Anti-cancel Culture Campaign

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Anti-cancel Culture Campaign Anti-Cancel Campaign to educate and raise awareness of how “Cancel Culture” impacts our society.

We are living in the digital era. Individuals are powerful. Everything we say reflects our conducts. Sure, we have the r...

We are living in the digital era. Individuals are powerful. Everything we say reflects our conducts.

Sure, we have the right to express our feelings. But, when we judge others’ behaviour, we should know the fact firstly and be objective on what you say, not a personal attack.

If everyone takes your responsibility, the trend of cancel culture can be alleviated.

Anything you want to know about cancel culture? Anything you want to say? Feel FREE to SEND us a message! DON'T HESITATE...

Anything you want to know about cancel culture?
Anything you want to say?

Feel FREE to SEND us a message!
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Costs of the solutions:As much as freedom of speech is desired by most people on the internet, there is a limit when it ...

Costs of the solutions:
As much as freedom of speech is desired by most people on the internet, there is a limit when it comes to preventing the canceling trend from spreading. When people are given the freedom to express themselves on the internet - through whatever language they desire, it is hard to establish a certain set of rules to maintain a harmonized community. And if people have to be cautious about what they post and say online, it will definitely have an impact on their freedom of speech. Instead of being able to say whatever they want (including foul language and hurtful words), they have to restrain themselves and say what is considered to be up to society’s views and standards.
Despite the above costs, it is still a right thing for us, as internet users, to say things and express ourselves in a polite and respectful way.

Solutions and preventionsEDUCATE!Educate your friends and family to avoid canceling people. Everyone makes mistakes, and...

Solutions and preventions


Educate your friends and family to avoid canceling people. Everyone makes mistakes, and those mistakes should not affect someone's whole career if it is fixable. Also, explain to them that negative comments to influences are all received by real human beings like all of us. Help your friends understand other people’s perspectives and the responsibility they have on the internet.


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How to fact check the cancelling movement? As users of social media, we have the right to express our opinions. At the s...

How to fact check the cancelling movement?

As users of social media, we have the right to express our opinions. At the same time, we are also obligated to think deeply before we post and comment on anything.

"Does your speech harm others? "
"Do you really know the background of what you are talking about?"

If someone starts to agitate for bullying others, especially powerful or famous celebrities, you should be rational. Even if your friends share the information with you, you must verify it carefully. Fake news surrounds us, we've to choose the sources from trustworthy organizations and authorities.

Avoiding becoming a victim to cancel culture.Speak from your heart.People start trends on social media platforms, and us...

Avoiding becoming a victim to cancel culture.

Speak from your heart.
People start trends on social media platforms, and users try to replicate the trend by posting on their social media without proper knowledge of the trend’s meaning. Often users who seek attention upload for an ulterior motive and fear missing out on the trend. Those users do not participate in the trend for reasons itself but personal gain. For the audience, these actions are dishonest and fake. For example, Starbucks held a campaign that would promote racial equality during the heat of racial discrimination. They instructed baristas to write on cups to send a uniting message to customers. While it might sound positive, Starbucks ironically, only 2 out of 19 executives were black. Consumers assumed them for misrepresenting their ideology, and they started to accuse them of half-heartedly participating in a trend and, more importantly, for monetary gain. However, Starbucks quickly apologized for their ignorance and proceeded to make changes in their system. People seek honesty. While you might be speaking the truth, people would rather hear honesty. If a trend takes place, and you have limited knowledge or disagree, then step away from the trend.

Be careful with dark humor.
Dark humor brings laughter when it is controlled. Dark humor is no longer funny until a certain point. The ambiguous point varies from person to person. The range has to be determined by the individual, though the range may fluctuate depending on the different friend group. However, before you tell your joke, if you think it might cross the line, it is better to keep it to yourself than potentially being canceled.

Basically, be a compassionate and upright human. If you are sensitive to other emotions, offending them would less likely take place. Generally, we know what is right and wrong, so use common sense and do the right thing.

-Truth Behind-As we all know that canceling culture happened for a reason, some influencers may have spoken some hatred ...

-Truth Behind-

As we all know that canceling culture happened for a reason, some influencers may have spoken some hatred speech amongst discrimination such as Kanye West and Popular Singaporean influencer Wendy Cheng. Plus, disrespecting culture Like Youtuber Jake paul. The cost in return was the loss of fame, reputation, and “followers”. It might be a subject rule among the Internet as well as an act of social norm where you bear the responsibility of what you have said. Indeed, most of them were “canceled”, losing everything. However, looking through another perspective, will the ones who spread hatred, humiliation, and attacking comments get any detention from it? Do they bear any responsibility for hurting others? In fact, No. They might be right in judging the event itself, but they are not someone to judge what is “wrong” when they have not seen the truth behind it.

Example of Canceled politician2020, 59th quadrennial United States presidential election, held nominally on Tuesday, Nov...

Example of Canceled politician

2020, 59th quadrennial United States presidential election, held nominally on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, marked the rise of Biden as well as the Fall of Trump.
In this election, Biden not only won more than 90% of the Black vote, and his total votes among Blacks even exceeded that of Obama in 2008. This vote was crucial in large cities such as Pennsylvania and Michigan. When Trump falls in the result releasing date, heated news “Trump is officially canceled” arises globally. People from all around the US nation’s history. Not only failing to contain the COVID-19 pandemic with his ignorant attitude. But also provoking discrimination such as sexism and white supremacy. “ A terrible mess” critics announced. Hatred voice has been spread all over the internet. It is well admitted that he did terribly in the presidency especially when it comes to human equality, it is not surprising news that Trump will be canceled on the Internet. What is more surprising is that even Trump himself participated in canceling culture. He once humiliates his opponents in rallies and speeches, utilizing Twitter as a condemning weapon to dole out criticism, plus to deteriorate another's reputation such as Hillary Clinton, President Xi and Biden, etc.
Among these canceled stars/influencers, Trump was recognized as the one who “deserves it” as he shall pay the consequence of being rude first. Yet, we as an individual do not have the right to humiliate others as well as putting others reputation at risk. Some critics went way “too far”, not only by humiliating Trump’s daughter but also his wife, who was a model before. Malice cropped and edited pictures were posted, which is truly disturbing in general. Indeed, Trump, even as a former president, has no right to label others. As citizens, we also enjoy no right to hurt another individual, a clear fact, to pay attention to manners and action.

Examples of Canceled artist 2 The K-pop community and fans of Red Velvet are asking Irene to step down after the recent ...

Examples of Canceled artist 2

The K-pop community and fans of Red Velvet are asking Irene to step down after the recent bullying incident regarding her ignorant attitude. Bae Joo-Hyun, known as Irene (stage name) professionally, is a South Korean Kpop artist plus the leader of the South Korean girl group “Red Velvet”. A recent exposure was made of her bullying a stylist during a recent filming session, the stylist reported back that “he has never been humiliated by someone ever in his life”, stating that Irene has been scolding him, criticizing him for a straight 2 hour non-stop. This News has struck a bomb discussion among the Koreans.

In one night, billions of hurtful comments were left under irene’s page and related group member, blaming her for such “b*tchy attitude”, some fan community even announced that ‘If Irene does not leave the band, the scandal will haunt Red Velvet and deal a critical blow to the band’s image”. Especially in a country that emphasizes manners toward stylists, also known as “teacher” in Korea, the majority of them were attacking Irene’s personality and values with swears and humiliation. In only 24-hour, Irene has posted an apology letter on her Insta page admitting her fault in being disrespectful.

The stylist afterward, despite having received an apology as he asked for, critics on the Internet still chose not to let go of this issue. Roaring for weeks, the reputation for both Irene and her band dropped drastically where shows and endorsements are all lifted. News articles posting “Irene is officially canceled” were all over the place. Yet, the stylist, despite exposing this incident, only hoped for a genuine apology after all and he was at last granted as Irene has met him in person saying sorry. Still, a fiery debate among Irene's cancellation attributes to the rendering power of the media where people would exaggerate or spread fake news as they are emotionally driven and indulged in the Sheep-flock Effect.

In another perspective, there's a video showing the reason behind this incident’s boiling point. In the performance video, Irene’s skirt was only long enough to barely cover her bottom and private part, which made her uncomfortable as well as disabling her from performing well throughout the show, and this issue happened frequently in different showcases, all from one stylist, the one who accused Irene. It is known that throwing a temper at others is unacceptable after all, but things always happen for a reason, yet people usually ignore it. This is one of the greatest contributing factors behind this canceling culture trend.

Examples of Canceled artists/ celebritiesA perfect example: James Charles, who was still walking the red carpet at The M...

Examples of Canceled artists/ celebrities

A perfect example: James Charles, who was still walking the red carpet at The Met Gala in the past weekend underwent a complete flipside: a feud between James and his ex-friend Tati Westbrook, an online beauty guru well known in America, stirred up controversial debates in the online beauty community. Tati then posted a video, crying to complain about how bad was the betrayal and distrust among their friendship over one sponsorship, James lost a staggering 5 million subscribers approximately in just several hours, “James is officially canceled," according to the public online users.

This incident originated from their friendship. James and Tati, have been friends and mutual influencers since their debut on youtube, whom Tati is majorly respected by James as she brought him up as a guru to some extent. Tati, who launched her own wellness vitamin brand in early 2019, and everyone expected that James Charles would support it, if not possible, only sponsor his friend’s product. Yet, things turned out in the opposite way. During Coachella, James agreed to promote the US vitamin brand “SugarBearHair” via his social platforms ranging from Youtube to Instagram, which this company is exactly the competitor of his friend Tati. Later felt betrayed by him, Tati Posting a 43-minute-video entitled 'Bye Sister', shaming James for a series of betrayals to their friendship and other unpleasant experiences. With a flick of a second, the media were bombarded by this “James Charles is a snake” impression, gaining over 50 million video views of Tati in one week. Yet, behind all this gossip online, people ignore the fact that James was only 19, a just-gone-to-be adult as well as a “newbie” to this social exposure.

A second of fame resulting in such a catastrophic drop must have hurt his mental health so much. A repetition in receiving hatred comments all condemning his personality with swear words and even humiliation towards his family/ sexual orientation. Literally, no one saw this side of James that he has the right to speak for himself. In his perspective or in some critics' view, the essence of Endorsement was never about competition but variety. Tati felt betrayed as Charles did not promote her product yet no one criticized her for being petty but all sharp flaws went straight at James’ Charles Betrayal whereas he did not foresee a sponsorship that helps him gain fame would lead to such a horrific guru incident. At some point that he might not even know endorsing similar products as other gurus did will be accused as “betrayal”.

There are always both sides in one incident. A majority thinks that James Charles was playing victim, some may say that Tati has exaggerated such small issues that could be solved among themselves just to gain more views and bring James Charles, who is getting more popular than her, down.

Through this canceling incident in the cosmetic guru field, we see that critics made use of their anonymity on the Internet, posting hate speech that might destroy someone’s image and psychological health, even when they have no right to degrade people. The caution has been aroused among internet manners in this canceling trend.

Here are some tips for you to identify cancelling behaviour.

Here are some tips for you to identify cancelling behaviour.

Here are some commonly misunderstood concepts about cancel culture:1. Cancel culture only has its downsides?No!In 2019, ...

Here are some commonly misunderstood concepts about cancel culture:

1. Cancel culture only has its downsides?

In 2019, k-pop supergroup BTS created a viral challenge on the internet: Personal Challenge, with the tag . The idea of this challenge was to let their fans post old and recent pictures of themselves, showing their personal growth in the past years. This challenge took over the internet in no time, and created a supporting platform for young people to express love and encouragement to each other.

Despite having many downsides to the canceling trend, it sure does has its own perks when it comes to inspiring young people.

2. Cancel culture has little impact on people?

Originating from the internet in recent years, cancel culture mostly happens on social media (e.g. Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter). Most people think that ‘canceling’ a person- let it be a friend, a celebrity, or a politician, would not have much impact on them. However, the power that the internet has is always underlooked. Even with just a single hashtag, it can bring users to the front page of the world. This culture can bring a lot of reputational damage to a person- as well as mental damage, short-term or long-term.

3. Victims can’t recover from being canceled?


This is the biggest misconception when it comes to the cancel culture. With no doubt. victims of the cancel culture would have to go through a lot- from the media, the internet, people on social media, and the public in general. As long as the targeted person is willing to interact with the public and talk about their mistakes, the internet will soon 'forgive' them. Take James Charles as an example, despite losing over a million subscribers on his YouTube channel after being 'canceled' last year, he soon regained many subscribers because of the amount of views on his videos.

How does cancel culture affect our society?When this culture appears, among different social media platforms, people may...

How does cancel culture affect our society?

When this culture appears, among different social media platforms, people may become more and more intolerant and hard to accept the voices with opposite stances. Those who participate in this kind of active attack people primarily based on their subjective perceptions.

Since the power of cancel culture is extremely large, it is easy to turn the topic into a social issue, involving discrimination, politics ,etc.

People with divergent opinions encounter an intense schism, even leading to social disharmony !

What is “Cancel Culture” and the Aims of our campaign?Cancel culture is calling someone out for something you do not lik...

What is “Cancel Culture” and the Aims of our campaign?

Cancel culture is calling someone out for something you do not like such as an action, political agenda, or difference in belief.
It as an act of shaming and in some cases hatred to try and outcast a person.

Cancel culture results in ruining or discrediting a persons’ reputation or lively hood, considering how big of an influence social media has in our society today.

Our campaign is anti-cancel culture operation that aims to educate, raise awareness of this issue in society and ways to prevent it from happening.

As it can be detrimental psychologically because the majority of the time an innocent person is attacked based on the assumption or growing hatred of another. To help create a more harmonious environment on the internet and we aim to help others recognize the signs, give them the ability to identify if they have taken part in cancelling or have seen it online to be able to prevent it from happening in the future.

What a person says matters, and everyone is responsible for how they act online !




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