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Minister Kua participates in virtual meeting with senior SINOPEC officials, led by Snr Vice President, Liu Hongbin. 7th ...

Minister Kua participates in virtual meeting with senior SINOPEC officials, led by Snr Vice President, Liu Hongbin.

7th February 2022

Petroleum Minister Hon. Kerenga Kua yesterday (05/02/22) evening participated in a virtual meeting with the Snr Vice President of Chinese Petroleum giant SINOPEC in Beijing.

Minister Kua accompanied Prime Minister James Marape to Beijing and held this separate meeting to discuss various aspects of Petroleum business in PNG and how best SINOPEC can partner in the opportunities in upstream and downstream processing, as well as their interest to buy LNG from Papua LNG Project and the P’nyang Gas development Project.

SINOPEC as a foundation LNG buyer of PNG LNG with 2MTPA on long term (20 years) contract is again very keen on more long term LNG contract for the PNG LNG Projects, which are about to enter FEED mid this year.

SINOPEC also expressed strong interest in Upstream participation for current projects, as well as new licenses, which present best investment opportunities.

Minister Kua committed to help with their entry into Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in a more broad intent and urged them to partner with PNG’s National Oil Company, Kumul Petroleum Holdings Ltd.

Mr Kua on this occasion was accompanied by Kumul Petroleum Managing Director, Mr Wapu Sonk who will now follow through on the request by SINOPEC to establish a working group between SINOPEC and Kumul Petroleum to immediately progress the Papua LNG Project LNG Marketing, Upstream and Downstream Partnership and look into Ammonia as Blue Energy and carrier of Hydrogen for Green Energy Projects in the country.



News Release
February 8, 2022

The long wait for Porgera Mine to re-open is now in motion with the statement and company excecuting the final signatory with Mineral Resources Enga last week Friday, 4th February 2022.

This has effected the Porgera Project Commencement Agreement, marking a significant milestone in the process of reopening the mine.

The reopening is on track for April this year.
Following this, the next critical steps are to sign the Shareholders Agreement, the substance of which along with that of the Company Constitution have already been agreed, and complete other formalities so that the New Porgera joint venture company can be incorporated and apply for a Special Mining Lease.

Finalising the Operatorship Agreement is also an essential condition to reopening.
Barrick President and Chief Executive Officer Mark Bristow commented, “The formal ex*****on of the PPCA represents important progress.

“Our senior executives have been in Papua New Guinea once again to oversee the final ex*****on of the PPCA and the negotiation of key implementation agreements.

“Our task now, in partnership with the State, is to accelerate the process so that the new company, which will be 51 per cent majority owned by Papua New Guinean shareholders is incorporated and a sound tenement granted.

“This is to enable the mine to reopen at the earliest opportunity and resume delivering economic benefits to the landowners and community of Porgera and to Papua New Guinea,” Mr Bristow said.

Prime Minister James Marape yesterday thanked the Porgera landowners through the Mineral Resources Enga before flying out to Beijing.

Mr Marape said the signing between the Porgera Landowners and Provincial Government under MRE in the old SML1 is now made redundant.

“They did a release for us to now move into the new Porgera.

“It was an important step for the SML 1 five percent owners, to give us the deed of release for us to move to the new Porgera discussions.
“Important step in getting Porgera reopened was signed today.

“On February 22 some important announcements on projects will be made,” he said.

𝗗𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗡𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 & 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗗𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗲 Approved for Release- 7th  February 202...

𝗗𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗡𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 & 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗗𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗲

Approved for Release- 7th February 2022

The Department of National Planning & Monitoring has officially begun the 2022 operational year with a Dedication Service, committing the management, staff and work plans to God.

The theme of the service was, ‘As for me and the Department of National Planning & Monitoring, we will service this country with the help of the Lord in taking PNG forward’. The service was led by Pastor Cyril Kulanawi, Director Personel Ministries & Sabbath School of Sepik Mission of Seventh-Day Adventist church.

The service was attended by Secretary Koney Samuel, Vice Minister Dr Kobby Bomareo, management and staff of the Department. Minister Rainbo Paita could not attend as he was in self-isolation with cold and flu symptoms.

Dr Kobby encouraged the staff saying they played a key role in the public service especially in seeing services reach the communities where it was needed most. He said public servants needed to carry on their duties especially now as the country goes into the national general elections.

Secretary Koney Samuel reminded the staff that as the Medium Term Development Plan III (MTDP III) was coming to an end and the department was now preparing to develop the next one, MTDP IV.

With this he said the expectations on the Department to develop these plans were immense and he therefore needs ‘all hands on deck’.

He reiterated that with the Lords guidance and wisdom, the Department can be able to achieve its mandates this year and going forward.

* Picture shows keynote speaker and Vice Minister for National Planning and Monitoring and Tewai-Siassi Open MP Hon.Dr Kobby Bomareo speaking in Port Moresby during the Dedication Service in today.



February 1st, 2022

The Board of Dirio Gas & Power Company is appalled by the misleading and inaccurate information about the Company, which are being circulating by ill-informed individuals.

”These gross inaccuracies are a deliberate attempt by a few ill-informed critics and naysayers to not only portray Dirio and the Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) in bad light, but also tarnish the reputation of the members of the Dirio board, management of the company and the landowner leaderships.

Established in December 2017, Dirio is PNG’s first locally owned Independent Power Producer – owned 100% by the landowners from PNG LNG Project and their five provincial governments.

It is a 49.5 megawatts (MW) power plant and has the capacity to produce at least 45MW.

Dirio was established for the purpose of providing cleaner, reliable and cheaper power to consumers in the capital city and at same time, promote self-reliance and generate sustainable income from the business, for landowners and their provincial governments.”

It is already profitable based on the current Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA) and its board believes that in the long term, Dirio will be a success story for the PNG LNG landowners and the people of PNG.

Dirio is not a failed project as speculated. It is a 25-years project - a worthwhile investment.

The Dirio Project is a testament of what landowners can do so long as they can commit time, dedication and put their hands and resources together to get such project off the ground.

Since its establishment, Dirio has been contributing to the national economy by paying yearly corporate taxes; providing employment opportunities for more than 250 Papua New Guineans and; continues to spend millions of kina on local Papua New Guinean companies resulting in the local areas directly benefiting from the project in multiple ways.

This investment not only secures the future of our beneficiaries from the resource project areas, but also supports national development by collaborating with our development partners and the State to provide a solution for PNG’s electricity problems.

1. Ownership

Dirio is owned primarily by the landowners and the five provincial governments (Hela, SHP, Gulf, Western and Central) of the PNG LNG Project.

The provincial governments and the landowners from the PNG LNG pipeline and plant site; brownfield and oilfield each have a larger stake in Dirio while the balance is taken up by the greenfield PNG LNG landowners. MRDC has less then 3% in Dirio.

MRDC’s role in Dirio is based on its mandate as the Trust Manager for the Landowner companies (MRDC subsidiaries).

This mandate includes holding the shares in trust for the landowners and; managing all the subsidiaries - this extends to the investments that these subsidiaries invest in such as Dirio.

The current board composition at Dirio includes a mix of landowner and MRDC representation.

The board members include:
• Ambassador Issac Lupari as Chairman;
• Gulf Governor, Chris Haiveta representing the 5 provinces of Hela, SHP, Gulf, Western & Central;
• Hela Governor, Philip Undialu representing the Greenfield companies;
• Tony Kila representing all the Brown Field companies;
• Solo Damena representing the PNGLNG Pipeline and Plant site companies and;
• John Tuaim, MRDC’s Chief Operating Officer representing MRDC.

There is nothing sinister about MRDC’s involvement in the Dirio Gas & Power Company nor the board composition.

Dirio’s primary business is gas-based power generation where it buys gas from ExxonMobil’s LNG Plant outside Port Moresby (under the Gas Supply Agreement), then using three 15MW solar turbines, produces power and sells to PNG Power Limited (PPL) to distribute through its grid under a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

“Getting a Gas Sales Agreement (GSA) and PPA are not easy and we thank ExxonMobil, PPL and the State for approving this venture.”

Our decision to use Solar Turbines were based on four key areas – brand, accessibility, support and sustainability.

Solar Tubines is a subsidiary of Caterpillar Group of USA, a global leader and a trusted brand - the best in the business of manufacturing turbines of this size.

By using Solar Turbines, we also have access to their experienced technical support team and the availability of tooling and spare parts when needed.

These turbines are the best for PNG’s setting given their durability.

ExxonMobil uses the same turbines to power the PNG LNG Plant facility so we wanted to ensure there is consistency in our assets.

2. Dirio Contractors

The contractors who delivered the Dirio project have been operating in PNG since 2013 and had a track record of delivering multiple projects successfully in PNG, both with the MRDC Group and with other clients in country.

Their in-house power generation team brought over 200 years of combined experience on similar projects around the globe and the result – the Dirio Gas & Power Plant has been recognized as a world-class facility by Solar Turbines themselves.

Solar Turbines, who operate to the highest corporate standards, have a well-established working relationship with these contractors and fully vetted them prior to entering into any business dealings with them and had granted them exclusivity for the Dirio project.

It is true we have entered a long-term engagement for the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of the power station with the same contractors.

This is sensible business practice to ensure technically qualified people, familiar with the assets are managing and maintaining them and that our value is protected for the long term.

Again, whilst we cannot fully disclose commercially sensitive information, our O&M costs represent less than 10% of the Dirio budget operating cost base and certainly do not result in ‘all the returns of this project being sent overseas’ as has been suggested.

We are also aware that there are Papua New Guinean companies that claim to be able to offer O&M services, as well as some from Australia, but these companies are not authorized or supported by Solar Turbines.

This means they will not be able to access the necessary tooling or spare parts to undertake the work, as they do not have the required experience.

3. Dirio Project costs

Total project costs for Dirio was K380 million and not K450 million as suggested by many.

The Dirio Board approved this cost.

There were some variations from the original budget due to a number of factors which included changes in PNG Power’s connection specifications; changes in ExxonMobil’s requirements for gas connection, internal errors within Dirio that have been addressed and; the impact of COVID-19.

For any project of this size, project variations do happen – it is incredibly rare for any project of such magnitude not to experience them.

For Dirio, these variations were carefully considered and analyzed to ensure there is minimal impact on the business and that they are not repeated.

The project cost was below budget. The debt to equity ratio currently stands at 28% debt and 72% equity.

4. Delay in grid connection

Dirio has a legally binding PPA contract with PPL for the dispatch of the power station.

This agreement has been in place since the early stages of the project and is very clear on the oblig*tions for when PPL was required to take power and the fees associated with the power station.

Dirio was ready to connect to the Port Moresby grid and distribute power into the city after its commissioning in November 2020, however, PPL requested for a delay in connectivity to the grid due internal grid issues that PPL had.

We proactively worked with PPL in a reasonable manner to resolve this including the commercial aspects of this.

The delays had nothing to do with technical issues nor problems with the Dirio Power Plant itself.

5. Return On Investment

On 31 October, Dirio Gas & Power Plant was switched on for the first time and began supplying 9MW clean gas-generated power supply into the Port Moresby grid.

It is not a failed project as speculated.

Getting the 9MW electricity onto PNG Power’s Kanudi Grid and into the homes of Port Moresby residents is the first phase of the full implementation of the agreement.

As soon as PNG Power corrects its systems stability and grid, Dirio should improve from 9MW to 45MW.

What the public should know is that the cost and capacity of electricity that Dirio is currently supplying to PPL is cheaper as it provides PPL with significant cost savings when compared to the diesel-powered generators that are being replaced.

Whilst we cannot reveal the full commercial details of the PPA, we can say that the fees Dirio receives are made up of multiple components and are not all directly related to the total supply of power from the power station.

As per the PPA, PNG Power will have to take or pay 30MW by the end of February this year and pay the capital recovery. Dirio will not lose anymore, whether or not it supplies power to the Port Moresby grid.

6. Dirio is profitable

Dirio is already profitable based upon the PPA in place.

Once the payments due under the PPA are received from PPL then Dirio will immediately be cash flow positive, and this will continue throughout the entire life of the project.

No additional funding for the Dirio is required at any point in the future as it will be entirely self-sufficient from the PPL payments due.

This is to be expected of a project where the project owners have made the initial capital investment.

This means that Dirio will be able to provide sustained revenues to the landowners and the five provincial governments for over 25 years.

The profits and cash flows from Dirio will be used for reinvestment into future projects to grow the company and to improve power availability for the people of PNG and; be used to provide returns to the landowners who own Dirio in accordance with our mandates.



Via NBC News
21 January 2022

Bank South Pacific Financial Group Limited will now recommence its half-day Saturday Banking service starting tomorrow (Saturday 22nd January 2022) for school fee deposits and school fee-related Personal Loan applications.

According to BSP's Deputy General Manager for Retail - Sales and Customer Service Delivery, Peter Komun, those people who were unable to pay school or tertiary institution fees during the weekdays have the opportunity to visit respective BSP branches that will be open for Saturday Banking.

Mr. Komun said 16 selected branches in main centres around the country including Banz Hybrid sub-branch will open for the next six Saturdays from 9am- 1pm.

These branches are Alotau, Buka, Goroka, Kimbe, Kiunga, Kokopo, Kundiawa, Lae Top Town, Madang, Mt. Hagen, Popondetta, Tari, Wabag, Waigani Banking Centre and Wewak.

Meantime, the School Fee Payment service is also available through BSP Mobile Banking *131 #.



Friday, 21st January 2022

The MRDC Board has welcomed the passing of the MRDC Authorization (Amendment) Bill 2021 by Parliament on Wednesday, this week.

This piece of legislation now:
• allows MRDC to commence the elections of project landowner representative directors on their respective Company Boards, as mandated by their various company constitution and;
• provides clear arrangements on the appointments of directors on the MRDC Board.

“This is an important change relating to election of directors of our Trust companies,” said Augustine Mano, Managing Director for MRDC.

This Bill rectifies the unintended consequences of provisions in the MRDC Authorization Act (the Principal Act) which was passed in June 2020.

“When the Principal Act came into effect, it automatically extended the term of office for all current landowner representative directors for a further five years,” said Mr Mano.

“It also prevented landowners from electing their representatives when a director’s term in office expired in 2020 and 2021.”

“Because of that, we couldn’t run directors elections for some of our companies that were due for elections last year.”

“If we had run those elections then we would have breached the MRDC Authorization Act and the election process conducted would have been open to legal challenge.”

With this amendment to the Principal Act, MRDC will revisit the pending election of directors for Gas Resources PNGLNG Plant Limited and the two Ok Tedi Landowner companies - Mineral Resources Star Mountain and Mineral Resources CMCA Holdings.

Once the amendment Act comes into operation later this year, the landowners from the four villages of Lealea, Papa, Boera and Porebada in Central Province; the 12 villages in Ok Tedi SML area and; the eight CMCA regions along the Fly River in Western Province, can elect their representatives to the boards of Gas Resources PNGLNG Plant Limited, Mineral Resources Star Mountain Limited and Mineral Resources CMCA Holdings Limited respectively.

Mr Mano said the process of election of directors to subsidiary boards is critical for validity and community support for the MRDC Group.

“It also allows the board members, who are project area landowner representatives to be accountable to their people, which is also an important aspect of good governance and transparency.”

The passing of this Amendment Bill does not affect the Principal Act (MRDC Authorization Act) relating to ownership of MRDC and its roles and responsibilities, as a corporate manager.

Nor do the changes affect the trust arrangements, which are specified in the Oil and Gas Act, and the other relevant project related agreements.

It is only the administrative arrangements governing the appointments of the directors to the Boards of MRDC and the MRDC subsidiaries that will change in this legislation to align with the Companies Act 1997.

The Board of MRDC thanked the Marape-Basil Government for supporting its endeavors to strengthen corporate governance within the MRDC Group by approving and endorsing the Amendment Bill and acknowledged the Parliament for its approval through the passing of the Bill.

Magarima Electrification Project Media Statement 07:49, January 18, 2022The National Government through Minister for Nat...

Magarima Electrification Project

Media Statement
07:49, January 18, 2022

The National Government through Minister for National Planningand Monitoring Hon.Rainbo Paita presented a cheque of K2 million.

Prime Minister JamesMarape launched the two CAT generators with a power capacity of 1.1megawatts each to the people of Komo-Magarima.

PM Marape said the gensets are put in place to cater to the people in the absence of the power from Hides.

The member for Magarima has managed to pull over 40Km’s of power lines along the feeder roads in this district.

“(They) have worked in partnership so we are just happy to compliment. This is the evidence of DSIP at work. In the last 2 years since we’ve been in government, we have rolled out close to over K40million each to all the districts in our country,” said PM Marape.

PM Marape said rural Papua New Guineans are equally entitled to electricity like those in the urban areas.

The Managing Director of Kumul Petroleum Holdings Ltd Mr. Wapu Sonk said they have thought of investing in hydro projects as part of their social oblig*tion project under the direction of the government.

“Disla MOU em blo wokim liklik hydro outside long Tari. Yes mipla bai g*t bikpla power project, mipla bildim long Hides na putim long bikpla power line i ron. But liklik mipla woklo fandim in partnership with provincial government long hia na local member blo yumi (Manasseh) Makiba,” said KPHL MD Sonk.

Mr Sonk added, “Olsem na mipla wokim disla MOU to partner with the provincial government and PNG Power na Kumul Petroleum na bai mipla i wokim hydro outside of Tari.”

Sonk and Governor for Hela Philip Undialu signed the MOU in the presence of the Prime Minister Marape, MP Makiba and Southern Highlands Governor William Powi. Under the agreement, Hela Provincial government and its DDAs will contribute 30% and Kumul Petroleum will contribute 70% to the hydro projects.



Media Statement
January 20, 2022

PARLIAMENT yesterday passed the Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) Ltd Authorisation (amendment) Bill 2021, after it was introduced by Prime Minister James Marape.

PM Marape said the bill would allow for governance procedures relating to appointment of directors on the MRDC board, and the election of directors for the MRDC company boards, to commence as mandated by its respective company constitution.

PM said the bill rectified the unintended consequences of the current provision in the Principal Act by preventing the refreshing of the representational mandate for directors on the MRDC board as well as project area representative directors on their respective MRDC company boards, by subjecting it to the respective MRDC company constitution and the Companies Act (1997).

“The refreshing of representational mandate is critical for validity and community support for the MRDC Group,” he said when introducing the bill.

"The bill would ensure a culture of accountability among board members, who were project area landowner representatives, and was also an important aspect of good governance and transparency, said PM Marape.

PM Marape clarified that the Principal Act relating to the ownership of MRDC, as well as its roles and responsibilities as a corporate trustee manager, remained unaffected.

“It is only the administrative arrangements governing the appointment of directors on the MRDC board, and MRDC company boards, that are proposed to be changed in this bill to align with the Companies Act 1997.”

PARLIAMENT PASSES MRDC AMENDMENT BILLAPPROVED FOR RELEASE: JANUARY 19 2022Parliament today (January 19 2022) passed the ...



Parliament today (January 19 2022) passed the Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) Ltd Authorisation (Amendment) Bill 2021, after it was introduced by Prime Minister Hon. James Marape.

The Bill allows for governance procedures relating to appointment of directors on the MRDC board, and the election of directors for the MRDC company boards, to commence as mandated by its respective company constitution.

It rectifies the unintended consequences of the current provision in the Principal Act, in that it prevents the refreshing of representational mandate for directors on the MRDC board as well as project area representative directors on their respective MRDC Company boards, by subjecting it to the respective MRDC company constitution and the Companies Act 1997.

“The refreshing of representational mandate is critical for validity and community support for the MRDC Group,” PM Marape said when introducing the Bill.

“It instills a culture of accountability on the Board members, who are project area landowner representatives, and is also an important aspect of good governance and transparency,

“The Principal Act relating to the ownership of MRDC, as well as its roles and responsibilities as a corporate trustee manager, remain unaffected.

“It is only the administrative arrangements governing the appointment of directors on the MRDC board, and MRDC company boards, that are proposed to be changed in this bill to align with the Companies Act 1997.

“This Bill is necessary as it will allow for Governance procedures relating to the MRDC Board, and the election of directors for the MRDC Company Boards, to commence as mandated by its respective Company constitution.”


PM Marape to table Bill to amend MRDC ActJanuary 18, 2022Media Release PRIME Minister James Marape is expected to table ...

PM Marape to table Bill to amend MRDC Act

January 18, 2022
Media Release

PRIME Minister James Marape is expected to table a Bill to amend the Mineral Resources Development Company Limited Authorisation Act 2021 when Parliament resumes today.
Also to be tabled are the Constitution Amendment to the Ombudsman Commission, and the proposed amendment to the Organic Law on the Ombudsman Commission.
In 2021, Parliament passed 38 laws, with 10 now awaiting certification.
Parliament is expected to sit for two weeks to Jan 28.
It is expected to discuss notices, papers and ministerial statements which will be tabled.
In 2021, Parliament sat for only 29 days.
Now with three months to go before the issue of writs on April 28, another sitting of Parliament is expected. Leader of Government Business and Finschhafen MP Rainbo Paita could not be reached yesterday to explain the order of business for Parliament.
PM Marape could not be contacted as well.

Parliament will sit tomorrow Tuesday 18th January at 2 pm. It is expected that the National Boundaries Commission Review...

Parliament will sit tomorrow Tuesday 18th January at 2 pm. It is expected that the National Boundaries Commission Review Report will be presented and debated..I understand 3 Open Electorates will be split into 2 Separate Open Electorates which include Talasea,Kairuku-Hiri and Komo-Margarima. A new Motu-Koitabu Open Electorate 'might' be created but am not sure at this stage..In the past all Boundaries Reports have been rejected but I believe Pangu led Government



The Pandemic Controller has directed any persons residing in Papua New Guinea, to receive a booster vaccination to protect themselves against COVID-19.

Commissioner David Manning says it is recommended that people are to follow the time intervals to receive the booster following the previous vaccines taken.

Those who have received J&J Vaccine will have to take the booster after 2 to 6 months after the first dose, for the AstraZeneca vaccine, they will have to stay 6 months after the second dose and the Sinopharm vaccine, is after 3 to 6 months after the second dose.

Controller Manning says the priority should be given to the targeted population groups for all vaccination.

This direction comes into effect on Thursday the 13th of January this year.

Meantime, the vaccination coverage rate in Papua New Guinea remains under 10 per cent.

This was made known by the P-N-G Medical and Advisory Committee. The committee strongly recommends all individuals above 18 years of age who have not received their primary vaccination do so.

Pandemic Controller, David Manning has directed all persons residing within the country to be provided access to vaccinations and booster vaccinations to protect themselves against COVID-19.

Meantime, the Medical and Advisory Committee has recommended all citizens follow the Niupela Pasin protocols at all times.

NBC News



Tuesday, 11 January 2022

PRIME Minister Hon. James Marape today paid tribute to the “great work” of the Lutheran Church in the development of the Papua New Guinea, while thanking missionaries from all churches in the country, both national and international, who have brought services to the people in rural areas to complement the work of the government.

In a message that spelt strongly of the uniting force of Christianity and the huge contribution of churches in uniting a very diverse people in nationhood, Prime Minister Marape acknowledged the work of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG) and all churches in the country.

The Prime Minister was speaking today to thousands of Lutheran faithfuls who had travelled in to Port Moresby from throughout the country for the 33rd Evangelical Lutheran Church National Synod, being held at the Sir John Guise Stadium and hosted by the ELC-PNG’s Papua district.

Himself the son of a pioneer national Seventh Day Adventist missionary, PM Marape paid an emotional homage to missionaries who “ran ahead of government workers” before Independence and after Independence, into remote Papua New Guinea to bring God’s Good News and with it, services such as education and health.

“Before the presence of a government worker in many parts of our country, there were missionaries. They walked the length and breadth of our country not for money, fame, or personal earthly prosperity but they walked for love and service to humanity because they were serving the author of Love, Jesus Christ,” said PM Marape.

“Our country is littered with footprints of missionaries that had left the comfort of their homes overseas, to come into our country; and secondly, those from the coast, who became the first contact for those in our highlands areas.

“I want to pay respects to our churches for making sure that the fundamentals of our country is held together.

"It is fitting and right to give respect where it is due. Without the Christian perspective, we would be looking from 800 or so different perspectives. It is really the work of Christianity that has united our country at a deeper level, even further than the flag and the Constitution of the country.”

He said with a new generation of leaders coming into office, the Government is now working out policies to move the country more in line with the ideals of Christianity, such as the pronouncement to make PNG a Christian country, and the start of work to reverse the Death Penalty and install in its place, Maximum Penalty as commanded under the 10 Commandments.

The Prime Minister encouraged the ELC-PNG to continue with its services in health and education, and gave the Government’s support in this area.

He also mentioned the Lutheran University project, which has been shelved for some time. PM Marape encouraged the ELC-PNG to work together in unity to get this project off the ground.

“Lutherans, you are the second biggest church. You have a big place. Remain focused on the charter that you established as the Lutheran Church.

“The Government stands ready to give you the full support as we go into the future.”




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