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9 Benefits of Posting on Facebook (Social Media)

I just got off a call with my father-in-law.

He reads my posts on Facebook, often.

"How does that translates to money making?" he asked.

"Grand Pa, you will have to pay for coaching if you want me to tell you that," I joked with him.

I shared with him how that works.

I gave him a practical example of how someone we worked together never knew that I talk, write, train and consult on career issues.

But when he became my friend on Facebook he saw that I was doing posts on career.

He was surprised.

He sent me a whatsapp message that he never knew I talk on career.

That was how I got an invitation to speak from him.

Of course, you should know what will follow speaking - honorarium/reward.

There are benefits that come with sharing your story and what you do online.

Here are some of them:

#1: Awareness

When you talk about what you do, that creates awareness.

This helps people to get to know you, know what you do and what they can call you or consult you for.

#2: Mindshare

There are people who also do what you do.

If you are not also out there pushing your weight (I mean, pushing your brand or product and services), people won't have you in their minds.

Take soft drinks for example, Coke, Pop Cola, and Pepsi.

At a point in time I knew nothing called Pop Cola.

But as they push out the brand, I got to know it.

Now, Pop Cola has a mindshare in me.

In other words, Pop Cola has entered into my consciousness. It has certain percentage of my consciousness, let's even say 3.5%.

Let's assume they pick up Facebook ad (or they do content marketing) and I keep seeing the advert on Facebook, the mindshare keeps increasing.

Same thing happens to you and your business.

#3: Perception

Often, I tell those I'm coaching that everything you do online creates perception.

Everything you post online creates perception.

Perception simply means how people see you.

You can use your posts on Facebook or social media to create how people should see you or see your business.

#4: Authority building

When you talk and write about what you do, it creates this perception that you're an authority in what you do.

#5: Believability

The proof of what you do is what people SEE you do.

If you claim you are into food and pastries, when people see you talk about that and see you post images of what you have done, they will believe you.

#6: Trust

Trust is essential in everything we do.

I remembered I shared a story of someone I know personally whom a lady from another state sent over N150, 000 to order for a product.

They had never met physically before.

So, what happened?

The lady trusted him.

Over the years, the young man has built trust through what he shared and what he did on Facebook.

Trust, though, takes a long time to be built.

#7: Credibility

Often when you post on Facebook, and your followers see that you deliver on what you say, gradually you become credible.

Then, they can vouch for you.

Credibility and trust are like twin sisters.

#8: Audience Building

One of the skills you need in this time and age is, audience building.

Facebook (social media) is one of the places you can build your audience.

Whatever you do, you need people.

Social media offer you the opportunity to reach out to people that would love to follow you.

They are the ones that will buy from you.

They are the ones you can sell to.

#9: Sales

We sell everyday.

And, we sell to people.

Anywhere you can find people, you will find money.

You can make sales on Facebook.

People are making sales on Facebook.

I'm making sales on Facebook and other social media platforms.

These and more are benefits of posting on Facebook.

I know my father-in-law will read this.

This is more detailed answer to the question he asked me on phone.

This can also help you.

To your success,

Sam Semako

Picture: Wole Soyinka drawn by my friend Femi Ayoola.

P. S. Before now, it is likely you don't know him, but by me posting his picture you are aware of him as an amazing artist.

This work proves he can draw.

If you follow him and he keeps putting out his work on Facebook, you will believe him.

Eventually you might patronise him or recommend him to someone who can afford him.

He makes a sale.


Hanyoyi Shida Domin Kiyaye Basir Cikin Sauƙi.

Basir wanda ake kira da "hemorrhoids" ko kuma "piles" a turance, larura ce da ke ci gaba da shan gurguwar fahimta a tsakanin al'umma.

A likitance, ba wani abu ne basir ba face kumburarrun jijiyoyin jini a cikin ƙarshen babban hanji da kuma dubura. Waɗannan kumburarrun jijiyoyin jini su ne suke talewa har su yi bulli cikin ƙarshen babban hanji ko kewayen dubura. Basir a cikin ƙarshen babban hanji shi ne "basir cikin dubura" yayin da basir a kewayen dubura shi ne "basir wajen dubura".

Haka nan, "basir mai tsiro" ci gaban "basir cikin dubura" ne wanda ke bayyana yayin da matsalar ta je matakin ƙarshe. "Basir mai tsiro" na faruwa ne sakamakon zazzagowa ko saukowar jijiyoyin jinin da s**a yi bulli zuwa wajen dubura, musamman yayin yunƙuri.

Alamomin Basir

Bayyanar alamomin basir ya danganta ga wane irin basir ne ya bayyana, "basir cikin dubura" ko kuma "basir wajen dubura".

Alamomin "basir cikin dubura":

1. Zubar jini ba tare da jin ciwo ba yayin tsuguno.

2. "Basir mai tsiro" wanda ke fitowa wajen dubura har sai an tura da yatsa domin mayar da shi. Yana haifar da ciwo da raɗaɗi.

Alamomin "basir wajen dubura":

1. Ciwo mai raɗaɗi

2. Ƙaiƙayi

3. Kumburi a kewayen dubura

4. Zubar jini yayin yunƙurin tsuguno.

Sabuban da ke kawo basir

Basir na faruwa sakamakon takura jijiyoyin jini a dubura har su kumbura sannan su yi bulli saboda abubuwa kamar haka:

1. Yawan yunƙuri yayin tsuguno.

2. Tsawaitar lokacin tsuguno.

3. Fama da atini ko kuma taurin bayan gida tsawon lokaci.

4. Kasancewa mai Ƙiɓa / teɓa.

5. Kasancewa mai juna biyu.

6. Cin abincin mai ƙarancin dusa, harza ko ganyayyaki.

7. Ɗaga nauyi akai-akai da sauransu.

Hanyoyin Kiyaye Basir Cikin Sauƙi

Hanya mafi kyau wajen kiyaye kai daga basir ita ce sanya bayan gida ya zamo mai taushi yadda zai fice ba tare da yunƙuri sosai ba.

Waɗannan hanyoyi za su taimaka wajen kiyaye kai daga basir da kuma rage matsalolinsa:

1. Cin abinci mai dusa sosai: Abinci mai dusa sun haɗa da 'ya'yan itatuwa, ganyayyaki da kuma datsar hatsi.

2. Shan isashshen abinsha: Shan isashshen ruwa aƙalla lita 2 — 3 kowace rana da sauran ababen sha masu ruwa-ruwa.

3. Rage yunƙuri yayin tsuguno: Yunƙuri tare da riƙe numfashi yayin tsuguno na takura jijiyoyin jini a cikin dubura.

4. Garzayawa da zarar jin bayan gida: Yin buris da bayan gida yayin da aka ji shi na janyo jiki ya ci gaba da tsotse ruwan bayan gidan har ya yi tauri.

5. Atisaye: Atisaye ko motsa jiki na taimakawa rage taurin bayan gida. Haka nan, atisaye na taimakawa wajen rage ƙiba wanda hakan zai rage nauyi ko takura ga jijiyoyin jini a cikin dubura.

6. Kauce wa dogon zama: Dogon zama musamman yayin tsuguno na ƙara takura jijiyoyin jini a dubura.

Basir larura ce da ake warkewa sumul bayan amfani da magunguna da sauran hanyoyi a likitance. Amma idan basir ya yi tsanani yin tiyata na iya zama tilas.

Me Bukatar Magani aimana Magana a 08135404044, 08020738307 koda ta whatsapp ne, zamu aiko har Jihar da ake bukata ta hannun direbobi kudin Magani kuma se aikomana ta account namu na Eco

Shifa u Shukran Global Limited.


Yesterday, a Nigerian had a flat tyre on Iseyin-Ibadan highway. According to him, he flagged many motorists for help because his jack got spoiled in the process of trying to change the tyre but none of them stopped, understandably.

He has already resigned to fate until these good officers from Dugbe Police station came along. They didn't only stopped, they went out of their way to replaced & fixed the spare tyre.

When they were done, he begged them to take ₦3,000 as a token of appreciation but they rejected his plea. Their response was; "we didn't stopped to assist you because of that, we are only doing our jobs".

The three Officers are: Officer Tunmise, Officer Daudu and Officer Michael of Dugbe police station, Ibadan).

May God continue bless them.

God bless Nigeria Police.

A New Nigeria



Indai kai na miji ne, ko waye kai, ko kafi kowa kwarewa a aikin Likita, kar ka yadda ka zauna baka yin wannan hadin da kuke gani a hoto

Kullun kai ne cin maggi da kayan dandano a girki, kai ne shan kayan zaki da lemon kwalba mai gas, kasha wannan kasha wancan, zaki ya taru maka a mara, baka motsa jiki, kullun kana cikin shan ruwan sanyi, tafiya nan da can akan abin hawa, a gida sanyin AC, a mota sanyin AC, haka a office sanyin AC ke bugaka, sanyi ya mayar maka da gaba kamar lagwanin fitila, tabbas kana cutar da kanka ne dan uwa, Malam ba zaka taba yin lafiya da kwazo ba

A gurin raya Sunnah ta Ma'aiki (SAW) minti biyu kacal ka fado kasa kamar Zakara, Dole matarka ta rena maka, idan bata da karfin imani dole ta fara bin mazan banza, wannan hadin da kuke gani shine maganin matsalarka dan uwa

Tuzurai bana goyon bayan kuyi wannan hadin, amma ga duk wani tuzuru da aka saka ranar aurensa ya tabbata yayi wannan hadin, yafi duk wasu magunguna da zakayi amfani dasu tasiri, zai wanke maka mara tas, zakayi karfi garau

Tafarnuwa ne, da Kajiji, da kanumfari, da citta danye mai yatsu, za'a bare tafarnuwan, cittar za'a tsagata gida biyu, sai a wanke kajijin da kanumfari a cire kasan dake jikinsu, sai a hadasu gaba daya a zuba a cikin bokiti ko wani roba mai murfi da aka cikashi da ruwa mai tsafta, a barshi sai yayi kwana daya kafin a fara sha

Duk lokacin da kasha kofi daya sai ka sake mayar ruwa cikin kofi daya a kai, haka za'a dinga sha kowani lokaci har sai dandanonsa ya kare, a kalla duk bayan wata biyu kayi wannan hadin, kudinsa bai wuce 2K ba

Don Allah dan uwa Magidanci ka kasance mai yawan yin wannan hadin, Wallahi zaka tuna da Datti Assalafiy, kuma zaka sanya wa Datti albarka a matsayin tukwicin godiya

Idan da matarka tana maka raini zata dawo yi maka ladabi da biyayya, idan ka fita daga gida duk bayan awa daya zata kiraka ta tambayi lafiyarka, Allah-Allah take ka dawo gida, kai karan kanka zaka san cewa kai yanzu na miji ne ba mata-maza ba, babu sauran raini kuma

Muna fatan Allah Ya kara mana aminci da zaman lafiya tsakanin mu da matan mu na Aure.



The team behind the making of the online Radio "Agbado Radio" and Ku saurara podcast.

Learning how to maximise the new media for social good

It was a wonderful learning experience.

Powered by Jos Green Centre

The just launched Agbado Radio Station Jos Nigeria

The just launched Agbado Radio Station Jos Nigeria

Watch out for the very first LIVE podcast of the Agbado Radio.

Time: 12:45PM

Topic: Waste to Wealth.


Stop Exaggerating Nigeria's Problem Because Of Election - Fashola

Babatunde Fashola, minister of works and housing, says politicians can win elections without “exaggerating” the nation’s problems.

Fashola said this on Thursday while delivering a keynote address at TheNiche annual lecture, with the theme ‘2023 Elections and the Future of Nigeria’s Democracy’ in Lagos. The minister said rather than exploit the country’s challenges, politicians can highlight its prospects.

“We can win elections without exaggerating our problems. We can do so by offering credible service and well thought out solutions,”

We can win elections without disrobing our country before the global community. We can do so by valorising Nigeria’s possibilities and not by widening her fault lines

“Elections and democracy must represent for us, a feast of ideas and choices that bring out the best of us and the best of our country.”


When to start s*x to get pregnant

As long as your uterine condition can allow s***m cells to live for five days, because under normal circumstances, s***m cells tend to live for 5 days in the womb before dying but in some women, it may not even live up to two days due to some abnormal conditions in the womb such as rising in temperature!

S***m cells can only survive in cool temperature! Te**es is more cooler than the temperature of the body and this is kind of environment where s***m cells can grow and develop properly!

If you often experienced burning sensation in the womb, after ej*******on, be it in your va**na or in the uterine cavity, the s***m cells count tend to drastically reduce due to changing in environment and abnormal conditions ( Abnormal adaptation)

Then if the s***m cells itself are not in good condition probably having abnormal shapes, This can also affect their chance of surviving for 5 days in the womb!

What is the BEST time to have s*x in order to get pregnant

The best time is 5 days before your ovulation day exactly! This enhance the chance of conception because This will enable the s***m cells to get ready for fertilization the moment the egg cell expel from the ovarian gland

Most of the women do not know how to calculate their menstrual cycle length! I knew this when I registered some of them to 28th days fertility seminar platform! Some women got pregnancies only without using any medications but just because they learned how to calculate their cycle lengths correctly

Dr. Joy +2347060939578


INA MAZAN: Ka auro 'Yar mutane lafiyar ta kalau, Da kai da 'ya'yan da kuka haifa kuka jigata jikinta, ta haihu sau Uku ko sau Hudu da dai sauransu.

Sai kai kake ganin ai ta tsufa, Waye ya barta ta tsufa? Ko mota ka saya duk wata sai kaje kayi mata service na dubu 20 ko dubu 30, Nawa kake bawa matarka taje tayi service? Nawa kake bawa matar ka ta sai kayan kwalliya ta sai kayan gyare-gyare?

Inji Dr. Ahmad B.U.K (Allah Ya Jikan malan!)





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