#resilience is a trait, skill, mindset that gets very little to no attention in our for fighting and medic training.
Resilience should be a prerequisite as a EMSR life skill.
Resilience training decreases anxiety in the field,
Or improves confidence
Let's burnout rate,
Reduces the onset of #ptsd (does not make you immune)
Builds character
And improves #leadership quality and #leadershipdevelopment
Resilience coupled with #mindfulnesspractice should be taught at even the most fundamental level of training or even at the beginning of trainees entering the field.
Credit; @aarondinin
Hope you enjoy learning from @drbeckyatgoodinside as much as my students did!
#learningtofail #resilience #leadership #teamwork #mindfulnesspractice #perspective #savinglives #emseducation #emscoffee #mentalhealth #bethedifference
Thank you #firefighter
This, these few days, we have lost heroes.
Men and women that sacrificed to do what they loved and lived for, the right to fight for life.
For all the life they saved and all the lives they touched will echo in in all those people with each heartbeat, with every breath exhaled.
To sorrow an mourn is normal and since, but let's remember the person's they were and celebrate their lives and show them respect and gratitude.
Though they are gone they are not forgotten and live in memories no matter how small.
Raise your glass, even if it's typical EMS coffee or an energy drink and give up a toast to their service.
For the South African crew of @er24ems and the flight medical crews of America and of Mexico, we stand by your time of loss and know our thoughts are with you.
Brothers and Sisters in Arms, We Salute You All.
#emscoffee #emslife #paramedic #medic #flightmedic #EmsAfrica #EmsAmerica #EmsAmerica #ambulance #savinglives #mentalhealthawareness #ptsdawareness #resilience
Be the type of medic that inspires others, stimulates conversation, open discussion that leads to learning, leads by example, and is always assisting and striving to be better.
Be the medic that says please and thank you but that commands a scene/call with respect and dignity.
Be the medic that builds up colleagues and friends instead of belittling or disrespect.
Be the medic that values criticism as input and takes it as an opportunity to grow, acknowledge when you are wrong, and when your words fall on deaf ears when trying to help someone, be polite and remove yourself from the discussion or situation.
Be the medic that that follows the best Evidence Based treatment protocols, guidelines, and methods, and never let anyone that says you need to follow "2015 NECPA protocols" or the "2018 cluster *u**" tell you what to do as they have not moved forward with continued professional development. Those people show poor quality of care and disregard of best patient care practice.
Be a thinker, a knowledge seeker, stand out as an advocate for the patient's rights. Don't be a puppet or robot, be a person saving another person.
The quote: "I think therefore I am."
Means to think bout the knowledge and resources and how to best implement that into who you are as self and as medic.
Be the medic that will be respected by others, the medic others want to follow and grow from respect.
Be the difference.
#emscoffee #emsnamibia #alwayslearning #savinglives #emseducation #paramediclife #patientcare #medic
#mediclife #paramedic #firstresponders #namibia #bethedifference
Video credit: @boskind_bosmedic
Thank you @the_improvising_medic
Securing an impaled object to the chest or belly or some other spots this will suit.
Prepare it, tape it down, fill it with medical gauze, tape it more.
This is one option.
SAM splint or similar can be prepared prior to the mission and it’s recommended to do so.
Always object depending.
You gotta make that call on the scene.
🍎 Smaller objects can be kept in place with 60ml and 20ml syringes.
Respect to Charles Barley!
If you never been pay off the haul line, you've never been on the end of a rope rescue☕
The original sound says it. Another multiplier course with different fire departments. Today the focus was on the topic of terrain rescue. The first exercises in medium terrain, later much steeper with an interruption by a rock face. Post on this follows. #fire brigade #professional fire brigade #volunteer fire brigade #rescue service #thw #fall protection #simple rescue from heights and depths #extinguishing water #knotfreeforall #knotfree
#Repost 5er_rescue
Der O-Ton sagt es. Wieder ein Multiplikator Lehrgang mit verschiedenen Feuerwehren. Heute stand das Thema Geländerettung im Fokus. Die ersten Übungen im mittleren Gelände, später deutlich steiler mit Unterbrechung durch eine Felswand. Beitrag hierzu folgt.
#feuerwehr #Berufsfeuerwehr #freiwilligefeuerwehr #rettungsdienst #thw #absturzsicherung #einfacherettungaushöhenundtiefen #löschwasser #knotenfreifüralle #knotenfrei
And I'm teaching you how to save a choking person 🥹 Pay attention to these absurd challenges. Unless you are a fakir accustomed to extreme challenges and deep throats, avoid venturing into this type of practice. Not only is it risky, but it can really be dangerous! 🚫🙏 #Caution #First Aid #firefighter #save #uniform #humor
Follow @remi_ragnar for more
#savinglives #medic #bethedifference #leadershipdevelopment #alwayslearning #fireandrescue #paramedic #leadership #bethechange