"We expect to be attacked with discrediting campaigns from various parties who are not in favor of The Ugly Truth gaining such a wide audience. We believe that the genuine Fans understood what this page represented, & will be able to see through the lies, propaganda, & personal attacks, to focus on the positive msg delivered."
إن أمتنا تمرض ولكن لا تموت، وأمتنا تض
عف ولكن لا تنتهي ولا تنهزم.. أمتنا شروق لا غروب.. أمتنا أمة الخير والخيرية، والقرآن محفوظ من الله، والسنة المطهرة محفوظة، والإسلام قادم لا محالة، وعند اللحظة الفارقة الكبرى لن تختار البشرية إلا الإسلام
This generation will not endure the denial of their inalienable human rights. They will know a life of liberty, which means freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. The ISTT is an all volunteer effort - our words, photos, and videos are our only weapons and our doors are wide open to thoughtful, committed citizens, who seek to change the world. The ISTT welcomes submissions from professional journalists, citizen journalists, and all forces for peace and justice. The ISTT will give voice to those forgotten, forsaken and beaten down by the powerful. The media must become a sanctuary for dissent and advocate for those crying unheard. This page was created to expose the lies and the fabrications which are spread in the mass media. We aim to cover a vast range of issues from politics to science and religion. We will, if Allah wills, clarify your misconceptions and doubt on subjects that the mainstream media have brainwashed you with. We consider ourselves the part of the Global Truth Movement. Our objectives are only to raise mass awareness on the most important subjects which affects us and will affect us for time to come. So if you are seeking the truth, if you are able to read between the lines, if you can comprehend the values of freedom, this page can help you to break the shackles of ignorance and introduce to a whole new world of liars and conspirators. Welcome, thank you and congratulations for being a part of this revolutionary mass awareness campaign for exposing the truth. This is an independent page providing news on the Middle East, Zionism, Illuminati, NWO, Christianity / Islam / Judaism, etc. You are requested to invite everyone in your list to this page. And please share around anything which you find beneficial. You are also welcome to post any items
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