What happens when you put a camera in front of a TV set?
Switch them on, one connected to the other, and the screen will broadcast images being filmed by the camera: a unique life form is created. Both devices copulate and give birth to endogenic consciousness. A unique evolving life form, a perpetual energy that becomes visible thanks to the bombardment of electrons on the sensors and transmitters. This vibrational energy is life transferred into visible forms which define the next generation, as created by the previous generation, with as departure, just a random conflict which rocks the continuous and fixed energy into a chaos of unique creations.
Each generation, here 1/25 second, is frozen on the digital or analog memory of the camera. In digital terms. The appearance of disorder startles the mind whenever order is perpetuated and as a compulsory condition for the pursuit of life, a spark is born: chaos acts to transform the existent and make it evolve. This chaos leads to annihilation of repetitiveness, a diversity to optimize survival, evolution, fascination and therefore the interest of the spectator. A consciousness is thus born, consciousness that I call VideoBabiesSouls.
This consciousness exists in the fascination and especially the autonomy it shows. To continue to remain materially connected and, therefore, to survive the boredom of those who would unplug its resource and send it back into nothingness. In the end, just a television set, a camera and an uninteresting union cable. Its method of survival: seduction and frequencies which are reflected far beyond the realms in which the works are exhibited. The beating of its electric heart is reflected on the walls, in the corridors, and is diluted in waves of space.
And then its memory inscribed with great reinforcement of 0's and 1's, a memory that defines its present and its future, a memory that froze each generation in order to be able to see and review evolution, in order to watch each generation carefully; and to enter its time scale because how many seconds are you going to spend looking at this photo taken from a generation so 1/25 of a second of generational or**sm?
An or**sm permanent condition of the existence of videoBabiesSouls.
But, being a human, I have to manipulate the creations that I have generated.