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Cultural Dialogue, English Quarterly Magazine A magazine to promote Indo-Iranian Relations

مرکز ثقافت اور اسلامی روابط کی جانب سے امریکی سٹوڈنٹس سے اظہار یک جہتی کیلئے پوری دنیا سے درخواست۔مرکز ثقافت اور اسلامی ...

مرکز ثقافت اور اسلامی روابط کی جانب سے امریکی سٹوڈنٹس سے اظہار یک جہتی کیلئے پوری دنیا سے درخواست۔مرکز ثقافت اور اسلامی روابط نے اپنے بیان میں فلسطین کے حامی یونیورسٹی طلباء کے خلاف امریکی حکومت اور پولیس کے ظالمانہ روئیے کی مزمت کرتے ہوئے،پوری دنیا کی دنیا کی یونیورسٹیوں اور تعلیمی اداروں سے اس حقیقی طلباء تنظیم کی حمایت کی درخواست کی ہے۔اس بیان میں آیا ہے کہ امریکہ میں اس طلباء تنظیم کی جانب سے امریکہ کی مختلف ریاستوں میں بیداری کی یہ لہر اور صہیونی مظالم اور شیطانی عزائم کی مزمت،آزادی بیان کے دعویداروں کی جانب سے طلباء کی ایک بڑی تعداد کی گرفتاری اور تشدد کا باعث بنی ہے۔ کیلفونیا سے ٹیکساس تک جو غیرت مند طلباء غزہ کے مظلوم لوگوں اور خاص کر بچوں اور عورتوں پر ظلم و تشدد کو روکنے کیلئے میدان میں نکلے،وہ کبھی بھی غزہ میں جنگ بندی،اسرائیلی ڈکٹیٹر کی نام نہاد یونیورسٹیوں اور تعلیمی اداروں سے قطع روابط اور غزہ میں نسل کشی کرنے والوں کو کٹہرے میں لانے جیسے بنیادی مطالبات سے پیچھے نہیں ہٹیں گے۔اس طلباء کی انسانیت پر مبنی تحریک نے اپنی حکمت عملی ،ثابت قدمی اور پیش قدمی کے ذریعہ خونخوار درندوں نیندیں حرام کر دی ہیں۔نہ صرف یہی بلکہ مغربی مغربی یونیورسٹیوں اور تعلیمی اداروں تک اس ظلم کی گونج پہنچا دی ہے۔اس تحریک کے تین بنیادی ارکان کی آگاہی،بصیرت اور استقامت نے امریکی ایوانوں میں زلزلہ برپا کر دیا ہے۔ایسی تحریک جو مغرب کے دیگر جغرافیائی اور تعلیمی شعبوں میں بھی پاپولر ہو رہی ہے،امریکہ کے شیطانی عزائم کیلئے خطرہ ثابت ہورہی ہے۔مرکز ثقافت اور روابط اسلامی ان یونیورسٹی طلباء اور اساتذہ کا تہہ دل سے مشکور ہے،جو امریکہ پر مسلط صیہونی لابی کے خوف کے باوجود غزہ کے مظلوموں کی حمایت میں میدان میں نکلے۔اور ان کے خلاف ہونے والے ہر ظالمانہ اقدام کی مزمت کرتا ہے۔یہ مرکز دنیا بھر کی یونیورسٹیوں،تعلیمی اور ثقافتی اداروں سے ہر طرح کے مذہبی،لسانی اور نسلی تعصبات سے بالا تر ہو کر اس امریکی طلباء تنظیم کی انسانیت پر مبنی حقیقت پسند تحریک کی بھر پور حمایت کی درخواست کرتا ہے۔ظاہر ہے کہ پوری دنیا کی جانب سے اس طلباء تنظیم سے اظہار یکجہتی اور حمایت،فلسطین اور غزہ کے مظلوم عوام سے ہی اظہار یکجہتی ہے،جو کسی بھی آزاد انسان کا اخلاقی فرض ہے۔امید ہے کہ اس طرح کی تحریکیں استکباری نظام کے مجرمانہ تسلط کے خاتمے،غزہ جنگ بندی اور صیہونی وحشیوں اور انکے حامیوں کی شکست کا باعث بنیں گی۔
خانہ فرہنگ جمہوری اسلامی ایران دهلی

35th Tehran Internatinal Book FairStart date :May 8 2024End date :May 18 2024Place :Mosalla - Tehran35th Tehran Internat...

35th Tehran Internatinal Book Fair
Start date :
May 8 2024
End date :
May 18 2024
Place :
Mosalla - Tehran
35th Tehran Internatinal Book Fair
35th Tehran International Book Fair will start at May 8 2024

35th Tehran Internatinal Book Fair
Tehran, Mosalla Venue

May 8th to May 18th 2024

About Tehran International Book Fair
Tehran International Book Fair is staged in Tehran in May on an annual basis. The first edition of the international cultural event was held in 1988 with 16 thousands titles of book on show. The cultural event has turned into a landmark, momentous book fair in the Middle East and Asia after 34 editions in a row. Millions of visitors visit the fair every year, including thousands of university students, scholars and their families. The event currently servesas the most significant cultural event in Iran.

Organizer of TIBF

Iran book and literature house has been the organizer of the Tehran International Book Fair during the three past decades. This Institute was established in 1992 as a non-governmental institute and has been commissioned by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance to stage a number of cultural events, particularly Tehran International Book Fair (TIBF), provincial book fairs and cultural festivals at home and abroad. The ultimate goal is to promote and expand book reading in Iran.

Direct Book Sale
All books are up for grab through direct sales during the event. In the last TIBF, over 4 trillion Rials (nearly $9.6 million) were sold.

General rules for attending the international section of the Tehran International Book Fair 2024
08-18 May 2024

The following groups are participating in the International section of TIBF

The Tehran International Book Fair is a prestigious event that brings together various groups worldwide. The International Section of TIBF aims to encourage cultural exchanges between Iran and other countries, particularly in literature, public diplomacy, and book industry advancements.

The international groups participating in the international section of the exhibition are carefully selected based on their expertise, experience, and contribution to the field of the publishing industry.

The event provides a platform for these groups to showcase their work, share their knowledge, and collaborate with others. The TIBF organisers take great care in ensuring that the event is of the highest quality and that the participants have a safe and enjoyable experience.

The following groups have been chosen to participate in the International section of TIBF:

1- International book fairs (especially those where the Islamic Republic of Iran participates or has a free pavilion exchange agreement).

2- Embassies, cultural attaches, and other cultural institutions that want to introduce their country's culture, cultural products, and publishing industry.

3- The Guest of Honor country for the current year, as well as the countries that attended the previous year or will attend the following year.

4- The capital city of the Guest of Honor country for the current year, as well as the capital cities of the countries that attended the previous year or will attend the following year.

5- International organisations and institutes that are active in books and cultural exchanges.

6- The friendship societies of countries.

7. Iranian literary agencies and publishers who have licensed the copyright of their books to foreign publishing companies for translation and publication in other languages.

8. Iranian literary agencies and publishers who are considering selling the copyright of their books to foreign publishing companies.

9. Foreign publishing companies that have translated and published Persian titles in other languages.

10. Local organizations and institutes in the international arena that have produced cultural products for display in this section.

11. International literary agencies, organizations, and institutes that are involved in activities related to Iranian publications.

The regulations are in place to ensure that the International Section and International Institutions run smoothly and effectively.

The regulations for Participation in the International Section of TIBF

The International Section of TIBF is an exclusive platform for authors, publishers, and book enthusiasts to showcase their work to a global audience. It is a unique opportunity to gain international recognition and connect with publishers from across the world.

To participate in the International Section of TIBF, you need to adhere to the set regulations. These regulations ensure that the event is organized effectively and that participants have a fair chance of showcasing their work. It should also be mentioned that the regulations are designed to ensure that participants can display their work in a safe and secure environment.

Participants must follow the rules of conduct as follows:

1- The participating countries are required to respect the time intervals and public regulations of the book fair.

2- The allocation of area is based on the available total area.

3- The cultural centers are only allowed to present the products that fall within the activities of their respective organizations.

4 - Commercial activities such as arranging tours and advertising language teaching classes are prohibited.

5- The Exhibition curators are not allowed to surrender their pavilion or part of it to other people.

6 - If a forum is to be held, the Hall Manager must be informed of the forum subject in advance.

7- It is essential to respect diplomatic affairs.

8- Exhibiting, selling, and distributing the works that are banned in the Islamic Republic of Iran is not allowed in this section.

The International Market for Iranian Books at TIBF

The International Market for Iranian Books is an event that aims to promote the capacities of the Iranian publication industry and facilitate cultural exchanges on a global level.

All domestic publishers active in the international field, as well as foreign publishers, embassies, institutes, and literary agencies, are welcome to participate and showcase their products at the Tehran International Book Fair. The objectives of this section include showcasing the capabilities of the Iranian publication industry to foreign experts, facilitating connections between domestic and foreign publishers, and examining problems in international publication and their potential solutions.

The International Market for Iranian Books encourages all domestic publishers active in the international field, as well as foreign publishers, to participate and take advantage of this exciting event.

Domestic publishers exhibiting books in the International section must comply with the following regulations at TIBF

To ensure a seamless and successful exhibition at TIBF, all publishers showcasing their books in the International section must adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the event organizers. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in unnecessary delays and setbacks that could potentially hinder your business goals.

Therefore, we strongly advise exhibitors to carefully read and follow the regulations as follows:

1. If the copyright symbol is not included in the edition notice page, a copy of the contract signed by a foreign publisher must be presented.

2. Books from domestic publishers must have a license issued by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Iran.

3. Publishers who want to present their books at an international level can only present their own books. Priority will be given to books with Iranian content, bi- or multilingual books, and books selected by national or international festivals.

4. It is forbidden to present any books or other products for selling purposes in this section.

5. Interested publishers must provide a list of the books they want to exhibit in this section within a predetermined deadline.

6. The attendees of this section are responsible for selecting suitable books and also introducing a person to stay at the pavilion.

7. If an Exhibition curator plans a forum or workshop, it can be held in the designated hall, provided that the applicant informs the authorities to make the necessary arrangements.

8. The registration process must be completed exclusively via the website (



Iran Consulate organizes 10-day Iranian Food Festival in Hyderabad (Telangana) [India],  The Iranian Consular Assistant ...

Iran Consulate organizes 10-day Iranian Food Festival in
Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], The Iranian Consular Assistant at the Tehran Consulate General, Mohsen Moghaddami on Friday inaugurated the 10- day food festival organized by the Iran Consulate at The Park Hotel in Hyderabad from February 16 to 25. The Iranian food festival marks a unique collaboration between the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hyderabad and the CD Foundation as this partnership aims to celebrate cultural diversity through the universal language of food, fostering deeper cultural understanding and appreciation
In the festival, four Chefs from two different regions, Sistan-e-Baluchistan and Bandra Abbas, of Iran have been invited to host this gastronomic journey through the Authentic, rich and flavorful cuisine of Iran, curated to tantalize the taste buds of food enthusiasts in Hyderabad
The Iranian Chefs namely Mona Poordarya Einezhad, Elaheh Sarani, Hamid Poudineh and Maryam Sarani Samat are experts in the field of baking, kababs and Different cuisines of Iran.

The guests who will attend the festival can expect to savour an array of authentic Iranian dishes meticulously crafted by expert chefs, including traditional favourites such as kebabs, rice dishes, and delectable Persian desserts. Each dish showcases the distinctive flavors, aromas, and culinary techniques that define Iranian cuisine. In addition to the sumptuous food offerings, the Iranian Food Festival will feature cultural displays, highlighting the rich heritage and traditions of Iran. Guests will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the vibrant atmosphere, experiencing the warmth and hospitality synonymous with Iranian culture.
Speaking at the festival, Iranian Consular Assistant at the Tehran Consulate General, Mohsen Moghaddami said, "Today, we are opening Iranian food festival. it will last for 10 days from 15 to 25 Feb. So, we invited four chefs to present Iranian food in Hyderabad. We invite Hyderabadies to taste Iranian food. This would be non-spicy experience food for the Indian community."

Moreover, The Park executive chef, Satya Pindari said, "Today, we give samplers for the display. The motto of Iranian festival is to bring a new concept to Hyderabadi. There is a bit of a connection of Hyderabadi and Christian food and the ingredients are similar. Four chefs came from Iran, a Kabab specialist, a curry specialist, a Rice specialist and a bread specialist. All these four specialists, are giving expertise to my team in Kitchen and restaurant.

Iran's largest food event titled "Gilan Foods" was held to honor the day and week of Rasht and revive the forgotten loca...

Iran's largest food event titled "Gilan Foods" was held to honor the day and week of Rasht and revive the forgotten local dishes of Gilan province with the presence of some ambassadors of different countries in Rasht.

Eight years ago, the city of Rasht was officially selected by UNESCO as a "Creative Gastronomy City" and registered in the list of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

More than 200 types of traditional and native dishes that are being forgotten and to revive them were displayed in the biggest Iranian food event in Rasht and were well received by people and tourists.

"Vali Jahani", Director General of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Gilan Province, stated that food tourism can help attract tourists and diversify tourism, saying that food tourism is a way to get acquainted with the culture of different countries.

Handicrafts exhibition, the performance of traditional Iranian music, and visiting the tourist attractions of Gilan province are among the other programs of "Rasht Week" and until Tuesday, Iranian and foreign tourists can pay a visit to the beautiful city to get acquainted with the beauty of nature, art and authentic Iranian music by traveling to Gilan province.

In the name of AllahFor Muslims, Virgin Mary is the manifestation of piety and spiritual purity: Imam KhameneiDec 24, 20...

In the name of Allah
For Muslims, Virgin Mary is the manifestation of piety and spiritual purity: Imam Khamenei
Dec 24, 2018

From the viewpoint of Muslims, Virgin Mary is the manifestation of piety and spiritual purity.-- "And Mary, the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into her of Our inspiration.” [The Holy Quran, 66: 12].--This has been repeated several times in the Holy Quran.

In the Holy Quran Allah, the Exalted mentions the names of two women as perfect examples of faith. God also mentions the names of two women as examples of infidelity. "Allah sets forth, for an example to the unbelievers, the wife of Noah and the wife of Lut: They were (respectively) under two of our righteous servants" [The Holy Quran, 66: 10]. These two women exemplify infidelity. That is to say, Allah the Exalted mentions women, not men, as examples of both infidelity and faith. "And Allah sets forth, as an example to those who believe the wife of Pharaoh" [The Holy Quran, 66: 11]. He mentions the wife of Pharaoh and Mary as two perfect examples of faith. "And Mary the daughter of Imran" [The Holy Quran, 66: 12].

February 8, 2010

Virgin Mary enlightens the world

Mary is the mother of Jesus and the daughter of Imran. Mary is a young lady who stands strongly like a mountain before the accusations and slandering looks of the people in her town and region, and she holds in high esteem the Word of God-- the Spirit, that God, the Exalted, has put in her pure body-- and offers her child like a source of light to the dark world of that time.

These two women [Mary and Asieh, Pharaoh's wife] enlighten the world. This shows that in the vast realm and big arena where all the people, from the first to the last, are gathered; when God the Exalted wants to choose two humans from among all the humans and introduce them as models and examples, He chooses two women--not two men, or a man and a woman. There are secrets in this.

10, 1997

The birth of Jesus Christ is so great that cannot be adequately described, unless through artistic works

Any time I read the Sura "Maryam", I am greatly impressed. This has been the case since my youth. This is because the story of that sura is a truly wonderful story. The story of the birth of Jesus Christ – in that particular place, at that particular time, and under those special circumstances – is so great that it cannot be adequately described, unless through artistic works.

This is an amazing and rare event – the role of the Virgin Mary and Zechariah in this event, the special social conditions of the time, and the teachings of Jesus Christ which were like a shining beacon of guidance that shed light on human life and minds. It should also be noted that the teachings of Jesus were no different than those of Moses – that is, they were a complement to the teachings of Moses. Most of the teachings of Jesus Christ were a repetition of the teachings of Moses. However, when Jesus Christ passed on his teachings, the followers of Moses were so alienated from his teachings that they believed the teachings of Jesus Christ were an innovation and an instance of blasphemy. This was because the teachings of Moses had been distorted. This was while the teachings of Moses and Jesus both originated from the same source. And the teachings of Jesus were based on the same concepts as those of Moses. Both the teachings of Moses and those of Jesus were sent to them through divine revelation. In this story, the role of distortions, the role of the powers of the time, and the selfishness and misunderstandings of some people are clearly mentioned.

October 29, 1999

There is one matter, in the Holy Quran about the Virgin Mary, which has attracted my attention to a great extent. From the viewpoint of Muslims, Virgin Mary is the manifestation of piety and spiritual purity.--"And Mary, the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into her of Our inspiration.” [The Holy Quran, 66: 12].--This has been repeated several times in the Holy Quran.

The point about guarding her chastity has been greatly stressed when mentioning the Virgin Mary. What were the circumstances like? This is, in my opinion, a very important point. A girl came to a temple and stayed there until her youth. What factors and motivations caused her to resist all those temptations with such superhuman power? If her power was not superhuman, the issue would not be so greatly emphasized in the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran says “guarded her chastity," which means that she remained pure. This is a very important matter and should be a lesson for everyone.

Through guarding her chastity and remaining pure in that critical situation, the Virgin Mary could change history

اجرای گروه نمایشی ایران در موزه ملی هند، با موضوع معرفی عروسک های سنتی و آیینی اقوام ایرانی،روز سه شنبه  19/12/2023  ساع...

اجرای گروه نمایشی ایران در موزه ملی هند، با موضوع معرفی عروسک های سنتی و آیینی اقوام ایرانی،روز سه شنبه 19/12/2023 ساعت ۱۱.۳۰ در سالن همایش موزه ملی هند .

"Cultural Dialogue" English Quarterly Journal Second Issue on "Spirituality and Mysticism” " (Vol. 2, 2020) Published by...

"Cultural Dialogue" English Quarterly Journal
Second Issue on "Spirituality and Mysticism” " (Vol. 2, 2020)
Published by Iran Culture House, New Delhi, India.

"Cultural Dialogue" English Quarterly Journal First Issue on "Indo-Iran Cultural Relations" (Vol. 1, 2020) published by ...

"Cultural Dialogue" English Quarterly Journal
First Issue on "Indo-Iran Cultural Relations" (Vol. 1, 2020)
published by Iran Culture House, New Delhi, India.




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