I’m this clip, I’ve got a squad hunt on the people that were hunting me, my two teammates are still waiting to be revived, since the last video I’ve circled Al Bagra and picked up the hunt contract, because I know the team hunting me before would if I didn’t.
I managed to down the SAME player in the heli, again!
Immediately after this, I tell them I’m not trying to wipe their team and I just want to pick up my squad.
They surprisingly invite me to join, but I told them if I did, my team would be left behind, and I couldn’t. They allow me to live, and I revived my team.
Fast forward, to after I’ve revived my teammates, who by now are in the radiation zone, I see on the mini-map that there is a heli at the exfil where we need to go, I know that this is likely the same 5 man team, I ask my teammate to go into match chat and ask them if I could exfil where they were, they knew who I was, so they replied that we could. They were super chill, and we managed to exfil together, not a single shot was fired and it was a solid moment in the history of DMZ negotiations.
I can’t record and upload full gameplay due to slow internet and only having an Xbox to record with, which can’t record game chat, which is the best part of negotiating in DMZ.