Boost Your Engine’s Safety With a Fuel Shutoff Valve #SafetyFirst
We talk about how to repair a damaged power cord plug instead of replacing the entire piece of equipment. By purchasing a $5 repair plug from the hardware store and following the manufacturer's instructions, we were able to easily replace the plug and get the equipment working again, saving a lot of money compared to buying a brand new unit. #powerequipment #plugrepair #hardwarestore #DIYFixes #costsavings
Curious if we can boost the speed on the Taylor Dunn cart? Find out whether simple lubrication or weight reduction could be the key in this informative video! Full Video Pinned on Page #golfcart #HappyHolidays #diy
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from Dillons Outdoor Garage family! #blessed #merrychristmas #happyholidays
It’s been a long 1 year. Here’s a sneak peek of my new video that will come out tomorrow! Stay tuned! Thank you for your support and patience