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"...increasingly profits have accrued not by trading and producing goods and services but through financial instruments."

Most so-called business coaches and social media coaches make money by > marketing to other people who they teach how to > market to other people > None of them actually produce anything or coach businesses that produce anything > Parasites

.9 Tips To Building A Relationship With Your ListNow you know that you need a list and have started to build one. The ne...

9 Tips To Building A Relationship With Your List

Now you know that you need a list and have started to build one. The next step is to build the relationship that will make the list profitable. Below are 9 tips to help you get that process started.

1. Unsubscribers Are Good.
The only way that you will not get unsubscribes to your list is to never send to them. Not everyone will like your personality or writing style. Those that don’t will never follow your recommendations so it is not a great loss when they unsubscribe.

2. Be Yourself
Let your personality come through to your list. People will buy from you because they trust you. Try to be something you are not and it will come through to your list and you will never develop that trust.

3. Be Informative
Make sure that you are supplying quality information to your list. Even if you are presenting a product for sale make sure that you are also supplying information. Create the problem and your product as a solution but also let your subscribers learn something about the topic even if they aren’t interested in the product.

4. Stay On Topic
If your list is about desserts that should be the topic of your email. Now don’t send marketing tips to your dessert list or desserts to your marketing tips list. Yes, there may be a few that have interests in both (I am one and have both types of lists), but the person signed up for a specific topic and you are violating that trust you have worked so hard to create.

5. Limit Content in Emails
Sending multiple items to your list can be extremely confusing to them and never get you the action you are looking to get. Make sure that you have a call to action in every email. Never leave your subscriber wondering what you wanted them to do.

6. Always Have a Reason
This tends to go with number 5. Make sure that there is a reason for the email that you sent. If you have a purpose then people will tend to keep reading. If they have no idea what your reason is for your email then they will quickly stop reading all of your emails.

7. Track What Works
Tracking is the only way you will know which of your emails works and which don’t. This will allow you to improve your emails to your list. Do remember that the only purpose of your email is to create the click through to a sales page. If it does that it is successful whether you sell a product or not. The sale of the product is dependent on the sales page.

8. Use Contact Information
You are building a relationship and that is based on trust. Let people know who you are and how to reach you.

9. Be Responsive
If you receive an email from a subscriber, answer it. That goes a long way to building the trust that is necessary to create a customer. People buy from those that they trust.
These tips will go a long way towards helping you to build the relationship that is necessary to build a profitable list.

.How Successful Entrepreneurs Handle FailureThere are many differences that separate the winners in business and life fr...

How Successful Entrepreneurs Handle Failure

There are many differences that separate the winners in business and life from those who are struggling and falling by the wayside. One big difference is how they handle failure. Successful entrepreneurs have a positive mindset around the experience of failure. When they fail, they look at it as a result. They took "x" steps and produced "y" results. "Y" didn't work, so it's back to the drawing board to change the formula and try again.

Many new business owners don't make it out of the gate because as soon as they fail, they figure, "Who am I kidding? I knew it wouldn't work" and then quit! If everyone had that mindset, we wouldn't have electricity, airplanes, vaccines ... actually, we'd have pretty much nothing! Every single success in this world was preceded by one, two -- a thousand failures! Babe Ruth set a record for the most home runs. Did you know he also had the record for the most strikeouts? Thomas Edison failed more than a thousand times before he perfected the light bulb.

If you're not failing, you're not pushing yourself enough. You are remaining in your comfort zone and cannot expect to reach the level of success you're capable of. Failure is what allows you to learn and grow. If you quit as soon as you meet with failure, you will always remain exactly where you are.

Albert Einstein once said, "You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it." And, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." What these statements teach is, in order to overcome failure, you must think differently and act differently. It is what separates the ordinary from the extraordinary!

You might have to seek out guidance from someone else who can offer the expertise you need. You may need to inject new perspectives and talent by forming a team around your project. Fear of failure is one of the biggest obstacles that hold new business owners back. Failure should not be feared, but embraced because a life lived in fear is a life half lived.

If you're stuck and unable to move forward because of fear of failure or because you have failed in your previous attempt, bring someone else into the mix to offer support and guidance.

We have a steeply discounted Brilliant Directories membership website for sale. 👇 If interested

We have a steeply discounted Brilliant Directories membership website for sale. 👇 If interested

.Highly Effective Strategies for Overcoming ProcrastinationIn this day and age we are so inundated with choice and oppor...

Highly Effective Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination

In this day and age we are so inundated with choice and opportunity that you might even say we are spoiled for choice. There is just so much that we could do that we often end up not doing anything at all. Procrastination is one of the biggest dream killers. In a world where there is so much demand for your attention it is becoming ever more difficult to stay focussed and act on the things that would truly give you an extraordinary quality of life. Time is, was and will always be your most valuable asset and the way you use it will determine what you create or fail to create with and for your life. Having an effective strategy for overcoming procrastination is critical if you truly want to push past short term obstacles to create a life of fulfillment.

The abundance that modern life offers us tends to overwhelm us which leads to an emotional overload that will distract you and scatter your effort and concentration. There simply isn't enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time for the most important things in your life. Success at anything in life, whether it be your finances, your relationships or your body, requires an investment of time and effort from you. You need to focus and concentrate your physical and emotional resources on creating a desired result.

The first step in overcoming procrastination is to get clear on exactly what you want from every area of your life. This clarity will give you the power to look past distractions that may throw you off course. It gives you a direction and a target and will help to build a mental picture for your life. One of the most destructive effects of procrastination is that it makes you feel out of control; like the events of your life are controlling you. If you don't know what you want it is all too easy to jump from one task to the next. Apart from knowing what you want you should also develop some strong reasons why you want it. This will give you a sense of purpose and motivation that is critical for staying focussed long term.

The truth is that most people know what they need to do to create their life the way they want it. The challenge is not with knowing what to do, but in doing what you know. The only way you will create any result in your life is by taking action and procrastination is what prevents you from acting on the very things you know would give you a greater quality of life. The reason why people procrastinate is primarily because of fear, especially fear of failure. By not taking action and postponing important actions you avoid the potential for failing. The only reason why you procrastinate about anything is because at some level you link more pain to taking action than to not taking action. The ridiculous truth is that these "links" are mostly conjured up (by you) in your mind and they are not even real. When you make a task too big in your mind it will overwhelm you and it would seem too difficult and too big and you will end up procrastinating.

One of the most powerful strategies for overcoming procrastination is to learn how to break your tasks up into bite size pieces. Any task, no matter how big, can be broken down into small manageable tasks that are easy to do. If you focus on climbing Mount Everest it will probably put you off immediately, but if you focus on climbing seven small mountain sections it becomes more believable. The power of chunking down your "big" tasks empowers you to take back control of any overwhelming situation – you cut it down to size. Your size.

One of the quickest ways to overcome procrastination is to learn and utilize the power of immediacy. What can you do immediately? What action can you take right now that will move you closer to your goal? Doing something, no matter how small, will immediately break your mental pattern of procrastination and put you back in control. Taking the first step, even if it is small will create momentum and you will almost automatically be driven to take another step. Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you take the first step. Just do it. Just get it going. Often you will only know what to do next after taking that first step.

There are many strategies and skills you can use for overcoming procrastination. You don't have to be stuck or spinning your wheels. Like any skill you need to learn and practise it until you get good at it. Eventually it will become an automatic response and you will develop the habit of taking action despite your fears and apparent limitations.

.Five Steps To Success In Everything You DoWhat you need first is to have a strong desire. A desire like a fire! Not lik...

Five Steps To Success In Everything You Do

What you need first is to have a strong desire. A desire like a fire! Not like a little flame you have to stir to get some heat going. No, you need a strong desire, you must really want to have what you long for! If you want something badly, but you didn’t get it until now, it is because your desire was not strong enough! You must really feel the desire to have it in your bones, in your flesh, in your heart. The desire is the starting point, because without passion nothing can happen.

Now you need to set goals. Why? To know where to go! Without goals your desire will get you nowhere and you will turn around in circles like a dog who runs after his own tail. A goal gives you a reason, a purpose. The word goal means to GO ALl the way to get there! Your goal is your direction where your desire will take you. If you’re able to see with your mind’s eye what you want, you will have it. So the more details you see, the more concrete your mental image, the more likely you will get exactly what you long for! Goals get your energy running. Goals generate the necessary activity to bring you towards the realization of your dream. A good goal is a statement of what you want, in a positive, clear, concrete way and with emotion (remember the fire! Without emotion, without fire, no outcome!). A goal should be written down, to give it more energy, and should be stated in the present time. You write your goal down as if you got it already. And start to act as if you were already there!

You must believe in yourself. You must really be conscious of the fact that you are worthy to have what you desire and that you are able to get it, that you got everything you need to realize your dream. Yes you can! Maybe you do not know for now how to get there, but believe in the fact that you will learn step by step how to do it and that you will be guided on your way by coïncidences and synchronicity.

A strong desire, a clear positive goal, a strong belief in yourself, what else does it need to make your dreams come true? Positive thinking! The most beautiful dream, the strongest desire and the clearest goal will bring you nowhere if you destroy yourself with a negative belief system. If you have this lousy habit of seeing everything rather black than white, of fearing the worst, of expecting bad things to happen, this mindset will bring you what you ask for : black, fear, bad. A positive mindset lifts you up to the level of universal creation and the universe will conspire with you to give you what you long for.

Consistency. Yes, it is easy to start things. It is easy to quit. But it takes consistency to stay on your road. Did you ever taste the freedom which lies in the fact that, after years and years of practicing the same thing, you became an expert in something? With your eyes closed you can answer any question on the subject and produce almost any result you want? You are an expert now because you did the same thing hundreds of times, over and over again. And now you know! What a freedom! Consistency, not giving up, always going on in the same direction, this brings you freedom at last. Why? Because you don’t need to think and to search anymore on your subject. It becomes a habit and you have space free in your mind to learn new, more demanding stuff. Stay on your road, go on and on, every step will take you to more freedom, happiness and mastery of your life!

.Feeling Overwhelmed In Work And LifeI was leading a teleconference this morning with twenty interesting, diverse, solo ...

Feeling Overwhelmed In Work And Life

I was leading a teleconference this morning with twenty interesting, diverse, solo entrepreneurs, consultants and coaches. The hot subject up for discussion was how “overwhelmed,” beat, tired, and burned-out many of the people were feeling due to the “too much to do / can’t stop now” syndrome.

Are you one of those people who can’t seem to stop “doing?”

I have yet to meet anyone who hasn’t felt overwhelmed from time to time. Since it tends to feel uncomfortable, if not downright unpleasant, we tend to view it as negative and as a weakness. We don’t dare to admit we are overwhelmed or dare to talk about it, which can leave us feeling isolated and alone, further exacerbating the feeling. We often deny we are overwhelmed because we do not know how to stop the frenetic behavior that leads to this feeling. So we do nothing. Why do we do this to ourselves? Primarily, this syndrome occurs in our work life but it can carry over to our personal and family life, and it frequently does.

Focusing on projects often begins with good intentions but we can quickly and easily be overwhelmed if we do not have a plan to minimize and balance our work. Getting the project finalized for your team, writing the copy for your website, designing the new sales brochure or completing the 90-day marketing plan are extremely important – but having a balanced, healthy life is equally important.

This stressful pattern is telling you to change your life! Once you get this message, it is easier to identify the steps you need to take to shift out of the behavior quickly.

Following are helpful strategies gleaned from my personal experience and from my work with coaching clients who are burned out, growing cranky, frustrated and even depressed. These strategies immediately diminish feelings of being overwhelmed so you can refocus and make some work/life balance decisions.

Stop what you are doing for a few minutes and take a break. Go for a short walk, sit outside under a tree, meditate, breathe deeply, go to a movie, call a friend to have coffee and share what is going on.

Get a piece of paper and make two columns. In one column, list urgent things you need to do this week. In the other column, list those projects that you can delegate, hire or barter to be done.

Eliminate, eliminate, eliminate. Unsubscribe to unnecessary e-mail, organize your desk and office to decrease clutter, stop attending meetings, get off committees and decrease volunteering at fundraisers unless you have a total passion for the organization and the cause.

Do not spend time with people whom you do not like. Assess your friends and business colleagues. Do they support and honor who you are? If they are negative and don’t share your vision for your dreams, don’t spend another minute with them.

Decide what is most important in your life. If you want a balanced life, you will have to make changes in your life to allow this to happen. That takes some time and planning but it will be well worth the improvement in your life!

Take an action step today to make a change in your life! Call a friend who will support you, take a class to get organized, or work with a coach who will support and motivate you to have a more balanced life.

.Facing Your Fears As An EntrepreneurEveryone I have ever talked to that is an entrepreneur has had to come face to face...

Facing Your Fears As An Entrepreneur

Everyone I have ever talked to that is an entrepreneur has had to come face to face with their fears. I have had to as well. I want to share with you some of the techniques that I have used to face them. The first step is not to be in denial. You have fears even if you don’t readily acknowledge them. They sometimes take the form of that chatter in the back of your head that says you can’t do it.

Fear is such a huge issue preventing people from becoming entrepreneurs. I have heard from the CEO of a real-estate based network marketing company that even though he has people packing out company seminars, that maybe 2-5% of people will actually go out and apply the knowledge by putting offers on real estate. He is convinced that the rest are paralyzed by fear.

Here are some of the techniques I have used as I learned them from the entrepreneurs I know:

Think about what you do want. When you find yourself spinning the wheels in your mind over and again about your worst case scenario, turn it around and focus on what you DO want. Visualize yourself getting what you do want. See the new house. See yourself talking to the interested person as they become a part of your business. You get what you focus on.

Change the voice. When you hear yourself telling you that you’re not good enough – you’re going to fail. Find ways to encourage yourself and keep going.

Voice them to a trusted friend or associate. Hopefully you have been able to find some level of support from at least one other entrepreneur. You need some kind of support network from your team, upline, or corporate that you can talk to. Some people may tell you it is silly, you could even believe that you’re not good enough. However, don’t go looking for support from all those people who doubted you and told you it was crazy to go out on your own. They will never understand the entrepreneur.

Have a personal development library. I draw tremendous support from my library. It is not just filled with how to resources, but also stories of others who conquered their fears. I couldn’t begin to list the many sources I have, but if you email me I can recommend something based on your own description of your circumstances.

.Excellence is Never an Accident"Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere eff...

Excellence is Never an Accident

"Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful ex*****on and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities."

The above anonymous quote was displayed prominently in an office, where, oddly enough, it seemed to attract very little attention. In any case, it has made enough of an impression to invite a look at these words of wisdom and see where these words may apply.

When embarking on a road trip, unless a bout of aimless wandering around the country is the intent, it is essential to have a destination in mind and a map. Most people in the world are living someone else’s agenda, which was obtained “by default.” Stated differently, most people are on a path of aimless wandering – much like a traveler without a specific destination or map. It would be most valuable to look at different areas or aspects of life and ask “what is the intention here?” Consider the areas of family, business, spiritual practice, financial means, retirement, education, self development, health, and social interaction. Most people, by their own admission, are not living fully actualized lives and full potential. One main cause is a lack of clear and focused intention and direction.

Without clear direction, “sincere effort” is impossible. Perhaps effort becomes sincere when clear intention is established. Most people merely do an adequate job of trying whatever it is they’re doing because they are relatively un-inspired by the task. Sincere effort stems from high intention. It flows naturally. Look at the areas of life where one is just “hanging out” or “clocking time.” This indicates insincere effort – an opportunity to create a more focused and clear intention!

As humans we tend to see in purely linear “cause and effect” terms. “When given lemons, make lemonade” is certainly simplistic, but most people who are successful have had to become adept at taking some perceived challenge and using it as an opportunity for benefit, value and profit. This comes from introspection, the counsel of open minded and visionary people (of which there are few).

Each of these steps, when applied, provides opportunity, challenge, impact and benefit. With these steps in mind, it is a matter of will to trade in mediocrity for excellence!

.Eight Ways to Sell Value - Not Price!If you want to get paid what you're worth here are eight ways to sell value - not ...

Eight Ways to Sell Value - Not Price!

If you want to get paid what you're worth here are eight ways to sell value - not price:

Be Unique. If there is nothing that differentiates you from your competition you become common. Webster defines the word common as, "ordinary or not special" and the only way buyers select one common service over another is price. Take inventory of your skills, experience and knowledge. Are you a specialist in some area? Are you an expert in certain facets of your business? These and other differentiators can make you unique and valuable to a select group of clients.

Choose Your Clients Carefully: Don't ever let your clients choose you or you will be at their mercy. If a deal is going to close successfully, the true professional should be in control, not the client. To begin controlling your business, write down the attributes of the people you want as clients and then go out and get them with targeted marketing. I hope the first item on your list of attributes is that they are people you enjoy spending time with. Being a business owner is far too difficult to work with people you don't like just to earn a living. Turn away people who don't meet your criteria. When you reject or refer clients it tells the world that you don't just work with anyone, you are selective which raises your perceived value. It also makes you unique from other businesses who will work with anyone who can bring them a paycheck.

Set High Standards: If you work with anyone and everyone your value drops. If people have to qualify to work with you your value increases. Of course you know that there are prospects who will ask you to give them a bid with no intention of ever buying from you. They’re planning to use your bid to leverage a discount with their current vendor or any one of a dozen other reasons that they want your knowledge but not your services. Then there are buyers who will waste your time and then purchase through another vendor (probably a relative). Don't ever meet with a potential client until you ask a logical list of questions to determine their seriousness and loyalty. You need to know their motivation and if they are interviewing other vendors. You also need to know if they’re financially qualified. If you don't have serious, financially solvent, and loyal clients, why waste your valuable time with them?

Compete On Value, Not Price: No disrespect intended to other business models, but it doesn't take any special skill, experience or knowledge to compete on price. All you have to do is be the cheapest, but this is a losing game. Some people may remember the gas price wars of the 1960's and early 1970's when there seemed to be a gas station on nearly every corner. To gain market share, one would cleverly lower its price, but then all the others quickly followed suit and the only result was that everyone's profit margin was reduced.
The way to get paid what you're worth is to visibly demonstrate your value to your clients. Competing on price does not create value.

Create Value In The Eyes Of Clients: Frankly, most people throughout the country believe that people in sales do little to earn their commissions. This is our fault because we should be educating them about how hard we work before ever accepting them as clients. Keeping my prices firm was a problem until I started tracking all the different duties required to earn my pay. I developed lists of activities I do for customers. This amazes clients because most have no idea how complicated their orders sometimes can be (whether it’s manufacturing, servicing, fulfillment, etc.) Since I created these lists I've never had to cut prices. If a prospect asks for a discount I simply show them the list and say, "Here are just some of the activities I must complete to earn my money. Why don't you point out the things that you'd be willing to do instead of me. If you save me time then we can talk about saving you money because I earn every penny I get." When confronted with a list that runs nearly ten pages long their eyes glaze over and they usually respond with something like, "You're the expert, I expect you to do this work!" To which I simply say, "If you want me to do all of these activities on your behalf then you need to pay me what I'm worth. If you want to pay less, I'll see if I can find someone who will do less and maybe they can save you some money."

Educate Your Clients About How Much You Make. After speaking to thousands of agents all over the country for the past 15 years it's clear to me that the average prospect is clueless about how your prices are determined, factoring in overhead and other expenses we have to run our businesses. Most business owners face the reality of having to pay 33% federal, 10% state and 13.2% self-employment costing a total of 56.2%. As a result, clients often say, "Wow, you are underpaid for handling all these activities for me!" This was exactly my intent by taking the time to explain how I earn my money and how little I actually keep. This way they never try to cut my prices because they know that, like them, I earn my money and I don't make as much as they may have previously thought.

Provide value that no one else offers. When prospects do business with me, they get a complete outline that explains my process from start to finish. It also includes samples, a list of service providers that could be involved in the process and much more. No other competing business offers any of these benefits, so if a client wants to work with me they must pay what I ask.

Reject price shoppers. Studies show that only 15-18% of people make their decision to purchase a product or service primarily based on price. This means that the majority of clients appreciate value and are willing to pay for it - if they see it.

Don't forget that real professionals earn their money by helping clients maximize value, minimize costs, save time, and much more. If potential clients don't appreciate this then feel free to refer them to your competition.

.Effective Time ManagementHave you ever thought to yourself that there aren’t enough hours in the day, or felt overwhelm...

Effective Time Management

Have you ever thought to yourself that there aren’t enough hours in the day, or felt overwhelmed at the tasks facing you? If you have, this article can help you!

Clarify your goals and strategy- Be very clear about your aims and ambitions, both short and long term. Write them down. Once you know what you really want to achieve (and why) it’s easier to make decisions about what needs doing, and to plan accordingly.

Focus on your top priorities- You’ll be more productive and profitable if you identify and.focus on the areas most important to your business. Work on the fundamentals first. The Latin word ‘fundamentum’ means foundation – so take action, build strong foundations and the rest should follow.

Schedule time- Literally write an appointment in your work planner (you do have one of those, don’t you?) to set aside a realistic block of time for your priority actions. This reduces anxiety over not having enough time and keeps you focused.

Say no! Always check your schedule before committing to anything new. Don’t allow others to divert you from your objectives.

Create supportive systems- This includes systems for filing, management information and communication.

Take a reality check- Will your current activity have a positive outcome, or are you doing it to avoid something else?

Delegate- It’s tempting to do something yourself when you think you can do it faster and better. But consider the long term – delegation now will save time in the future, and if done appropriately can motivate your staff, boost their confidence and help them develop their skills.

Repeat your success- Remember the last time you went away on holiday, and how you got so much done in those few days before you left? What strategies and techniques did you employ that made you so effective and focused? Can you repeat them? Alternatively, imagine you are going away tomorrow and work through today accordingly.

Balance your life- Formally schedule personal activities too, so you make time for family, friends, your health and fun because having a balanced life reduces stress and increases energy levels. Time management is really about life management!

End the day- At the end of the working day, tidy your desk, make notes about what needs doing tomorrow and prioritize those tasks. You’ll worry less that evening and be prepared and focused the next morning.



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