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Sup Lovers?I recently made a trip up to Berlin after receiving a guest list ticket from the wonderful Christopher Otto f...

Sup Lovers?

I recently made a trip up to Berlin after receiving a guest list ticket from the wonderful Christopher Otto from the JACK Quartet! (Chris, I know you’re reading this – I wish we could have hung out longer. I hope you enjoy your Zorn zine!!)

So with a long weekend ahead of me, I began looking for some more shows to fill up my Berlin trip. The legend himself, Bill Frisell was scheduled to play a show with his trio at Lausitzerplatz church as part of the XJAZZ Festival, but the show was sold out. Thankfully, on the proviso that I would write a review of the concert for the Free Jazz Collective, I was able to score a press pass for the event. You can read all about it here! I can highly recommend the comment section which contains this gem:

"She hated it - and she hates the people who attended the show. What‘s wrong with getting old? What about the music? Worst review in a long time … "

For the record, I didn't hate it. :)

Here’s a small sample of the review in question:

"Bill seems totally elated and humbled by all the attention. During his only stage banter for the night, he can’t help but comment on the warm adoration and vast sea of fans, of which he is right in the middle: ”It’s like the Beatles or something!”

There is no doubting Frisell’s ability to write a tune, and indeed to play, still. You just have to be willing to come along on his journey, which is conducted at his pace. For some, that pace might be a little slow, but for the guy next to me, this was probably the best night of 2024. Maybe even his whole life. Not a song went by without an audible gasp, or an exclamation of joyous disbelief, both in German and English."

The review is accompanied by a series of stills from the brilliant filmographer Beat Halberschmidt. I am so honoured that he has allowed me to use his shots as my iPhone pics didn’t really do the event such justice.



For the duration of my time in Berlin, I had been enjoying the single life. My ADHD kicked in and with nobody to stop me, I decided to eat the same meal every single day. Noodles: My absolute favourite meal of all time. I present to you a new series I would like to call “Jazz Noodlin’” – the idea is that I go and listen to jazz, and then get noodles, and do a report on both. Maybe in the future, Jazz Noodlin’ can also combine interviews with the musicians, over a bowl of noodles. Let this one sit with me for a bit while it… cooks? ;-)

Anyway, here’s a gallery with all four days worth of solo jazz noodlin’.

Day 1: Vegetarian Miso Ramen Noodles, Mori Mori Ramen (Luisenstadt)
Day 2: Biang Biang Home-Pulled Noodles with Tofu, The Noodle Town (Spandauer Vorstadt)
Day 3: Noodle Soup with Vegetarian Beef + fried egg, Meet Noodles (Friedrichshain)
Day 4: Vegetarian Wonton Noodle Soup, Nampan Restaurant (Spandauer Vorstadt)

Now, every single one of these vegetarian noodle soups was delightfully tasty, but never have I ever had such a life-changing experience as I did on day two with the Biang Biang Home-Pulled Noodles from The Noodle Town. HOLY CRAP. This was probably the single greatest noodle experience of my entire life. The spicy sauce was exploding with a mix of schezwan pepper and spices, the prepared tofu filled with sauce, carrying the soup into my mouth like sopping pillows. But the real standout here was the home-pulled noodles. Flat, thick, and so delicious I damn near shed a tear. All accompanied by a simple steamed bok choy and a topping of fresh corriander. Portion size was amazing, and served with a Fritz Cola. I told the server to keep the change, saying: “I did not expect to come to Berlin and have my mind fu***ng blown by a bowl of noodles… but here we are. LIFE CHANGING NOODLES.”


Never in a million years could I have imagined getting a seat, not only in the front row of the Pierre Boulez Saal, but …on the floor?! If I was any closer I should have been holding a string instrument to blend in. Naturally, I was beside myself with excitement. I look at the pictures now and I still can’t fu***ng believe it.

The guy next to me was a friend of the quartet also. Within seconds of introducing ourselves, I somehow felt it necessary to share with him that I had just had an enormous bowl of Wonton Noodle Soup, and that I was so pumped for the gig that I might burst. He suggested that if so, I should do it in the direction of the doorway at least so I don’t hit the band.

As one would imagine, the show was fire. No Zorn compositions today, but instead pieces from JACK’s own violinist, Austin Wulliman, Gabriella Smith, Ruth Crawford Seeger, Morton Feldman, and Juri Seo. The works were wonderfully complimentary to each other and masterfully curated by the group, despite playing them in a slightly different order as listed in the program ;-) . Each piece showcased the quartet’s virtuosic brilliance & telepathic synchronisation, but also each demonstrated an individual atmosphere, which worked excellently in harmony as a whole set. At one point while Jay Campbell, the cellist, was talking a little about a piece in between, a lady with a thick german accent yelled from above: “SPEEK SLOWLY! VEE DON’T UNDERSTAND YOU!” Jay politely slowed it down and continued.

For me, the most exciting and unexpected moment came in the form of the final piece: Sonare (2014) from Cenk Ergün. The 10 minute piece was so exhilirating – so many notes, and such a pace! It was also quite repetitive, so it was truly an endurance for the musicians. From where I was sitting, I could capture their facial expressions: confident, but very focussed indeed. I think I even saw a few glistening drops of sweat. One wrong move and the piece would be cactus… but this is the JACK Quartet we’re talking about here. After 10 minutes of holding my breath, they had made it to the end. Thunderous applause filled the Saal, and a number of bows followed, plus an encore. Before the encore Jay announced the piece and began to say a few words about it. A second lady yelled out: “CAN YOU SAY ZE NAME OF ZE COMPOZER AGAIN?” Jay chuckled: “… I am getting heckled like crazy tonight!” I don’t remember the composers name, unfortunately, but I do remember that Chris Otto had written this particular interpretation for quartet. I really enjoyed that fact!

After the show I had the opportunity to meet each musician in the lobby and give them a glow-in-the-dark kandi bracelet and a copy of “Days of Zorn II”. I thought about making the bracelets a lil cheeky this time, so aside from their names, as a joke, I put JERK 4TET with lots of pink hearts. I am happy to report that all the band members enjoyed the gag. I was totally flattered and thrilled that Jay requested a photo with me and my book! “No hovering hands!” he commanded as we posed for the shot. As you can see, the sheer intensity of our extremely deliberate ‘non-hovering hands’ hug is the reason why I am laughing and blushing like an idiot. C’mon. Tell me you wouldn’t have reacted the same way.

I performed the kandi ritual on John Pickford-Richards while apologising profusely about its statement: JERK4TET JOHN. “Aww!” He said, his eyes sparkling with joy. I couldn’t tell if it was mascara or if it was natural, but from up close I could see that his lashes were really beautiful. “I AM a jerk!” He grinned, in the sweetest, most non-jerky way. Apparently he wore this bracelet out clubbing in Berlin that night. I am so proud to say that this is how one of my bracelets made it in to the world’s most exclusive club: on the wrist of a fabulous, New-York-based viola player!

Unfortunately, I only got to spend a brief moment with the one member who took care of my free ticket, Chris Otto. Hopefully next time we will get a better chance to chill, but this time he and the other quartet members were whisked away after the show on business and couldn’t join the hang. However, Austin and one of his oldest schoolfriends Jay, (a second Jay, not the cellist!), were totally down for a post-show meal and chill. Along with my two buddies, saxophonist Asger Nissen and bassist/multi-instrumentalist Thorbjørn Stefansson, the five of us took off to the Hofbräuhaus for a traditional German meal, and some beers.

Having all just witnessed their most beautiful performance, the JACK Quartet itself was a hot topic of conversation for us: “Eight years, and we’ve only had like two fights!” Austin proudly declared.

When pressed to elaborate on what makes this constellation work, Austin attributed the success of the quartet as a business to its delegation of work, and generally well-defined roles, and that each member was responsible for specific administrative tasks. A sharing of the workload among band members, in accordance with their unique strengths and skillsets.

He also teased that he would be performing some solo work in the not too distant future – an exciting revelation, only moments before having seen one his own compositions opening the showcase that very night. Whatever he plans on presenting ahead, I have no doubt that it will be immensely enjoyable on both an intellectual and musical level, but also enjoyable on a level of physicality. JACK Quartet really are the ultimate boy band in that regard – and you can quote me on this – as each of its four members are even more knock-out gorgeous in reality than they appear in photos. JACK wives/partners, you guys scored. HOT ALERT

I recalled the story of a certain friend being moved to tears at the opening moments of a JACK Quartet performance:

“You guys play music that brings people to tears. What’s the name of that really sad Zorn one again?”

“Kol Nidre.”

“That’s the one. He said it was the first chord that broke him because he knew what was coming.”

It was at this point that Austin asked a question which sparked my thinking:

“Can you ever really have an emotional reaction to a piece of music that you’re not familiar with?”

My answer came immediately:

“Of course you can. I know this because it happened to me. Today, just before. That last piece you played was so intense, and it completely caught me off guard. It’s like falling in love – you don’t ask for it, and you don’t go looking for it, but when it hits you it’s so overwhelming, it’s a choking feeling. It makes you want to cry. It’s so rare and special. You keep thinking that music will never be able to make you feel that way again, and then it does... it’s magical.”

The audience had gone silent for my monologue. Suddenly I felt quite intoxicated and embarrassed. The blood rushed to my face, illuminating my cheeks like a traffic light. At this point the only appropriate action appeared to be to pull my polyester bomber jacket over my head and declare “THE END!” – hiding from their reactions of the musicians, to my blatant gushing. I had opened up my heart too much in public, again. Whoops! From memory they all said “aww” and thought it was sweet, but I stayed hidden inside my bomber until I felt the coast had cleared.

Thankfully the conversation turned to the far more interesting fact that we were just a short walking distance from the hotel where Michael Jackson once famously dangled his baby out the window. This certainly piqued the interest of me and my scandinavian friends, so after the we paid the bill and said “tchuss” to Jay and Austin, it was a unanimous decision that the three of us remaining make a pilgimage to the infamous hotel. It took us around 15 minutes of hardcore sleuthing to deduce just which window it was, but when Thorbjørn played a news video of Michael Jackson throwing a towel out the window, reducing the playback speed to -50%, we were able to count the windows that the towel fell past. Four levels. The pattern on the balcony railing was only on the rooms on the right hand side of the building, and with this information we had cracked the code: Fourth floor from the ground, second window from the right, closest to the Brandenburg Gate. Boom.

After four days of musical and culinary delights it was time to head home, back to reality, and one last plate of jazz noodles…Not exactly the Ritz, but I guess the humble store-bought fusilli and stir-through arrabiata sauce outta the jar has its place. Especially now i’m broke again. (Damn you, fancy Berlin noodle scene…)

That’s it for today friends. Stay tuned to Fladik news for more tidbits from the Zorn orbit, and don’t forget, there’s still a good amount of copies of Days of Zorn II available over at www.fladik.net – the perfect gift for your buddy who is into Zorn but hates social media! :D

Lotsa Love,

CEO Fladik

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Sup Lovers?

Flake here with another update from the road. I must only write the loveliest things today because both of today’s subjects are subscribed to the Fladik News… ;-)

Another Johnnie tour has come to a close. Me and the ZC attended both New Masada Quartet sets of the Vienna show along with some friends and while both sets were musically wonderful, we both agreed that the second set was the winner. The band were already hyped up, the concert-goers slightly tipsier, and the atmosphere even livelier.

NMQ were smoking aces. Johnnie, as always, in complete control, gesturing hands conducting the tight band, hit after hit. The chemistry and interplay between Johnnie and Julian Lage was sizzling, as usual, feeding off each other’s energy in the most satisfying manner. The call-and-response moments between the two went down some fun paths. Having already seen them a few times live now I can confirm that they are still slaying it. And Julian really DOES look like Abraham Lincoln.

ZC has a better ear for the setlists and he confirmed that there were around 3 or 4 of the same songs in both sets. I’m not as familiar with all the melodies as he is - Hath-Arob, sure - but I found the solos to be nicely varied and I didn’t get a sense that it was too repetitive at all. At one point right towards the tail end of the show, Johnnie pointed at Jorge and out of nowhere he whipped a bow out, like a magician, and started going to town aggressively on the bass! Did not see the bow trick in the first set, so this was an ace up his sleeve.

Another quite hilarious moment during one of the event pieces featured Johnnie signaling Julian, prompting him to play - of all things - an extremely basic 12 bar blues riff, no bells and whistles. Meanwhile Kenny was hammerring away on some complicated syncopated polyrhythms over the top. It was such a bizarre mish-mash which elicited a couple of giggles from the crowd, who by this stage were well aware of Julian’s overqualification for this simple, slow riff.

At any rate, a New Masada Quartet show is rarely anything other than a blast, and always feels criminally short. At around an hour per set, with one encore each, it wasn’t long before the whole thing was over. I parted with my friends and went on a solo mission…

Pacing around Porgy & Bess, (or as my Zorn Consultant and I call it, O**y & Ass), I searched for someone to connect with who could help me get the zine to its owner. Someone suggested that Julian, the greatest merch guy ever, might know what to do, so I headed down to talk to him back at the merch stand. Before I was able to ask him anything, a chipper man with a cymbal bag came up the stairs with a t-shirt on that said JULIAN LAGE in big letters. “Kenny!” I bounded over and gave him a big hug. “This is for you!” He smiled and presented me with a super cool Wollesonic Records tote with a lovely blue handle, complete with fresh vinyl inside: his latest album Latrala, and Paper Flower, the newest from Jesse Harris.

“You’ve heard of Jesse Harris?” Kenny asked. “Of course!,” I replied, “And I have something for you also, but first I need to get this to Johnnie. He asked me to bring it!” “Ohh…” came his sympathetic reply: “He’s already left.”


I couldn’t say I was terribly surprised, but I was admittedly a little disappointed. After all, he was the one who asked me for a copy - he had even contacted me first, out of the blue. But at least I had an audience with his kickass drummer. :-)

I was introduced to his lovely friend Anna, an important figure in the scene who has been heavily involved with booking Johnnie in Europe for decades, and the three of us sauntered off into the night, in search of Pisco.
Pisco lives!

Some say Pisco is dead, but I think it lives! Nowhere does the rich culture and spicy latino spirit of Peru truly shine brighter than the heart of Vienna, Austria: flickering Christmas lights and big screen TVs display salsa videos, and patrons dance around the bar to the blaring South American beats. A cheeky long-haired Peruvian barman grins gently from across the room. Kenny is completely in his happy place: “Dontcha just love this place? I love this place!” He exclaims with an enormous, open-mouthed grin. He is totally in awe of the charismatic little bar, and can’t wait to invite us for a round of Pisco Sours. What followed was several rounds of the most delicious sour cocktails and banter, and a cavalcade of laughs.

Anna and Kenny are clearly well acquainted, old friends, and after a round of drinks Kenny announces: “I wanna give you a Wollesonic Massage! Have you heard about my Wollesonic Massage?” Anna had not. “I make all of these instruments - hundreds! I make ‘em myself! The people lay on the ground as the masseuses go around and play them - some are very light and nobody hears the same thing. We go up close to their ears as we walk around. It’s a great experience! We’ve had all different reactions to it - one lady cried, it’s different for everybody. I think you’d like a Wollesonic Massage!”

“I have a funny story: Shahzad was at Big Ears (Festival where they were conducting the massages), and I asked if he wanted to be a masseuse. He said “Sure!” And he was given this instrument that I had made out of balloons, with a kind of crank. You are supposed to gently turn the handle and it makes a very light sound with the balloons. I thought he would do it softly but Shahzad was cranking this this so fast and so crazy, that all of a sudden there was this enormous BANG! Right during the middle of the massage. Shahzad had managed to pop one of the balloons.”

The drinks kept flowing and so too did the funny stories and observations. He claimed to LOVE “matching bands” - when the band members all have a matching uniform. I mentioned Devo, Kraftwerk, and Simulacrum - interesting combination! The huge grin was permenant and contagious; his face positively beaming the entire time as he recited his catchphrase: “Dontcha just love this place??” He repeated, “…I love this place!”

Yes, Kenny. We DO love this place. As you can see in the photo!

Two days later I received a text message all the way from the states. It was Kenny, all excited, having just read DOZ II from cover to cover on the plane.

“Holy cow

How do you do it ??!!

You are a magician

The book is fabulous

I read the whole thing on the flight back to nyc

Many times I burst out laughing

(Much to the chagrin of my row mate )

The book is beautiful

I love how you put it all together

The design is fantastic

You ARE a genius

It’s just beautiful”

Moments and messages like this make it all worth it.
Thank you, Kenny, you rule!!!!!! ^_^


Sup Lovers? - Just a small update, DOZ II has arrived but only the first 40 copies. The second box has not yet landed, so there is going to be a delay on the launch. The ZC and I will be numbering and signing all of the first editions either tomorrow or Thursday, depending on when the package arrives, and posting directly afterwards.

I can tell you though, the prints look absolutely gorgeous. The cover is to die for, and the quality of the zine is as outstanding as DOZ I. I am most proud to finally hold it in my hands, and I cannot wait to share it with you.

As usual we will take a bunch of photos and make a little launch movie - just sit tight. :-)

Thanks for your patience, and hang in there lovers, it's worth it!

CEO Fladik

EDIT: DHL has decided our launch will take place on 18.04. Sorry for the wait and thank you for your patience guys!

Yaaa!! Days of Zorn II: Zorn Again is finally in print!!You can pre-order on Fladik.net right now - first edition signed...

Yaaa!! Days of Zorn II: Zorn Again is finally in print!!
You can pre-order on Fladik.net right now - first edition signed by the two authors (me and the Zorn Consultant), strictly limited to 100 copies.

Hey lovers, The presales for "DAYS OF ZORN II: ZORN AGAIN" are going to start within the next week, with any luck! As pe...

Hey lovers,

The presales for "DAYS OF ZORN II: ZORN AGAIN" are going to start within the next week, with any luck! As per tradition, the first 100 copies will be hand-numbered/editioned, and signed by the author (me, Flake!) and the legendary Zorn Consultant. These copies will cost the same as the regular print (€25 + €6 postage anywhere in the world), but they will only be available to the first 80 customers. Why only 80? Because we are gifting 20 to the editors, illustrators, designers, contributors and musicians who helped make the zine a reality!

Here are some screenshots at a couple of the spreads, and a peek at the stunning metallic orange packaging. As always, sticker is designed by mountain-of-talent Michael Imhof. (Ink Illustrations throughout the zine by the fabulous David Yates!)

*** If you want to be among the first to order, thus ensuring your signed numbered edition, sign up to the Fladik News ( https://www.fladik.net/newsletter ) to receive an email notification the moment presales are activated. ***


Much love, and suuuper excitement,
CEO Fladik

Thar she blows… They don’t call it the difficult second album for nothing! How could we possibly come up with a cover th...

Thar she blows… They don’t call it the difficult second album for nothing! How could we possibly come up with a cover that would ever top the first one? How could we possibly produce an image that could summarise the entire universe of John Zorn, just in one graphic?

After much deliberation, and several attempts we finally had a breakthrough: …the COBRA WAS THE KEY!

Designer Michael Imhof and I am so proud to present this cover and I can tell you with great excitement that the back cover and inner sleeves are just as breathtaking! To see those, you will have to wait just a little bit longer. :)

DAYS OF ZORN II: ZORN AGAIN is scheduled for print at the end of this month. STAY TUNED FOR PREORDER DETAILS FROM FLADIK.NET!

For updates on DOZ II direct to your inbox, sign up to FLADIK NEWS:

Well lovers, here we are. It's almost time to reveal the cover of DAYS OF ZORN II: ZORN AGAIN. Another 40 Zorn albums li...

Well lovers, here we are. It's almost time to reveal the cover of DAYS OF ZORN II: ZORN AGAIN. Another 40 Zorn albums listened to and reviewed by me, Flake. The fanzine should be in print hopefully by the end of this month, and it will be available at fladik.net and selected European Zorn shows on his upcoming tour.

I am so super psyched so be revealing the cover artwork to you tomorrow, and i can proudly state that this one is just as fantastic as the first! ... STAY TUNED... IT'S COMING!!!



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