Insulting each other without either person getting offended is a sign of a strong relationship. Atreus and Sindri show us that. #therapy #godofwar #mentalhealth
Spending hours per day thinking about germs and cleaning can be a sign of OCD. Sindri shows us that. #therapy #godofwar #mentalhealth
Talking trash is best when you have connection with the other person. Atreus shows us this. #therapy #godofwar #mentalhealth
People ask for compliments to seek approval and connection. Atreus gets that and rewards Sindri. #therapy #godofwar #mentalhealth
Fixation on germs and intense focus on cleanliness are common signs of OCD. Sindri could have that. #therapy #godofwar #mentalhealth
Feeling distant from the world after lockup and torture can be a sign of complex PTSD. Tyr seems to be showing that. #therapy #godofwar #mentalhealth
We learn from our mistakes to stop our children from making them. The new Kratos is grateful Tyr doesn’t want war — so his son Atreus doesn’t rush off into it. #godofwar #therapist #mentalhealth
We often set high expectations for our heroes they can never meet. Atreus learns that. #mentalhealth #godofwar #thankyou
The parent-child bond makes parents do things they never would. Kratos shows us that. #godofwar #therapy #mentalhealth
As adults we often lose our idealism and become pessimistic. Atreus reminds us this. #therapy #godofwar #mentalhealth
Be direct with what you want. Atreus gets that. #therapy #mentalhealth #godofwar
We’d have a lot less enemies if we see their perspective. Kratos gets that. #therapy #godofwar #mentalhealth
It’s up to parents to guide their kids to not make the same mistakes they did. Kratos gets that. #godofwar #therapy #mentalhealth
You choose your perspective in life. You don’t have to go to work… you GET to go to work! Choose the mindset that benefits you 🚀
Know the motives of anyone who helps you. Usually they’re good, but sometimes they’re not.
Here’s why Kratos trusts his “brother”#godofwar #ps5 #mentalhealth
Admitting mistakes makes other people trust you MORE, not less. It’s the first step in making amends 🙏🏾 #godofwarragnarok #therapy #mentalhealth #trauma
Who are we to judge other people’s mistakes when we have our own baggage. Kratos gets that. #ps5 #relatable #godofwar
Want someone to trust you? Admit when you’re wrong. #godofwar #ps5 #gaming #mentalhealth
We can’t get rid of trauma. We just learn to deal with it better.
We must SAY how we feel about our friends and loved ones to build a deep connection with them. Rather than just keeping them to ourselves. #godofwarragnarok #therapy #mentalhealth
Even H1tler thought he was good. #godofwarragnarok #therapy #mentalhealth
We can all learn from Atreus. #godofwar #mentalhealth #therapy
It’s best to be calm but direct when teaching our kids. They won’t respect you otherwise. #therapy #mentalhealth #godofwarragnarok
Gut feelings evolved as a survival mechanism. When you sense someone’s trying to trick you, you’re probably right. #godofwarragnarok #mentalhealth #therapy
Mimir beat himself for years for imprisoning this creature. Guilt is normal, but it doesn’t need to consume you. #relatable #ps5 #godofwar
“I just need you to trust me.” #godofwar #ps5 #mentalhealth
Notice how Atreus changes the subject when Kratos asks a personal question. Where do you think he learned that? #godofwarragnarok #therapy #therapy
Emotional distance makes people lie. #godofwarragnarok #therapy #mentalhealth #trauma
Don’t give a gift to change someone. That’s manipulation. #ps5 #godofwar #mentalhealth