Naked Truth

Naked Truth ITS ALL ABOUT TRUTH SOME PEOPLE FEARS TO SAY OUT• It’s the truth that Uganda need change • It?


The Official U.S. Senate website of Senator Christopher C***s of Delaware


DEMOSTRATION AGAINST POLICE BRUTALITY There comes a time when silence is betrayal." In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."


BREAKINGNEWS CURRENT SITUATION AT NUP OFFICES The military, police and other security agencies have laid siege on the Na...

The military, police and other security agencies have laid siege on the National Unity Platform Platform offices in Kamwokya. Several of our staff and leaders have been arrested. They are breaking into the different offices, taking all documents and other valuables. The dictator is is in total panic!

Nothing is given to man on earth - struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible - the hero is the...

Nothing is given to man on earth - struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible - the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen.

Andrew Bernstein

BREAKING: UGX 80,000,000,000 meant for the construction of the old taxi park has been whisked away in thin air. This is ...

BREAKING: UGX 80,000,000,000 meant for the construction of the old taxi park has been whisked away in thin air. This is another normal day in Uganda 😑and we are all like it’s okay. This hemorrhage won't stop until we say, NO MORE! These are loans from donors going to be paid up-to our grand kids. WAKE UP UG

Wade tuvuma naye ono twamuzize nebwaasita ebigeere twamuzize.These are fools looking for free things..Mbu bobiwine doesn...

Wade tuvuma naye ono twamuzize nebwaasita ebigeere twamuzize.These are fools looking for free things..Mbu bobiwine doesn’t reply my WhatsApp messages and calls BANANGE Mulowoza bobiwine katonda OMUSAJJA MUMWESONYIWE... Nebwatuvuma twamuzize ...... Mubuutufu Abadako okugenda Nze nabazize..... VOTE ROBERT KYAGULANYI SENTAMU FOR PRESIDENT OF UGANDA 🇺🇬 ⛱

JUST-IN: Tanzanian President MagufuliJP about H.E Bobiwine in his interview with HISTORY today, said “Uganda may get the...

JUST-IN: Tanzanian President MagufuliJP about H.E Bobiwine in his interview with HISTORY today, said “Uganda may get the first smartest young, accurate and an intelligent leader.”

Do you agree with him?

Bino byebiluma abayaye make sure you get your NUP card Mawokota wokota wokota

Bino byebiluma abayaye make sure you get your NUP card Mawokota wokota wokota

They fear the unknown and they hate what they fear by Bobiwine.Andrew Mwenda a Museveni apologist is having sleepless ni...

They fear the unknown and they hate what they fear by Bobiwine.
Andrew Mwenda a Museveni apologist is having sleepless night just like the rest who are bought off but their souls are troubled.
Soon, you will all kneel down before Kyagulanyi. Never play with my annointed ones. Pick up forms in NRM too and run against Museveni.

BOBI WINE WITH THE NEW YORK TIMES:My Torture at the Hands of America’s Favorite African Strongman! Yoweri Museveni, the ...


My Torture at the Hands of America’s Favorite African Strongman! Yoweri Museveni, the country’s president and the Pentagon’s closest military ally in Africa, deploys security forces to assault opposition lawmakers.

KAMPALA, Uganda — Brutal policing is a global crisis, but America’s favorite African strongman, Yoweri Museveni, Uganda’s president since 1986, has deployed his own security forces to a particularly malign end: assaulting opposition parliamentary lawmakers to crush the democratic challenge he is facing.

I speak from experience. I am a member of Uganda’s Parliament and also a musician, activist and founder of the opposition People Power movement. For the past three years, we have been seeking social, economic and political change with the support of Uganda’s youth — 80 percent of the population — who face dire poverty.

On April 19, my colleague Francis Zaake, a 29-year-old member of Parliament, was arrested and tortured. Previously strapping and healthy, he now walks with a cane from the beatings he received there.

Why torture an elected member of Parliament?

On March 31, the Ugandan government imposed a strict coronavirus lockdown without notice, leaving many citizens unable to work. When some parliamentarians began passing out relief food to constituents, Mr. Museveni threatened to arrest them. In theory, the ban was universal; in practice, politicians from Mr. Museveni’s ruling party continued passing out food. The message was clear: Support the regime or starve.

Mr. Zaake’s crime was delivering food to the hungry while being an opposition member.

Assaulting elected members of Parliament and their supporters is an assault on the very idea of democracy. Ugandans have lived under Mr. Museveni’s tyranny for 34 years. We have had elections, but their legitimacy has been marred by rigging and the killing and torture of opposition supporters.

Twice, Uganda’s Supreme Court seemed on the verge of overturning Mr. Museveni’s election. After the 2016 election, Mr. Museveni placed his main challenger, Kizza Besigye, under house arrest so that he couldn’t petition the court within the constitutionally mandated time period.

As support for our People Power movement has grown in recent years, Mr. Museveni has increased the frequency and brutality of attacks on lawmakers.

On Aug. 13, 2018, I was with colleagues in Arua, a town in northern Uganda, after a long day of campaigning. We were there to support an opposition colleague who was running for Parliament in a special election. All of a sudden, Uganda’s Special Forces Command besieged our hotel. They shot and killed my driver, Yasin Kawuma, who was sitting in the passenger seat of my vehicle. The bullets seemed to have been intended for me. Thirty-four of us, including three other lawmakers and the candidate Kassiano Wadri, who eventually won the Arua special election, were arrested.

We were held for more than a week. I and several others were tortured and couldn’t walk unaided when released. I traveled on crutches to the United States for medical treatment.

We aren’t the only legislators to have suffered at the hands of Uganda’s security forces. In September 2017, opposition lawmakers filibustered to block a parliamentary bill to remove the age limit for the presidency, set by the 1995 Constitution at 75 years. The change would allow Mr. Museveni, who says he was born in 1944, to run in 2021. An Afrobarometer poll in September 2017 suggested that 75 percent of the population opposed lifting the age limit.

On Sept. 19, 2017, when the bill was to be introduced, Mr. Museveni deployed armored vehicles and heavily armed police around Parliament to prevent protests. Our filibuster managed to delay the bill’s introduction for a week, but on Sept. 27 dozens of plainclothes operatives appeared on the floor of the Parliament.

About 30 lawmakers were arrested, including me. During the mayhem, six operatives escorted a parliamentarian, Betty Nambooze, into a room without security cameras. They pressed her against the wall while one of them shoved a knee into her back, severely injuring her spine. She was flown to India for surgery, enabling her to walk again, but was tortured again in June 2018 and now walks with a cane.

Fearful and despondent, we dropped the filibuster campaign, and the age limit on the president was removed in December 2017. The attacks on our People Power movement have continued, and we have lost dozens of activists and supporters to violence on the part of the security forces. Yet support for our movement has increased.

I grew up in poverty and was fortunate to have a successful career as a musician. I soon found myself singing about corruption, poverty and oppression. Music galvanizes people but they can be empowered only through politics, so I decided to run for the Parliament.

Last week, my colleagues and I formed the National Unity Platform, a political party to challenge Mr. Museveni and his party in Uganda’s next election, expected in early 2021.

We stand for democratic rule; depoliticizing the security forces, judiciary and other institutions; peace in our region; and fighting Uganda’s rampant corruption. We maintain that this will help create the conditions for Uganda’s economy to thrive.

We regret to say that we might not have suffered for so long had Washington not chosen to ignore Mr. Museveni’s abuses. He is among the Pentagon’s closest African security allies, with troops in Somalia and guards under U.S. command in Iraq. However, he has also stoked conflict both within Uganda and in neighboring countries, while hoodwinking Washington into trusting him on security matters.

The international community needs to rethink its financial, moral and military assistance to our tormentors in Uganda and stand up for democracy.

Bobi Wine is a musician and a member of the Parliament in Uganda.


BEFORE YOU SUPPORT M7 TO MAKE 40yrs in POWER, Remember this:▪Public Debt stands at Ugx.56 Trillion While National Budget...

BEFORE YOU SUPPORT M7 TO MAKE 40yrs in POWER, Remember this:
▪Public Debt stands at Ugx.56 Trillion While National Budget is 45Trillion.
▪He will use the 5yrs to prepare a succession for his son Muhoozi making Uganda a monarchy government.
▪He will make sure that the people become poorer so that he can use them like he wants. Take an example of musicians crying to meet him to bail them from loans.
▪He will crack down on freedom of speach and assembly because it has taught him a lesson. The musicians are the target already.
▪He will be more brutal to create fear amongst the natives that whoever stands against injustice is to die or suffer.

Know that massive land grabbing with protection of the army and police is part of the plan to make citizens slaves in their own country because a poor man is difficult to be used. It started in Mubende, Mukono, Kayunga, Kiboga, Apaa land, now it has reached in Masindi and Hoima. Next time it may reach in your area if after all you haven't been affected yet.

You should know at Police and LDUs killed more than 20 unarmed civilians country in just in 4 months of lockdown.

Government is bringing more taxes including the one of arcades and other business buildings. This implies that the increase in taxes will increase the rent hence increase in the prices of goods and services since these taxes are indirect.(The consumers are the final resting position of the taxes)

Also know that ever since M7 demonstrated against corruption plus installing another anti corruption unit headed by Major Nakarema, the following monies have been swindled by the usual culprits.

They include:
■ Ugx.600 Billion Lubowa hospital funds
■ Ugx.52Billion Covid-19 food funds
■ Ugx.82Billion masks funds
■ Ugx. 40 million covid-19 funds to each NRM
■ Us dollars 25 Million Covid-19 donation from USA.
■ Ugx.120 Billion Covid-19 donation from European Union.
■ Ugx.6 Trillion govt loan for Covid-19
■ Unknown amount of lock donations for Covid-19 both money and material items.
■ Ugx 200 billion Locust funds(Enzige)

So my dear you better make up your mind unless you are part of the oppressor but if not then drop the excitement and support for a reason. Dont be funny to think that M7 is that magical to do what he has failed for 35yrs in just 5yrs that you want to add him. He will use that period to tighten and achieve the Muhoozi Project which i think you and i will like.

You are free to choose a leader of your choice since you are 18 and above but always remember my post.

Today we unveil our membership cards.More details loading....

Today we unveil our membership cards.
More details loading....

BANO BALIMUKUTYA AKATENGO KANGIComedian Hussein Muyonjo Ibanda a.k.a Swengere Everywhere who recently recorded a comedy ...

Comedian Hussein Muyonjo Ibanda a.k.a Swengere Everywhere who recently recorded a comedy video saying all top government officials in Uganda are Basoga has also been summon by Uganda Police Force to appear at CPS Jinja tomorrow at 9am on charges of inciting violence.


How Museveni has used the military in Police to silence all his critics.

Crime Intelligence located around Bukoto was originally under the Crime Investigations Department. It was employed to gather intelligence on capital felonies such as murder, r**e, defilement, treason and was in charge of witness protection.

But after Bosco discerned that he is in a sinking boat, he enhanced it into a directorate of its own. He made it an extension of Chieftaincy of Miltary Intelligence (CMI) thus militarising the police institution.

Directly, it is commanded by Brigadier Chris Serunjoji Damulira who was the former director of Crime Intelligence in CMI. According to military ranks, a Brig. General is deemed to command a division suited to a full barracks of Uganda Peoples Defense Forces personnel.

This is the same Chris Damulira who has displeased to calm down insecurity occasioned by the Local Defense Unit (LDUs). He has resorted to capturing our dear own comedians “BIZONTO” who have been earning from ironic videos.

The Bizonto as identified by their real names as Ssabakaki Simon Peter
alias Akozonto Akato, Ssewanja Julius alias Ssabazonto, Mbabali Merceli alias Giant Zonto and Gold Kimatono alias Jjaja Zonto.

All were seized following a recording of selected videos that were uploaded and later shared on various social media platforms, unfortunately with the potential of causing hatred and unnecessary apprehension.

For the last 2 days, they have been wheeled to several safe houses, tortured and tormenting them nevermore to utter anything concerning Museveni family. They are being driven in a UAX drone minibus by a one Ronald.

This is the powerful Crime Intelligence a terror extension of CMI that was liable for a scheme to bomb the people power offices in Kamwokya. They utilised wrong elements known as informers to hurl some of the grenades which were seized by the fearless supporters.

some of the bomb that were thrown around people power offices
Its the related directorate that has created havoc on opposition leaders such as Dr Kiiza Besigye but more so Robert kyagualnyi alias Bobi wine. They have tortured and incarcerated people power supporters and now have descended unto comedians.

Whichever person of sound mind acknowledges that what was asserted in the Video composed portrays genuine truth. Who isn’t cognizant that the Museveni government is built on tribalism and favouritism?

The kind of tribalism Museveni has Exhibited
It is a dishonour that Police noted that some of the videos had perils of an attack on government, and individuals upon which they timely came in to thwart the situation.

Who isn’t knowledgeable that the uppermost government offices are occupied by westerners?, I now perceive the Bizonto assertion very precise.

The top security at Bosses all from western Uganda
Check the security system, springing from the Chief of Defense forces Muhoozi, the prisons services Byabashaija, the defacto Inspector General of Police Muzeyi, both commander and Deputy of CMI Kandiho and Asiimwe, Internal security Organisation Kaka, and many others.

If we are to consider the Permanent secretaries of all ministries in Uganda, commencing with the Ministry of Finance Muhakanizi, Health Atwine and many others. It is an embarrassment that Museveni and his family are exerting this as an attack yet he subjected Ugandans to that condition.

Most Non-Westerners who had held these offices were kicked out. They have been framed of numerous evils to tarnish their honours to pave way for their comrades to take over such offices.

This is what transpired in the Ministry of Health docket when Diana Atwine framed Asuman Lukwago overpowering him to resignation. He was framed to have misappropriated National Drug Authority Funds but the precision of the matter was the unwillingness to deliver Butabika Hospital Land titles to mafias.

Ugandans, we should not be cowed for manifesting the truth. These matters need to be addressed but not mere detentions and menaces. The security organs have converted to state machinery that whoever asserts something about government, its a grave sin.

What shall we narrate to our next generation if sectarianism is the solitary crime? How will we justify the people power spirit in us when the regime has subjected its guns at us?. Ugandans lets come up and uprise to end this regime.



How the no nonsense Muhakanizi and Ben Kavuya have accumulated wealth through the Ministry of Finance treasury.

As we have always seen him blasting members of parliament, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance Keith Muhakanizi and his partner Ben Kavuya belong to a class of untouchables in this country. The two have accumulated wealth massively with no clear source of funding.

They own Legacy Towers and apartments all over Kampala and its surroundings. The list also includes the two twin towers that house NAADS secretariate and the extension of Ministry of Health.

Legacy towers
They also own over 100 magnificent buildings and apartments all over Uganda, especially in the major towns.

These have accumulated money through influencing payments from different contracts and ordeals from court rewards, damages against the government paid by the National Treasury.

Legacy Courts in Ntinda
Muhakanizi and Kavuya have also accumulated money through quash money lending business under Rutungi Credit Investments. They beseech land titles and buildings as guarantee security which they later transfer ownership.

They have also concentrated wealth through one close associate, John Musinguzi Garuga. Muhakanizi introduced Musinguzi to the president in 2011 as a sole distributor of coffee seedlings in the whole of Western Uganda.

This deal was worth 200 billion shillings. Muhakanizi through the Ministry of Finance wired the money and both had a 50/50 share.

Recently, Kavuya was authorised to charter a plane for three members of his family for over 1 billion shillings. Due to his influence, Sam Kutesa had to process the travel documents to avoid inconveniences while other Ugandans were bellowing for the government’s consideration.

A document authorizing Kavuya to charter his family to Uganda
A document authorizing Kavuya to charter his family to Uganda
In March 2018, a metal fabricator dragged Kavuya to court accusing him of fraudulently acquiring and transferring his late father’s two acres of land in Nakawa into his names.

Recently George Wakanyira accused Kavuya of taking over his hostel in Kataza Zone in Bugolobi and five rentals in Bweyogerere. This was over a feud of 170 million shillings loan payment.

Kavuya is accused of stealing Makerere University land. The university has over 200 plots of land around Kampala and he has occupied most of them due to his untouchableness.

Lately, when someone dragged Kavuya to court, he made a fake phone call purporting to be the President. He threatened that person to withdraw the charges of fraud and land grabbing logged against him.

Muhakanizi has also exhausted the national coffers through the classified fund. This is in conjunction with Lucy Nakyobe the statehouse comptroller. They dupe the president different donations and funds that are given to the likes of Fool Figure, Bebe fool and many others.

Muhakanizi has also accumulated huge sums of capital through extorting corrupt officials. He is said to have taken a bribe from Christopher Obey. Obey was the Principal accountant in charge of pensions from 2012 to 2013. This signified to help Muhakanizi settle the pension scam case with the President in which over 15 billion shillings of taxpayers money was swindled.

Muhakanizi ordered Obey to deliver the money amounting to 1.5 billion shillings to Legacy offices at Legacy house along Windsor Cresent in Kololo. It was Ben Kavuya the head executor of all missions who received that money.

Both Muhakanizi and Kavuya own a ranch in Kabula Lyantonde District which is over 10 square miles (commensurate to 10 villages in local communities of Kamuli or Buyende). They also possess another ranch in Kigarama Ssanga Kiruhura district.

This is where a vast range of cattle breeds such as Friesians, Borans, and other indigenous breeds are rared. It is believed that in a way of extending their borders, one has to just name his or her price to shift voluntarily.

They have both sponsored Presidential campaigns and Museveni gazes at them as his committed cadres. They have financed many NRM schemes such as building Hospitals using taxpayers money to strengthen the Junta regime. This is especially in Kebisoni Rukungiri District where opposition doubles.

This is the reason they have access to all the monies from the National coffers without any hesitation. They have so much influence in the corridors of power including the determinations of the President.

As I have always mentioned, these are people who control our economy. My question to you all the guarantee sons of Pearl of Africa, the level of inflation is high, the dollar currency is high unexpectedly, and my biggest puzzle; If parasites are controlling our economy, is Uganda moving in the right direction?


Six Ugandans murdered by the military regime during the COVID-19 operations.Six Ugandans have apparently lost there live...

Six Ugandans murdered by the military regime during the COVID-19 operations.
Six Ugandans have apparently lost there lives at the hands of the Uganda Police Force, the Uganda People Defense Forces and the notorious Local defense unit when enforcing curfew and other presidential guidelines country wide under lock down.
LDUs attacking a rider Photo by micheal kakumirizi

According to sources, six Ugandans have lost there lives at the hands of the Uganda Police Force, the Uganda People Defense Forces and the notorious Local defense unit when enforcing curfew and other presidential guidelines country wide under lock down which was engineered to curb the spread of the contagious corona virus.

Those who perished at the hands of the military junta include Vincent Serungi a resident of Wakiso who was shot dead on March 31st, Charlse sanga who was killed at the hands of the interdicted and notorious Jinja RDC Eric Sakwa,

Evelyn Namulondo a resident of Budhumbuli in Jinja town who was shot and died three days later at Jinja referral hospital, Wilber Kawono a resident of Budaka District who was shot on April 18th.

Margret Nanyunja an 80 year old who succumbed to gun shots after LDUs forcefully entered into her house to enforce curfew in kyengera wakiso district on 10th april.

Others include Kasim Ssebudde and Alex Oryema who were shot from Mukono Municipality on 27th March while heading to a construction site.

Most of these Murders were carried out by the notorious Local Defense Unit (LDUs) who have no conscience over gun handling due to the illiterate nature. We have seen them how they brutalised people even in the eyes of there seniors and non of them was or is apprehended.

Recently we witnessed the gruesome murder of one Nagasha and Musasizi Frank an LC 1 chairman of lutovu village in Lwengo district killed in cold blood outside Dr. Byansi phermacy in Masaka town on 18th may 2020.

I believe that if it wasn’t for the cameras which recorded the footage and later was published, it would have taken as another unresolved murder case.

The armourment of the LDUs has caused more havoc in societies and are envisieged as a force which is used to promote intimidation unto the masses especially during this period where the 2021 general elections are at the door knocking.

The general public should be vigilant enough not to fall into the gaps of these merciless armed groups


How the First Family has planned to monopolize labor export business through frustrating others out of operation.
Key players in the labour export business from the first family

The Republic of Uganda is at stake by a certain group – actually a section of members of the first family alias the Deep State. These people have taken over each and every profitable venture whether by frustrating the populace or a section of innovators thus downplaying the efforts implored to achieve their objectives.

Around 2000s labour export hit the waves and many distressed and hungry Ugandans saw this opportunity as a leeway to greatness. Many were recruited around 2004 to work in Iraq and Afghanistan which was a war raged area by private security companies and these were hired by Americans. They made a good kill out of it since Ugandans didn’t pay for Visas or air tickets since they were all being provided for.
After realizing that this is a great venture, many businessmen in Kampala and around the country decided to invest and many companies were formed ranging from security export to casual labourers evolved.

This prompted the mafia who realized that labour export is very lucrative and was not projected to end anytime soon. This is because 90% of Ugandans are in abject poverty and if allowed to seek green pastures abroad as maids, security guards, and casual labourers it would be heaven for them.

These untouchables include the following;

Odrek Rwabwogo.
He is an in-law to President Museveni as he married the beloved daughter Patience. This has made him very influential in many aspects and many corridors of power. He owns Gideon’s Men Security Company Limited which provides security services with both inland and labour export abroad.

Rwabwogo is not a poor man to be competing with a few graduates who have set up such companies to better themselves and their generation. He owns a milk processing factory called Tomosi farm Bwesharire LTD which produces products like processed milk, yoghurt, cheese butter among others.

He also owns one of the leading Public Relations (PR) Consult firms in Africa called Terp Media. Terp media does all the public relations for President Museveni in his campaigns and other mobilisation sessions. He was the inventor of the famous Tubonga Nawe drive.

Since he married the daughter to the President, he has been promoting campaigns for the last three terms where each term costs over 50 billion shillings of taxpayers money.

Since he joined the labour export business, he is the sole exporter of labour to Israel – a move that saw many other genuine companies losing out on such opportunities due to his influence. Rwabwogo has many other factories and he has been supplying goods to South Sudan through Jovia Mushango.

He also has a direct connection with President Salva Kir’s army where he supplies a lot of produce in millions of dollars. Why should such a person frustrate these labour export companies that are set up by hustlers and just graduates??.

Shadrack Nzeire
He is a young biological brother to President Museveni who has been doing his businesses and has been involved in many land scams especially the Luzira wetland title grabbing.

Shadrack Nzeire
He owns a labour export and recruitment company called Master Power located in Luzira. It gets contracts for exporting labour to Dubai, Afganistan, Qatar and Oman. It is aimed at exporting all categories ranging from Maids, security guards and casual labourers.

Nzeire and his in-law, Rwabogo have fought tooth and nail to cripple other labour export companies such as Middle East Consultants where its bosses like Benon Kunywana and Godfrey Kyalimpa were arrested by Edith Nakalema and allegations of theft and human trafficking of which was contrary. This was because Middle East Consultants had out-competed them thus the plan to cripple their operations.

At one time in a certain high-level meeting in line to streamline their venture, they were asking “Oguwe Nimwine Oha” meaning ‘’Who is the father of the Director of this company” they were referring to Mugyenyi Gordon, the Managing Director of Middle East Consultants. What shall those do on this heavenly earth whose fathers are not known?

Ms. Kellen Kayonga
She is a sister to Jovia Saleh, a wife to Gen. Salim Saleh who is the proprietor of Askar Security Limited. She is the sole person with contact with Americans to export labour especially security guards to Iraq from 2005 to date where she collects over 3 Million US Dollars alone and you wonder if its the only labour export company in Uganda.

Kellen Kayonga
Whenever any company that shows interests in joining such a venture to export labour to Iraq, its license is either revoked or terminated. These people decided to control the industry using their influence. The American Embassy pays directly to her account then she distributes peanuts to these green pasture seekers.
Maj. Gen Leopold Kyanda.
He is the current chief of staff of Land Forces of the Uganda People’s Defense Forces. He owns a labour export company called Normad Security Services located opposite Kira Road Division Police in Kampala.

Maj. Gen Leopold Kyanda
Maj. Gen Leopold Kyanda – Chief of Staff of the Land Forces in the UPDF
This company has solely monopolised exporting security guards to Somalia that work with the United Nations. And it is believed that he co-owns this company with his best friend Muhoozi Kainerugaba whom they share proceeds worth millions of dollars.

The company at one time led to the incarceration of Brig. Micheal Ondoga in Makindye Miltary prison for 3 years. This was for refusing to avail guns to Normard Security officers in Somalia when he was the head of the contingent.

By Ondoga standing akimbo to the Standard Operational Procedures of which the supplying of guns to a private security company was not part, it made Kyanda send a special private jet to Somalia and later was arraigned in the General Court Martial and remanded to 3 years in prison.

These 4 large labour export companies have monopolised all the juicy contracts from different stakeholders. Many others are owned by many influential power brokers and security chiefs.

They have used the new created Mafioso offices such as the Anti-corruption unit headed by Nakalema and a one Wandera who is the Director in Charge of Labor in the Ministry of Labour and Gender.

This is to frustrate all labor export companies that have been working well through revocking there licences and harrassing them to close indefinately.

This is the very reason why the chief Mafia as said by Tamale Mirundi, Frank Tumwebaze Kajiji was appointed Minister of Labour such that he can control that docket and money goes back to its destination.

Ugandans we must wake up, we need to take our country to where it should be free from autocracy.



Beverly Hills California



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