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Positive Global News Network Positive Global News Network Counterweight to the tendency to mainly use sensational journalism.

There may be more positive news, but contemporary journalism is conditioned in the biased notion that people like negative and sensational news.

Is elektrisch vliegen op grote schaal iets wat pas in de verre toekomst actueel wordt? Allerminst. Op Maastricht Aachen ...

Is elektrisch vliegen op grote schaal iets wat pas in de verre toekomst actueel wordt? Allerminst. Op Maastricht Aachen Airport start deze zomer een pilot, waarbij je je in een tweepersoons elektrisch vliegtuigje (een Pipistrel Velis Electro) in iets meer dan een kwartier van Beek naar het vliegveld in Luik of het voormalig militair vliegveld Merzbrück in Würselen bij Aken kunt laten vliegen.

Ook in omgekeerde richting wordt gevlogen: een vlucht met Electricfly tussen de luchthavens van Luik en Würselen neemt iets minder dan een halfuur in beslag. De verwachtingen zijn hooggespannen. ,,Het gaat om Europa’s eerste internationale elektrische vluchten die beschikbaar zijn voor het publiek”, zegt woordvoerder Mark Maas van Maastricht Aachen Airport (MAA), een van de partners in het project.

Bijzondere primeur

MAA sorteert al geruime tijd voor op mogelijkheden om personenvervoer door de lucht op den duur volledig emissievrij te maken. De korte tochtjes tussen de drie Euregionale luchthavens vormen in dat kader een bijzondere primeur. Electrifly wordt dan ook beschouwd als een voorproefje van de toekomst van eAviation, waarbij passagiers emissievrij vervoerd kunnen worden tussen regionale luchthavens en internationale hubs in Europa, aldus Electrifly. Voor de drukbezette zakenreiziger, die ook nog maalt om het milieu, is het een absolute uitkomst.

Enorme stap vooruit

Jonas van Stekelenburg, de vorig jaar aangetreden interim-directeur van MAA, kenschetst de proef als ‘een enorme stap vooruit bij het realiseren van onze missie om emissievrije vluchten voor passagiers mogelijk te maken’. ,,Door te participeren in dit project openen wij de deur voor duurzame verbindingen tussen regionale luchthavens en samenwerkingen met mobiliteits- en luchtvaartpartners die dezelfde doelen nastreven met betrekking tot emissievrij transport. Iedereen die dit doel nastreeft is van harte welkom op onze luchthaven”, aldus de tijdelijke CEO. Hij roemt MAA als de perfecte locatie om de ontwikkeling van eAviation verder te faciliteren.

Bron: de Limburger

De Limburger Maastricht Aachen Airport


Elke ouder langs de kant van het voetbalveld zou hier eens goed naar moeten luisteren. Fantastisch verwoord!

You might have heard from the organization “Just-Dig-It”. If you didn’t…Well…, it is time you do!By using a range of lan...

You might have heard from the organization “Just-Dig-It”. If you didn’t…
Well…, it is time you do!
By using a range of landscape restoration techniques, we can help nature and restore vegetation to these degraded areas. The presence of vegetation then keeps the soil healthy and fertile, allowing plants and trees to continue to grow. When vegetation comes back, it can help restore an entire area!
0ne of the techniques used by Just Dig It is digging “smiley” holes in dry ground.
These holes can prevent valuable rainwater from immediately flowing away. By using plants such as trees and shrubs, the soil is also improved. Root pieces in the ground also create places deeper in the ground where water can drain. The planted trees and shrubs cool the soil, which in turn helps prevent direct evaporation of water when it falls.
In addition, CO2 is stored with the new planting.
Other methods are also used to cool the dry and hot soil in Africa. I would like to refer you to the Just Dig It website or follow

A vertical forest took shape in Utrecht.At 110m it’s just over five metres short of the tallest tree in the world, howev...

A vertical forest took shape in Utrecht.

At 110m it’s just over five metres short of the tallest tree in the world, however the greenery-clad walls of the Wonderwoods Vertical Forest – a new office and residential tower block in Utrecht, Netherlands – will equate to an impressive one hectare (2.5 acres) of woodland.

The building (main picture) is the brainchild of Italian architect Stefano Boeri, who has nurtured a reputation for covering his creations with vegetation. Besides housing 200 apartments, a gym and workspaces, Wonderwoods’ facades will feature almost 10,000 shrubs and 360 trees.

The plants will not only dampen city noise, provide summer shade, and absorb an annual five tonnes of CO2, but they’re expected to draw 30 animal species to the city, including blackbirds, robins and swallows. Work is underway and should be complete by mid-2024.

Image: Stefano Boeri Architetti

Where there was once a dried-out landscape, a beautiful landscape with a return of biodiversity arose (by human interfer...

Where there was once a dried-out landscape, a beautiful landscape with a return of biodiversity arose (by human interference). Wonderful people: Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado and Sebastião Salgado Wonderful project this: Institutoterra.org

Where there was once a dried-out landscape, a beautiful landscape with a return of biodiversity arose (due to man).  Won...

Where there was once a dried-out landscape, a beautiful landscape with a return of biodiversity arose (due to man). Wonderful project this:

Vídeo institucional do Instituto Terra.ONG indealizada por Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado e Sebatsião Salgado, que tem como missão a restauração ecossistêmica e...

"Gewoon een normale, mooie do**he voor op de boerderij", zo omschrijft Janneke Bom de do**he die in haar koeienstal hang...

"Gewoon een normale, mooie do**he voor op de boerderij", zo omschrijft Janneke Bom de do**he die in haar koeienstal hangt. In de afsluitbare ruimte staat ook een toilet, hangt zelfs een urinoir en die worden nog wel eens gebruikt. Maar de do**he hangt daar maar. En dat is jammer, want uit de kraan komt gratis verwarmd water.
Op Facebook doet Maatschap Bom Wessels uit Emmer-Compascuum daarom een oproep om gratis te komen do**hen. 'Hoge energieprijzen? Wij bieden gratis warm do**hen! Wij hebben de beschikking over veel warm water en een do**heruimte op onze boerderij. Dit delen we graag met u', zo is te lezen op de betreffende Facebookpagina. "Het nieuws over de do**he gaat als een lopend vuurtje rond. Het wordt vaak gedeeld", weet Bom.
Zelf handdoek en zeep meenemen
Wie langskomt in Emmer-Compascuum moet zelf een handdoek en zeep meenemen, maar mag wel liefst een kwartier onder de do**he blijven staan. "Mijn zoon had het bedacht" verklapt Bom. "En wij werden meteen enthousiast, want iedereen krijgt in deze tijd te horen dat energie duur is."
Een mono-mestvergisterinstallatie achter de koeienstal produceert warmte en elektriciteit. Volgens zoon Jos Bom levert dat het methaangas waar een aggregaat op draait. Dat aggregaat zorgt dan weer voor stroom en warmte. "Voel je vrij om te komen. We proberen iets te bieden waar wij van over hebben. Het is misschien een druppel op een gloeiende plaat, maar warm do**hen gun je iedereen."

(Bron: RTV Drenthe, Steven Ophof)
**henbijdeboer **hen

Wales will plough its own furrow with agricultural reforms designed to battle climate change by paying farmers for prote...

Wales will plough its own furrow with agricultural reforms designed to battle climate change by paying farmers for protecting nature.

The Welsh government said its “historic” Agriculture Bill, which has been in the making since the 2016 Brexit vote, will back sustainable farming. A new subsidy scheme will be rolled out to support the sector’s role in environmental stewardship.

The step is seen as a stark counterpoint to rumours that plans for similar measures over the border in England face being scrapped by Westminster. Defra has confirmed that the Environment Land Management Scheme, currently being piloted, is under review.

In Wales, a new Sustainable Land Management programme will reward farmers for measures that mitigate climate change, enhance ecosystems and conserve the Welsh countryside. These include tree planting, habitat protection and sustainable food production.

Wales will also become the first UK country to ban snares and glue traps, widely criticised for catching animals indiscriminately and causing unnecessary suffering.

“These are difficult and challenging times for our farmers. Climate change, rising costs, new trade deals and the war in Ukraine, are just some of the issues they face,” said Welsh Minister for Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths.

“This Bill provides a framework on which all future agricultural support will be delivered and outlines how we can keep farmers on the land, produce food sustainably and deal with the climate emergency.”

Image: Highwaystarz-Photography/iStock

Going Dutch took on a new meaning this week with the publication of an enlightening report. It revealed that if other na...

Going Dutch took on a new meaning this week with the publication of an enlightening report. It revealed that if other nations cycled as much as the Netherlands, the world would save 686m metric tonnes of carbon annually. That’s roughly equivalent to the annual emissions of Germany.

It’s certainly doable. In the UK, 60 per cent of journeys between one and two miles are made by motor vehicle, most of which could easily be done by bike.

In other news, data revealed that the healthy life expectancy for people in Africa has risen by a decade this century thanks to improvements in health services. Plus, magic mushrooms were touted as a cure for alcoholism, a once-lost species flourished in England, and France banned (some) fossil fuel ads.
(Source: Positive.News)


Iryna (with her 2 daughters) fled from Ukraine. We got to know her in the "blue yellow living room" in Sittard and now lives temporarily in the Netherlands. Her hobby is making beautiful hair jewelry and brooches and she would like to continue this in the Netherlands. On her instagram .hm are examples she has made with fabric, foam and beads. If you are interested, she can make something beautiful to your liking. Any color and size is possible. Let her know what you personally would like. You can always contact her by sending a personal message on her instagram account.

Carolien Mulder-Leers

Super mooi initiatief van een super mooi mens: de Blauw Gele Huiskamer in Sittard, ontmoetingsplek voor Oekraïense vluch...

Super mooi initiatief van een super mooi mens: de Blauw Gele Huiskamer in Sittard, ontmoetingsplek voor Oekraïense vluchtelingen.
Супер приємна ініціатива суперприємної людини: Blue Yellow Living Room у Сіттарді, місце зустрічі українських біженців

Salima Mukansanga from Rwanda since Tuesday has been able to call herself the first female head referee at an internatio...

Salima Mukansanga from Rwanda since Tuesday has been able to call herself the first female head referee at an international final tournament. She refereed the group match between Zimbabwe and Guinea (2-1) at the Africa Cup.

The 33-year-old Mukansanga received compliments about her performance afterwards. Her most striking moment was the yellow card she gave in stoppage time to Guinea captain Naby Keita, who protested over Zimbabwe's time-wasting. Keita is therefore suspended for the eighth finals.

"We are very proud of Salima," said Eddy Maillet, head of referee affairs on the website of the African federation CAF. "She achieved this through extremely hard work."

"A woman has to overcome serious obstacles to reach this level. This is a great moment not only for Salima, but for all women and girls in Africa with a passion for football and arbitration," said Maillet.

Earlier this Africa Cup of Nations, Mukansanga became the first female official in the tournament's history when she acted as the fourth official in the game between Malawi and Guinea (0-1).

With Carine Atemzabong from Cameroon and Fatiha Jermoumi and Bouchra Karboubi from Morocco, there are also two female linesmen and a female VAR active at this edition of the Africa Cup in Cameroon.

Source: Reuters and Nu.nl

A study revealed the climate benefits of a veggie dietOne hundred billion tonnes of carbon dioxide could be removed from...

A study revealed the climate benefits of a veggie diet
One hundred billion tonnes of carbon dioxide could be removed from the air by the end of the century, if high-income countries adopt a plant-based diet.

That’s according to a study by researchers at Leiden University, in the Netherlands. They calculated that switching to a veggie diet would reduce agricultural emissions by 61 per cent, while rewilding grazing sites would actively remove 98bn tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere by 2100.

“It’s a remarkable opportunity for climate mitigation,” said the university’s Paul Behrens. “It would also have massive benefits for water quality, biodiversity, air pollution and access to nature, to name just a few.”

Source: Positive.News

Exchange pays off!On January 1, 2021, Mike from Zierikzee (NL) started his exchange.  He had a Pokemon card in his posse...

Exchange pays off!

On January 1, 2021, Mike from Zierikzee (NL) started his exchange. He had a Pokemon card in his possession, the plan was to exchange it until he had his dream car in his hands. A Porsche. And he is well on his way, because after 16 trades he already owns a car. Okay, an Opel…, but his dream car is in sight.

Keep on trading
Mike is very happy with the progress of his action, but he is not there yet! The Opel has to get out of the door quickly, because to get to the Porsche, you have to keep on trading. He offers his latest properties on his page, where he has already amassed a considerable number of followers. And that goes in all directions. “At the moment I am talking with someone who wants to exchange his Ford K, trailer and boat for this car. But I haven't seen any pictures yet, so we'll just have to wait and see," says Mike.

Playstation 4.
Mike started the swap as entertainment during corona. It took quite a few trades in the run-up, but once he traded a Playstation 4, the ball started rolling. His popularity on Facebook and especially TikTok also contributes to this. “Of course that helps with the exchange,” he admits. Mike sometimes lets his thoughts go to the next trade.

Summer house with pool
“I will never trade in the Porsche. I want that too much! But maybe in the future I can start a new exchange with the end goal of a large villa with a swimming pool, that could be a nice next challenge. Apparently it works, so who knows.” We hope to join you, Mike!

Source: omroepzeeland.nl

Main photo source: Laurie Byrne

A single page of artwork from a Spider-Man comic book sold at auction for a record $3.36 (or € 2.93) million.Mike Zeck's...

A single page of artwork from a Spider-Man comic book sold at auction for a record $3.36 (or € 2.93) million.

Mike Zeck's artwork for page 25 from Marvel Comics' “Secret Wars No. 8” brings the first appearance of Spidey's black suit. The symbiote suit would eventually lead to the emergence of the character Venom.

The record bidding, which started at $330,000 and soared past $3 million, came on the first day of Heritage Auctions' four-day comic event in Dallas.

The previous record for an interior page of a U.S. comic book was $657,250 for art from a 1974 issue of “The Incredible Hulk” that featured a tease for the first appearance of Wolverine.

Also Thursday, one of the few surviving copies of Superman's debut, Action Comics No. 1, sold for $3.18 million, putting it among the priciest books ever auctioned.

Source: Associated Press,
ABC News

If we believe in the reality of humanity's kindness and altruism, it will form the foundation for achieving true change ...

If we believe in the reality of humanity's kindness and altruism, it will form the foundation for achieving true change in society, a case that Dutch author Rutger Bregman makes convincingly in this book with his signature wit, refreshing frankness, and memorable storytelling.

Rutger Bregman provides new perspective on the past 200,000 years of human history, setting out to prove that we are hardwired for kindness, geared toward cooperation rather than competition, and more inclined to trust rather than distrust one another. In fact this instinct has a firm evolutionary basis going back to the beginning of Homo sapiens.

The “lively” (The New Yorker), “convincing” (Forbes), and “riveting pick-me-up we all need right now” (People) that proves humanity thrives in a crisis and that our innate kindness and cooperation have been the greatest factors in our long-term success as a species.

The European Union produced approximately 2.54 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2020. This was a reduc...

The European Union produced approximately 2.54 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2020. This was a reduction of 13 percent when compared to 2019 levels and for the first time lower than the level in 1965. The highest level of CO2 emissions produced in the EU was in 1979, at 3.99 billion metric tons.

The substantial reduction in emissions in 2020 was a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns and restrictions.
Still, the curve seems to head in the right direction.

Source: Ian Tiseo, Statista




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