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Hello!Our server has been blocked again. The site will be restored in a few days or so.

Our server has been blocked again. The site will be restored in a few days or so.

Hello, we are with you again! Briefly about what happenedSome idiot wrote a bunch of complaints about us. He complained ...

Hello, we are with you again! Briefly about what happened

Some idiot wrote a bunch of complaints about us. He complained to the DNS provider, complained to the domain name registrar, to the UN, the League for the Protection of Sexual Minorities, the Jedi Order and the Society for the Protection of Crustaceans and Molluscs, but this is not certain.

The DNS provider forwarded the complaint to my hoster, who basically doesn’t give a f**k, he just notified me about the complaint, but there was an ambush with the domain registrar.

To be honest, this is the first time I have encountered the fact that someone is trying to squeeze domains from me.

But here the registrar, and after him the Latvian reseller through whom the domains were registered, behaved inappropriately.

They attempted to revoke the domains. But they just didn’t succeed. Because no matter how idiotic domain registrars are, they all obey the same rules established by ICANN.

In principle, the registrar can establish its own additional rules for the use of domain names. For example, prohibit the content of p**n on client websites with domain names registered through the registrar service. But in any case, the domain registrar is subject to the uniform rules of ICANN, which in no way regulate the content of sites on domains.

As a result, they had no choice but to give me the codes to transfer domains to another registrar, which was done successfully.

But then an ambush was waiting for me. The fact is that we, Russians, all over the world are now equated to the N***s of Hitler’s Germany during the 3rd Reich. Thanks to Putin for this.

And Russian citizens cannot enter into agreements with domain name registrars and resellers in other countries.

Of course, people from Ukraine, Germany and other countries to whom I addressed understood the situation and were ready to help, but they are also bound by obligations to the legislation of their countries.

As a result, gray schemes, resellers from offshore zones, Chinese domain registrars and the like were used.

Be that as it may, our project is now working, and I wish the idiot who wrote complaints about us to die along with his children in terrible agony.

We are unsinkable!

Hello! The registrar has blocked our domains.The project sites are planned to resume operation in 7-10 days.Stay with us...

Hello! The registrar has blocked our domains.
The project sites are planned to resume operation in 7-10 days.
Stay with us!

Pavlohrad maniac Serhiy TkachPavlohrad maniac Serhiy Tkach committed 37 proven murders in Ukraine, including Crimea, and...

Pavlohrad maniac Serhiy Tkach
Pavlohrad maniac Serhiy Tkach committed 37 proven murders in Ukraine, including Crimea, and his victims were mostly little girls. The maniac first strangled his victims, and then r***d their corpses.

The best detectives tried to catch Serhiy Tkach, and once even the famous clairvoyant Vanga was involved in his search. By the time the killer was detained, the police had sent 11 people to jail for his crimes. Confessions were obtained by severe beatings and torture.

Today is Pol Pot's birthday.Extreme socialism as understood by Pol PotPol Pot decided, without any transitional periods,...

Today is Pol Pot's birthday.

Extreme socialism as understood by Pol Pot
Pol Pot decided, without any transitional periods, to move from the capitalist system, according to the teachings of Karl Marx, to the communist one, bypassing the phase of the socialist system. As a result, a certain extreme form of socialism appeared, since the main principle of the communist formation of society “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” could not be applied due to the lack of elementary things, including food. Then Pol Pot decided that it was fair to consider a person’s life as socialist encouragement. You live, you were not killed, so you have already received encouragement.

Pol Pot did not like to be photographed and there are very few photographs of him, especially during his reign. Once the artist painted a portrait of Pol Pot from memory, after which his portraits quickly spread in the communes of Kampuchea. In one of these communes was the elder sister of Pol Pot. She saw the portrait and said, “Little Sar rules over us!” The portrait was quickly removed. When Pol Pot found out about this, he ordered the ex*****on of the artist and everyone who copied his portrait, considering it a disclosure of state secrets.

In response to accusations of genocide, Pol Pot said: “You will never find my signature on any document.” This is true, conspiracy in extreme socialism has reached unprecedented heights. Pol Pot himself signed the documents with the signature “Comrade 87” and some citizens did not even know who was actually running the country.

Pol Pot knew that his close relatives were repressed, but he, as a true revolutionary, believed that he had no right to put personal interests above public ones, and therefore did not make any attempts to alleviate their plight.

Pol Pot’s first wife, Khieu Ponnari, was obsessed with the idea that the Vietnamese wanted to kill her husband. This certainly could not but affect Pol Pot. So the Vietnamese became enemy number 1.

At the very first meeting of the Politburo, Pol Pot announced that Cambodia would now be called Kampuchea, and promised that in a few days the country would turn into a communist one. And so that no one would interfere with him in this matter, Pol Pot immediately fenced off his Kampuchea with an “iron curtain” from the whole world, severed diplomatic relations with all countries, banned postal and telephone communications and closed entry and exit from the country. For 3 years, no one knew what was happening in the country. Cambodia has become a ‘black hole’. Those who fell into it never returned, and those who miraculously managed to get out of the country told such monstrous things that few believed them.

The day after the Khmer Rouge entered Phnom Penh, Pol Pot issued a decree abolishing money. After that, the Khmer Rouge blew up the building of the National Bank of Cambodia. People rushed to collect scattered banknotes, but everyone who tried to collect money was shot on the spot. Under communism, money is not needed, but no one said that under communism there would be no mass ex*****ons.

The morning after the Khmer Rouge took over Phnom Penh, the residents woke up to the sound of loudspeakers. The Khmer Rouge ordered everyone to leave the city immediately. The Khmer Rouge, dressed in traditional black uniforms, banged on the doors with machine gun butts and fired continuously into the air.
At the same time, the water and electricity supply was cut off. Separating the children from their parents, they shot not only the protesters, but also the dull ones. The Khmer Rouge went around the dwellings and shot at everyone they met. Others, who meekly obeyed, waited for evacuation in the open without food or water. People drank from the pond in the city park and sewers. Hundreds more died of “natural” death from intestinal infection were added to the number of those who died at the hands of the Khmer Rouge. A week later, only corpses and packs of cannibal dogs remained in Phnom Penh.

Phnom Penh became a ghost town: it was forbidden to be there on pain of death. Only on the outskirts survived the quarter where the leaders of the Khmer Rouge settled. Nearby was Tuolsleng – “Security Prison S21” – a former school where thousands of “enemies of the revolution” were brought. After being tortured, they were fed alive to crocodiles or burned on iron bars.
Now in this building is a museum of the genocide.

At least 17,000 people passed through the S21 Prison. When the Vietnamese troops liberated Pyongyang, only 7 people remained in prison, the rest of the prisoners were killed in various ways. It was believed that if a person got into the “Prison S21”, then he must die.

Pol Pot fought so actively against the ‘internal enemies’ within the ranks of the Khmer Rouge itself that during his 3 years in power, out of 22 members of the CPC Central Committee, only five survived. The rest, after being tortured, were executed as ‘traitors to the revolution’.

Anyone who wore glasses in Cambodia was considered an intellectual. Anyone who wore glasses was killed by the Khmer Rouge as soon as they saw them on the street. Not to mention teachers, scientists, writers, artists and engineers, even doctors were destroyed, since Pol Pot abolished healthcare, believing that thereby freeing the future happy nation from the sick and infirm.

During the first year of his reign, Pol Pot managed to completely destroy the entire economy of the country and all its political and social institutions. Libraries, theaters and cinemas were destroyed, songs, dances, traditional festivals were banned, national archives and “old” books were burned.

Private property under Pol Pot was completely abolished. Peasants were ordered to move to communes. Those villages that did not agree to be resettled were completely destroyed along with the inhabitants, including children.

The Khmer Rouge sought to reduce the cost of the process of massacres. For this, special pits were dug into which people were pushed. Before being pushed into the pit, the victims were hit in the back of the head with a shovel or hoe and pushed down. When too many people were to be eliminated, they were gathered in groups of several dozen people, entangled with steel wire, passed an electric current from a generator mounted on a bulldozer, and then pushed the unconscious people into a pit. The children were tied in a chain and pushed all together into water-filled pits, where they, bound hand and foot, immediately drowned.

Pol Pot literally understood the idea of Karl Marx that the proletariat would not only change the world around them, but also the person himself. Pol Pot abolished the institution of marriage and recognized the woman as the property of the nation. Wives were separated from husbands, and husbands from wives. Instead of the institution of family and marriage, the Khmer Rouge introduced the distribution of women. The distribution was handled by the headman of the commune.

It was forbidden to express one’s emotions. Communards were forbidden to cry or laugh unless there was an official reason for this. Pol Pot believed that the expression of emotions was alien to the builders of communism.

It was forbidden to read anything other than Mao Zedong’s quotes “Little Red Book” edited and revised by Pol Pot himself.

Violators of the prohibitions of the Khmer Rouge were buried in the ground up to the neck and left to die of hunger and thirst. Then the heads of the victims were chopped off and hung on stakes near the commune with signs ‘I am a traitor to the revolution!’

According to official figures, at the time the Khmer Rouge came to power, the population of Cambodia was 7.3 million people. According to various estimates, during the 3 years of Pol Pot’s reign, the population decreased by at least 1 million people. Some researchers call the death toll 2.7 million people.

Hey people!The Telegram administration has blocked our Telegram invitation channel. And it will repeat itself over and o...

Hey people!
The Telegram administration has blocked our Telegram invitation channel. And it will repeat itself over and over and over again.
Some Russian moron did not like that we publish videos with cut off members of the Russian army fighters.
But we will laugh at this, because the main channel in Telegram exists and it is private.
A private channel cannot be blocked.
The only sad thing is that the administrative account was also blocked. And now (probably temporarily) you will not be able to communicate with the administration in Telegram.
We laugh at puritanical morality, we f**k social networks in the ass, this bit of the Internet.
We still oppose any kind of censorship on the Internet.
We are Cains and Manfreds, and social networks are spitting under our feet.
And even more fun is that this post is shared on social media.
Stay with us!

Алексей Макеев Alextime Lord N**i RusoАлексей Макеев взорвал Интернет своим эпатажным поведением. В Мексике он известен ...

Алексей Макеев Alextime Lord N**i Ruso

Алексей Макеев взорвал Интернет своим эпатажным поведением. В Мексике он известен как Lord N**i Ruso.

С ножом в руке и видеокамерой в другой он ходил по городу и пугал прохожих. Макеев хотел стать знаменитым и добился своей цели.
Однако он стал знаменит совсем по другому поводу.


Alexey Makeev Alextime Lord N**i Ruso

Alexey Makeev blew up the Internet with his outrageous behavior. In Mexico, he is known as Lord N**i Ruso.

With a knife in his hand and a video camera in the other, he walked around the city and frightened passers-by. Makeev wanted to become famous and achieved his goal.
However, he became famous for a completely different reason.


Hi friends!We again blocked the channel in Telegram. This is the third time. Stability is a sign of excellence. This mea...

Hi friends!
We again blocked the channel in Telegram. This is the third time. Stability is a sign of excellence. This means that we are doing everything right.
The new address of our channel is at the end of this message.
Stay with us!
Привет, друзья!
Нам опять заблокировали канал в Телеграм. Это уже в третий раз. Стабильность это признак мастерства. Это значит, что мы все делаем правильно.
Новый адрес нашего канала в конце этого сообщения.
Оставайтесь с нами!

Здравствуйте друзья и поклонники нашего проекта!В связи необъявленной войной России с Украиной у нас случились некоторые...

Здравствуйте друзья и поклонники нашего проекта!

В связи необъявленной войной России с Украиной у нас случились некоторые сложности.

Наш проект DEADHOUSE привлекает все больше посетителей и наши сервера перестают справляться с возросшим трафиком.
В ближайшее время могут возникнуть некоторые проблемы в сети.

Мы стараемся наиболее полно освятить происходящее в Украине и это не может не сказываться на нагрузке нашего сервера.
Наша команда приложит все усилия на то, чтобы проекты DEADHOUSE были доступны.

Мы находимся под жесточайшим прессингом со стороны власти Российской Федерации поскольку менеджеры проекта в большинстве случаев являются гражданами Российской Федерации.

Наш проект существует с 2003 года в России. Наши вебсайты были неоднократно блокированы по решению суда Российской Федерации.

Однако мы не просим материальной поддержки, мы просим о взаимной помощи. Наш проект целиком и полностью финансируется из личных средств и материальных средств, полученных от рекламы.
Мы просим о распространении ссылок на наш проект DEADHOUSE.

Пожалуйста, если вас не затруднит, распространяйте наш контент.

Мы выступаем категорически против войны России против Украины!

Русский корабль иди на х*й!
Слава Украине!
Hello friends and fans of our project!

In connection with the undeclared war between Russia and Ukraine, we had some difficulties.

Our DEADHOUSE project is attracting more and more visitors and our servers can no longer cope with the increased traffic.
There may be some problems in the network in the near future.

We try to cover what is happening in Ukraine as fully as possible, and this cannot but affect the load of our server.
Our team will make every effort to ensure that DEADHOUSE projects are available.

We are under the most severe pressure from the authorities of the Russian Federation, since project managers in most cases are citizens of the Russian Federation.
Our project exists since 2003 in Russia. Our websites have been repeatedly blocked by the court of the Russian Federation.

However, we are not asking for material support, we are asking for mutual assistance. Our project is entirely financed from personal funds and material resources received from advertising.
We ask for the distribution of links to our DEADHOUSE project.

Please, if you don't mind, distribute our content.

We are categorically against Russia's war against Ukraine!
Russian ship f**k you!
Glory to Ukraine!




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