Today we had the All-Ukrainian March for animals in 24 Ukrainian cities and even in Antarctica!
Speakers of this event talked about stopping cruel treatment to animals in Ukraine. Many activists said about the prohibition of dolphinariums, circuses with animals, hunting stations, and other entertainment with animals.
Pavlo Vyshebaba, Ukrainian animal right activist, called people not to buy fur. He said that 850 000 animals are killed each year in Ukraine because of fur farms. So activist wants to stop fur production in Ukraine and calls Ukrainians to support this position.
The former Minister of Healthcare Ulana Suprun also was on this March. She gave a little speech too: "What are cats and dogs? It is love. We should defend this love".
The head of the Ukrainian non-governmental organization that helps Ukrainian soldiers in the war in Donbas "Come Back Alive", Vitaliy Deynega, said that war is not a reason to stop to be human beings and to treat bad to animals.
Many other activists and volunteers spoke strong and called to defend those, who can't speak for themselves, animals. Also, some Ukrainian celebrities joined the All-Ukrainian March with heart touching speeches: Ukrainian singer and winner of Eurovision 2016 Jamala, Ukrainian music bands "Kazka", "Kryhitka", and "Yuko". The last band has written the anthem for the All-Ukrainian March for animals and presented it for all people, who came today.
The All-Ukrainian March for animals was organized by the all-Ukrainian humanist movement that fights for animal rights UAnimals. Thank you that you change Ukraine for more humane!
This photo album includes photos of the All-Ukrainian March for animals in Kyiv:
Kyiv. 15/09/2019
Ukrainians gathered to say that Ukraine is a humane country. People want to stop cruel treatment to animals in Ukraine.