The Curb Cutouts was initially an idea of a group of power soccer wheelchair users in Portland Oregon that was devised while watching the insanity that is 2020 pass us by! Our friendships were created by Ryan’s recreational power soccer club, Power Soccer PDX! As our 2020 Season was shortened drastically by current world happenings, we started to bring the team together for Bi-weekly meetings. Aft
er the initial subject of Power Soccer had been covered for the day, there always seemed to be the same group that would “stay after” just to shoot the breeze. It was during these effortless conversations about life, disabilities, events, technology and everything in between that we realized, a podcast would not only give us something to look forward to but more importantly the opportunity to provide an outlet for the disabled community. Our main goal is to bring awareness about the lack of accessible curb cut outs across the United States. We set up a hotline that you can tell us about access or lack of proper accessible curb cut outs in your area. We air the complaints weekly after each podcast. We encourage you, the listener (disabled or not), to share with us what hardships, stories and challenges you've faced during these unprecedented times. If you are interested in being a guest on our show please email us at [email protected]. The show may or may not have the same structure every week but, let's face it, as individuals with disabilities can we count on anything being the same day to day or week to week?:)......Nope!