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Cape Split Press Cape Split Press publishes books that are entertaining and informative with characters who face chal

“I feel like you have to follow the characters and follow the story where it leads, and the last thing I want to do is s...

“I feel like you have to follow the characters and follow the story where it leads, and the last thing I want to do is spoil the book with plot. I think that plot is the last resort of bad writers, as a rule. I’m a lot more interested in characters and situations and you follow it where it goes.” — Stephen King in a 2016 appearance

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett's latest newsletter is available online at In this ...

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett's latest newsletter is available online at In this issue: The importance of mythology in our modern world – giving and accepting criticism – review of Modern Mythmakers by Michael McCarthy.


Authors donalee Moulton and David A. Wimsett with appear this Saturday at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. They’ll have fiction and non-fiction books covering mystery, historical fiction with elements of magic, true crime, science fiction, communication skills and epic fantasy that are sure to interest a wide variety of readers. They’ll be in a tent at the front of the market unless it rains, in which case we’ll be inside. Come on out and say hello. They’d love to see you. David will even sing one of the songs from his fantasy series. Two upon request.

Cape Split Author David A. Wimsett will be appearing at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market this Saturday, July 15th, from 8:3...

Cape Split Author David A. Wimsett will be appearing at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market this Saturday, July 15th, from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. He’ll have his award winning books for sale and would love to meet you. Enjoy the produce, food vendors and crafts people in the lovely Annapolis Valley. Mention this post and get a 5% discount.

The ward winning epic fantasy series from David A. Wimsett set in a world with characters of different genders, gender i...

The ward winning epic fantasy series from David A. Wimsett set in a world with characters of different genders, gender identities, colors and ethnicities. Sorcerers seek to steal a magical crown to release an evil dragon while traitorous nobles secretly plot civil war to establish a misogynistic tyranny. Three people are caught in these webs - Prince Ryckair, Prince Craya and Lady Mirjel. One is cast into the wilderness and seeks a magical talisman to confront the sorcerers. One fights a resistance movement against the sorcerers. One is seduced by them. - -

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett will be appearing at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market this Saturday, July 15th, fr...

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett will be appearing at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market this Saturday, July 15th, from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. He’ll have his award winning books for sale and would love to meet you. Enjoy the produce, food vendors and crafts people in the lovely Annapolis Valley.

Cape Split author David A Wimset’s latest newsletter is online at In this issue: Turing a ...

Cape Split author David A Wimset’s latest newsletter is online at In this issue: Turing a Scf-fi novelette into a full novel, TV series and feature film - Screenwriting tools - Jane Doucet's Fishnets and Fantasies.

There's still time to get your free tickets for the  the Writers Reading over Zoom on June 15th - 3:00 Atlantic, 2:00 Ea...

There's still time to get your free tickets for the the Writers Reading over Zoom on June 15th - 3:00 Atlantic, 2:00 Eastern. Ten authors will read from their works. I’ll present a scene from my award-winning historical novel Beyond the Shallow Bank set in 1901 Nova Scotia with rumors of Celtic mythology. Get your free ticket for this virtual event along with your local start time -

Free Quarterly Reading Event on Zoom

Come join Cape Split author David A. Wimsett in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, for this gathering of authors in July and ...

Come join Cape Split author David A. Wimsett in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, for this gathering of authors in July and August.

Four more days until the Writers Reading on June 15th. This Zoom event is coming from Great Britain and available worldw...

Four more days until the Writers Reading on June 15th. This Zoom event is coming from Great Britain and available worldwide over the Internet. Nine authors will read from their works. Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett will present a scene from my award-winning historical novel Beyond the Shallow Bank set in 1901 Nova Scotia with rumors of Celtic mythology. Get your free ticket for this virtual event along with your local start time -

Free Quarterly Reading Event on Zoom

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett’s latest newsletter is available online. In this issue: Meeting in person again...

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett’s latest newsletter is available online. In this issue: Meeting in person again - Don’t write to trends – Review of J.R.R. Tolkien’s translation of Beowulf.

Don’t try to write to trends or opinion polls. These change too often. By the time your book is ready for publication, t...

Don’t try to write to trends or opinion polls. These change too often. By the time your book is ready for publication, tastes can vanish. Be bold. Sit down and write your book. It's all you can do. The Lord of the Rings was a modest seller when it first appeared in the early 1950s. Nothing like it had been published before. It wasn’t until the 1960s, when college students discovered the books, that it became the hit we know today. J.R.R. Tolkien didn’t write to please fans or media swings. He wrote from his heart. Write from yours. Tell your story. It has just as good a change of selling as trying to catch yesterday’s fad.


Dragons Unremembered by David A. Wimsett, a triple award winner for Fantasy Action & Adventure, Dragons & Mythological Creatures and Literary Science Fiction & Fantasy. The first book in The Carandir Saga is set in an immersive world of , , battles, rivalry, political intrigue, fantastic creatures, and songs peopled with characters of different genders, colors and cultures. Now available on Amazon for 99 cents. Discover how the epic begins.


Spring is here with summer right behind. It’s time for personal appearances. Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett will be returning to the Wolfville Farmers’ Market in
Nova Scotia, Canada, from July to November and will be participating in a special book fair at MereGold Books in Annapolis Royal across from the King’s Theatre on July 3rd and August 8th. Join him in this video as he open some boxes and reveal new covers.

Spring comes later to Nova Scotia, Canada. It's worth the wait.

Spring comes later to Nova Scotia, Canada. It's worth the wait.

Facebook and Instagram have developed bugs that detract from the user experience. In Facebook, when scrolling down the t...

Facebook and Instagram have developed bugs that detract from the user experience. In Facebook, when scrolling down the timeline feed, the posts will suddenly jump up or down several items. I’ve even had this happen while entering a response. In Instagram, the hyperlink to view replies to a post no longer display the response. The hyperlink just flashes between show and hide. I’ve sent message to Meta customer support and received no response. It this a case of life imitating life with a fall back to the 1960s comedy show Laugh In? Lilly Thomlin played the telephone switchboard operator who answered, “Telephone company. We don’t care. We don’t have to.” Mr. , we pay for the use of your social media platforms by accepting advertising, which generates your revenue. In return, we expect a working product. Please devote the resources to fix and maintain Facebook and Instagram.

Police detective George Chen lives in a perfect world.A device implanted in every human brain links them to The Connecti...

Police detective George Chen lives in a perfect world.

A device implanted in every human brain links them to The Connection, a vast network run by AI robots who produce all food and medications. They’re the doctors and scientists, the designers and builders. They create all entertainment and feed cerbdramas directly into people’s brains as if they’re in the story. Humans are free from all drudgery to the extent they no longer have the knowledge to do anything.

George is assigned to investigate a man who broke his link, the most heinous crime of all. He discovers a conspiracy so horrifying it will lead to the extinction of the human race, but it’s not the conspiracy he expected.

amazon . com -
amazon . ca -

Happy Cinco de Mayo. Break out the guacamole.

Happy Cinco de Mayo. Break out the guacamole.


Play the video and listen as David A. Wimsett reads the opening of Beyond the Shallow Bank, his historical fiction novels with elements of the selkies, magical being from Celtic mythology who walk on the land as humans and swim in the sea as seals. A first place award winner at The BookFest Awards, it's available in the original and an illustrated edition. Ask or search for it by name.

May the 4th be with you on this Star Wars day. On May 4th, 1977, a little science fiction movie no studio wanted premier...

May the 4th be with you on this Star Wars day. On May 4th, 1977, a little science fiction movie no studio wanted premiered and became a sensation that continues to this day. George Lucas overcame a shoes-string budget and many obstacles to create an iconic motion picture. His vision extended over a larger story arc of which the original film, later rebranded Episode IV: A New Hope, was one part.

The special effects and sound effects were breath taking. Industrial Light and Magic was formed to bring the world to life with inventions such as the motion capture system that allowed stop action movement to be controlled by a computer to reproduce action repeatedly for seamless synchronization with other shorts. Some shots were amazingly simple, such as the Millennium Falcon entering hyperspace for the first time, creating by pulling the camera back quickly, adding some streaking stars in the background and playing a loud swoosh sound. Audiences were wowed.

The technical aspects improved over the franchise, yet it is this first film that’s still the best. For all its gaffs (such as the jump cut when Luke turns the lightsaber off in the Millennium Falcon, later fixed), the original release of Star Wars has the most heart. Using mythological archetypes, and heavily influenced by Akira Kurosawa’s Japanese Samsuri movie Throne of Blood, created the sense of a real place with real people interacting with one another. Star Wars was the right movie for the right time. The oil embargo in the U.S. had just ended. America felt its world esteem slipping. When a farm boy in a galaxy far, far away rose to defeat the evil galactic empire, people felt heartened. At the end of the picture, they stood in in theaters and cheered. Unprecedented.

Later reworked versions added new special effects, such as the Millennium Falcon rising from the docking bay and turning before it shot into the sky. The new special effects didn’t enhance the story because the plot relies on the relationships and interactions of the characters.

The scene where Han Solos shoots Greedo was changed to imply Jabba’s thug shot first. The scene was supposed to give Han a reason to shoot and make him kinder and gentler. It only served up to diminish his character (Any seasoned smuggler who’d dealt with the underworld would know Greedo was about to kill him and he had to get him first).

In a scene originally shot and removed from the first release, Han Solos meets Jabba the Hut (a human in the original footage and not a slug) in front of the Millennium Falcon. It’s the audiences first site of the space ship. This shot was removed from the final cut. That was a good call because it slowed the story. It takes place takes place before Luke and Ben see the Millennium Falcon and it’s inclusion ruined one of the best jokes in the movie. In the original theatrical release, we don’t see the space ship until Luke, Ben and the robots come down a set of stairs and the camera pans to reveal it. Everyone in the audience thinks, “Wow, what a cool space ship.” Then Luke says, “What a piece of junk.” The juxtaposition brought laughter. When the Millennium falcon is revealed before that scene, it has no power and makes Luke sound petty.

Perhaps the worst thing about the franchise occurred in the first prequel, The Phantom Menace, (other than the irritating and borderline racist portrayal of Jar Jar Binks) is explaining the force as some type of microbe that can be measured instead of the mystical force it was introduced as a mystical force.

Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey elevated science fiction from Saturday matinee fair to high art and paved the way for movies such as Silent Running and Star Wars. Still, the world of Star Wars brought science fiction into the mainstream, even though it recreated the chapter serials of the 1930s.

George Lucas persevered against doubters and skeptics to deliver an influential film where audiences were entertained, and at the same time, challenged to think about issues such as tyranny and envision overcoming it. Thank you, George.

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett’s April newsletter is available online at

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett’s April newsletter is available online at In this issue: Books to film – Learning to show stories from silent movies – Review of The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell.

Cape Split Author David A . Wimsett has submitted his television pilot script, The Connection, to the International Scre...

Cape Split Author David A . Wimsett has submitted his television pilot script, The Connection, to the International Screenplay Association Page Turner Drama Competition. The top winning scripts are included in their database of thousands of contacts, including agents, managers, producers and studios in Hollywood. In a future world, all human beings have links implanted in their brains linked to The Connection, a vast network encompassing the entire planet. People just think to communicate with each other or meet in digitally create locations. People think and robots produce food, clothing, medication and other desired items, then deliver them to their apartments. Robots create cerbdramas in virtual spaces where participants become part of the story. People rarely leave their homes. One man breaks his link. Police detective George Chen is sent to arrest him. George uncovers a conspiracy, but not the one he excepted. The script is based on his science fiction novelette Something on My Mind, available from Amazon as a Kindle and paperback book.

Cape Split Author David A. Wimsett’s March newsletter is now available online.

Cape Split Author David A. Wimsett’s March newsletter is now available online. In this issue - Dragons Unremembered Wins Triple Awards - The Myth of Writer’s Block – Review of Wrenton by Kev Crean.

Every author will reach a point where it’s not clear on how to proceed with a scene. Calling it writers block is both in...

Every author will reach a point where it’s not clear on how to proceed with a scene. Calling it writers block is both inaccurate and not helpful. It's just a part of the process that has to be worked through. Here are four suggestions.

First, take a break. Watch a movie. Go for a walk. Talk with friends. Give you mind a break. You’re not goofing off. You’re reenergizing. As well, your mind will continue to work of the problem in your subconscious. You may find you realize how to handle a problem moments after walling away.

Second, start writing anything. Write "I don't know what to write" over and over with subtle differences each time. Write about what you did that day. Write out the last conversation you had. Embellish these as you go.

Third, you may not be ready to write the scene you’re working on. It may need more consideration, It cold be tied to emotions you have to explore in more depth. Set it aside and work on another scene. You don’t have to write a book in chronological order. You can jump around. A scene where characters get on a bus suggests you may need a scene later where they get off. Go write that, then return to the scene you’re having difficulty with.

Fourth, when you go back to that scene ask, "What happens next?" How do the characters interact with each other. What are their emotional states? What would happen if they walked through the left door instead of the right one?

Not all the material you put down will get into the finished book. That's all right. As athletes must train and condition their muscles, writers must train and condition their minds. Stretching is not winning a race, yet it’s vital if you intend to. Keep writing forward and your mind will follow.

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett’s latest newsletter is online at

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett’s latest newsletter is online at In this issue: New projects and exploring artificial intelligence – Changing locations and point of view – The 50th anniversary edition of J.RR. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Ring.

Cape Split Author David A Wimsett’s January 2023 newsletter is online at

Cape Split Author David A Wimsett’s January 2023 newsletter is online at It’s a little late this month, but you’ll learn why when you read the opening article. In this issue: Inflation hits publishers - writing through tough times, - review of Tina Fosters’ Ten Reasons Why Acquiring Editors and Literary Agents Stop Reading.

Cape Sp;lit Press author David A. Wimsett will be at the Wolfville Farmers' Market on Saturday, December 10th, from 8:30...

Cape Sp;lit Press author David A. Wimsett will be at the Wolfville Farmers' Market on Saturday, December 10th, from 8:30 to1:00 with his novels of historical fiction and epic fantasy. Books make great holiday gifts, especially ones signed by the author. Come on by and say hello.

The site fantasybook.corner_norway on Instagram wrote a review of Cape Split Press author DAvid A. Wimsett's latest nove...

The site fantasybook.corner_norway on Instagram wrote a review of Cape Split Press author DAvid A. Wimsett's latest novel, Covenant With the Dragons. This is the award winning third and final volume of The Carandir Saga that follows Dragons Unremembered and Half Awakened Dreams. You can see the full post at If you enjoy fantasy books you can follow this site for reviews of other fantasy works.

Cape Split author David A. Wimsett's November 2022 newsletter is now available online at

Cape Split author David A. Wimsett's November 2022 newsletter is now available online at In this month's issue: Ensuring Compensation for Writers – Finding a writing method that works for you - Review of John Grisham's Playing for Pizza

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett will appear at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market this Saturday, November 19th, from...

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett will appear at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market this Saturday, November 19th, from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM with his award winning books. The holiday season is upon us. Enjoy the produce, wonderful foods, arts and crafts in Nova Scotia's lovely Annapolis Valley to find that perfect holiday gift.

Cape Split Author David A. Wimsett will be appearing at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market this Saturday, November 12th, from...

Cape Split Author David A. Wimsett will be appearing at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market this Saturday, November 12th, from 8:20 AM to 1:00 PM with his award-winning books that include historical fiction set in 1901 Nova Scotia with elements of Celtic mythology, an epic fantasy series and a dystopian science fiction novelette that asks what the ultimate consequences of a metaverse could be, Please join hi. He loves meeting people and talking about books, the weather and whatever’s on your mind.

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett’s  local member of the Canadian parliament, the Honorable Kody Blois, came by h...

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett’s local member of the Canadian parliament, the Honorable Kody Blois, came by his table at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market this Saturday and took away a copy of the illustrated edition of Beyond the Shallow Bank, Mr. Wimsett’s historical fiction novel set in 1901 Nova Scotia with elements of Celtic mythology that was a first-place winner at The Bookfest Awards in Los Angeles.

At one time, colleges and universities in Canada paid into a fund to compensate writers for their work that was photocopied or digitized as class material. The previous federal government made changes to the copyright act a decade ago that allowed colleges and universities to use our work without compensation.

The current government introduced legislation to return our copyrights so we’re paid for our material. Mr. Wimsett and Mr. Blois talked about this. He offered to present the book on the floor of the house and enter it into the parliamentary record as an example of the kind of works Canadian authors produce every year.

Thank you. Mr. Bloise, for your support of Canadian literature and journalism. All the members of the Writers' Union of Canada and the Canadian Freelance Guild appreciate your efforts.

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett will appear at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market in Nova Scotia, Canada, on Saturda...

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett will appear at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market in Nova Scotia, Canada, on Saturday, November 5th from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm with his award winning books including Covenant With the Dragons, the final volume of his epic fantasy series The Carandir Saga, and Beyond the Shallow Bank, set in 1901 Nova Scotia with rumours of the selkie seal people. Come on by and say hello. David would love to meet you. You can make a day of it in the Annapolis Valley with farm stands, wineries and fine dinning. Take Highway 101 exit 11, the Greenwich Connector. When you reach Highway 1, turn right toward Wolfville and left on Elm. You can park by the old train station that is now the library.

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett's October 2022 newsletter is now available online - https://www.davidawimsett.c...

Cape Split Press author David A. Wimsett's October 2022 newsletter is now available online - In this month's issue; Covenant With the Dragons wins major award – The true meaning of "Write what you know" - Review of Mark Cassell’s horror novel The Shadow Fabric, a perfect Halloween story.

Cape Split Author David A. Wimsett be returning to the Wolfville Farmers’ Market on Saturday, October 15th from 9 to 1 w...

Cape Split Author David A. Wimsett be returning to the Wolfville Farmers’ Market on Saturday, October 15th from 9 to 1 with his books, including Covenant With the Dragons, the third and final volume of his epic fantasy series The Carandir Saga. He’ll also have his historical fiction novel Beyond the Shallow Bank. Set in Nova Scotia in 1901 with rumours of the selkies, seal people from Celtic mythology, it won first-place at the BookFest Awards in Los Angles this April.



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