I didn’t get to the card yesterday, I had to work earlier and didn’t get time for it.. booo!!
But todays oracle card of the day is Summer Solstice!!
The sun is finally shining down on you and that is the reason to celebrate. When this card appears in your reading, you can expect it increase, good fortune, and happy opportunities in all areas of your life, from money to love, recognition for your efforts to news of an addition to your family. You’re receiving all of the hopes and dreams you have been working towards for a very long time. In fact, you might have such good favour that you cannot realistically keep it all to yourself and will feel moved to share it with your loved ones and community. This, intern, plants the seeds for even more abundance.
The ability to provide for your family adds to the gratitude in your heart, attracting more joy and light. As your light grows so, too, do the opportunities available to you. Your energy and charisma become beacons for others to bask in the globe of your success, and for even more successful. To see and reward your talents.
The shadow side to this card is the fear of losing all that you have gained. Enjoy your newfound wealth, knowing that your gratitude and faith in the universe will bring more increase rather than less. Don’t ask ” why me?” or wait for the other shoe to drop, as this will attract the things you fear most. Instead, enjoy the fruits of your labor.: sing, and shout thanks to anyone who will listen.