Dualsense Astrobot Limited Edition Controller ini akan dilancarkan oleh Sony Playstation secara rasmi di Malaysia dengan harga RM 399 pada September nanti
FF7 Rebirth Ending
FF7 Rebirth Ending
Tanggal 29 Mac, jam 12:12 pagi tamatlah aku main Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth setelap genap sebulan game ni mula-mula di release. Berbekalkan 117 hours of gameplays, FF7R btul2 provide such a good experience in all aspects termasuklah gameplay, story and performance. Tak pelik bile game ni might be my GOTY for this year granted aku xde main ape2 pon game lain yg release tahun ni haha.
Story overall such a beautiful work of arts, gameplay in terms of exploring and combat are top tiers while performace and graphic are arguable lah since its seem inferior compare to FF 7 Remake. Ending die sngat lah complex and aku sendiri pon x paham haha. Dah main dgn banyak2 timeline ni tkut jadi cam Kingdom Heart plak direction die nanti. Ape2 pon saye bagi 10/10. Totally worth your time
Ghost of Tsushima Ending
Ghost of Tsushima Ending
Tamat juga main Ghost of Tsushima hari selasa lepas, game yang aku anticipated nak main sejak dari dulu lagi. Dah lama aku elak spoiler game ni, it turns out aku x berapa suka dgn game ni awal2 main. Tapi akhirnya sangkut jugak dengan game ni. Overall such a good game from Sony.
Story yg agak menarik and emotional jugak, especially bila player sendiri have to choose our moral value in this game. Combat lawan pedang Samurai so far terbaik. Stealth elements are great and better than any AC games out there. Kat screen hampir xde UI/HUD dan smua direction quest/objective is guided by nature cue in the game. Tapi malangnya smua tu disguise je, overall gameplay hanyalah typical sekadar "Ubisoft Design' openworld.
Iki Island(DLC) contents pon dah nak habis main. Insyallah malam ni kalo sempat aku akan habiskan Iki Island jugak.
Arknights: Endfield Technical Test
I was chosen to participate in Arknights: Endfield Technical Test thanks to Hypergryph, a new open world gacha game focusing on strategic action combat and building construction, starting tomorrow you may expect more contents related to this game posted here at fb.com/Umaricano
More info at: https://endfield.gryphline.com/en-us
Persona 3 Reload Trailer at GOTY
Persona 3 Reload Trailer at GOTY 2023
Salah satu game yang aku anticipated utk main tahun depan. Nak cuba utk habiskan P5R dulu sebelum game ni release, x tau lah sempat ke tak. Lagipon game ni dekat2 dgn FF7 Rebirth. Rasanya tengah tahun depan baru boleh main ni. Ada yg excited tak nak main game ni?
Charizard card. Offer ur best price or trade with The Winged Dragon of RAyquaza card.
FF7 Remake Integrade Ending
FF7 Remake Integrade Ending - Die punye Ending mmg niat nak tease next FF7 Rebirth nanti. Dekat TGS, Square Enix dah show banyak sangat footage2 untuk next title nanti.
Nampak gameplay mmg mantap, sangat mengutamakan exploration and characters focus, combat system dari game lama pon masih dikekalkan dgn sedikit penambah baikkan mmg sangat terbaik. Memang aku betul2 tak sabar dah nak menunggu FF7 Rebith nanti.
FF7 Remake Yuffie DLC Final Boss
Final Boss Fight Yuffie DLC for FF7 Remake Integrade.
Best jugak DLC Yuffie ni terutama dari segi gameplay, Yuffie punye playstyle mmg best tambah pulak personality die yg mmg menyerlah. Mini game Fort Condor pon mmg x kan boring main banyak kali pon. Dari segi story aku rasa xde pape sangat pon. Nanti lah kita buat full review. DLC ni pendek je, around 8 hours macam tu dah boleh 100% kan.
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Final Boss Fight
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Final Boss Fight
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Final Boss Fight
Selesai jugak replay game nostalgia masa kecik-kecik dulu, lawan boss fight amik masa 45minit haha
My feeling right now waiting for Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Anyone had the same feeling?
Best The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom commercial made right!!
Setelah 6 bulan(about 170 hours) main slow2 akhirnya habis jugak aku main Elden Ring. Certainly one of the best game of all time yang pernah aku main. Game yang sangat mencabar dan memberi kebebasan untuk player mengahayati game ni tanpa hand-holding dari developer. Memang deserved to win GOTY last year.
Game ni ada 6 ending, aku dpt unlock 5 jer. Satu lagi malas lah nak buat. So, sementara menunggu Zelda:ToTK release, boleh lah aku share video2 aku kene bantai kat boss2 lam Elden Ring ni.