Something's Happening Here

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  • Something's Happening Here

Something's Happening Here This is a podcast dedicated to exploring the spiritual dimension of current events.

Amen amen 🙏

Amen amen 🙏






Stop stressing yourself out. God knows what you are facing and He will provide. If God is good to you, declare Amen????




“The Only Question That Matters”
All the knowledge in the world about Christ’s return won’t make a bit of difference if you’re not ready to meet Him when He comes, so in this re-broadcast of Season One’s finale show, we ask the only question that really matters, in a few different ways: have you surrendered to Jesus Christ? Have you accepted the death of your Savior as substitute for your own? Are you in a saving relationship with the Lord? That one decision is the only one that will overcome the grave, so nothing else in life is as important as that one choice. What’s your choice today, friends? Eternity with your loving Savior? Or eternal death without Him? I know the choice He wants you to make, for sure. Let’s make it together.

"The Main Event" Part 5: 7/28/23
We’re in the final stretch of our Great Relocation! This week, we review our Season One finale episode about the return of Jesus Christ!

Season 1 Episode 17R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“The Man In Charge”
Today on Something’s Happening Here, we ask a really interesting question: what can politics teach us about God? At first it seems like nothing, right? Politics seems in many ways to be the opposite of Biblical religion. Yet prophecy has always worked itself out in the geopolitical realm, and that’s no different today. Put on your prophecy hats, because we wander into Daniel 11 today to see how politics and prophecy interact, and what we can learn for today. Remember, you can click to the full show directly from the reel! Enjoy.

"The Main Event" Part 4: 7/27/23
We’re in the final stretch of our Great Relocation! This week, we review our Season One finale episode about the return of Jesus Christ!

Season 1 Episode 17R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“Individual Mandate”
With a show title like “Individual Mandate,” you might think we’re talking healthcare or government today, but we’re not. The God of the Bible has a much more important mandate for every potential resident of His Kingdom to come, and that’s what we’re talking about today: salvation. It’s such an important topic that I’ve wished for a chance to expand on the subject ever since this show first aired, so now that the new studio is just about done perhaps it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Supporters on Locals. Are you on Locals yet, friends? Thanks for joining us in the middle of your week. Welcome to the show.

"The Main Event" Part 3: 7/26/23
We’re in the final stretch of our Great Relocation! This week, we review our Season One finale episode about the return of Jesus Christ!

Season 1 Episode 17R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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It’s a high-tech gospel mission! Working on the new studio space with the producer who is 3,000 miles away! Pray for us!...

It’s a high-tech gospel mission! Working on the new studio space with the producer who is 3,000 miles away!

Pray for us! We’re aiming to debut Season Three on 8/7!


“The Not-So-Secret Secret”
Today on Something’s Happening Here I make the claim that most believers alive today believe something other than what the Bible teaches about the return of Jesus Christ. I know that’s a bold claim to make, so you better watch today’s show to make me back it up! Did you know you can click to the full show right from this reel? Try it now, and pray for us! We’re aiming to have new material to broadcast in just a couple weeks! It’s a lofty goal but by God’s grace we believe it can happen. Ready for a challenging but uplifting show today, friends? Welcome.

"The Main Event" Part 2: 7/25/23
We’re in the final stretch of our Great Relocation! This week, we review our Season One finale episode about the return of Jesus Christ!

Season 1 Episode 17R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“All Signs Point To…”
This week on Something’s Happening Here, we’re revisiting our Season One finale episode all about the soon coming Kingdom of God. And I’m shooting these intros from our new studio space! It’s not completed yet but we’re working hard to get it up and running for Season Three to begin soon. Did you know these reels are just intros for the full 15-minute show? Now you can click directly to each show from that day’s reel! Today’s show is about the signs Jesus tells us to watch for as we anticipate His return. I’m Steve Hicks, Director of Podcast Ministries for Talking Donkey International. Let’s review some signs of the times today.

"The Main Event" Part 1: 7/24/23
We’re in the final stretch of our Great Relocation! This week, we review our Season One finale episode about the return of Jesus Christ!

Season 1 Episode 17R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“Prosper In All Things”
If all goes well, this will be the last intro spot I record before the new studio is set up. Pray for us as we prepare for Season Three! For today, we conclude the week’s discussion on the spiritual side of good health by looking at the consequences of what happens when we have the wrong ideas about the subject. We affirm again that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and a functional temple is crucial to know Christ Jesus in the most personal and powerful ways. Thanks for spending the week with us, and blessings to your good health!

"Life More Abundant" Part 5: 7/21/23
Though we’ve arrived in our new location, it will take some time to settle in and create the new studio space. So this week we are re-broadcasting another episode from Season One, all about the spiritual side of good health.

Season 1 Episode 12R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“Does God Care What We Eat?”
Okay, I’ll admit, I was skeptical every time I heard something like what we’re going to discuss on today’s show. Every single time. It never made any sense to me until I had to confront the reality of it in light of a bad medical diagnosis. Friends, I hope you believe me when I tell you that the topic of today’s show radically changed my life for the better; so much so that I am legit thankful that the Lord allowed me to suffer the chronic condition that I do, which prompted me to make this change in my life. Today’s show may taste bad on the way down, but by God’s grace it may just settle and strengthen your stomach in the end. Welcome, and may God bless you.

"Life More Abundant" Part 4: 7/20/23
Though we’ve arrived in our new location, it will take some time to settle in and create the new studio space. So this week we are re-broadcasting another episode from Season One, all about the spiritual side of good health.

Season 1 Episode 12R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“What If…?”
I was one of those people who reacted badly to the shutdowns and restrictions forced upon us during the recent global health crisis. I closed my churches reluctantly and worked to maintain worship services as best as possible in those conditions. But once I learned what we’re going to talk about today, any and all patience I had for the government’s nonsense was gone. Even today, this topic makes me angry; not because of its truth, but because of how badly the authorities worked to make sure we didn’t know it was true. I’m Steve Hicks, Director of Podcast Ministries for Talking Donkey International, and I want us all to live the lives more abundant that Jesus promised us; even if it goes against the government’s narrative in doing so. Welcome to an unfortunately controversial show.

"Life More Abundant" Part 3: 7/19/23
Though we’ve arrived in our new location, it will take some time to settle in and create the new studio space. So this week we are re-broadcasting another episode from Season One, all about the spiritual side of good health.

Season 1 Episode 12R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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I’ve learned many things in my life, but few have had such a powerful, immediate, and life-changing impact than the day I learned about epigenetics. And since we’re talking about health all week long, I want to tell you all about it too! Growing up, I was taught that we’re all kind of victims of our genetic codes, and I know many people who take a fatalistic approach to their health as a result. But what if that’s not true? What if each one of us has the power, and by the grace of God also the motivation, to take control of our health at a genetic level? Would you take the chance to be healthy?

"Life More Abundant" Part 2: 7/18/23
Though we’ve arrived in our new location, it will take some time to settle in and create the new studio space. So this week we are re-broadcasting another episode from Season One, all about the spiritual side of good health.

Season 1 Episode 12R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“A Matter of Health”
This week on Something’s Happening Here, we are creating our new studio space and getting ready for Season Three! So for now, we’re talking about health all week long. The global health crisis of the past few years has shown us how important our health truly is, and how fragile and fleeting it can be for many of us. But the Bible reveals that God cares deeply for our physical health, and wants to advise us how to live in such a way as to maximize not just our health, but our whole life experience. Want to live and feel better, friends? You’ve come to the right place! Welcome to a re-broadcast of our vital episode, “Life More Abundant.”

"Life More Abundant" Part 1: 7/17/23
Though we’ve arrived in our new location, it will take some time to settle in and create the new studio space. So this week we are re-broadcasting another episode from Season One, all about the spiritual side of good health.

Season 1 Episode 12R (R for re-broadcast episode)
Please become a Supporter on Locals for exclusive content and help us stay on the air!

Sorry for the late notice!! 😬😬If all goes according to plan —Starting Monday 7/16 we’ll be releasing each day’s show at ...

Sorry for the late notice!! 😬😬

If all goes according to plan —

Starting Monday 7/16 we’ll be releasing each day’s show at 10AM Eastern / 7AM Pacific on FACEBOOK ONLY.

The schedule will remain unchanged on the other platforms where we broadcast.

This is so each reel can link directly to the show for that day.

As always, please pray for us!

We’re setting up the new studio this week. 🎉


“The Way, the Truth, the Life”
What will you do to prepare for the days of the Mark of the Beast? Buy property in the country? Stock up on food supplies, resources, or maybe even weapons? Disconnect from society? What do you think the Bible instructs us to do? Many of us want to do the things I just mentioned so much that we ignore the only thing the Bible prescribes: to know and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. The answer to the Mark of the Beast is so simple that many will miss it, but not us, right? At Something’s Happening Here our mission stands unchanged: to know Christ Jesus and follow Him all the way to God’s Kingdom. Will you be there too, friends?

"The Mark of the Beast" Part 5: 7/14/23
This week – as we set up shop in our new location – we’re re-broadcasting our landmark episode about the “mark of the beast;” what it is, what it isn’t, and how we can avoid being misled.

Season 1 Episode 11R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“The Mark of Authority”
There comes a moment in the spiritual journey of every student of prophecy when he or she must confront a hard Bible truth about something they previously held dear. For many, that comes with a study of Revelation 13 and the number “666.” Today on Something’s Happening Here, we reveal some powerful ways this number can be understood, and they may just bump up against something you’ve held dear in your life. For me, I found this truth to be liberating, empowering, and faith building; will you have the same reaction? Let’s get going, friends. Welcome to today’s show.

"The Mark of the Beast" Part 4: 7/13/23
This week – as we set up shop in our new location – we’re re-broadcasting our landmark episode about the “mark of the beast;” what it is, what it isn’t, and how we can avoid being misled.

Season 1 Episode 11R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“Your Brother’s Keeper”
Did you know that Cain’s mark in Genesis chapter 4 is the same as the mark of the beast at the end of time? This is yet another surprising example of how God laid out all the basic truths for His people at the very beginning of time! Today on Something’s Happening Here we study Genesis 4 to learn from Cain’s mistake so we can avoid deception when prophecy becomes reality in our near future. Grab your Bibles, friends, and welcome to the show.

"The Mark of the Beast" Part 3: 7/12/23
This week – as we set up shop in our new location – we’re re-broadcasting our landmark episode about the “mark of the beast;” what it is, what it isn’t, and how we can avoid being misled.

Season 1 Episode 11R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“The Sabbath Connection”
Are you surprised to hear that an important aspect of avoiding the Mark of the Beast is the seventh-day Sabbath of Scripture? It may seem odd to think that the pinnacle of evil manifest as global governmental control over individual finances has anything to do with the fourth commandment of God, but it does! Today on Something’s Happening Here, we learn about the Sabbath from the Bible, and we recognize that governments throughout time have used the people’s religious worship, more than any other social issue, as a method of control. I’m Steve Hicks, Director of Podcast Ministries for Talking Donkey International. Welcome to the show.

"The Mark of the Beast" Part 2: 7/11/23
This week – as we set up shop in our new location – we’re re-broadcasting our landmark episode about the “mark of the beast;” what it is, what it isn’t, and how we can avoid being misled.

Season 1 Episode 11R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“One Mark to Rule Them All”
Over time, and especially during and after the recent global health crisis, just about everything on earth has been labeled the “mark of the beast.” The vaccine mandates, Bitcoin, and various American presidents all share the distinction of bearing this accusation. But what it is really? Can we do no better than wild speculation and fearmongering? This week, as we’re settling in to our new lives in our new location, we are re-broadcasting our episode from Season One all about the mark of the beast. Along the way we will see a few surprises and maybe some challenges, but it’s all worth it if we know what we need to avoid this devilish mark when the time comes. Welcome to a challenging episode this week, friends.

"The Mark of the Beast" Part 1: 7/10/23
This week – as we set up shop in our new location – we’re re-broadcasting our landmark episode about the “mark of the beast;” what it is, what it isn’t, and how we can avoid being misled.

Season 1 Episode 11R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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“Back to the Future”
We spent two days learning Middle Ages history? Why, Steve? How is any of that relevant to right now? Excellent question, friend. Because the devil never changes, and can’t come up with anything original, he is certain to try to mimic and counterfeit every beautiful thing about Christ Jesus. Today as we conclude this week’s re-broadcast of “God’s Rottweiler” from Season One, and as I and my family roll into our new location in real time, we turn to Revelation 13 to see how the past informs the future, and how Christ stands ready to guard us against the great evil the Bible says is still yet to come.

"God’s Rottweiler" Part 5: 7/7/23
This week we’re re-broadcasting our eighth episode from Season One, all about the life, ministry, death, and prophetic implications of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Season 1 Episode 8R (R for Repeat episodes)
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“Little Horn Revealed”
If you watched yesterday’s show, then you know already what today’s show is all about: finishing our study of Daniel chapter 7 and revealing the identity of the Little Horn. The controversy continues today, and the news might be hard for you to hear. Buckle up, and remember that God reveals these things in His Word to lead us to faith and healing, not for condemnation. Editor’s note: at 15:51 I mention the year 508AD. That’s an important date too, but in the context of that moment I should have said 538AD, and for the reasons I mentioned surrounding that date earlier in the show. Let us know if you’d like more information about today’s topic! Just leave a comment here or below the show and we’ll make sure you get what you need.

"God’s Rottweiler" Part 4: 7/6/23
This week we’re re-broadcasting our eighth episode from Season One, all about the life, ministry, death, and prophetic implications of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Season 1 Episode 8R (R for Repeat episodes)
Please become a Supporter on Locals for exclusive content and help us stay on the air!

Shout out to (some of) our newest followers! Excited to have you here!Facebook only prompts a “new followers” post every...

Shout out to (some of) our newest followers! Excited to have you here!

Facebook only prompts a “new followers” post every once in a while … AND our show is popular enough that there are always more new followers than Facebook lets us recognize at once.

So, no hard feelings if your name isn’t on the list! We love you too! Tell a friend!

Sharon Peet, Bobby Davis, Rob Stanley, Larry Mainer, Jennifer Lindquist, George Koosh, Jodene Conger, Christopher Shriver, Donna Shuman, Michael Morris, Steve Kallen, Frances Cooper, Jeff Leach, Pam Gregg, Theresa Smith, Julie Owens, William Mutchler, James Carniewski, Travis Nease, Verona Cole, William Lloyd Stanley, Kirk Piper, Lori Land, Bob Ziggy, Dwight Goforth, Loren Braseth, Eugene Elethorp, Melissa Little, Carlene Johnson, Dale Danek, John Kronsberg, Joe Jarvis, Rick Bary, Steve Hargrove, Robert Cicirello, Lee Karpin, Chad Purcell, Vicki La Fleur, Denni Jacques, Scott Robichaud, Connie Avery, Samuel Adams, Ronella Sanders, Roger Ascher, David Frank, Jack Dru Jones, Linda Jackson, Dolores Lonergan Hiltz, Chris Clark, Richard Sharp


“A Thorny Little Horn”
Today’s show is all about prophecy, friends. We’re going to understand the present through the lens of the prophetic past, so first we learn the basic outlines of the prophecies in both Daniel chapters 2 and 7, then set to learn the identity of a character in chapter 7 described as a “little horn.” Today’s show is a cliffhanger, and we’ll finish today’s discussion tomorrow, but put on your prophecy hats in the meantime, friends. Grab a history book and a Bible, and let’s get started.

"God’s Rottweiler" Part 3: 7/5/23
This week we’re re-broadcasting our eighth episode from Season One, all about the life, ministry, death, and prophetic implications of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Season 1 Episode 8R (R for Repeat episodes)
Please become a Supporter on Locals for exclusive content and help us stay on the air!



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