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Where we discuss horrific crimes & murders committed by black offenders

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In honor of us taking the tour to PHILLY for our third stop this year, JOIN US as we discuss a soft spoken, yet layered ...

In honor of us taking the tour to PHILLY for our third stop this year, JOIN US as we discuss a soft spoken, yet layered killer that shocked everyone with just how SICK he really was deep down inside.
JOIN US as we discuss who the media named, the Kensington Strangler.
RIP to the victims 💔

1-3: Antonio Rodriguez & a composite sketch drawn of him..👀
4: the map of where the victims’ bodies were found 💔
5: Elaine Goldberg 💔
6: Nicole Piacentini 💔
7: Casey Mahoney 💔
8: Antonio on CCTV after Nicole’s murder
9: a more recent picture of Antonio

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As Black History Month winds down, I wanted to find a way to incorporate something ELSE that I love this month and that ...

As Black History Month winds down, I wanted to find a way to incorporate something ELSE that I love this month and that is: HORROR‼️
Black history is littered with unspeakable horrors, so many, that there’s NO need to fabricate more.. But somehow, THEY always find a way.
So JOIN US as we discuss the fabricated history behind one of the most HAUNTED places in the US: The Myrtles Plantation.
RIP to the victims!

1-2: The main house on the property
3: Whiskey Dave, the original owner
4: screenshot from the Myrtles’ website
5: picture of an apparition many consider to be an enslaved woman named Chloe
6-8: creepy pictures taken by guests on the tours
9-10: the cover of the Haunted South book written by Tiya Miles

We had so so sooooo much fun with this episode!😭 and are so happy to have all three of us back together. We hope you guys enjoy❤️

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Most of us listening to this show went to a school where we were taught American history. There was a plethora of white ...

Most of us listening to this show went to a school where we were taught American history. There was a plethora of white supremacy included with what sometimes felt like an EMPHASIS on the successful enslavement of African people. But now as an adult, I had to wonder.. Why did they want us to think that our ancestors DOCILELY bent the knee to the enslaver? Why didn’t they want us to know what REALLY happened??

So JOIN US as we discuss the revolution that wasn’t televised.. nor memorialized.
JOIN US as we discuss the ones that chose to fight.
RIP to everyone that lost the fight 💔

*more sensitive photos available on Patreon*
1-2: artwork by Hale Woodruff
3: Representation of an Insurrection
4: a depiction of how enslaved people were brought to the Americas in the ships 💔
5-6: a sign in South Carolina commemorating the Stono Rebellion

There are soooooo many more that we’ll be discussing in a BONUS episode so be on the lookout ❤️
Let us know what you guys thought about this episode!⬇️


Amanirenas of Kush would become Queen Amanirenas of Kush, an ancient African civilization. You probably never heard of h...

Amanirenas of Kush would become Queen Amanirenas of Kush, an ancient African civilization. You probably never heard of her because of how WHITE washed the history books are… because I know for a FACT you’ve heard of someone she opposed in war, a man named Augusta’s Caesar.
So JOIN US as we discuss Queen Amanirenas and another black queen that changed the ancient world. 
We did this episode for US (Kristin and I), but we really hope you guys enjoy it too!

1-4: Kandake (QUEEN) Amanirenas of Kush, depicted in many ways
5: the head of Augustus that the Queen kept as a trophy
6-8: Amina, Queen of Zazzau: the FIRST Queen of Zazzau, a male dominated region
She ruled for over 30 years in the mid 16th century

Let us know what you guys thought about this episode!⬇️

JOIN US this week as we discuss the tragic deaths of Actors Merlin Santana and Lamont Bentley.Pictured:2–4: Merlin Santa...

JOIN US this week as we discuss the tragic deaths of Actors Merlin Santana and Lamont Bentley.

2–4: Merlin Santana 💔 (3 is him on the Steve Harvey show)
5: Brandon Adam’s (was a child star as well)
6: Damien Gates
7: Brandon Bynes
8: Monique “Mercedes” King
9-10: Lamont 💔
11-12: Lamont & the cast of Moesha; Lamont & Brandy
13 Verneda Bentley, Lamont’s mom (she died in 2019💔)

Let us know what you guys thought about this episode!⬇️


We all know that peer pressure is a real thing. And that some may be more susceptible to falling victim to it than other...

We all know that peer pressure is a real thing. And that some may be more susceptible to falling victim to it than others… Would you let your peers pressure YOU into killing two people in cold blood? Well today, we are going to talk about someone that arguably.. DID.
So JOIN US as we discuss the double cop killer, Romell Wilson.
RIP to the victims 💔

1-4: Romell (I kept calling him Ronell 🤧)
5: Detective James Nemorin 💔
6: Detective Rodney Andrews 💔
7: Jessie Jacobus
8: Mitchell Diaz (I called him Mathew & Michael chileee)
9: some of Romell’s rap lyrics
10: Nancy Gonzalez, Romell’s baby mama & ex prison guard

Let us know what you guys thought about this episode!⬇️

Catherine Fuller was killed in the middle of the day near a busy part of DC during rush hour. The police and prosecution...

Catherine Fuller was killed in the middle of the day near a busy part of DC during rush hour. The police and prosecution believed that a gang of at least 3 30 people killed her.. UNSURPRISINGLY, they were loud and wrong. JOIN US as we discuss the murder of Catherine Fuller, and the continued injustices that followed.

Thank you to listener for recommending this case!

RIP to Catherine and the other victims mentioned in this case 💔

1-3: Catherine & her headstone. She was only 49 when she was murdered 💔
4-5: the garage and alley where Catherine’s body was discovered
6-7: Patrice Gaines, used to work for the Post & was instrumental in uncovering the corruption involved in this case (she look GOODT chileee)

8-9: Chris Turner in 1984 - Chris Now (19 when arrested)
10: Charles Turner, Chris’ brother (20 when arrested)
11: Cliff Yarborough (16 when arrested)
12: Levy Rouse (19 when arrested)
13: Russell Overton (25 when arrested)
14: Timothy Catlett (19 when arrested)
(Kelvin Smith died in prison in 1993 from an aneurysm💔)

Let us know what you guys thought about this episode!⬇️

Have a SAFE & HAPPY NEW YEAR & we’ll see you next year!!!!RIP to the victims💔Pictured:Case 12-3: Tyrone Hassel III 💔4: T...

Have a SAFE & HAPPY NEW YEAR & we’ll see you next year!!!!
RIP to the victims💔


Case 1
2-3: Tyrone Hassel III 💔
4: Tyrone and his wife, Kemia
5-6: Kemia in court 😤
7-8: Jeremy, Kemia’s boyfriend 😤

Case 2
9-10: Deja and Abbaney Matts 💔💔
11: Abbaney and her 2 year old son❤️
12: Jacques Smith, Abbaney’s ex-boyfriend 😤
13: Earnest Rogers
14: Jalin Hargrove
(Not pictured: Steven Daniel’s, victim 💔)

Case 3
15: Charlene Ellis 💔
16: Letisha Shakespeare 💔
17: Marcus Ellis (her half brother), Michael Gregory, Nathan Martin & Rodrigo Simms
*more pictures available on Patreon🫶🏾*

Let us know what you guys thought about this episode!⬇️

Don’t forget to use code “ATLHOE” at to get a HUGE discount on your live show tickets❤️

We hope you guys enjoy this Holiday-themed episode! Let us know what you think❤️⬇️RIP to all the victims 💔Pictured:Case ...

We hope you guys enjoy this Holiday-themed episode! Let us know what you think❤️⬇️

RIP to all the victims 💔


Case 1
2-4: Christopher and Danielle Brooks 💔
5: their murderers: DeAnthony Harris (wheelchair), Jaylynn Franklin (fluffy one) & Lamarkus Mann
6: Lamarkus Mann chileee

Case 2
7: Jeremiah Brown 💔
8: Travon Anthony Jr. 💔
9: Kobe Kirkland, a victim of the Compound beef 💔(you’ll understand after you listen)
10: N’Varee Williams, a victim of the Compound beef 💔
11: Juan Shuren Jr
12: Jamarcus Simpson
13: a letter Juan wrote to the court saying he didn’t remember a damn thing from the night of the murders
14-15: pictures from the Compound area of Palm Bay

Case 3
16: Timmee Jackson & Dionne Williams 💔
17-18: Kevin Watkins, a murderous crazy in the eyes mf



We talk about death row a lot on this show. What led to people being on it, what people ate on their last days on it. Bu...

We talk about death row a lot on this show. What led to people being on it, what people ate on their last days on it. But I don’t think we’ve EVER talked about what happens if someone is put to death.. But doesn’t die. Confusing, I know. But only for a little while longer.
So JOIN US as we discuss one of the first men, and probably THE first pedofile, to actually SURVIVE their ex*****on, Romell Broom.
Thank you to listener, Christin P. for recommending this case.

RIP to Tryna Middleton & Willie Francis 💔

1-3: Romell…😤
4-5: young Tryna; Tryna’s mom holding a portrait of her
6: Romell after the ex*****on attempt
7-8: Willie Francis, the first man to survive an ex*****on; he was a teenager at the time (1946, electric chair)

Let us know what you guys thought about this episode!⬇️

We are all still PI**ED about Shanquella Robinson’s murder in mexico and can’t understand how she could die on a trip wi...

We are all still PI**ED about Shanquella Robinson’s murder in mexico and can’t understand how she could die on a trip with a group of friends, and no one be held accountable for it!??! Infuriating. And she’s not the only black woman that went out for a night with friends, and never made it back home.. JOIN US as we discuss the UNSOLVED death/MURDER of Tamla Horsford.

RIP to Tamla!!!!!💔💔💔💔💔

1-2: Tamla❤️
3-4: Tamla and her huuuuuusband 😝
5: Tamla, her husband, and their sons❤️
6-10: Tamla in pictures from the sleepover with those shady ass women!
11-13: crime scene photos/view from the top of the balcony to where Tamika’s body was found on the ground

Tell us what you guys thought about this case!⬇️


JOIN US for three Black Friday Murder cases.RIP to the victims 💔💔💔💔*more pictures available on Patreon*Pictured:Case 12:...

JOIN US for three Black Friday Murder cases.
RIP to the victims 💔💔💔💔

*more pictures available on Patreon*

Case 1
2: Victoria Brooks 💔
3: Christie Brooks 💔
4: Patrick Brooks 🤬
5: the crime scene

Unsolved case
6: Karry Daily reward flyer 💔
(Victim not pictured: Brian Marcellin 💔)
7: crime scene located at Pear st & General Ogden
8: Alice Felix, Karry’s step-mom
9: video of crime scene

Case 2:
10: Abdel Bash*ti 💔
11: The crime scene
12: Larissa Harris 🤬
13: Marvin Harris 🤬

Let us know what you guys think about this episode!⬇️

In today’s episode, we will uncover the gruesome story of the Pastor who starved his people to death in Kenya. It’s so m...

In today’s episode, we will uncover the gruesome story of the Pastor who starved his people to death in Kenya. It’s so much worse than we thought.

JOIN US as we discuss Pastor Paul Mackenzie.

RIP to the victims💔

1-5: Paul’s creepy ass
6-8: Victims’ family members mourning them💔 we don’t know the identifies of most of the victims, so it sharing what I could!
9-10: Crime scene photos 💔💔💔

JOIN US for this Halloween themed episode featuring a run down on rapper Young Thug’s plea deal and release!RIP to the v...

JOIN US for this Halloween themed episode featuring a run down on rapper Young Thug’s plea deal and release!

RIP to the victims 💔

2-3: Sterlin Matthews (we were lowkey screaming Free Him)
4: Pinhead mask- 16 yr old Daquan Burks’ killer wore a similar one when he shot him💔
5: Antonio Hart, psycho
6: Erica Hart, survivor!
7: Jeffrey Williams (Young Thug; we were not screaming free him😭)
8: Kenneth Copeland (Lil Woody)
9: Also Kenneth Copeland (creepy preacher that told his church to ‘blow’ COVID away)
10: Judge Paige Reese Whitaker
11: Jeffrey and his babyyyy, Mariah

Let us know what you guys thought about this episode!⬇️

According to the Georgia Innocence Project, 1 in 20 criminal cases result in a wrongful conviction. 4% of the inmates on...

According to the Georgia Innocence Project, 1 in 20 criminal cases result in a wrongful conviction. 4% of the inmates on death row in America are likely to be innocent.. Is the convicted murderer of Adonius Collier one of them??? JOIN US as we discuss Adonius’ death and the man that may not even be responsible for it.. Nanon Williams.
RIP to the victim! (Not pictured💔)
*THIS episode is SO worth the listen!*
1-5: Nanon at various stages of his life
6: Nanon and his wife; they married in 2023 (mom said some CRAZY stuff about her but she didn’t have a good picture to work with at the time so give her grace!)

Let us know what you guys think about this episode!⬇️
We lowkey think he deserves to be free, or at least have a new trial 👀

This week’s case is another one of the dozens of cases we have already covered, where the legal system COMPLETELY fails ...

This week’s case is another one of the dozens of cases we have already covered, where the legal system COMPLETELY fails the victims by not only refusing to hold a man accountable for his actions, but allowing him to do it again.. And again… AND AGAIN.
So JOIN US as we discuss “The R*pe Man”.. Eddie Lee Mosley.
*Trigger Warning: this episode involves the sexual abuse of children, but DOES NOT go into detail about the atrocities committed against them.*

RIP to the victims 💔

1-4: Eddie 😤
5: a sketch of him provided by victims (more than 40 women and girls identified him as their r*pist)
6: picture of some of the victims 💔💔💔💔💔💔
7: map of murders (some are connected to Eddie, but haven’t been proven yet)
8: Jerry Townsend (wrongfully convicted of six murders, still gross though)
9: Frank Smith (wrongfully convicted, still gross though)

Let us know what you guys thought about this case!
Had you ever heard of Eddie Lee before today???⬇️

Cascade Heights was an upscale suburban community that attracted people of power and prestige in the Atlanta area in the...

Cascade Heights was an upscale suburban community that attracted people of power and prestige in the Atlanta area in the 90s. But that feeling of not only exclusivity, but SAFETY, was challenged when a Fulton County judge was found murdered in her Cascade Heights home. JOIN US as we discuss the murder of Honorable Judge Josephine Cook. Thank you to EVERYONE that requested this case.

RIP to Josephine & the other victims mentioned in this case 💔

1-3: Josephine ❤️
4: Elijah Salahuddin
5-6: Raynard Cook
7: Raynard’s grandmama reacting in court
8: Raynard more recently

Let us know what you guys thought about this case!⬇️

On September 24, 2024, a man was murdered by Missouri state, despite the CLEAR evidence that showed he may not be respon...

On September 24, 2024, a man was murdered by Missouri state, despite the CLEAR evidence that showed he may not be responsible for the crime at all.. So did Missouri just kill an innocent man?
JOIN US as we discuss how the justice system FAILED and then MURDERED Marcellus Williams. Thank you to listener .sstacks for recommending this case.
Rip to Felicia ❤️

1-4: Marcellus
5-6: Felicia Gayle 🙏🏾
7: Marcellus’ son
8: Missouri Governor Mike Parsons 🤮👊🏾🤮👊🏾🤮👊🏾
9: Missouri attorney general Andrew Bailey 🤮👊🏾🤮


Let us know what you guys thought about this episode!⬇️



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