Jessica Lauren

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Jessica Lauren Coaching WOMEN To Build an Income Online While Creating a Lifestyle They Don't Need a Holiday From

Mentoring YOU, Every Step Of The Way!

Relying on one stream of income… it’s just not possible anymore. I know from experience... The last 12+ months we have b...

Relying on one stream of income… it’s just not possible anymore.

I know from experience...

The last 12+ months we have been relying on just 1 stream of income due to having a new baby, and with the cost of living and everything else in the world increasing… it’s simply just not going to cut it any longer.

Having multiple streams of income is the only way to get by in this new era of life.

That’s WHY I started helping women.. To give them the opportunity to help with the household finances or buy that really nice outfit / gift for themselves.
I also have a passion for coaching a better mindset to open up more possibilities in their life too.

Getting by week to week on a 9-5 wage is just so hard now.

There’s no option to save at this point anymore.

Budgeting your grocery shop, going down the aisle clocking every single item you put in that trolley because you only have $100 to spend for a family of 3.


There is so much more to life than worrying about when and how much that next paycheck is going to be.

You are worth more than that.

It’s time to take a risk, time to get out your comfort zone and try something new.

I have a few more open spots available this month to teach you, on how to start transforming your life, to the one you truly want.

Let me show you in just a few short minutes how I can help and what I offer.

Do you have 20 minutes spare today?

What’s my vision, why did i start working online?I get to choose my own hours, instead of working 9-5. Or in horse terms...

What’s my vision, why did i start working online?

I get to choose my own hours, instead of working 9-5. Or in horse terms what feels like 12-14 hours a day 😂

It allows me to spend more time with my family and doing the things I love.

It allows me to help financially support my family and our current goal to get on the road. 🛣️

The personal development that comes with starting a business has changed me in ways I could never imagine.

I am now way more confident in myself and my ability to actually be able to do this. - I still have more confidence to grow but that will come with taking courageous actions everyday.

Guess what? Everyone has limiting self beliefs, it’s how you manage them that makes you different.

To overcome mine, I’ve really had to take a moment and ask myself how serious I am about success online?

The answer to that is VERY SERIOUS!

The freedom that I want to create in my life through having my online business will enable me to give my children EVERYTHING.

And I don’t mean all the toys etc, I mean give them everything they need.

I want to educate them on values and life skills.

I want to teach them that emotions are 100% ok to feel.

I want to show them how to be confident just being who you are.

I want to show them that they are ENOUGH, that they are WORTHY and they are CAPABLE of anything they want to pursue in life.

And most of all, I want to show them that their Mum did not give up when it got hard!!

When I talk about freedom in my posts, it means a different kind of freedom to everyone else.

My freedom desires are not having to worry financially to buy groceries, to not have to worry about whether or not I can afford a top or outfit I like.

To not even have to think about taking the better half out for dinner just because I want to treat him.

Does that sit with you?

Freedom desires will be different for every single person and that’s why, MY VISION to start an online business is so strong right now.

If you’ve resonated with any of this, give me a double tap & let me know! 🫶🏼

I want to take a moment to celebrate these two absolute legends! 🎉 Keith & Court from - Our Dream To Live - have officia...

I want to take a moment to celebrate these two absolute legends! 🎉

Keith & Court from - Our Dream To Live - have officially 3x their income since starting their business just a short 8 months ago.

They are now earning $1,095 - $2,826 per sale! 🤯

To say I’m proud of these two individuals is an understatement! You guys inspire me every bloody day to keep going and to not let anyone get you down.

Keith & Courts have been working shift work and doing long 13+ hour days, yet they have still continuously shown up with no excuses.

They have created the time to do the work, stayed consistent and grown so much as individuals, and it’s been so amazing to watch!

These two are literally saying “NO” to excuses and just running with their passion to create a better life outside of mining.

It just goes to show, if you want something bad enough, you will find the time to make it happen!

Keith & Courts, well done legends!

So excited to continue to watch your growth and success through 2024!

Let’s gooooo! 🔥

If you want to get ahead in life and set yourself up for your FUTURE instead of getting by week to week… Then the current income you are on, is no longer going to cut it!

I nearly forgot to add, these guys also came into this journey with ZERO experience.

If you’re coachable, want your life to change bad enough & willing to show up and get outside your comfort zone....

Let’s have a chat!! Comment “INFO” below to see if this opportunity is for you 👇🏼

Here’s to 2024 🦋I hope it brings you endless possibilities & opportunities, achievements and lots of personal growth!Mos...

Here’s to 2024 🦋

I hope it brings you endless possibilities & opportunities, achievements and lots of personal growth!

Most of all, I hope you find your true desire of happiness and joy in 2024.

Things to remember this new year..

1. Instead of setting “New Years resolutions” because we all know they don’t last.. Set INTENTIONS.

Setting intentions will allow you to work towards your little goals through the month. You can even set daily intentions for those pesky chores to keep on top of them!

2. Work towards whatever goal it is you desire, even if it’s baby steps!

Setting a goal and working towards it will ensure you can achieve it! Even if it’s little steps. By moving the needle forward 1% everyday or every week will get you closer to achieving your desire.


I believe in you, but you must believe in YOURSELF!! You’ve got this! You can achieve anything you want to and put your mind to.

The saying goes; If there’s a will, there’s a way! 😉

Happy New Year Guys, Stay Safe & Find Joy ✨

Feeling extremely grateful this week ✨ Not sure if it’s the book I’m reading that’s making me more aware of my blessings...

Feeling extremely grateful this week ✨

Not sure if it’s the book I’m reading that’s making me more aware of my blessings or just because I’m having more time to actually sit and think about how lucky I am right now already.

Truly blessed for my little family, I knew one day it would happen but I didn’t realise how soon or how great it would be watching your children grow 💖

I am also truly grateful for this online opportunity that I am currently pursuing. Being able to create something of my own and help other women choose their dream path too just ignites me so much.

I love helping people, especially since becoming a mum. I guess it’s due to the fact of the little support we’ve received as a family, so offering my support to others is my way of making myself feel better about our situation. ✨

Are you feeling the need of more support?
Jump in my inbox, let’s see what I can do for you. It could just be the case of having a good’old chin wag!


Just a little message for you 🫶🏼

Good Morning ☀️After a whooping of an ass kicking in our team call last night... I am up early!!Enjoying breakfast to my...

Good Morning ☀️

After a whooping of an ass kicking in our team call last night... I am up early!!

Enjoying breakfast to myself and also getting started on not 1, but 2 books!!

I thought I'd jump into THE MAGIC by Rhonda Byrne again because I love it AND it will help me set in place those habits ready for 2024.

I also have LEVEL UP by Rob Dial that I have been super keen to get into, l've just not found the time... Until now!

I am making it a priority to get up early and get my reading fix in for the day.

I'm normally a nighttime reader but feel that with my current workload, I need to focus on my downtime being sleep!

Super excited about Rob Dial's Book, looking forward to ‘Getting Focused, Stop Procrastinating and Upgrading My Life" 💥

What books are you reading at the moment?

Ever had someone tell you, “Oh it’s JUST a phase. You’ll grow out of it” or maybe “You’ll find something else” Have you?...

Ever had someone tell you, “Oh it’s JUST a phase. You’ll grow out of it” or maybe “You’ll find something else”

Have you?

I did, and still do.

For many many years i was always told horses are just a silly phase, there’s no money in it and you can’t make a good enough living..

Well, guess what?

Yes, horses don’t pay well depending on what discipline you work in because they’re always costing you money 😂

BUT , do i want to live my life just worrying about trying to pay bills and not enjoy my horsey / country passion?


I want to live my life the way i want to live it, doing what i enjoy.

Being out in the country, riding horses and making a living.

Not making a living and trying to find the time to enjoy life.

Thats why when people also told me “Ohh it’s just another phase, working online doesn’t work. Just stick to your 9-5.”

I just nodded and removed them from my life.

Honestly, sounds petty right?

But no, i don’t want that negativity or toxic vibe surrounding me or my family.

I want SUPPORT , people who actually want to see you WIN!!

And that is one of the main reasons why i love working online!

The community behind me is incredibly supportive and alot of them are Mothers who thrive on spending everyday with their babies AND Doing the things they love most too. 💖

Want to know how you can get the same support too? Comment “SUPPORT” below or feel free to dm me 🫶🏼

WHY AFFILIATE MARKETING? ✨ There are so many reasons, here are just a few of mine! 👇🏼 - For the freedom, in every aspect...


There are so many reasons, here are just a few of mine! 👇🏼

- For the freedom, in every aspect of my life.

- For my passion to help and empower more like minded women.

- So I can eventually work from home and be with my babies more.

- No more paying daycares.

- Help provide for my family as an online business woman.

Do any of those resonate with you??

There’s no right or wrong way to live, but from what I’ve been learning and seeing over the years is that everyone needs a second income..

Having access to a Passive Income Opportunity is a game changer in life itself.

With the increasing rise of the cost of living, it really is a no brainer that more and more people are looking into what side hustle they can do online.

Did you know… Forbes has announced that Affiliate Marketing is on its way to being the HIGHEST paid industry of 2023…. 💥

Now if that doesn’t get you excited, I don’t know what will! 🤯

There are 4 weeks left of 2023… Are you going to TAKE ACTION?

Let’s have a chat to see if this is for you 🫶🏼


ONE DAY  O R   DAY ONE …. Which one will you decide? I know, I will always choose DAY ONE. Start TODAY Start NOWWhy not?...


Which one will you decide?

I know, I will always choose DAY ONE.


Start NOW

Why not?

What is stopping you?

Your fear of what others will think, right?

Or maybe you’re just not ready?

Let me tell you, there’s never a “right time” to start. You just have to start.

And you’re always going to have that fear of other’s opinions until you learn to grow above those opinions and start to remove those toxic people from your life.

You’d be surprised how much support there is out there waiting just for you!

I can also tell you there’s a wonderful supportive, inspiring community behind me… Let me show you!

Drop any emoji below to learn how ✨

“It doesn’t take a long time to build a successful business. It takes a long time to BECOME the person who’s willing to ...

“It doesn’t take a long time to build a successful business. It takes a long time to BECOME the person who’s willing to do it.”

The number 1 mistake I see most often with people who are just starting out within their new business is that they are solely focused on wanting success.

Wanting success is great, but it’s not the first priority.

Your first priority when you’re starting out is learning about personal growth and learning how to become the successful business woman you want to be.

Building a business involves more than just putting in the hours.

It demands dedication, resilience, learning from failures while also developing new skills. It involves challenges, staying consistent and taking action.

The journey towards success is about transforming yourself into the person who can TAKE THE REINS and navigate the mindset, determination and qualities necessary of running a profitable business.

In a more simpler term… Success isn’t a destination, it’s a journey.

In order to achieve your big goals in life, that you really truly want, you need to be choosing to put in the work.Even ...

In order to achieve your big goals in life, that you really truly want, you need to be choosing to put in the work.

Even on those Friday nights when your friends are going out.

Even when you don't feel like it. You have to make time and prioritise yourself in order to succeed.

It may be easier to choose to be a couch potato and watch Netflix or scrolling on your phone for hours, rather than putting an hour or two aside to work closer towards your goals.

But is that really going to bring you the life you want?? Bring your dreams any closer??

I love the saying that if nothing changes, nothing changes.

You have to do the hard stuff if you want to accomplish incredible things!!

I am currently prioritising time out every day to work on myself and my business.

This week, I started a brand new journey that is completely new to me.

It's something that l've been dreaming of doing for many years.

It's already feeling hard because it's different and I'm not used to this style of riding.

BUT I'm determined to keep going and prioritise practice and progress in order to become better.

My new adventure is Barrel Racing.

Super excited for the adventure ahead, I'm finally chasing my dreams to come true ✨

Drop a 🔥 below if you're going to make the smart choice this week to get the ball rolling and start chipping away at your dreams too!

Are you a driven woman who wants more from her life? Thought about creating your own brand or business but not sure wher...

Are you a driven woman who wants more from her life?

Thought about creating your own brand or business but not sure where to start?

I help driven women, who take action in what they truly want in life to build a thriving digital business.

What I offer:

- 4 Day Free Trial
- 1 on 1 Coaching
- Weekly Training Calls
- Access to Industry Leading Training Platforms.
- 24/7 Support
- A Community of Like Minded Women Who Are Choosing Their Dreams Too.

Are you ready to kick start your 2024?

Don’t wait, Start now!

Flick me a dm for a chat x


Are you a woman who takes actions to achieve what she wants?It makes no difference if you spend 1 thousand or 1 million ...

Are you a woman who takes actions to achieve what she wants?

It makes no difference if you spend 1 thousand or 1 million on a business startup, I’m serious!

I’ve worked with people who have started a business for as little as $800 and now I’m currently working alongside people who have started at the $3,000 mark.

The difference?

Long term success comes from those who;

- Show up consistently,
- Invest in their time,
- Are coachable,
- Are willing,
- Are accountable,
- And those who do the repetitive stuff..

That’s who will absolutely crush it within their business, not how much the start up cost is.

At the end of the day, the bottom line is TAKING ACTION.

Are you willing to take action towards your end goal that will determine your future?

Stick to the above and the return on investment will multiply daily! 👏

Stop allowing yourself to be distracted from taking the most simple daily steps in order to produce income. Self discipline is another key factor.

Comment “Start Now” below or send me a dm if you’d like access to a private business group to start taking action TODAY.

> Keep it simple! Show Up! Be Coachable! <

Keeping My Cup Full 🌼I read something recently that said something along the lines of; as a Mother, you tend to forgot t...

Keeping My Cup Full 🌼

I read something recently that said something along the lines of; as a Mother, you tend to forgot to fill up your cup.

We tend to forget about ourselves because we have so much else to focus and think about.

Children, house chores, dinner, lunch boxes, emails, work, bills or that washing pile that's been sat there all week.. still looking at you. 👀

I've taken this on and Instead of rushing in the mornings trying to feed the toddler before anyone else including myself, who then also ends up eating the leftovers before they get thrown on the floor and runs out the door realising I've not eaten....

I've got into a routine this week of, when I'm making bubs his breakfast, I will also make my own plate too.

No matter what we have, toast, pancakes or cereal, I have been making sure there's a second plate for my own meal.

If you're anything like me, rushing to get the children fed is normally the best option, but in reality we're not fuelling ourselves for the day.

Do you always feel run down & exhausted most days??

How's your cup looking? Empty? Half full?

Since being more focused on my naughty Mum Habits, I've been really pushing to "keep my cup FULL"

Meaning, even if I feel like me time in the evenings, I'm going to have it!!

Same goes for meals, as a mother, you have a lot on your plate already, adding an empty cup only leads to exhaustion.

A mumma keeping up with her nutrition and wellness is a happier mumma who can be fully present with her babies without feeling crappy 💖

I even did smoothies for my lunches last week too which have been such a great way to keep my energy levels up!

This weeks special breakfast was Pancakes;
Strawberries, Banana, Cream & a little Syrup 🥞

Does you cup need a refill? What are you prioritising for yourself this week? 🫶🏼

"A Dream Does Not Become RealityThrough Magic"Love this little reminder that keeps pushing me through to be consistent i...

"A Dream Does Not Become Reality
Through Magic"

Love this little reminder that keeps pushing me through to be consistent in my work life balance & online business.

Unless you work hard, you're not going to see results.

Let's use Young Horses for an example..

If you're consistent everyday and teach that horse little steps to achieve the big riding goal, you will see progress with them quicker and they will actually accept your trust.

If you're only educating them once or twice a week, the young horse isn't going to progress forward quickly within your given time frame. It's going to take longer and you'll feel as if you're failing.

It's the same with an online business.

If you show up consistently in your business, with your content and ensure you're posting value to your audience, there's a very good chance that you'll succeed.

However, if you're not putting effort or time into your business and you claim it's 'just not working' because you've seen someone else get there quicker, you need to look again.

If that other person has got there quicker, they're obviously putting in and showing up a lot more than what you've been doing... That's why you're not doing as well.

Focus on your own business, stop comparing, show up consistently and the results will follow!

" I HAVE NO TIME "Last week I wrote out the “NO MONEY” excuse, so if you haven’t checked that out already, I highly reco...


Last week I wrote out the “NO MONEY” excuse, so if you haven’t checked that out already, I highly recommend you do!

This week, I want to talk about another excuse that comes up quite alot. AND is something that I used quite alot.

When we want to start something new, we think of all the possibilities of how it can work. Then, for some unknown reason, we get fixated on all the EXCUSES of why we CAN’T!

Sound familiar?

Have you ever wanted to try something new or want to start your own business and either let your thoughts or someone else’s thoughts change your decision? I have!!

My biggest excuse when trying to start something new is TIME. Time management is such a priority when you want to succeed.

You have to put in the TIME & EFFORT in order to get results. And thats with anything in life.

When starting a business you need to be blocking out times to create a routine or structure so you can focus solely in those hours, on business.

It’s similar when you go to the gym right? You block out an hour at the gym to work out… So actually, It’s exactly the same as creating a business routine. You NEED to BLOCK out TIME to get sh*t done.

I hear the excuse of “I DON’T HAVE TIME” or “MY LIFE IS TOO BUSY TO FIT IT IN”

There are 24hours in a day. I want you to sit down and write out or think about what you do in each hour of your day.
Do you waste it? Is there any time you can actually BLOCK OFF to use to learn something new? I bet there is.

I try to prioritize my business time block in the evenings, after everyone is fed & H is in bed. Sometimes that doesn’t always go to plan, and that's okay. I will get up earlier the next day to finish what I wanted to get done.

You will not find me watching Netflix (unless that’s been time blocked) or sitting around scrolling socials.

I try to utilize every minute of my time to get the most out of my day and be able to listen to as much value as possible.

In the car, I no longer listen to the radio, I will listen to podcasts to set me up for the day in a positive manner.

When I am cooking, or cleaning or showering, I will listen to my Audio Books.

I LOVE having a structure within my life and blocking out time is something I’ve really enjoyed doing recently. It doesn’t always go to plan, but I do my best to make the most of those 24 hours.

Do you use the “I have no time” excuse too?

If you do, I want you to get up 1 Hour EARLIER in the morning and see what you can get done! You’ll be shocked with how much you can actually get done within that hour time block.


DIGITAL BUSINESS OWNER NON - NEGOTIABLEOur weekly and fortnightly training calls are unreal. I am so grateful to be part...


Our weekly and fortnightly training calls are unreal. I am so grateful to be part of such an incredible team with so many other determined individuals.

In these team calls we coach, we celebrate our wins, discuss what's working and what’s not working. And most of all, we ALWAYS have a great laugh together.

Last week, I had a Bonus Coaching call, a Team Training call AND my first Group Coaching call! The value I got from all of these training calls was INCREDIBLE.

3 Evenings of amazing legends, giving their time to mentor us business owners to be better and celebrate us too.

The one thing I love the most about being a business owner is that the support is second to none.

You will not find another platform or community that supports you this much within your business.

Since becoming a Mother, I have really struggled to find people to connect with and I guess just straight out avoided Mother and Parent Groups due to the toxic judgment environment.

Since officially becoming a Digital Business Owner, the community I have become a part of are like the family you dream of.

They check in on you, you check in on them. You share your achievements, big or small and they are all so proud of how far you’ve come.

No one judges you, no one tells you, you can’t do something. There is ALWAYS encouragement to be the best version of yourself.

I ABSOLUTELY THRIVE in this type of environment! And you can too!

Showing up to these calls are literally my Number 1. Non-negotiable as a digital business owner. If for any reason I cannot make the live call, I will always find a way to catch up.

These beautiful people are making time for you… It’s only right to do the same back, if you want to succeed as a business owner.

Are you moving the needle forward within your business?


MINDSET SHIFTING 🦋Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a negative thought process? I know i have! Recently I’ve had a...


Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a negative thought process? I know i have!

Recently I’ve had a lot on my plate and it’s been so easy to get trapped inside the negativity instead of trying to focus on the good & the positive.

My mindset is something I’ve been working really hard on for the last 12 months. To say it’s been difficult is definitely an understatement.

Some days I can manage perfectly and my focus on the positive really does shine. However, on those not so good days, it really is a struggle to snap out of that negative hole.

I wanted to share a few of my tips on how to start shifting your mindset from Negative Ned to Positive Polly! 🐛>🦋

FEAR OF FAILURE - Embrace a ‘Learn from’ Mindset. Instead of fearing failure, look at it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Remember, each failure brings you closer to your goals.

🐛 I’m going to fail > Failure is a stepping stone to success, I am learning valuable lessons from this. 🦋

SELF DOUBT- Find that Confidence Mindset. Start replacing self doubt with Self Believing. Focus more on your strengths and achievements to boost your confidence.

🐛 I’ll never be as good as them > I am learning to be a better version of myself and I AM good enough. 🦋

PROCRASTINATION - Develop that ProActive Mindset. Instead of delaying or putting tasks off, break them down into more manageable chunks. Focus on prioritizing 3 tasks per day.

🐛 I can’t do this > I can do this, I just haven’t mastered it yet. Every step counts. 🦋

Shifting your mindset will not happen overnight. It takes time and practice to learn these shifting skills. Embrace the journey and transformation of your growth.

Like I said above, I’ve been practicing shifting my mindset for the last 12 months and I finally feel like I am getting closer to controlling that positive shift myself.

What is one mindset shift that has made a positive impact in your life? 🦋

Absolutely LOVE this quote. If you know the movie.. Let me know below 😉 This movie has become one of my favorites since ...

Absolutely LOVE this quote. If you know the movie.. Let me know below 😉

This movie has become one of my favorites since moving to Australia 4 years ago.

This quote resonates with me so much. If the last few years with the big ‘C’ has taught us anything, it’s that the ‘norm’ is not stable anymore.

Nothing is stable.

For some people, buying properties and houses may still be the dream. And that's amazing! But for me, that’s not the current dream at the moment.

At the moment, the dream I am creating into a reality is to live for every moment and to be able to spend it with my family.

I want to be able to live a life of freedom and do what I please, when I want. Like go traveling and see this beautiful country we live in. Not having to beg a boss for time off work or be working for someone else’s dream. That just doesn’t sit right with me anymore.

I want to be creating my OWN STORY. Don’t you?

I have recently got this fire in my belly to inspire and empower other ambitious women who want to change their story. Who want to make a difference and who want to give their family the best version of life possible.

If you are one of those Ambitious Women, who is seeking change, jump into my DM’s! I would LOVE to chat with you.

My inbox is always open. 🙂


NO ONE KNOWS THIS ABOUT ME…  Over the last 24 months I have been on an up and down roller coaster of highs and lows of l...


Over the last 24 months I have been on an up and down roller coaster of highs and lows of life.

So low that I didn’t feel worthy enough to go through with my pregnancy. So low that I felt I wasn’t socially accepted to have our beautiful baby boy or celebrate him.

Society made me feel that I was not allowed to shout from the rooftops about one of the most empowering experiences for me personally as a woman.

NO ONE KNOWS how proud I am of myself and my body’s capability to bring another life onto this earth.

NO ONE KNOWS that I was truly blessed to bring another life onto this earth with no pain meds either.

NO ONE KNOWS how amazingly fu***ng strong and proud I felt becoming a mother that day.

I have been given this beautiful gift of motherhood to our baby boy, who is now 1 Years Old.

Although we had so much against us as a couple, as well as my own thoughts, I still feel that this is what was supposed to happen.
Even if it did seem “too early” in my 20s to have a baby and the wrong way round… Not having bought a house first… You know, the way it's “supposed” to go.

Against all the s**t that was going on, the only thing truly pulling me through it all, was knowing I was carrying a healthy baby boy and I was going to find a way to change our lives for the better.

Since becoming a mother I have enjoyed every single ounce of it. All the late night feeds, the I only want mumma cuddles and the nap traps. Yes there are tough days when you’re sleep deprived or your b***s are that sore they feel like they’re going to fall off LOL. But I honestly wouldn't change it. It’s an experience I’m never going to forget, and I can’t wait to do it all again.

P.S - I found that “something” I was looking for to be able to change our lives for the better. 💥





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