Brandon J. LeBlanc, Author Page

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Brandon J. LeBlanc, Author Page This is the official page about the writing of Brandon J.

LeBlanc, and anything happening in the world of Jackson Auto Publishing and the Reclamation Universe! ...
One Law has officially been released!! It is available now in ebook and paperback from Amazon. If you downloaded or ordered my book, I thank you very much! Please take a second to give a rating whenever you see fit, or even a written review. The more of them I get, the more I get pushed in Amazon's algorithm, which leads to more exposure!

One Law: Chronicles of the Reclamation Book Two

The proof copy arrived! Now to pick through to make sure it’s good to go!

The proof copy arrived! Now to pick through to make sure it’s good to go!

One Law: Chronicles of the Reclamation Book Two is up for preorder on Amazon! The official release date is Tuesday, May ...

One Law: Chronicles of the Reclamation Book Two is up for preorder on Amazon! The official release date is Tuesday, May 21. It is available in paperback and ebook formats!

One Law: Chronicles of the Reclamation Book Two eBook : LeBlanc, Brandon J.: Kindle Store


Stay tuned... official release date and pre-order information coming soon!

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I was really excited for my copyedited draft to arrive by mail today! Clairmont Publishing Services has done a thorough ...

I was really excited for my copyedited draft to arrive by mail today! Clairmont Publishing Services has done a thorough assessment of One Law, and with the copy edits done, I will be publishing very soon. When exactly? I’ll know In the next couple weeks. Almost there!

Two quotes that heavily influenced book two. The original title was "One Law for the Lion and the Fox". Instead, the boo...

Two quotes that heavily influenced book two. The original title was "One Law for the Lion and the Fox". Instead, the book is called "One Law", Act I is called "The Lion" and Act II "The Fox". These are non-negotiable at this point!


Hi everyone! Just a quick update:

1) "One Law" (book two) is around halfway through the copyediting process. No firm date for completion but first week of March is a reasonable guess. Then, I get to do the last round of revisions and edits. I actually enjoy that step--you get to really narrow in on each and every line (which sounds dreadful to some, I'm sure!)

2) I've been busying myself with appendices for book two in the meantime. I think it's safe to say that I'm including a Dramatis Personae--character index; an explanation of the various calendar systems in the Recla-verse; a locations index; and I'm working really hard on a hand-drawn map that may or may not end up being used. I'm trying, though!

3) The outline of book three, under the working title "The Last Reclamation" has been written, at least for the first half/two-thirds of the novel. I have a first draft already written, but events from books one and two have forced me to rewrite about half of the final act's story. This is a good thing; "One Law" took some really exciting new directions for several characters, and introduced some great new ones, so the consequence is changing some of the elements in book three. I'm very happy about how it's pivoted, though, and I think it will make for a very satisfying conclusion to the three-part series!

Overall, I'm really excited to unleash book two! It has taken about six months longer than I'd initially planned. However, I vowed not to rush it at the expense of the storytelling.

Back in stock at Chapters in Fredericton!

Back in stock at Chapters in Fredericton!

Happy New Year, everyone! Coming in Spring of 2024...

Happy New Year, everyone! Coming in Spring of 2024...

Cover art reveal is coming soon! A few twists are coming in One Law. I looked exactly like this when I wrote them...!

Cover art reveal is coming soon! A few twists are coming in One Law. I looked exactly like this when I wrote them...!

It's been a while so I thought I'd fill you all in on my progress--though it feels like poor ol' Speedy in this classic ...

It's been a while so I thought I'd fill you all in on my progress--though it feels like poor ol' Speedy in this classic Night Court bit! I'm well on my way through the 3rd draft, which is basically editing, looking for consistency in minor details, that sort of thing. I've had a couple readers finish the second draft and I got some very positive feedback, which is always a relief! I'm expecting to finish my third draft in the coming weeks (it's moving along quickly), and then I hand it off to the copyeditor in December (hopefully!) On target for mid-February release!
And, some people close to me have seen it already, but the cover art reveal is close. Hopefully I can announce that in the next week or so! Thank you, everyone, for your patience--for checking in with me, asking questions, or just ordering me to hurry the hell up and get the book finished, already. It's fitting that One Law will be released almost exactly on the second anniversary of Exiles! These days, I find I have the patience of Dan Fielding, though...!

Nothing can Stop Dan now. Or can it?

Around 3:30 pm today I finished the second draft of One Law (Book Two). The last part I needed to write wasn't the epilo...

Around 3:30 pm today I finished the second draft of One Law (Book Two). The last part I needed to write wasn't the epilogue--that was finished a few days ago. Today I wrote an interlude that will be at the very center of the book, separating Act I and Act II. It is a continuation of the prologue of Exiles, which takes place at a funeral. It serves to remind the reader that the entire story takes place in the past, and it serves as a hinge or a pivot that gives the entirety of the three-book story symmetry. The epilogue of Book Three will be the funeral again, tying the entirety of the story together. Hope that makes sense like it does in my mind!!

This is a photo of a diamond mine in Eastern Russia. These open pit style mines influenced several locations in my Recla...

This is a photo of a diamond mine in Eastern Russia. These open pit style mines influenced several locations in my Recla-verse. In Exiles, the entrance to the Kayewat domed federation is an open mine like this that spirals downward. It's called the Ninth Circle, in reference to Dante's Inferno. Life in Kayewat would indeed be a hellish experience! In One Law, there is a huge lake that has naturally developed in an old open pit mine. This location plays a big part of the Sheppard kids' story arc.


[Following is an open letter I wrote back in December 2013, in response to Miley Cyrus, still naked and swinging from wrecking balls, poking fun at Sinead O'Connor. Sinead had written an open letter, cautioning Miley to be mindful of the businessmen eager to exploit her s*xuality for profit. I was angry that someone who had endured all of this before--at great cost--could be so easily dismissed by a second-generation pop brat. Anyhow, I thought I'd share it here. My writing has grown tighter in the last ten years, but the sentiment remains.]

Dear Sinead,

Long have I followed your career, and likewise defended your bold courage to anyone who is willing to listen. I grew up with your successful early albums, and was moved by your voice, not to mention your single tear in the Nothing Compares 2U video. I understood why you ripped up the Pope’s picture on SNL. I found that statement to be a wonderful platform to protest the apathy of the Vatican toward s*xual abuses in the church. You were fearless when you quite literally sacrificed your career in the defence of those who could not defend themselves. You taught me that we all have a social responsibility to help others first, and for that I hold you in the highest esteem.

As a young artist, you rebelled against the record industry by shaving your head and wearing drab clothes, because you understood that popular culture wants women to look and behave a certain way. You wrote provocative songs about politics, war, love, loss, abuse, and redemption. You refused to to allow the American national anthem to be played before a show because you felt that nationalism breeds hatred and war, and you were right. As years went by, you compiled a remarkable discography, appeared on dozens of other artists’ songs, and continued to tour around the world, speaking out against social injustice. As the s*x abuses were brought into the public, rather than appreciate the message you tried to deliver twenty years ago, the world continued to view you as a pariah, a provocateur, and a trouble maker.

In recent years, you have been public about your personal struggles with mental illness and depression. You reached out to Miley Cyrus, after watching her transform rapidly into a confused, irrational s*x symbol for a troubled generation in dire need of a role model. Sadly, this was a mistake. I read your open letter. You made no insults, only offering advice in regards to how industry bosses abuse their young female talent. You cautioned her to be wary of older men advising her to bare herself, simulate s*xual acts, and objectify herself in the name of her art. You know as well as anyone that her handlers want a hit album, and they will have her do just about anything to produce a bottom line. Miley even admitted that she admired you, and why not? You are a fine role model for young women who wish to portray themselves as strong, independent, and mature.

The problem is, you can’t fix what doesn’t want to be fixed. Rather than listen to wise counsel, Miley mockingly ripped you apart, making fun of your recent struggles with mental illness, and even lashing out about Amanda Bynes, a troubled young actress who did not deserve to be humiliated any further. Miley acted no better than the ignorant sheep who burned piles of your albums in the pack mentality of school-yard bullies.

After all the shocking images, videos, and interviews, Miley Cyrus, that second generation spoiled brat of questionable talent and moral fibre was actually applauded for her responses to your letters. What you don’t understand, Sinead, is that the world in which we currently live, the Miley’s are the heroes. We live in a world where tabloid news is more important than actual news. Kids know who Paul Walker was, but not Nelson Mandela. Teenage boys think teenage girls have to act like the girls in p**n. Girls think they have to lower themselves to that standard in order to impress the boys. The ‘blurred lines’ are a joke. Pop culture fully endorses these kinds of behaviours, and Miley Cyrus has developed a distorted view of what makes a young woman strong. Not everyone can do the things you have done; not every girl would cut her hair or stand up to bullies like you did, but she could choose role models with more substance. We all knew that kid in class who was popular despite the fact they picked on others. Miley is playing that part.

It was naïve to think that you could make a difference trying to use your experience and understanding to help her understand the damage she has done. If only you could have heard the morning radio show announcers laughing at you; it made me angry to hear them try to actually defend Miley’s antics as strength. All I see is another naïve little girl doing the ‘twerk’ dance for perverted old men in suits waiting to get paid while she swings naked on wrecking balls and licking hammers. She looks desperate. Desperation is not a sign of strength. But, like I said, you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. Take heart in the generation of young women -- real women with intestinal fortitude and intelligence, who have grown up with your inspiration. It is these people who will actually make a difference in the world, not some rich, snot-nosed kid who feels she has to flip off the establishment and shake her ass in Robin Thicke’s crotch. Write music, play for the crowds that want to hear you, and if you must, counsel Amanda Bynes, who most certainly would be more receptive to a helping hand than a foam finger.




My story features a number of main characters, and plenty of secondaries. Generally I keep POVs to the main ones (the Sheppard sibs, Phil Fox, Steven Reekan, Null). However, from time to time I include a POV from a secondary character if the situation calls for it.

In Exiles, one chapter was told through the perspective of Cal Merrick, a forensic investigator in Capston. He and his partner Shonn Simmons examine the rubble of a destroyed building and find startling clues that ripple throughout the story. There was some debate as to whether or not his POV would help or hinder the story. I liked him enough to keep it, and I'm glad I did.

In One Law, there will be at least two Merrick POV chapters. His good work led to him and Simmons being called for another task--this one far from home and way more dangerous. I wanted to show them as pals beyond just work partners--but not risk them becoming cartoony like the CSI people, or too silly like the Lethal Weapon guys. If you read Exiles, do you remember them? Did you like them? Were they expendable?


I am emotionally exhausted. I rewrote a pivotal scene in the second act of One Law this evening, and it took a very dark turn. Is it better storytelling? Without question. Did it hurt? Absolutely.


I've noticed that many indie authors provide soundtracks or playlists for their work--songs that inspired the writing, or songs that pair well with the themes or characters. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a fanatical music fan and collector, so naturally I have music that has influenced my ideas, or inspired me along the way. Here is a link to a Spotify list I made called "Songs of the Reclamation". The list is nothing if not diverse! If you've read Exiles, maybe you can match some of these songs to characters in the Recla-verse! I published Exiles, I had never heard of the concept of the trigger warn...
When I published Exiles, I had never heard of the concept of the trigger warning in books. I wonder now if I should have included one--my book contains scenes of violence, and in particular one scene early in the story in which a s*xual assault is taking place (even if it isn't described explicitly). There is very little profanity--I can count on my fingers how many 'swears' there are in my 110,000 words.
What do you folks think? Do you look for trigger warnings? Are they useful? Is it being too careful? What is the best way to broach the subject? I know that Book Two is going to have far more potential for triggering. What are some things authors should consider warning the potential reading public?

SUPPORT more videos like this at at this video ma...

A character in Exiles goes by the name Walpurgis (his chapters are diary entries). He looks nothing like this, but maybe...

A character in Exiles goes by the name Walpurgis (his chapters are diary entries). He looks nothing like this, but maybe he should have! Granted, Walpurgis needs to move about inconspicuously. And it would be hard to conceal a Morningstar mace.

I would say that the thought process of any author would overwhelm Freddy!

I would say that the thought process of any author would overwhelm Freddy! ...
24/04/2023 =cc5e24e452b7a56bc09088917bea02ec
One copy of Exiles is left on the shelf at Chapters in Fredericton! Will this make me a sell-out? If so, we can order more (and I promise I won't start writing CoHo fan-fiction or anything...!)

The city of Capston should have been safe under the protective dome of New Inland. Yet, random explosions have the city on edge. Mayor Phil Fox couldn't keep Capston safe. But Phil's failure is new mayor Steven Reekan's opportunity. If he can bring the terrorists to justice, he'll prove to the ot...


So, I'm officially at the halfway mark of "One Law"! Here are some stats (without spoilers!) for Act I - The Lion:
73,500 words (not including chapter headers)
45 chapters (not including the prologue)
12 different character POVs:
> All were introduced in "Exiles".
> 3 are making their POV debuts.
> 2 characters have 9 chapters each.
> 5 characters have only 1 apiece.
The present-day narrative spans from May 21-July 2, exactly 6 weeks.
Some flashbacks go as far back as 30 years.
3 characters' flashback symbols are introduced. There were 6 introduced in Exiles, all of which continue to be used. 2 more are set to be introduced in Act II.
Of the 45 chapters, 35 take place outside of the New Inland dome.
9 deaths of specific individuals are depicted. All are homicides.
All major POV characters from Exiles continue to receive significant focus.

That's where I'm at! After Act I there will be a stand-alone chapter that returns to the funeral seen in the prologue of Exiles, before Act II, which will be roughly 70-72,000 words. There will be an epilogue to "One Law" as well--this novel will be very symmetrical!


Halfway through the week, and by Friday the goal was to be halfway through the second draft of Book Two: One Law. Only about 4K words/two chapters and I'll have reached my goal! Staying on target for mid-November '23! (By making this statement public I'm holding myself accountable!)

Today I got to meet up with some old friends from my days at St. Thomas University. To say Kim had an impact on my life ...

Today I got to meet up with some old friends from my days at St. Thomas University. To say Kim had an impact on my life is an understatement--she remains one of my most trusted and treasured friends all these years later! Back in the early 90s, we were a couple of poets who worshiped at the altar of Romanticism. Today, we're published authors--we each beta read/edited each other's manuscripts (with an ocean between us, no less!) Professor Bentley would indeed be proud of us, Kim (and hopefully he's forgiven me for falling asleep during Literary Myth and Symbolism that one time...!)

One of the most important lessons I try to teach my writing students is that you must allow yourself to write knowing th...

One of the most important lessons I try to teach my writing students is that you must allow yourself to write knowing that you'll have revisions to do later. A friend once told me "the first draft of everything you write is s**t!" That may be true. However, it's worth remembering that s**t makes great fertilizer...

Check out this publisher of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, plays, art, short films✨: was certainly a year of ups and downs. But, it was the year I finally got to call mysel...

2022 was certainly a year of ups and downs. But, it was the year I finally got to call myself an author! I'm still blown away by my book's reception this year. Thank you, thank you, everyone, who bought, borrowed, read, reviewed, shared, used it as a paperweight--everyone! My goal is for Book Two: One Law to be finished and available in November '23, and I'm well on track to meet that end. Happy Holidays and all the best in the new year, friends! Cheers!

I thought I'd play around with some AI art apps to see how my descriptions would turn out. This is what the AI understoo...

I thought I'd play around with some AI art apps to see how my descriptions would turn out. This is what the AI understood about my description of the Hanging Gardens in New Inland--and it's not far off from what I've envisioned!


Exiles: Chronicles of the Reclamation Book One eBook : LeBlanc, Brandon J.: Kindle Store

I was so pleased to be invited to visit Mrs. Melanie Armstrong's Grade 2 class yesterday morning as a guest author! I an...

I was so pleased to be invited to visit Mrs. Melanie Armstrong's Grade 2 class yesterday morning as a guest author! I answered questions about the writing process and introduced them to my childhood plush friend Phil Fox (who was the inspiration for and is the namesake of one of my main characters!) We wrote a mini-story as a class using my story cube dice--maybe one day you will be able to read about the adventure of Mr. Bear and Mr. Bunny versus the Shadow Monster (who may or may not be Mr. Bear's lawyer, we're not sure yet...) Thanks, Grade 2--I'll be back to visit again soon!




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