Veena Mehra

Veena Mehra Be creative on the web
Digital creators should practice


Updating Old Content with New Tactics

Optimizing old content is a smart strategy to drive more traffic to your website. One effective approach is to conduct keyword research and identify relevant keywords that are currently popular and have good search volume. Then, update your old content by incorporating these keywords strategically, ensuring they flow naturally within the content.

Additionally, you can improve the overall readability and engagement of your content by adding relevant images, videos, or other media, and formatting it for easy scanning with headings and bullet points. Another tactic is to update any outdated information, statistics, or references in your content to make it current and relevant.

Finally, consider promoting your updated content through social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels to increase its visibility and attract more traffic. By taking these steps, you can optimize your old content and increase its chances of attracting more traffic and engagement. Overall, it's important to regularly review and update your old content to keep it fresh and appealing to both readers and search engines.

By doing so, you can improve its performance and drive more traffic to your website. So, don't neglect your older content - it can still be a valuable source of traffic and engagement with the right optimization efforts. Just remember to focus on improving its relevance, readability, and visibility to maximize its potential for driving more traffic to your website.

By following these strategies, you can optimize your old content and generate more traffic, helping you achieve your online marketing goals. So, get started today and unlock the untapped potential of your older content! Happy optimizing!


Influencer Marketing- changing game.....

Let's say you own a beauty brand that sells natural skincare products. You want to increase your brand's visibility and drive sales, but you're struggling to reach your target audience through traditional advertising channels.

By partnering with a popular beauty influencer who has a large following of individuals interested in natural skincare, you can create sponsored content that promotes your brand's products. The influencer can share their personal experience using your products, showcase the benefits of natural skincare, and encourage their followers to try your products.

Because the influencer has built trust with their audience, their endorsement of your brand can carry a lot of weight and influence their followers to make a purchase. This can result in increased brand awareness, more traffic to your website, and ultimately, more sales for your business.

In short, by leveraging the power of an influencer's existing relationship with their followers, businesses can reach a highly targeted audience in a more authentic and effective way than traditional advertising methods.


Confused! For a better social networking experience, which platform should you use?

Choosing the right platform for social media marketing can depend on several factors, such as your target audience, business goals, and budget. Here are some of the most popular social media platforms and how they might fit your marketing needs:

1. Facebook: Facebook is the largest social media platform, with over 2 billion monthly active users. It is great for building brand awareness and engaging with customers through posts, ads, and Messenger. It also has advanced targeting options for ads, which can help you reach your ideal audience.

2. Instagram: Instagram is a highly visual platform that is great for showcasing products or services through photos and videos. It is popular among younger demographics, making it a good choice for brands targeting Gen Z and millennials. Instagram also offers advertising options for businesses of all sizes.

3. Twitter: Twitter is a fast-paced platform that is great for real-time engagement and customer service. It is also good for promoting blog posts and sharing industry news. Twitter's audience tends to be more educated and affluent, making it a good choice for B2B brands.

4. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that is great for B2B marketing and lead generation. It is good for sharing industry news, thought leadership content, and job openings. LinkedIn also offers advertising options for businesses.

5. YouTube: YouTube is a video-sharing platform that is great for creating educational or entertaining content. It is the second-largest search engine after Google, making it a good choice for SEO and discovery. YouTube also offers advertising options for businesses.

Ultimately, the right platform for your business will depend on your specific goals and target audience. It's important to research your audience and understand where they spend their time online, and to test different platforms to see which ones work best for your business.


Combining AI Tools and Human Content Writers for Best Results
AI Tools - The Pros and Cons

1. Speed: One of the biggest advantages of using AI tools is speed. They can generate multiple ideas within seconds or minutes.

2. Efficiency: AI tools can work tirelessly without getting tired or making mistakes.

3. Cost-Effective: Investing in an AI tool is often more affordable than hiring a full-time employee.


1. Limited Creativity: While AI tools can suggest topics based on data analysis, they lack creativity and originality.

2. Lack of Emotion: Machines cannot understand emotions or human nuances that make content relatable to readers.

3. Inability to Learn from Mistakes: Unlike humans who learn from their mistakes, machines can only operate based on pre-programmed instructions.

Human Content Writers - The Pros and Cons

1. Originality: Human beings have unique perspectives that result in original ideas when it comes to storytelling or writing.

2. Emotional Intelligence: Unlike machines that lack emotional intelligence, humans can understand what resonates with different audiences emotionally.

3. Learning from Mistakes: Human writers learn from their mistakes and try again by honing their craft in delivering high-quality writing pieces.


1. Time Consuming: Writing quality articles takes time – sometimes several hours per piece – which could affect turnaround time

2.Costly Investment : Hiring human writers requires higher investments compared to purchasing software subscriptions

Combining Both Methods For Optimal Results

It's easy to see how both methods have their own set of strengths and weaknesses when it comes to crafting top-notch marketing strategies online; that said, most successful companies combine both approaches for optimal results.


Unstoppable: The Secret to Staying Motivated

Physical Self-Care

Maintaining your physical health is crucial for maintaining motivation. Consider the following self-care techniques:

Regular exercise

To maintain total health and wellness, regular exercise is essential. Exercise can keep you physically fit, help you handle stress, and boost your energy and happiness. Choose a hobby you enjoy, such as walking, dancing, or swimming, rather than spending hours in the gym.

Eat a balanced diet.

Your body receives the nutrition and energy it needs to function properly from a nutritious diet. Consuming a healthy, balanced meal that includes lots of fruits and vegetables helps keep you healthy and energetic all day long.

Sleep soundly.

To recharge your batteries and be prepared to take on whatever comes next, getting adequate sleep is essential. Have a consistent bedtime schedule to ensure that you get adequate restorative sleep each night.

Mental Self-Care

Taking care of your emotional health is a component of mental self-care. Here are some techniques for developing mental self-care:
Develop mindfulness.

Exercises that promote mindfulness, like yoga or meditation, can help people feel less stressed while improving their focus and attention span.

Play and do things you enjoy.
Make time for the interests and pursuits that make you happy. Whether it's music or painting, doing something you enjoy may lift your spirits and give you a sense of success.

Use optimistic thinking.
Positive thought exercises can assist in changing pessimistic thought patterns to more upbeat ones and enhance the general outlook on life.

Spiritual Self-Care

The Care of the Spirit
Building a relationship with something bigger than yourself while pondering life's meaning and purpose is all part of nurturing spiritual well-being. These are a few techniques for developing spiritual self-care:

Become one with nature.
Nature-filled outdoor activities can uplift our spirits and strengthen our bonds with the surrounding environment.

Speak with a person who holds similar views.
Discussing beliefs with someone who might have similar values might help to strengthen communal ties and advance personal development.

frequent prayer or meditation
Regular prayer or meditation may give one the chance to reflect on their own thoughts and feelings while improving their spiritual practice.


Combining SEO and PPC data for more effective results

SEO and PPC strategies are two completely distinct marketing tactics. However, they both serve as a means for your company to reach out to potential clients who are searching for you online.
In addition to the cost-benefit of PPC and SEO, they both have advantages and disadvantages.

SEO is focused on results.

SEO is an abbreviation for "search engine optimization." In layman's words, it refers to the process of upgrading your website to boost its exposure when people search for items or services connected to your company on Google, Bing, and other search engines. The greater your pages’ visibility in search results, the more likely you will gain notice and attract prospective and existing clients to your business.

Search is typically a brand's primary source of internet traffic, supplementing other marketing methods. As a result, increased visibility and ranking higher in search results than your competitors can benefit your bottom line.


on the other hand, is an expensive method that is meant to provide immediate, measurable results; yet it exposes businesses to the danger of spending money on clicks from unqualified customers who bypassed the site's landing page and did not convert into the expected customer (if at all).

The main advantage of a PPC campaign is that it enables lead generation.

However, this technique has numerous disadvantages, such as the high cost of advertisements. These range from text advertisements (e.g., Google AdWords) to video ads (e.g., YouTube) to AdWords search traffic (Google).

To summarise, SEO is the cornerstone of a whole marketing ecosystem. When you know what your website visitors desire, you can use that knowledge for your campaigns (paid and organic), website, social media properties, and more.


There's no one right way to live life.🙂

The best way to live life is to just be yourself.

The best way to live life is to take it day by day. The past is gone and the future is unknown, so the only thing we can do is enjoy the present.
What do you think?

A good way to live life is to take a break every now and then. You should try to have some fun and do things that you enjoy. This will help you to feel better about yourself and your life in general.


Three main pointers to boost the performance of your material

1. 'Why' should always come first.
Your motivation for producing this article is what? Do not start one because you believe you haven't posted enough this month or because you feel you must follow the newest fad. To effectively communicate with your audience, take a step back and keep in mind that content is your medium. What are the key points you want to get over, and how do you want them to feel and behave as a result?

2. Recognize your target market
Even though it should go without saying, I'm often surprised by how many businesses publish content without knowing who their target audience is or where they hang out online.
Don't merely create a TV commercial and post it to social media in the hopes that it will go viral; your audience uses social media to be entertained, not to be targeted with advertisements. If you entertain them, they'll come back for more.

3. Is it a new idea?
Everyone dislikes reading anything they have already read. One of the first things brands must do is create a distinctive identity if they want to stand out from the competition. Prior to producing content that is distinctively you, give your brand some time to find its voice. Go where your competitors can't or won't be challenging the market's prevailing standards.


8 Major Digital Marketing Trends You Should Consider in 2023

What developments in digital marketing should you watch out for in 2023? These innovative ideas will likely change your marketing efforts in the future if your marketing team is having trouble finding inspiration or your existing plan has become stale.

1. Collecting data from zero-party sources using techniques like form building
Big data now has a much greater impact on businesses than ever before. However, due to privacy rules in effect all around the world, we have had to adapt the method we collect data.

2. The effectiveness of email marketing for new product launches and small enterprises increases.
One of the most effective marketing strategies now being used is email marketing. With 89% of businesses predominantly using email marketing to generate leads, this trend will thrive through 2023. Since almost everyone has an email address, connecting with customers is relatively easy for brands and enterprises.

3. Marketing applications like SurveyMonkey will encourage more inventiveness.
There are several programs and resources available that can support creativity in marketing. As 2023 approaches, creativity will surely become increasingly common. Every marketing effort your company does must have the best chance of standing out in the sea of competition and material that exists today.

4. Platforms for real-time messaging will be excellent for data gathering.
Real-time messaging solutions have grown to be a fantastic way for many marketing teams to communicate directly and quickly with clients while also gathering data.

5. The use of influencers will keep growing.
Businesses should exercise caution when determining the type of influencers, they require for their business. Marketers can fall short with this sort of marketing if they choose the wrong people with the wrong audience or reach.

6. When buying from brands, customers desire a greater sense of satisfaction.
Instant satisfaction is necessary for a digital environment where consumers wield most of the power. They want to receive their purchases as soon as possible when buying online. They'll move on if there are any delays or waiting periods.

7. Using digital marketing agencies for outsourcing will be common.
Outsourcing is still a terrific approach for any organization, small or large, to accomplish more. No business wants to miss out on opportunities because they lack the necessary internal resources.

8. More websites will adopt chatbots to improve user experience.
As chatbots have grown more beneficial to marketers, they have attracted additional investment. They make it easier for small businesses and those that aren't open 24 hours a day to respond to inquiries and interact with clients who might need support after hours.

Your competitors1. direct conflictBusinesses that offer a comparable or the same good or service as yours are considered...

Your competitors

1. direct conflict

Businesses that offer a comparable or the same good or service as yours are considered direct competitors. They act as the Pepsi to your Coke and the Uber to your Lyft. Potential customers will contrast them, and you based on factors like pricing, goods, and availability.

When tracking and analyzing data, you should keep an eye out for your direct rivals. They directly threaten you. If you can meet the needs in your sector that their products or services don't address and progress your company before they do, you will obtain the advantage you need to win.

2. competitors in the distance

Companies that leverage the same consumer base as you but offer different products or services that you do are considered your indirect competitors. If you are a restaurant, they are a grocery store. Even while your rivals might not sell sub sandwiches or lasagne, they can nonetheless fulfill the requirements and desires of your clients by providing the raw materials required to make those dishes.

Even while they might not be as dangerous to your business as your direct rivals, keeping an eye on and researching your indirect rivals can teach you a lot and give you valuable insight. The knowledge you find might also provide you a fresh perspective on your reliable industry.

Content management strategy for social media1. Establish a content bank.To start building a social media content bank, d...

Content management strategy for social media

1. Establish a content bank.
To start building a social media content bank, decide which characteristics of your brand you want to highlight to your audience. This covers everything you have going on with your brand, including lifestyle material, user-generated content, brand traits, impending product launches or noteworthy dates, social media goals or benchmarks, and freebies.

2. Utilize content templates to save time.
A content template offers writers an outline that includes all the text and graphics that need to be in a blog post, article, or website. This document should align with the company's or brand's overarching marketing strategy.

3. Build a hashtag list.
For social media content, hashtags function somewhat similarly to a filing system. Social media platforms classify information in a category alongside other, related content when users tag posts with the " #" sign that is pertinent to a particular topic. To identify content related to the information they are looking for, users can search posts under various tags.

4. Utilize a content calendar to stay organized.
The simplest approach to arrange a content calendar is to use an Excel or Google Sheets spreadsheet with a different tab for each month. Depending on the quantity and frequency of your publishing schedule, activities can be divided into days or hours.

5. Title or summary of the article
The title is the key to drawing in your intended audience and it is crucial in making your content the king of the page. Right, the material does not become king until it has reader approval. The title thus serves as the gateway for content to own a castle.

6. Links to supplementary materials, such as content summaries
A content brief is a list of specifications and advice that directs the author as they produce a piece of content. Basic specifications like word count, topic, title, and recommended keywords are frequently included. It can also give comprehensive details about the objectives, target audience, and a general description of the material.

Social media management StrategyA social media management checklist is useful for any company to have in its social medi...

Social media management Strategy

A social media management checklist is useful for any company to have in its social media marketing strategy.

It helps keep the employees on track with their marketing campaigns and helps them take quick action when needed.

One of the first things that you must do when you create your social media campaign is to identify all your target audiences, including the ones you are not initially targeting. This helps you develop a customer persona list and know who your focus will be.

After identifying whom they want to target, companies need to start thinking about what platforms they want to use and where they should allocate their resources since there are so many platforms out there.

Some platforms seem like a good idea at first but end up being ineffective for your brand or company's goals, so this step is important!

You are on the road to discovering feelings and your truest self. A journey that is both magical and sacred, but one you...

You are on the road to discovering feelings and your truest self. A journey that is both magical and sacred, but one you will never fully understand until you cross the finish line.


Ways to Boost SEO.....

11 steps to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts and ranking:

Improve your current content.

Create content with the goal of including featured snippets.

Make new content based on keywords with low competition.

Obtain backlinks from authoritative websites
Images should be optimised.

Google Analytics is a tool for tracking metrics.

Check that your website is mobile-friendly.

Optimize your website for on-page SEO factors.

Load times should be reduced.

Enhance local SEO

Make use of internal linking......


Top 14 recommendations for improving your app through optimized app store listings.
The App Store may not be the only place you can find your app, but it is one of the most important ones. It’s home to all your potential users, and if they’re not there, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to market to them. That’s why it’s important to optimize your app store listing, including your keywords and images so that users find you more easily when they search the App Store for apps in your category.
A*O, or App Store Optimization, is a process of increasing the visibility of an app in the App Store. The App Store is the primary platform for discovering new apps and is a powerful driver of app downloads. By optimizing your app's A*O, you can increase your app's visibility in the App Store and drive more downloads. This will increase your app's exposure and help you acquire more users.
1. Make sure your app is optimized for both Android and iOS devices.
2. Have a clear call-to-action (CTA) button at the top of your screen.
3. Use the same color palette throughout your entire app.
4. Include a splash screen before launching your app.
5. Add a search bar to your app.
6. Include a map in your app.
7. Include a social sharing option in your app.
8. Make a "Buy Now" button available in your app.
9. Include a “Learn More” button in your App.
10. Include a “Contact Us” button in your application.
11. Include a “Sign Up/Login” button in your application.
12. Include a “Donate” button in your APP.
13. Include a “Download” button in your APPLICATION.
14. Include a “Help” button in your APPLICATION.

There are six signs that your life is going really well.You took care of yourself in the kitchen.You drank water that wa...

There are six signs that your life is going really well.

You took care of yourself in the kitchen.

You drank water that was clean.

You slept through the night.

Some individuals genuinely care about you.

You are well-dressed, and you have a place to call home.

A good day might nevertheless happen on a day that could have been better.

Mind Your Own Business!!!A Mind Your Own Business attitude is important in all aspects of life, even in digital marketin...

Mind Your Own Business!!!

A Mind Your Own Business attitude is important in all aspects of life, even in digital marketing.

But it's just as important to mind other people's business too.

Do you mind others' business?
If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s likely that you’ll have to deal with at least one of the following people at some point in your business life: digital marketers, content creators, or SEO experts.
Because these three groups of professionals work closely together, there are certain things that they should never say to each other (to avoid some serious arguments), and the phrase mind your own business should be one of them.
The most successful businesses are those who take an active role in their own digital marketing and SEO, minding their own business along the way.
As a business owner, it's important to be aware of how you present yourself online.
This includes being mindful of the language you use, as well as the type of content you share.


All is Welllllllllllllllllllll………………………
Sharing a small experience of my life…... which help me to overcome my fear.
You must have seen the movie 3 Idiots, there is a dialogue in it, keep fooling your heart and tell it everything is fine.
And all will seem right to see.
For holidays, we went to our aunt's house, those tube wells are installed for water in the field.
My brother jokingly pushed me into it, because I was afraid of water, so I thought I would drown. And started crying loudly.
I was shouting save, help me
After a while, I realized that the water was only till my waist, and I was standing in it screaming. Everyone was laughing.
I had already thought in my mind that I am afraid of water, and I will drown.
Similarly, when I thought about changing my job, especially for digital marketing.
I thought I would not, and I would not be able to find it.
But until you see us putting ourselves in the situation, how will you know what you can do and what not.
You just must settle your heart, everything is fine Mamu, everything will be done.

Why we strive for perfectionIt's no secret that our society is obsessed with perfection. We're constantly bombarded with...

Why we strive for perfection

It's no secret that our society is obsessed with perfection. We're constantly bombarded with images of perfect bodies, perfect lives, and perfect relationships. And it's no wonder that so many of us feel like we can never measure up.
The pressure to be perfect can be overwhelming. It can lead to all sorts of problems, from eating disorders and anxiety to depression and low self-esteem. But why do we strive for perfection in the first place?
There are several reasons. For one, we live in a culture that values success and achievement above all else. We're taught from a young age that if we want to be successful in life, we must be perfect.
But perfectionism is also a defense mechanism. It's a way of protecting ourselves from the pain of failure. If we're perfect, then we can't fail. And if we can't fail, then we can't be hurt or rejected.
Of course, the problem with this way of thinking is that it's simply not true. We all make mistakes, and we all have flaws. No one is perfect.
So instead of striving for perfection, try to focus on being your best self. Be

"I have no technical experience, so I'm beginning from scratch, but I'm learning a lot from this website because there i...

"I have no technical experience, so I'm beginning from scratch, but I'm learning a lot from this website because there is so much material and explanations."

You may use the Site Audit tool to:

Examine your website for 130+ technical and SEO flaws.

To enhance your Google results, identify, prioritize, and resolve on-site issues.

View detailed information such as Site Performance, Page Crawlability, and others.




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