Anthology update! The winners will be announced in several days once we have contacted the authors. A special thank you to our jury members, Sue Desousa Miller and Daphné Santos-Vieira, for their dedication and effort in reviewing the submissions and selecting the final shortlist. We truly appreciate your commitment!
About the jury:
Sue Desousa Miller has more than 15 years of experience in the publishing industry, having worked at Scholastic Canada and served as a literary agent with the Donaghy Literary Group in Toronto. During her time as an agent, she was a guest speaker at numerous local writing groups and workshops, and she continues to edit and proofread selected projects. The daughter of parents who immigrated from Madeira and Minho to Canada in the '60s, she is keenly interested in immigrant narratives.
Daphné Santos-Vieira has a B.A. - Honours in French and English literature from McGill University with a Minor in Lusophone studies from Université de Montréal. She's been involved with the CBC Literary Prizes for over a decade and worked as an editor for four years. Now living in Montreal, her family proudly hails from Serra de Santo António in the Ribatejo region of Portugal. She's been actively part of the Portuguese diaspora in Montreal for as long as she can remember, largely due to her parents' engagement in the community.
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