Coming tomorrow - a talk with @peterbyoung about his experiences marrying into a Family Cult. Peter has published an incredible memoir "Stop the Tall Man, Save the Tiger: My Journey In and Out of a Cult" where he explores meeting the love of his life, being introduced to "Uncle Robert" and slowly joining his wife and her family in being under Robert's Totalistic control.
Peter talks about holding onto his faith despite numerous trials and tribulations, and the difficulties in repairing his relationships with his children after instances of parental alienation and post-separation abuse.
You can find this episode on all major podcast players tomorrow, or sign up to for early access to the ad-free episode.
#cults #coercivecontrol #spiritualabuse #familycult #cultsurvivor #Memoir
As many of you will know, October is #DomesticAbuseAwareness month. My talk with #NicoleBedera on Sunday's episode focuses on Nicole's research into sexual violence on University campuses which is being covered up by the institutions themselves. This certainly fits into the conversation about gendered crimes against women and the need for more protections in insular communities throughout the world.
Nicole Bedera will be launching her debut book, On the Wrong Side: How Universities Protect Perpetrators and Betray Survivors of Sexual Violence on October 8th, 2024! Pre-order her book here:
#sexualviolence #violenceagainstwomen #domesticabuseawarenessmonth #cults #coercivecontrol #universitylife #collegeabuse #universityabuse #metoomovement