So finally I was able to sell four of my bags which have been sitting in my closet because I really never get to use them. Selling them was not an easy decision because those are designer bags that I really saved up for. I could have just kept them because truth is, to be able to buy those designer brands again would be a long shot since they are way too expensive. Oh, if you're thinking that I made a profit from selling them, I actually did not. My only goal in selling them is to LET GO. Remember Mari Kondo and her ever-famous question "does it spark joy?". Trust me, for a self-confessed shopaholic, a brand-obsessed person like I am, letting go of those LV and Gucci bags that put a significant dent in my pocket did not at all spark joy. Well, at first it did not. Until that day when I decided to open my closet again and reflected on the REAL kind of person that I know I will be happy with. Going through my closet, it's funny to realize how those clothes, purses, and shoes in a way conceal the real person in me. I used to walk confidently in any room and along every hallway as if the faded jeans and old shirt that I was wearing were haute couture. I used to go to events and parties carrying my Secosana bag as if it is a Hermes because it is Philippine-made and I can't help being proud of it. And here's the best part, I did not care about being seen by people bare-faced and specifically, "browless". I may have looked like an alien but I did appreciate the beauty of my natural face which the Lord has blessed me with. At that very moment, there is a feeling of genuine happiness thinking about the idea of letting go of all those designer and branded stuff, starting with my bags, and embracing once again the person that I really am --- one whose style is very basic and lifestyle are really simple, but they spark joy in me! My decision to let go of the things that I thought defined my status in life allowed me to hold on to the real meaning of who, what, why, and how I am.