Experiences & circumstances in life that allow you to DIE ALL OF THE WAY. A blessing. Truly.
Anything less than dying all the way- is a disservice to yourself, and your own life.
To die all of the way - is to FEEL EVERYTHING - and allow it to open you- to become the fertile soil that new life can grow from such nutrient rich soil.
To release the bull- s**t - back to the great mother - so it no longer lives inside of you - contaminating the inner world - with f***l matter. (I.e. S**T).
Bull S**t works as much needed nutrient to the soil beneath your feet- where new life can grow.
The ego/ mind may try to tell you - you need to be somewhere different that where you are- you may even try to pull your boot straps up to continue on. W/ out dying all the way.
I promise you/ the greatest gift yourself is allowing yourself to completely fall apart- let the pain open you up-
This is your freedom on the other side-
It doesn’t have to be picture perfect, or wrapped up for other to view.
In the process of death- this is when the ego dies & layers are shed.
So what is left standing is the truth of who you are-
Fire. Heat. Expand.
We live In a world that doesn’t value the act or process of dying.
Yet one must experience a form of death in order to transform / evolve and become reborn.
Death is necessary to rebirth.
Death is messy, it isn’t pretty, it’s quite ugly sometimes. BUT THERE IS BEAUTY IN DEATH/
Because on the other side you are only more of you- because the parts that died - were never really you anyway.
Defense mechanisms of ego created when you were young- are now killing you and blocking you from living happy, joyous, and free.
Whatever you are going through- please give yourself permission to feel deeply, to get ugly, to be messy, and to let yourself die all of the way. So that way there is no one else’s bull s**t living inside of you- effectively contaminating and killing you from the inside.
With Love,
- Brianna