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The Washington Stand The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s news & commentary outlet from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C.

and is published by Family Research Council, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview.

You’ve heard of sanctuary cities for migrants coming over the U.S. border, but have you heard of sanctuary cities for th...

You’ve heard of sanctuary cities for migrants coming over the U.S. border, but have you heard of sanctuary cities for the LGBT “refugees”? Almost halfway into Pride Month, the San Fransisco Board of Supervisors unanimously voted on Tuesday to establish itself a sanctuary city for those who identify as “transgender, gender non-conforming, inters*x and two-spirit.” This move makes San Francisco the first major city to declare itself a “safe place” for gender confused persons seeking so-called “gender-affirming care.”

This decision, some say, is a direct result of red states increasingly passing bills that protect minors from trans procedures. Honey Mahogany, the city’s director of the Office of Transgender Initiatives, said part of what led to this vote was that San Francisco saw “an influx of refugees” from other states and countries “seeking care and seeking sanctuary.” Additionally, Supervisor Rafael Mandelman claimed during an interview with The San Fransisco Chronicle that the laws passed by conservative lawmakers “specifically target transgender people, including youth.” He added, “As other cities and states turn up the hate, places like San Francisco need to turn up the love.”

But while left-wing outlets refer to this as a “safe place” for “life-saving treatment,” others are calling the situation somewhat useless and mostly harmful “virtue signaling.” In comment to The Washington Stand, David Closson, Family Research Council’s director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, elaborated.

“In terms of actual policy,” he said, “San Francisco announcing that they are sanctuary status for transgender people does absolutely nothing.” He added that, “even according to the officials making this declaration, this is a purely symbolic declaration designed to do two things: gain media exposure and virtue signal to everyone around the country just how liberal San Francisco really is.”

Closson went on to say that this city in California, as well as the state at large, “has long prided” itself concerning progressive values. It dates to when Governor Gavin Newsom (D) was the mayor of San Francisco in 2004 and violated the law at the time by officiating a same-s*x wedding. Ultimately, Closson pointed out “none of us should be surprised when liberal things happen in San Francisco,” adding that, “after all, Nancy Pelosi represents San Francisco in Congress.”

According to Closson, San Francisco’s announcement is “completely symbolic,” and it will likely “have no real effect on anyone who actually lives in that area.” And yet, he emphasized, “[F]rom a cultural perspective, it’s still significant, that San Francisco officials believe that this type of virtue signaling is necessary.” It serves as a window into “a leftist worldview” in that “you’re always needing to be a little bit more progressive, a little bit more liberal, [and] a little bit more LGBTQ+-affirming.”

But beyond this, Closson insisted that “a headline like that coming from San Francisco should elicit compassion and empathy from Christians.” Why? According to Closson, it’s first “because it shows just how morally confused people in San Francisco are, that they truly think so-called gender affirming care is absolutely essential to their well-being.” But also, because “we know that these types of treatments, including puberty blockers, cross-s*x hormones, and actual physical surgeries does not actually help someone suffering from gender dysphoria.”

He continued, “Often these procedures bring about irreparable harm on people experiencing this sort of trauma,” with several detransitioners such as FRC’s Senior Fellow Walt Heyer or activist Chloe Cole existing as living examples of just how harmful these procedures are. “And so,” Closson noted, “we should dismiss a story like this as purely virtue signaling and kind of wokeness run amok.” But in doing so, “we should also realize that headlines are reflective of culture, and culture is downstream from worldview.”

Closson concluded, “The worldview animating out of San Francisco is one that Christians ought to recognize … is morally bankrupt,” while also acknowledging “that underneath, these frankly ridiculous declarations and assertions are people who desperately need the hope of the gospel.”

𝑊𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 𝑏𝑦 𝑆𝑎𝑟𝑎ℎ 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑦

On Monday, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) met in New York to discuss the Biden administration’s ceasefire pr...

On Monday, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) met in New York to discuss the Biden administration’s ceasefire proposal between Israel and Hamas. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited the Middle East during this time to further promote the ceasefire, which was backed by the UNSC during Monday’s meeting with a unanimous 14-0 vote (with Russia abstaining).

The New York Times described this as “a sign of the growing frustration among the world’s major powers over the war and the desire to bring it to an end.” And yet, there appears to be more to consider regarding these negotiations than mere tension. While Israeli officials did confirm they’re willingness to consider the negotiations, they had certain “necessary conditions” including “the destruction of the military and governing capabilities of Hamas, the freeing of all remaining hostages, and the assurance that Gaza will not represent a future threat to Israel,” as Family Research Council President Tony Perkins explained on “Washington Watch” Tuesday.

At a glance, phase one of the plan entails a full ceasefire with the release of some hostages, phase two also involves releasing hostages should Israel fully withdraw from Gaza, and phase three is “a major multi-year reconstruction plan for Gaza.” This plan, however, does not seem to meet Israel’s requirements. Knowing that, Perkins asked, what do “we know about the U.N. Security Council … aligning with Israeli priorities?” — a question Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) tackled on Tuesday’s episode.

According to the congressman, any U.N. involvement should result in skepticism, since “they time and time again don’t represent our interest.” But in this specific instance, he urged, this plan is “not in Israel’s best interest.”

Burchett explained the three layers of the ceasefire proposal, emphasizing that none of the phases truly aid Israel’s top two priorities of eliminating Hamas and freeing all the hostages. Additionally, he added, “[Y]ou got to ask yourself, what in the world is the United States doing negotiating with terrorists? Hamas is a terrorist organization.” Ultimately, this war is “just fraught with problems,” he sighed. “[L]et Israel handle this. This is not our business, and United Nations is showing just how … wrong they are once again.”

Perkins also highlighted a concern with the last item on the resolution, which states the UNSC’s “unwavering commitment to the vision of a two state solution where two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders.” In effect, Perkins noted, “This is essentially giving up the heart of Israel. … I can’t imagine that they’re supportive of this.”

“Clearly,” Burchett stated, “this is just pure politics. … [A]nytime we do anything with United Nations, it is tainted at best.” But he went on to emphasize that both this ceasefire plan, as well as what is reported in the media, is “very suspect,” while also drawing on the fact that “it’s unbelievable how fast this country, our learning institutions, and our so-called intelligentsia have turned on our ally Israel.”

Perkins agreed, also bringing light to the fact that these negotiations mapped out by the UNSC seem to be heavily beneficial for Hamas. Because ultimately, he continued, what this plan does is rebuild land Hamas’s actions “destroyed” and gives them “a whole state to govern by” themselves. In a sense, “we’re rewarding these terrorists,” Perkins exclaimed. And “these people are terrorists,” Burchett added. “They … kidnapped innocent civilians, some of them are American citizens,” and murdered thousands of others. “And yet,” the congressman huffed, “we want to play footsie with them.”

As Burchett pointed out, “I think we ought to listen to what Netanyahu says. We’re not going to do anything until we destroy the military wing of Hamas and their leadership,” which he highlighted is a group supported by the Palestinian people. “The people in Gaza brought this group in,” he said. “This is their doing. … [T]hese people are terrorists and they need to be treated as such. And any negotiation with them is bad.” Perkins agreed, “Hold Hamas accountable, not Israel. It’s Hamas that’s responsible for this.”

What needs to be done, Burchett concluded, is “let Israel go in there and end this as fast as possible. That’s going to save the most lives. And if the U.N. wants to end this thing, tell Hamas to release all the hostages.”

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Large sections of a 2023 Florida law protecting minors from gender transition procedures were declared unconstitutional ...

Large sections of a 2023 Florida law protecting minors from gender transition procedures were declared unconstitutional on Tuesday. In a 105-page decision (Doe v. Lapado), Federal Judge Robert Hinkle of the Northern District of Florida issued a wide-angle, permanent injunction against the law, replacing an earlier preliminary injunction that applied only to a handful of individuals.

LifeWise Academy is a Christian ministry founded in 2018 by Joel Penton. Its existence is tied to the 1952 Zorach v. Cla...

LifeWise Academy is a Christian ministry founded in 2018 by Joel Penton. Its existence is tied to the 1952 Zorach v. Clauson Supreme Court ruling that allowed “public school children to leave campus during school hours to attend religious instruction and services.” As a result of this decades-old decision, LifeWise has been able to legally establish chapters at over 500 locations across 23 states, which has resulted in roughly 31,000 students who now regularly engage in biblical teaching during their time at school.

However, “with that success comes a backlash from the legacy media … anti-Christian groups, and even some state legislators,” said Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, on Monday’s episode of “Washington Watch.” He referred to an article published by The Associated Press, which he described as an “attempted hit piece of concern about children receiving instruction from the Bible.”

The AP wrote, “Critics … worry the programs spend public school resources on religion, proselytize to students of other faiths and remove children from class in a state already struggling with literacy.” But most of the evidence shows that LifeWise has been more of a positive addition to public schools rather than inflicting any sort of harm. According to the 2023 LifeWise Outcome Report, improved attendance, lower discipline rates, and higher academic performance are all benefits enjoyed by the public schools that contain LifeWise chapters.

And so, while AP is sounding false alarms on a program that is aiding communities, Perkins posed the question: “Where is the concern about children being exposed to the s*xualized messages of the LGBT agenda?” And while “many public libraries are doing these drag queen story hours,” he added, AP is choosing to lament over students “going off of school property [when] no school dollars [are] involved,” and with parental consent to learn about faith.

Penton, who is the current CEO of LifeWise, joined the discussion on Monday’s episode. “[T]hey try to make it sound like a controversy,” he said. “[B]ut I’d have to say it’s a manufactured controversy because the truth is, we are being welcomed with open arms when we go and meet with schools.” Ninety-three percent of those meetings end with an agreement between the program and the school. Penton also mentioned LifeWise has “incredible responses from parents [and] from community members,” so it’s really just “a small segment of our society … [that] doesn’t like to see the next generation in increasing numbers being taught the Word of God.”

The reality is, Penton explained, “[I]f people are concerned about literacy rates, if they’re concerned about kids missing class, then they should love what we’re doing with LifeWise Academy.” He added, “[W]hen LifeWise Academy is implemented … kids are showing up for school that much more. They’re spending a lot more time in class, which is why you’re seeing behavior improve. You’re seeing test scores improve.” As Perkins emphasized, “[W]hen kids are able to step outside of the school for an hour a week … and hear a message that there’s a God who made them and loves them, it gives them motivation to go to school and do their best.”

He added, “It’s not a surprise … that when you invest the Word of God into the hearts of children, it produces fruit.” And it’s especially important “that we talk to these kids during this very formative time in their life, when their worldview is being formulated.”

“The truth is that this can work anywhere across the country,” Penton explained, and the way LifeWise is established in schools “is through local people voicing their support.” All it takes is going to and choosing the school district you’re interested in. At least 50 signatures are needed for each community to begin the process of implementing the program. But ultimately, Penton said, “it starts with people saying, ‘I want this in my community.’”

Perkins concluded, “If there was ever a time that our kids needed the ability to hear this message that God created them, loves them, and they have a future, now is the time.”

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Planned Parenthood Tries to Dodge Lawsuit, Claims Video Evidence of Abortion Trafficking Is ‘Hypothetical’

As gratifying as it is to see big corporations and sports leagues back off Pride Month, there are plenty of other ways C...

As gratifying as it is to see big corporations and sports leagues back off Pride Month, there are plenty of other ways Christians can — and should — be engaging the world this June. Here are 5 ways Christians can be salt and light this month:

1. Recognize that Pride masks much deeper pain.
2. Accept that you can’t fix someone, only Jesus can.
3. Live your own life joyfully and purposefully.
4. Reach out one-on-one.
5. Be prepared to be rejected.


IDF Rescues 4 Hostages from Gaza, Showing Continued Israeli Resolve

Initiative 2081, otherwise known as the Parents’ Bill of Rights, is a measure that was started by voters in the state of...

Initiative 2081, otherwise known as the Parents’ Bill of Rights, is a measure that was started by voters in the state of Washington that “would provide certain rights to parents and guardians of public-school children, including rights to review instructional materials, inspect records, receive certain notifications, and opt out of certain activities, like s*xual-health education.” In March, this initiative was approved by both the state Senate and House “by super majorities, and since it was an initiative started by voters, it does not require a governor’s signature to take effect,” KOMO News reported.

Family Research Council’s Jody Hice, former congressman and guest host of “Washington Watch,” explained on Friday’s episode how the Parents’ Bill of Rights “ensures that parents are not left in the dark on details of their child’s education.” But late in May, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in Washington sued the state to stop the initiative from taking effect, claiming the measure “will result in harm to LGBTQ+ students, youth of color, and students from other marginalized backgrounds.” The lawsuit also stated the initiative violated “the Washington Constitution by failing to identify the many existing laws it changes.”

The most recent development involved a Washington judge who ruled against ACLU’s lawsuit, which allowed I-2081 to go into effect last week. And yet, just when the controversy seemed to be dying down, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal told Washington State’s 295 school districts to dismiss the new law. In a statement released by his office, Reykdal said, “Our state’s guidance has maintained that, in order to protect student privacy and safety, schools should communicate with students who disclose they are transgender or gender expansive about the student’s individual needs, preferences, and safety concerns. It is the student’s decision when and if their gender identity is shared, and with whom.”
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Hice emphasized that what it comes down to is “we have an elected official telling public employees to break the law.” To which FRC’s Senior Fellow for Education Studies Meg Kilgannon added, “[I]t really is incredible.” She continued, Reykdal “thinks it’s a good idea for him to oppose a law” the citizens of Washington clearly wanted to put in place. As Kilgannon pointed out, “[That’s] quite a move” on his part.

She also noted that “even the Democrats in the state legislature decided that they better not fight the people,” which only further proves that Reykdal is making decisions that “do the bidding of the left-wing teachers unions and … leftist interests” over that of the majority of those within the state. Ultimately, Kilgannon explained, “This state superintendent is trying to undermine [voters] who have said they want to locally control their schools, and they just want to be informed of what’s happening in their schools” — which seems to be “too much for the state superintendent.”

It’s “absolutely unbelievable,” Hice said, that someone with the position like Reykdal’s would be so quick to “defy the will of the people, the will of the legislature, [and] the law itself.” But as Kilgannon highlighted, “in a state like Washington … that’s so deeply blue and has been … under the control of the Democratic Party for so long,” it’s “a hopeful sign that the voters in Washington” are passing initiatives that demonstrates the parental rights movement “is finally getting some traction.” And as Hice emphasized, it’s specifically encouraging to see it coming from the people, not just the legislatures.

Reykdal will be part of the state’s jungle primary in August “where the top two vote-getters will be on the ballot in November,” Kilgannon pointed out, so now is the time to “be engaged in this election.” “[W]e’re getting places,” Kilgannon concluded, but the work isn’t done.

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Just 19% of Biden Supporters Say Marriage and Childbearing Should Be a Societal Priority

A popular trend among self-styled conservative pundits is to mock Democrats and left-wingers as stupid, and it isn’t dif...

A popular trend among self-styled conservative pundits is to mock Democrats and left-wingers as stupid, and it isn’t difficult to understand why. Every time that Joe Biden invents a new dialect of gibberish, every time that Kamala Harris cackles like a hyena in public, every time that a White House press secretary has to “circle back,” every time that a Democrat-nominated Supreme Court pick can’t answer basic questions about basic biology, it’s fodder for Fox News’s alternative to “The Tonight Show.” But for all the outrageous, logic-defying nonsense that Democrats spout, there is one field of study that they have mastered completely: war.

It was once the case that Democrats and Republicans agreed on representing the best interests of the American people but simply disagreed on how best to represent those best interests. Should we raise taxes to provide more services for those who can’t afford them otherwise, or should we lower taxes so that those folks can afford those services on their own? Should we regulate this market or that to ensure that companies are trading fairly, or should we trust the public to make their preferences known through the almighty dollar?

This system no longer exists, and if events continue on their current trajectory — unobstructed, unchallenged, and unchanged — then the very America which could even facilitate such a system will be no more than a distant memory relegated to the realm of impossibility. At this juncture in time, there is no common ground, there is no agreement between Democrats and Republicans on representing the best interests of the American people or even on what those best interests are. Now, there is only war, and Republicans are losing. Worse than that, some Republicans seem to be blithely unaware that they are even involved in a war.

Democrats have captured and weaponized nearly every single American institution of any significance or consequence. Schools catechize children in LGBTism and secretly transgenderify kids, the FBI targets American Catholics and concerned parents as potential domestic terrorists, and the Democrats’ chief political opponent has been convicted in a sham trial that would have made even a Soviet’s jaw drop. What few institutions the Democrats don’t completely control are ignored, undermined, and targeted for either retribution or annihilation. The Democratic president openly defies the orders of the Supreme Court while his dogs in corporate media smear the credibility of its most conservative justices. Immigration law is blatantly and repeatedly flouted, leaving the nation’s borders in a dangerous shamble. The lawful impeachment of Democratic officials is summarily dismissed by the Party’s operatives in the Senate.

While Democrats have spent the past several decades infiltrating and slowly capturing and weaponizing everything they could get their hands on, too many Republicans spent that time poring over polling data, looking for “consensus” and “political viability.” In other words, Democrats were preparing for war while innumerable naïve Republicans were working on marketing campaigns. Unfortunately, there is still a wing of the Republican Party where this apparent blissful unawareness of the raging conflict over America’s soul is the norm.

Just last week, Democrats brutalized the American justice system in a punitive effort to imprison their chief political opponent, Donald Trump. The trial was a sham from the start. A Democratic prosecutor brought misdemeanor charges — that other prosecutors had already decided amounted to nothing — and elevated them to felony charges on the claim that Trump had committed another crime he has never been convicted of. The trial was conducted in a heavily-Democratic venue with a Democrat presiding as judge who devised a novel set of jury instructions — all to keep a political candidate off the campaign trail and put him in prison. Trump now faces a potential maximum of 20 years in prison.

The Trump conviction galvanized Republican voters. Countless conservatives who had expressed doubts about voting for Trump in 2024 now donned MAGA hats, tens of millions of dollars in campaign donations started rolling in, and polling shows that Republican voters are even more likely to back Trump after his conviction. But the naked abuse of the justice system didn’t galvanize Republican officials on the same scale. Some were bold enough to pledge to stand up to the Democratic Party’s Soviet-style political pogrom, defiantly pledging not to “aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart.” But some seemingly just shrugged and went back to “business as usual.”

On Tuesday, for example, seven Republican senators voted with Democrats to confirm a Biden appointee to a federal court. Democrats had all the votes that they needed, no Republican vote was necessary. But instead, seven Republicans — after having witnessed Biden and his Democratic Party cronies subvert, abuse, and weaponize the courts and the justice system in a clear attempt to imprison the presumptive Republican presidential nominee — after having witnessed the Democrats attack and castigate the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, for years — even after all that, these seven Republicans still felt the need to turn their back on their own party, cross the aisle, and give their seal of approval to a Biden judicial pick.

Democrats aren’t stupid, but it seems that some Republicans might be. Up until recently, Republicans simply have not understood war. An entire swath of elected Republicans are still under the impression that they’re in high school debate club, that the teacher may stand up any minute now and remind the other team to play by the rules. There are no rules anymore. The prolific William F. Buckley, Jr. once offered his definition of what a conservative is: “A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.” Years ago, Republicans took this definition to heart, resulting in page after page of “strongly-worded letters,” thousands of tweets, and a nearly-unlimited supply of instances of Republicans crying out, “Hypocrisy!”

Democrats decided years ago that policy is war: anything that can be fashioned into a weapon will be, and no quarter will be given. Republicans must understand that Democrats do not value bipartisanship, they do not value a Republican senator’s seal of approval, they do not seek common ground — they eviscerated common ground with a scalpel and sucked up its body parts with a vacuum and now sell its organs on the black market. Democrats seek complete and total dominance. Not a compromise, not a coalition, not a peaceful transition of power, not a treaty, not a return to normalcy, only complete and total social, cultural, financial, political, and even spiritual dominance.

It is necessary now for Republicans to, in the words of William Shakespeare, “imitate the action of the tiger; Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, Disguise fair nature with hard-favour’d rage…” The blast of war has blown in our ears, and all the compromises in the world will not appease the appetites of Hell, the very appetites fueling the abortion industry, Pride Month and the LGBT agenda, institutionalized child-grooming, and the opening of America’s borders to criminal cartels and millions of unidentified individuals with unknown motives. The majority of Democrats have made the wanton butchering of unborn children the central tenet of their scheme for the nation, they celebrate the sin of so**my and tell its practitioners that they and their worth are defined by their aberrant s*x acts, they condone ripping children’s groins to shreds and call the whole grisly affair “lifesaving.”

One of the chief reasons, of course, that Trump has been targeted is that he taught Republicans the art of war in a way they had forgotten decades prior. Republicans had been sending their finest debaters and orators to Washington, D.C. for years; Trump came as a pugilist, wearing a pair of rhetorical brass knuckles. Others have had the courage to follow his lead. A new generation of Republicans — both in office and on the ground — have learned that the nation is devoured by war and have determined not to debate, not to discuss, not to compromise, but to fight for the heart and soul of America. Men like Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro had the gall to stand for the American people and are now being sent to prison for their courage. Senators like Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) have the temerity to put America’s interests above their own and are slandered for it.

History, the legendary Winston Churchill once theorized, will be written by the victors. How will this chapter of America’s history be written? Will Trump be vilified as a traitor and a convicted felon, or will he be remembered as a man who put even his freedom on the line for the American people? Will the Democrats be remembered as champions of democracy, or will they go down in history alongside the NKVD and KGB? To determine the answer to these questions, Republican officials must decide whether or not they are willing to fight for the Americans they represent and the principles upon which this nation was founded. And Republican voters must decide who they want representing them — principled pugilists or the authors of strongly-worded letters?

The present chapter of America’s history will be written by those with the will to fight, those with the courage and conviction not to back down in the face of corruption and political persecution. Such men and women are out there, such men and women are even now fighting that fight. The only question is whether the American people will stand behind them as they, like the Bard, cry, “Once more unto the breach!” or whether the American people will be placated by strongly-worded letters.

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