभाग में इन्डक्शन कार्यक्...


Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

विधि विभाग में इन्डक्शन कार्यक्रम का किया गया आयोजन

आज इन्दिरा गाँधी विश्वविद्यालय, मीरपुर, रेवाड़ी के विधि विभाग द्वारा अधिष्ठापन कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें विधि विभाग के प्रथम वर्ष के प्रथम सत्र में दाखिल हुए विद्यार्थियों ने भाग लिया। इस कार्यक्रम की शुरूआत विभागाध्यक्ष प्रो. कुलदीप चौधरी की अध्यक्षता में हुई। इस कार्यक्रम के मुख्य अतिथि विष्वविद्यालय के कुलसचिव प्रो. प्रमोद कुमार तथा विषिष्ट अतिथि श्री शमषेर सिंह यादव एडवोकेट जिला बार एसोसिएषन रेवाड़ी, अन्य अधिवक्तागण और प्रबन्धन विभागाध्यक्ष डॉ. रीतु बजाज ने षिरकत करके कार्यक्रम की शोभा बढ़ाई।
इस कार्यक्रम का मुख्य उदेश्य विधि विभाग के नए विद्यार्थियों को विश्वविद्यालय, इसके विभिन्न विभाग और विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा जो अलग-अलग गतिविधियों का आयोजन किया जाता है, उनसे अवगत कराना तथा विधि विभाग मंे आयोजित की जाने वाली विभिन्न गतिविधियों जैसे मूट कोर्ट, कोर्स स्कीम, बार काउंसिल नियम तथा कानून से सम्बन्धित विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में क्या-क्या अवसर है, इसकी जानकारी दी गई। इस अवसर पर प्रमोद कुमार, कुलसचिव ने भी विद्यार्थियों को कानूनी शिक्षा के महत्व के बारें में तथा एडवोकेट शमशेर यादव जी ने कानूनी शिक्षा पूरी करने के बाद कोर्ट में आने वाली चुनौतियों और उनके समाधान के बारें में विद्यार्थियों को अवगत कराया। प्रो. कुलदीप चौधरी ने भी कानूनी शिक्षा के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में अवसर तथा किस तरह से विद्यार्थी इन अवसरों को प्राप्त कर सकते है, इस बारें में प्रोत्साहित किया। विधि विभाग के सभी प्राध्यापकों ने अपने-अपने विषय के बारें में विद्यार्थियों को जागरूक किया तथा विधि विभाग में सभी विद्यार्थियों का स्वागत करते हुए उनको भविष्य की शुभकामनाऐं दी। इस आयोजन को सफल बनाने में विधि विभाग के विभागाध्यक्ष प्रो. कुलदीप चौधरी ने डॉ. मीनू यादव, डॉ. हेमन्त यादव, डॉ. समित कुमार, डॉ. संदीप कुमार, डॉ. अनिल कुमार, डॉ. स्मृति तथा सभी विद्यार्थियों को बधाई का पात्र माना है।

CHANDIGARH (U. T.) DAILY NEWS UPDATEPresented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7प्रेस विज्ञप्ति: 18.11.2021  (र...


Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति: 18.11.2021 (राजेश शर्मा, हिमांशु) : इंदिरा गाँधी विश्वविद्यालय, मीरपुर की परीक्षा शाखा द्वारा एम.एड चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर (रेगूलर/रि-अपीयर) नवम्बर, 2021 परीक्षा का पेपर पेडागोगी ऑफ सोसल साईंस ऐजूकेषन (सेकेण्डरी लेवल) ; (Pedagogy of Social Science Education (Secondary Level) की तिथि को पुनर्निर्धारित कर दिया गया है। अब यह पेपर दिनांक 24 नवम्बर, 2021 को होगा। परीक्षा के समय व परीक्षा केन्द्र में कोई परिवर्तन नही किया गया है। यह जानकारी परीक्षा शाखा द्वारा प्रदान की गई है। इससे सम्बन्धित अधिक जानकारी विद्यार्थी विश्वविद्यालय की वैबसाइट पर लॉग इन करके या परीक्षा शाखा से सम्पर्क कर सकते है।

Hon'ble Chancellor visited at IGU on "Aazadi ka Amrit Mahotsav"Hon'ble Chancellor visited at IGU on "Aazadi ka Amrit Mahotsav"Hon'ble CM Welcomed by Vice-Chancellor of the UniversityHon'ble CM Visit on Bhoomi Poojan & Shilanyas SamarohSarriti Chinh by Hon'ble Vice Chancellor and Worthy RegistrarNati...



Presented by : Rajesh Sharma & Himanshu, ACL News24x7


Whereas, the Chandigarh Administration has earmarked the Rally Ground, Sector 25, Chandigarh for taking out processions, rallies, dharnas, etc. and no permission has been granted by the Chandigarh Administration to organize processions, rallies, dharnas, etc. elsewhere in the city other than the designated location, i.e., Rally Ground, Sector 25, Chandigarh and the same has been done to avoid traffic

Whereas, it has been made to appear to Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh that certain groups of people plans to organize processions, rallies, dharnas, etc., and resort to other agitation methods in the city other than the earmarked/designated place i.e. Rally Ground, Sec 25, Chandigarh and whereas, there is an apprehension that such groups/organizations/unions may cause obstruction, annoyance or injury to the persons lawfully employed or other general public and endanger human life and property, disturb public peace and tranquility and cause riots and affrays.

And therefore Sh. Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh, is of the opinion that taking out procession, rally, protest, strike, making speeches, raising slogans by gathering/assembly of 5 or more people etc. within the territory of U.T., Chandigarh other than Rally Ground, Sec 25, Chandigarh, would cause obstruction, annoyance or injury to persons lawfully employed or other general public, disturb public peace and tranquility and cause riots and affrays and that immediate action is necessary for the prevention of the same.

Now therefore, Sh. Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh, in exercise of the power vested u/s 144 of Cr. P.C., do hereby order as a measure of emergency that the public in general or any member thereof is prohibited from taking out procession, rally, protest, strike, making speeches, raising slogans of gathering/assembly of 5 or more people etc. within the territory of U.T., Chandigarh other than Rally Ground, Sec-25, Chandigarh, for a period of 60 days.

Further, prior permission for organizing procession, rally, protest, strike, making speeches, raising slogans, gathering/assembly of 5 or more people etc. at Rally Ground, Sector-25, Chandigarh must be obtained from the Competent Authority, i.e., the District Magistrate/concerned Sub Divisional Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh.

Provided that the above order shall not apply to:

I. The police or Paramilitary or military persons or any other Government servant on official duties;

II. The processions or meetings for which prior permission in writing of the District Magistrate/concerned Sub Divisional Magistrate, Chandigarh, has been obtained;

III The customary and ritualistic procession in connection with weddings and funerals.

This order shall come into force from zero hours on 18.11.2021 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days up to and including 16.01.2022.


Whereas it has been made to appear to Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh by the suggestions/inputs received from the Police authorities that there is an apprehension that anti-social elements may make their temporary hideouts clandestinely in Hotels/Restaurants/Sarai/Guest Houses, etc. in the Union Territory of Chandigarh and there is every possibility that the unlawful activities of these people can cause breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquility besides posing grave danger to human life & safety and damage to public property.

Whereas the District Magistrate, Chandigarh is of the opinion that for the purpose of preventing the type of terrorist acts, breach of peace, disturbance of public tranquility and damage to public property, it is necessary to proceed under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal procedure, 1973 for issuing directions to all the owners/managers/care-takers, etc. of Hotels/Restaurants/Guest Houses/Sarai, etc. in Chandigarh to obtain I.D. proof from the visitors/customers/guests who stay in their Hotel/Restaurant/Guest House/Sarai, etc., in the interest of safety and security of the general public in the U.T., Chandigarh.

Now therefore, Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh in exercise of the powers vested with him under section 144 Cr.P.C, hereby direct the owners/managers/care-takers, etc. of the Hotels/Restaurants/Guest Houses/Sarai, etc. in Chandigarh to strictly comply with the following:

1. Prohibit the stay in their premises of an unknown person whose identity has not been established.

2. Maintain a register for the identity of the visitors/customers/guests.

3. Make an entry in the handwriting of the visitor/customer/guest, mentioning his/her name, address, telephone number and identity proof along with his/her signature in the register.

4. The identity of the visitor shall be established through Aadhar Card, Identity Card, Voter Card, Ration Card, Driving Licence, Passport and photo Credit Card.

This order shall come into force with effect from zero hour on 19.11.2021 and shall be effective for a period of 60 days up-to and including 17.01.2022.


Whereas it has been made to appear to Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate that there is an apprehension that anti-social elements may make their hideouts clandestinely in the residential/commercial areas of the Union Territory of Chandigarh. If suitable measures to prevent the same are not taken, the unlawful activities of these people can cause breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquility besides posing grave danger to human life and safety and injury to public property.

And whereas Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh, is of the opinion that some check is necessary on landlords/owners/managers of residential/commercial establishments so that anti-social elements in the guise of ordinary tenants, domestic servants & Paying Guests may not cause harm to the citizens and that immediate action is necessary for prevention of the same.

Now therefore, Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh in exercise of the powers vested with him under section 144 of the Cr.P.C., do hereby order as an emergency measure that, no landlord/owner/tenant/manager of residential, commercial, etc. establishments shall rent out or sub-let any accommodation to any person, unless and until he/she has furnished the particulars of the said tenants or Paying Guests to the local Police Station. Also, no landlord/owner/tenant/manager of residential, commercial, etc. establishments shall employ any servant unless and until he/she has furnished the particulars of the said servant(s) to the local Police Station. All the persons who intend to offer accommodation on rent or employ any servant shall inform in writing the particulars of tenants, Paying Guests & servants to the Station House Officer concerned in whose jurisdiction the premises fall. Any breach of this order would invite action under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code.

This order shall come into force with effect from zero hours on 19.11.2021 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days up-to and including 17.01.2022 and is applicable to those also who already have domestic servants/maids and has not informed the Police yet when the order is in force.


WHEREAS, it has been made to appear to Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh that there is mushrooming of BPOs, prominently known as Call Centers, Corporate Houses, Media Houses, Companies, Organizations and firms in Chandigarh and near-by areas, offering employment opportunity to youth. The employees including women from various parts of the neighboring states are staying in different parts of the city and other adjoining cities/villages. Their employers are providing cab services for the purpose of picking and dropping them from their places of stay to the office and back. As these organizations are functioning round the clock, the cabs are ferrying employees even at late night hours. These cabs are hired on contract and their operators and drivers are not properly monitored to ensure safe & secure transportation of employees, resulting in grave danger to human life, safety & security of employees, especially women employees. It has come to notice that certain criminal and anti-social elements look for soft targets, particularly during odd hours. The women employees who travel during late night hours are vulnerable to crime and criminal acts by such elements.

AND Whereas, Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh is of the opinion that some check is necessary on such companies/organizations/employers providing pick & drop facility to their employees in late night hours, transporters, security agencies/guards & drivers so as to ensure the security & safety of employees, especially women employees working till late hours.

Now therefore, Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh in exercise of the powers vested with him under section 144 of the Cr. P.C., direct that all such organizations like B.P.O.s, Call Centres, Corporate Houses, Media Houses, companies, firms & other similar entities, having the facility of pick & drop for their employees and the transporters, security agencies, drivers & security guards attached/concerned with them, in the jurisdiction of Chandigarh, shall:

1. Maintain a data of all employees, security personnel, cab drivers & contractual workers working with them, for access by the Police as and when required.

2. Hire security personnel & other contractual personnel as far as possible from licensed agencies only.

3. Ensure verification of antecedents of all their employees including contractual employees.

4. Ensure that women employees are not made to travel alone with the cab driver and a duly verified security guard or a male colleague is deployed in each cab carrying women staff during night hours, i.e., 08.00 P.M. to 07.00 A.M.

5. Choose the route in such a manner that as far as possible a woman employee is not the first one to be picked up or the last to be dropped.

6. Ensure that during night hours, the cab involved in transportation of women employees pick-up and drop such employee right in their house and remain halted at the point where the women employee is dropped till she confirms her arrival at their residence/place of stay through a telephone call.

7. Ensure that whenever the house of a woman employee is so located that the approach road is not motor-able, the duly verified security guard or the male colleague, during night hour, accompanies the employee on foot up to her house & takes a confirmation about her safe arrival.

8. Exercise effective check & control on the vehicles movement in order to check any unwarranted activities of the cab drivers, such as picking up strangers, straying away from the designated route, etc.

9. Get a GPS system installed in the cabs used in transportation of such employees, especially women employees.

This order shall come into force with effect from zero hours on 19.11.2021 and shall be effective up-to and including 17.01.2022.


WHEREAS it has been made to appear to Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, that terrorist attacks in the country pose grave danger to human life and safety to public property besides breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquility.

AND WHEREAS, it has been noticed that terrorists mis-use uniforms/stickers/logos/flags and any other item belonging to Army/Police/Para Military Forces, for committing the acts of terror. Under these circumstances, the undersigned is of the opinion that some check should be put on sale of items belonging to these Government forces so that anti-social elements in the guise of Army/Police/Para Military personnel may not pose a threat to citizens and that immediate action is necessary for prevention of the same.

Now therefore, Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh in exercise of the powers vested with him under section 144 Cr.P.C. do hereby order as an emergency measure that any shopkeeper/seller within the territory of Chandigarh, shall not sell any cloth/uniform/sticker/logo/flag attached on cars of and any other item belonging to Army/Police/Para Military Forces without keeping the record and I.D. proof of the purchasers.

In view of the emergent nature of the order, it is being issued ex-parte and is addressed to the public in general. Any breach of this order would invite action under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code.

This order shall come into force from zero hour on 19.11.2021 and shall be effective for a period of 60 days up-to and including 17.01.2022.

ORDER U/S 144 Cr. P.C.

Whereas it has been made to appear to Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh that a large number of commercial places/shops have come up in Chandigarh popularly known as Cyber Cafes and a large number of people visit these places to use the facilities available there including e-mail facilities and therefore certain anti-social elements, criminals and terrorists may use these facilities to mislead the security/investigation agencies, create panic in the public, endanger the security of general public, V.I.P.s and government institutions, and help the terrorist activities directly affecting the security of the State.

And whereas, Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh, is of the opinion that immediate action is necessary to take speedy recourse to prevent danger to human lives from any terrorist act which may affect the security of the State and disturb the public peace and tranquility.

Now therefore, Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh in exercise of the powers vested with him under section 144 of the Cr.P.C., hereby direct the owners of the Cyber Cafes to strictly comply with the following:

i. prohibiting the use of Cyber Cafes by unknown person whose identity has not been established by the owner of the café;

ii. maintaining a register for identity of the visitor/user;

iii. make an entry in the handwriting of the visitor/user mentioning name, address, telephone number and identity proof. The visitor/user shall also sign the register kept for this purpose;

iv. the identity of the visitor/user shall be established through identity card, voter card, ration card, driving license, passport and photo credit card;

v. activity server log should be preserved in main server and its record should be preserved for at least six months;

vi. if any activity of the visitor is of a suspicious nature, the owner of the Cyber Cafe will inform the police station;

vii. record be maintained about the specific computer used by the person.

This order shall come into force from zero hours on 19.11.2021 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days up-to and including 17.01.2022.


Whereas, it has been made to appear to Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh that because of possibility of law & order problem, security threats and possibility of misuse of Drone by anti-social elements and others who can create panic in the public and also public nuisance, and as such there is very high apprehension of breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquility besides danger to human lives and safety by using of Drone and low flying objects.

And whereas Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh, is of the opinion that flying of Drone and low flying objects, within the Union Territory, Chandigarh must be prohibited to prevent undue loss to the life and the property.

Now therefore, Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh, do hereby prohibit as measure of urgency to the public generally or any member thereof on the flying of Drone and low flying objects etc., within the limits of Union Territory of Chandigarh for a period of 60 days.

Provided that the above order shall not apply to:

1. Police personnel and other Government officials/agencies if using the drone purely in connection with their official duties, subject to the following conditions

· That the police personnel and other Government officials shall be in their service uniform, if any and shall carry their identity cards and authorization cards authorizing them to use the drone in connection with their official duties, issued by the Competent Authority.

· That the exemption is applicable in relation to the above said personnel only when they are on official duty.

2. Using the drone for photography during certain social events for which prior permission of the District Magistrate, Chandigarh has been obtained in writing. These social events may include-ring ceremony, pre-wedding photo shoot, wedding ceremony.

This order shall come into force from zero hours on 19.11.2021 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days up-to and including 17.01.2022.


WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that some Immigration/Emigration/Student Visa Companies are running their offices in U.T., Chandigarh. Since there is no need for a license for consultancy for student visas, they also start providing of Immigration/Emigration consultancy to the people. They get published advertisements in leading newspapers and dupe the innocent people of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh and after 2/3 months, they close their offices and run away from the city. The unlawful activities of these companies can endanger to the general public.

AND whereas Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh, is of the opinion that some check is necessary on these companies so that they may not cause harm to the citizen and that immediate action is warranted in this regard.

Now therefore, Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh in exercise of the power vested in him u/s 144 of the Cr.P.C., do hereby order as an emergency measure that before establishing such companies, it is mandatory for the owner of the company to provide complete antecedents in writing to the local Police Station and at Public Window, Police Headquarter, Sector 9, Chandigarh, within 7 days as and when they start their business in the City.

It is further ordered that the immigration companies will mention their registration number in the Performa point 2 (ii) while providing information to the Chandigarh Police at Public Window Police Headquarters, Sector-9, Chandigarh, as well as in advertisements given for the immigration companies.

This order shall come into force with effect from zero hours on 19.11.2021 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days up-to and including 17.01.2022.


Whereas, it has been made to appear to me that because of possibility of law & order problem, security threats and possibility of misuse of weapons by anti-social elements and others can create panic in the public and public nuisance, and as such there is high apprehension of breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquility besides danger to human lives and safety by the display of weapons.

And whereas Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh, is of the opinion that carrying of all kind of fi****ms, lethal weapons, lathies, spears & javelins, trishuls, swords, short swords, knuckles, knives & daggers, iron rods, etc., within the Union Territory, Chandigarh in connection with the aforesaid matters would cause obstruction, annoyance or injury to persons lawfully employed, disturb public peace and tranquility and may cause riots and affrays and that immediate action is necessary for the prevention of the same.

Now therefore, Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh do, hereby, prohibit as measure of emergency, the public generally or any member thereof from carrying of all kind of fi****ms, lethal weapons, lathies, spears & javelins, trishuls, swords, short swords, knuckles, knives & daggers, iron rods, etc., within the limits of Union Territory of Chandigarh for a period of 60 days.

Provided that the above order shall not apply to:-

1. Police or military or paramilitary personnel and other Govt. servants if called upon to carry fi****ms in connection with their duties subject to the following conditions:

a. That the police/military/paramilitary personnel shall be in their service uniform.

b. That the exemption is applicable in relation to the above said personnel only when they are on official duty.

c. That the above personnel shall carry their identity cards and authorization cards authorizing them to carry the fi****ms in connection with their official duties, issued by the Competent Authority.

2. Carrying of fi****ms and lethal weapons for which permission in writing of the District Magistrate, Chandigarh has been obtained or holders of valid arms licence.

This order shall come into force from zero hours on 20.11.2021 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days up-to and including 18.01.2022.




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