Despite continual communal opposition, Christians in the state of Oaxaca celebrated baptism recently. They have endured false accusations of thievery, as well as the destruction of their homes and shots fired at them. Instead of hiding from the hostility, the believers planned a public baptism. Fully expecting the gathering to be shut down, the believers were met with a delightful surprise. The pastor boldly preached the Gospel and then baptized new believers without resistance.
We praise You, Jesus, for this report of bold courage from Your children in Mexico! Thank You for allowing them the joy of sharing the good news of salvation followed by the obedience of baptism. We stand amazed with them that they experienced no opposition! And now, Lord, we ask that their faithful witness will reap a harvest of new believers in their community. In Your name we pray, amen!
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord…”—2 Timothy 1:7-8