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Kimberly.Atkinson ✧ Divine Channel ✧ Ascension & Manifestation Coach ✧Intuitive ✧ 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓲𝓻𝓮𝓼 do come true ✧

When the 3 letter acronym cult companies spend millions of dollars learning about YOU, it should peak your interest as t...

When the 3 letter acronym cult companies spend millions of dollars learning about YOU, it should peak your interest as to why?🤔

To spend millions of dollars in secret on something that they preach to all of humanity there is no such thing is very peculiar don’t you think?

You have no soul.. you are not spirit..

You are hackable animals with no purpose or value..

YET they want to learn ALL about your soul… Your spirituality and the invisible nature of your beingness.

Your DNA, your consciousness, your intuition and the Laws behind all things.

Wake up .. YOU are POWERFUL…

Your invisible powers and where they come from are what they have spent centuries trying to understand.

Your thoughts are now in high demand to harness and control towards one ideal…👽

Look at what they are spending millions of dollars on.

Accessing and controlling YOU and your spiritual powers.

Maybe it’s time you pay attention to them and give them the attention the CIA has.

Maybe consider the fact there’s more to you than the 3D hologram and maybe, just maybe you might be here for SO much more than you can imagine.

If you only used your imagination…💣💥

All of you have spiritual faculties that when harnessed and understood you would be the “superhuman” you already are..

Not an AI robot, but a true authentic superhuman.

You have witnessed everyday people turn their life around on a dime.

They go from struggle to excess and abundance quickly.

You think this might be coincidence?

Coincidence is a word we made up to justify a result without understanding the result.

Everything we create has a cause behind its manifestation.

Coincidence is simply what happens when we work with Universal Laws instead of against them..

Wouldn’t now be a great time to take back control of your personal reality?

To effortlessly manifest the business you dream about?

To live a life you want now and not wait until you’re too old to enjoy it.

What our infamous government knows about you, they hide from you.

They never wanted you to know the truth about your reality..

It’s time you do…

The VAULT will bring deep understanding of the nature of your reality and how you navigate it as electromagnetic beings.

Your Frequency is your Currency for manifesting all your desires..

5 Day Masterclass
$111 until doors open this Wednesday than it will be
Link to join below 👇


Open your mind…🔮

There are two pieces to manifestation not one..Seeing as there are no mistakes in nature, than it would be obvious that ...

There are two pieces to manifestation not one..

Seeing as there are no mistakes in nature, than it would be obvious that what you’re passionate about, what you love is related to the purpose you were assigned to by our creator.

What do you think that feeling in your body means?

Or why you are so in love with a particular thing or subject?

Why it comes easier to you than others?

Why does it persist your whole life in nudging you towards its fulfillment?

Your purpose has more meaning than what most believe.

Each one of you have one and ALL of you are intricately designed to work together in its fulfillment for the greater good of all.

Everything in nature has a purpose and it always impacts the whole.

For one person to slip off their path and than another you find begin to see a world of chaos instead of one of harmony.

Your purpose comes with living a life of abundance and meaning.

This is the meaning behind “abundance is our birthright”.

All soul purpose is found on the vibration frequency of harmony and love.

How can it not be considering God blessed you with it.

The vibration of harmony is the same vibration of abundance, health and wealth.

They are all one and the same.

Harmony is Natures immutable Law..

Our compliance or non compliance will be obvious with what we manifest into the physical..

Our life reflects to us our level of compliance…

These truths may seem simple & subtle in terms of the importance of how you were designed to create your reality…but truth is all there is…

Harmony is simple… CHAOS is what brings challenges.

These are just some of the hidden truths behind who you really are and the power that all of you have at your fingertips.

If you would like to dive deeper into these Laws The VAULT MasterClass is for you.

We need to take the finite, the human ego out of how the Universe operates..

And realize Cosmic the Laws are not personal.. they are *impersonal*.

You comply or you don’t either way you will ALWAYS reap what you choose…

Starts June 19
Link below 👇

A reality was created where an “idea” would control the world..This idea was the invention of money.  This could only be...

A reality was created where an “idea” would control the world..

This idea was the invention of money.

This could only be implemented by the few who owned everything.

They created a “thing” called money that would control humanities survival.

Money is the only “thing” that can feed us, put a roof over our heads, provide healthcare and if any is left over maybe provide experiences and luxuries.


Was this system purposely implemented to create the idolization of something?
(Which we are never to idolize anything)

Is it working? Like clockwork…

Generation after generation the squeeze of not having enough money continues to create destruction & chaos in the lives of the many.

This “system” continues because it’s based on a Natural Law that most have no idea about.

Lack of knowledge leads to ignorance and this is how the “system” has been able to sustain itself.

Hidden information is what keeps humanity believing that struggle & hard work is a normal way of life.

The expectation that “life is hard” is exactly why it continues to be for so many.

Whatever you normalize, recognize and familiarize yourself with WILL be the world you live in.

Have you ever wondered how someone creates insane results quickly and easily in the exact same business you are in, while you continue to work hard?

It’s not what they’re doing that’s getting them their results…it’s that they’re doing things in a certain way…

“Luck” is a word created to describe something unknown..

Yet the truth is, it’s working in harmony with the creative principle in Nature that makes a person “lucky”.

Natural Law is immutable, its exact and precise and it never fails to bring into form what it is given…

The world without is the consequence of the world within you.

You don’t change the physical world IN the physical world. 🤦‍♀️

Effects don’t change effects.. CAUSES do!!💣💥

It’s time to open The Vault.

This is for you if;

🔥You’re ready to effortlessly manifest the wealth & freedom you deserve
🔥You’re ready to unleash your full potential and step into your greatness
🔥You want to create a life of abundance, purpose, and meaning

5 Day Masterclass
$111 until doors open June 19 than the price will be $222
Link to join us below ⬇️

There is a powerful fluid substance that permeates all things that we cannot see. It’s what we use to manifest everythin...

There is a powerful fluid substance that permeates all things that we cannot see.

It’s what we use to manifest everything in our reality.

As creators, WE create our income, our health, our happiness, WE create it all.

Where we have been steered wrong is how WE create.

Where we create.

And how do we change something we created that we no longer want..

The idea that what you want takes hard work or a long time to achieve it is utter BS.

But if you believe this then the lie becomes truth for you in your reality.

Manifesting is an exact science.

Yet you can’t leave out spirit as both are responsible for the creative process of how manifestation works.

The VAULT is going to show you the secrets behind manifestation that most have no idea about.

This MasterClass is for those of you who want to master the art of manifestation.

If you want to better understand what “collapsing time” actually means and how to do it or how to create quantum leaps in your business than this is for you.

You have to be ready & willing to play in a world where thoughts, inspiration and intuition live.

The 3D is nothing but a holographic image of your inner world.

If you want to change your income, your health or business it happens outside the hologram.

Too many of you are still in the hologram trying, struggling and doing all the things the old paradigm told you to do..

It’s exhausting and it isn’t sustainable.

It is a trick of perception that keeps you from ever having what you want..

This is why I created The VAULT.

You will learn;
🔮How to leverage the power of manifestation to achieve incredible success in your business (without doing more!)
🔮How you set yourself up to always be in the vibration of abundance.

🔮How you were tricked to be a match for EVERYTHING you never wanted… and how to reverse engineer thus to ONLY match what you want.. ( this is pure power)

⭐️80% of all manifestation takes place in the invisible world you all have access to…

⭐️20% of all manifestions take place in the visible. Your 3D hologram..

🤦‍♀️Guess where most try to make more money, get more clients and make more sales?

In the visible.. 👈👈

Money in its original form is energy which is found in the invisible….the paper money that so many idolize is found in the visible..

Money is in two places at the same time and how we manifest more of it ONLY happens in one place…💣💥

You need to stop trying to change the paper and go where the money really is..

Synchronicities, miracles and magic happen when you tap into this universal intelligence..

The VAULT 5 Day MasterClass
Begins Wed June 19
$111 with lifetime access to
Link to jump in below 👇

EEEEk…I can’t express how excited I am about this…When you know you know.. It’s  blatantly obvious to some of you that a...

EEEEk…I can’t express how excited I am about this…

When you know you know..

It’s blatantly obvious to some of you that a nefarious yet stealthy manipulation has taken place within humanity.

When each one of you have your own unique fingerprint of who you are, it begs the question why most of humanity lives very similar lifestyles.

I mean if we’re all unique with our own specific purpose and path, why are we all creating similar realities?

Hijacking our minds is how.

We all have witnessed people break free from this hive mind to go on to create wealth & abundance in their lives.

This is evidence that you all are creators of your reality..

Nothing is set in stone..

The cards dealt to you at birth DO NOT determine your life (unless you let it).

There have been so many lies & deception given to you that had only one purpose … CONTROL..

To keep all of you from creating a life you love.. one that is full of happiness, purpose, fulfillment and extraordinarily experiences to one that is filled with the exact opposite.

NO ONE is stuck..

NO ONE has to succumb to a mediocre life full of struggle and scarcity.

This my friends is a “program”.

And there are many “programs” to choose from if only you were aware of them.

This 3D matrix has been manipulated into what people call a prison planet.

It’s a dimensional blend copy created to trick humanity into believing all its propaganda and lies.

The output is a prison of lack and fear created through the minds of humans.

Change the information… YOU exit this FALSE reality.

THIS is what entrepreneurs have done to create massive success in their business in short periods of time.

They no longer play by the rules.. which in that moment of choice they gained access to NEW information that was otherwise unavailable …

THIS changed their reality.

There is an INVISIBLE POWER that creates your reality..

It’s just been hidden from all of you so you would ignorantly use it to manifest everything you don’t want.

Nothing is supposed to be hard..

Struggle and burnout is not NORMAL.

WE have accepted false “ideas” and these “ideas” are exactly what prevents us from accessing our true power and infinite potential..

Enough’s enough.

🔥Making insane money is NOT bad.
🔥Feeling guilty for wanting MORE in your life is NOT bad..
🔥Not wanting to be like everyone else is NOT bad..

Just these three “ideas” alone are why you are stuck, frustrated and burnt out in your business.

You’re using your INVISIBLE POWER backwards..

⭐️If you are done with the old ways of “doing” what makes you successful and you are ready to make success your lifestyle..

⭐️If you KNOW something off because you watch other online business coaches killing it and you want to know how they’re doing it..

⭐️If you’re open to NEW ideas that will be in conflict with most of your beliefs …👈👈

The VAULT is for you.

The Truth always comes out.. and NOW is the time you know how to create the life and business you want and DO it!!

If you *choose* to..

Is a 5 Day Masterclass beginning June 19
Presale price is $99 until Monday.
Link to jump in is below ✌️💕

I do a post like this every once in a while specifically for anyone with an online business or thinking about starting o...

I do a post like this every once in a while specifically for anyone with an online business or thinking about starting one.

Firstly, always listen to your heart and soul and never sway.

You will ALWAYS be safe and lead towards the fulfillment of your destiny.

You are here for a reason and your online business is the perfect vehicle for you to express it … GO!!!

Yes you will experience rejection, judgement and haters who won’t like anything you do … lol

THIS is just part of having an online business. 🤷‍♀️

It is just part of what happens when your opinion or skills trigger others who don’t align with them.

And this is perfect…🔥

THIS happens when you show up as someone different.. with different beliefs..with different ways to do things.. and YOU are confident enough to stand out..

You’re like a purple light in a room full of blue lights.

You stick out from the crowd..

You’re different.. how dare you! 😉🤣

You own who you are… your uniqueness and you lead yourself from your passion & purpose that lights you up..

This is what happens when you choose to stick out and be you…👇

💥Your confidence skyrockets
💥Your creativity is off the charts
💥You’re excited and sell everyday
💥Your income blows up
💥You attract aligned clients who love what you teach
💥You’re happy 👈👈👈👈

It’s quite magical how all these things seem to show up out of “nowhere” when you take action aligned with your purpose.

Action is what the universe responds to..

Not non-action..🙄

👉 You get to live a life you love 👈

By you showing up you pave the way for others to do so also.🔥

You’re here for it all and YOU boldly show up as YOU everyday because you LOVE what you do..

Decide today to show up powerfully and watch how the universe responds …



Awakened humans do not judge the ones who sleep. The sleepers judge everyone who do not dream the same dreams. 😩 BE you.. Stick out… and live unapologetically!🔥

It’s no wonder those beautiful souls who desire to create and sustain a online  coaching business wobble. There’s so muc...

It’s no wonder those beautiful souls who desire to create and sustain a online coaching business wobble.

There’s so much more to it than what most people know.

💸You want more freedom..

💸You want more time to do things that your 9-5 job can’t allow you to do.

💸You want to make more money without having a cap on how much you can make.

💸You want to work less, enjoy life and live your life your way.

These are amazing ideals and you deserve all of what you desire but they come at a cost.

You have to be able to withstand rejections, haters, default payments, and everything in between.

To do this is easy when you start your coaching business for the right reasons.

When you KNOW what you love and what comes easy to you and you want to share it with the world…

THIS creates a solid foundation..
THIS is the power you bring with conviction around what you do..
THIS is what sustains you and your business through the growing pains.

If you’re just wanting a coaching business because you think it will be easy to make insane money.. or give you more freedom ..

You won’t last…

It’s your purpose that creates conviction.

It’s what keeps you moving forward no matter what..

Purpose is a powerful force that leads you courageously through every step in your business ..

It’s what surrounds you and allows you to stand in your power and never give it away.

You become bulletproof.. NO ONE can stop you from where you’re going..

You live for you.. not for others.

To be successful you must lead you before you lead anyone.

To be successful you must stick out.. and the best way to do that is by being YOU.

There is nothing more powerful than your purpose.

Your purpose is the driving force behind everything you do..

🔥It’s what attracts your ideal clients because they can feel your energy…
🔥It’s what continues to give you ideas on what to sell in your programs and master classes..
🔥It’s what tells you it’s time to go BIGGER.. and you listen..😉

It’s your own personal divine GPS system that KNOWS exactly what you want and KNOWS exactly how you get it.

Your intellect has NO idea how to tap into the quantum field and access the “illogical” ideas that will bring you what you want…

It ONLY knows what’s logical and linear. 😩

It’s never too late to start or rebrand your coaching business.

But lead from your passion & BE that version of you …unapologetically..

What guarantees your success is who you choose to be…


Something’s coming……


You don’t match other people’s standards. You set yours high and they match yours!

**This is a kind reminder to everyone..**There will always be someone who won’t like you.There will always be humans tha...

**This is a kind reminder to everyone..**

There will always be someone who won’t like you.

There will always be humans that are triggered by you.

This is unavoidable because most of humanity have lost their true essence and have become a downgraded version of what they once were.

They hate you if you don’t agree with them.

They judge you when you make them feel uncomfortable for who YOU are.

YOU must be strong enough to keep showing up authentically.

Never let another persons opinion of you reflect who you are.

Uniqueness is frowned upon in this matrix and conformity is overpopulated.

Choose the road less travelled my friends.

It’s a much more peaceful and happier place to live your life.

When you lead yourself from a place of authenticity there’s an inner power you connect to that overshadows all the outside noise.

You barely hear it and you pay no attention to it.

You did not come here to live your life based on someone else’s ideas or beliefs.

You came here to live an extraordinary life and create incredible experiences based on what you love.

Be you unapologetically ✌️💕


This is a pivotal time my friends and YOU are the only ONE who can change things.

The link to the interview of the doctor I’m referring to is in comments below.


If we’re measuring our ability of success based on our 5 senses we will never get what we want, we’ll continue getting what we already have.

𝐀 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞…Dear Universe, I need to know the root of my unhappiness. Why do I wake up exhausted be...

𝐀 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞…

Dear Universe,
I need to know the root of my unhappiness.
Why do I wake up exhausted before my day even begins?
Why do I feel this insane heaviness weighing me down?
I can’t seem to find peace and happiness ..

In one word it’s YOU. You are the cause of your happiness and let me explain why.
From the moment you began your little life you were unable to fully express your self.
The ideals and pressures your world offers was the beginning of the heaviness that you describe.
You slowly let go of your dreams and your desires and began conforming to the world and everything within it.
You began living your life for everyone but you. THIS is the root and the beginning of your unhappiness.
The compounding of year after year holding all the expectations and ideals of who you need to be is the cause of the heaviness you describe.
You wanted to please your family so you became what they wanted you to be.
You sought validation, worthiness and love from living up to society’s standards.
Most of your world and all its rules frown upon you being your unique self, it prefers you to fit a mold that it has created for you.
The pain and rejection that comes when you attempt to be yourself is too much. So you’re living a life you were never meant to live.
Your endless self talk is like a bully on a playground. With your constant criticizing, comparing, and judgment you have beat your self image into oblivion.
It’s quite difficult to be happy when you listen to all the things you say to yourself throughout the day.
The list of what you say you do wrong would be enough but you continue with how ugly you are, that you are a failure and unlovable.
And you wonder what could cause you to feel unhappiness????
THIS is the root cause of your unhappiness you speak of.
Happiness is a state of being.
And this state of being is when you are being YOU..the purest most innocent version of you.
This is why children are so happy.
Children are innocent, authentic and vulnerable as they look at the world through the lense of who they are…
When you ignore YOU, by conforming to someone else’s ideal of who you should be, the lense you look through changes.
Peace is a vibration, as is happiness.
Which true happiness is only available when you allow yourself to to show up as YOU..
You are truly amazing.
You were not created to change into something else?
Or you would have been created that way in the beginning..
The moment you choose you no longer need validation and love from outside yourself the heaviness disappears.
You are enough.
But you need to KNOW this.
Live this way and lead your life from this truth.
When you do, you will live a life of happiness, joy, abundance and wellbeing like you have not yet experienced.
Be like a child is the key to your happiness.

Love the Universe
Xo 💕⭐️

*This conversation may just be what you needed to hear today to decide to live your life your way and on your own terms.

Set yourself free ..

TRUTH  post.. will trigger you.. and I hope it does..😉Did you know nobody cares how successful or unsuccessful you are a...

TRUTH post.. will trigger you.. and I hope it does..😉

Did you know nobody cares how successful or unsuccessful you are as long as they feel good around you?

Did you know if you wanted to earn more money, lose weight or live more extravagantly you will be hated and judged by those most closest to you?

Did you know you’re making decisions about your life, your health, your desires around what these people think about you?

When most settle for a regular life and YOU choose not to..

You will stick out. You will be judged.

This is why you haven’t created the life you want.

You’re giving up your desires, dreams and ideals to avoid feeling shame for wanting more than others.

This is your life and you have decided to settle for a life you don’t want, for the ones who won’t even support you and your dreams?

Think about that.

To live an extraordinary life you need to be extraordinary..not ordinary.🤯

You need to decide that what you want IS more important than what others will think of you.

Then you go!!!! You Move… and go get what you want.

Truth only hurts the ego..the real you knows this is true.

I’m not afraid to hurt your ego.

I want to light the fire in your heart and soul so you do what you are robbing yourself from having.

You want something most don’t dare to dream about so know you walk amongst the few.

Cultivate a confidence that is unwavering and DECIDE you will have the life you’ve always dreamed about unapologetically.

This is how successful people lead themselves.


As creators, WE create. Whether it’s what we want or not WE are creating what our life looks like. Let that sink in!🤯


You are NOT here for everyone. Your uniqueness attracts those with similar vibrational resonance. You will know those who do not align but don’t allow them to stop you from BEing you!


This is one of my favorite downloads recently… the codes found within them can change your whole life in this moment if you receive them…Xo


There’s so much more to you than you currently know.

It’s the perfect time to get curious and open your heart to hear and see what lies just outside your awareness.

Magick and miracles are what we are here to create..🫶❤️.


🔮Deception..Trickery.. Sorcery..Illusion🔮

This is how the false matrix operates.

Everything is inverted.

The only way to continue with the collective hypnotism and obedience of humans is by deceiving them at every turn.

Censoring is their go to, to lock in ONE narrative.

Keep the humans A S L E E P just a little bit longer…

One of the many characteristics of an awakened spiritual BEing is their natural ability for seeing through lies..

Illusions.. that are not a energetic match to them..

Humans are not victims and it’s time they remember this.

Victims need saving ..

Devine spiritual BEings do not.

It’s a choice…

Choose wisely..

🔮 Dearest angelic BEings, this is how you do it…it will bring you more freedom, happines and health if you will but trus...

🔮 Dearest angelic BEings, this is how you do it…it will bring you more freedom, happines and health if you will but trust it.⭐️

Expand your 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 by BEing someone different today.

Allow an idea, an inspired thought to take you somewhere new.

We are surrounded by a field of energy that is intelligent.

The more our 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 expands the more access to information we will receive.

Information that answers our deep and profound questions that we ask in silence.

Information that can ONLY become available when this expansion happens.

All answers exist now.

All ways to manifest what we want is available to us now.

No-𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 takes months or years to become some-𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨.

Anything that feels like hard work and a struggle is a “signal” we are out of alignment …let it go and listen to your soul.

We are meant to dance with this energy and listen to where it takes us.

We don’t tell it where to take us..

We allow it to lead us towards the fulfillment and manifestion of our desires.

So if you have spent years looking, waiting, asking and pleading for what you want and it seems to evade you this is why.

Have you done something new?

Have you allowed yourself to BE someone different?

We are one with the field.

If we expand, the field responds.

If we stay the same, so do this field.

How can something be scary when it’s elevating our BEingness?

When it’s moving us towards becoming a better version of ourselves?

As we rise in frequency we transmute the lower frequencies leaving the illusion of fear behind us.

Fear is just a frequency.

Expanded 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 dissolves fear.

The next time fear creeps it’s little head when you contemplate a new idea, remember it only exists from your current level of 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴.

Doing something new is BEing someone new and this is the key to expanded 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴.

The unknown is not scary..

It is the portal that leads us towards the fulfillment of our desires.

Walk through it in confidence.

There is nothing to lose..

Staying where we are keeps us where we are.

Energetically speaking it is impossible to have anything new come into our reality if we choose to fear the unknown.

The blind spot is that hoping, wishing and waiting will bring us what we want as we carry out each day doing the exact same things..


This IS living Groundhog Day!

Our frequency is a fractal code that the universe responds to.

Our 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 holds these codes.

We cannot continue to waste our time waiting and hoping for what we want to mysteriously land on our laps.

KNOW it’s never coming unless we shift our 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴.

This is how easy it is to have the life we all dream about.

This is having faith the size of a mustard seed.

We are safe and we are guided by unconditional love..

Trust YOU…and go into the portal that transcends all limits and beliefs.

Manifest the life you love.. today.


Learn to listen to your higher self and not family, friends or society norms. To have the life that most only dream about…
this is a must.


There is a invisible power we all are surrounded by and have access to everyday..

To think that the material world is where everything happens is exactly why most times nothing happens.

We have been wearing gaming glasses playing in a virtual reality game.
A game that has already been created.
The character believes it’s in control of everything in the game.
If it wants more money it works 3 jobs.

If it wants the perfect relationship it try’s to find it.

If it’s feeling unwell it try’s to fix itself with everything the game provides.

The true reality is you are not the character in the game, you’re a avatar.

You DO have all the power to change things in the game..

But you are not in the game..

You are outside of it..

You are perfect, wealthy, abundant and healthy.

You create. That’s what you are here to do..

Remember who you really are OUTSIDE the game..

Bring YOU into the game instead of believing the character in the game IS you.

You can change the game when you remember you are in the game but not of the game..

It’s all an illusion.


This was a another powerful interview with Celeste Solum who most of you know used to work at FEMA.

She brings us the latest “plans” from the UN and FEMA for humanity.

You can watch full interview on my members platform at

You can find Celeste Solum at 👇


INfinite wisdom lies withIN.

B E L I E V E the opposite of what you currently know.

EVERYTHING that has lead your life was laced in limitation.

KNOW you are an ancient soul..

An eternal consciousness with access to all things outside the 3D realm.

Your essence is sacred, mystical and magical..

You can feel the hum of your higher self within, waiting for you to remember.

Trust the person in the mirror.

You are pure divine light in the invisible realms.

The human is the expression of that light.

Still one light, still pure & divine.

Don’t be mislead through perception.

Lead from inception, the zero point where all things become manifest.



What makes you happy?
Do that..
Our “attention” creates in the field!

I am so EXCITED to see all of the amazing souls still jumping into REVEAL Micro-MasterClass. They are drawn to the unkno...

I am so EXCITED to see all of the amazing souls still jumping into REVEAL Micro-MasterClass.

They are drawn to the unknown and can’t get enough about who they are and what is happening in our world right now…

They want to grow, and become the best version of themselves..
They want harness their SOUL power, that extends across multiple dimensions..

They want to REMEMBER….

I take you down the rabbit hole ..🐇🕳️

Where expansion & activations await you.

When fear has become but a fair memory, a paradigm you no longer give your power to..

YOU become what they always feared…

Discover your uniqueness & purpose as your rise to the calling of your SOUL..

Understand why the highest currency on the planet is your DNA & Consciousness..

To harness your power, you must first know you have it..🔥🔥🔥

Day 2 starts today at 12pm EST
3Day Micro-Masterclass with lifetime access to all recordings.

It’s never too late to KNOWTHYSELF.

Link to join us is in comments below 👇



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