In reflecting on the Cancer Awareness Series being wrapped up for this year, we'd like to pause and acknowledge the relationships we've created with organizations and the fantastic amount of information we've been able to share with our discussions with our special guests. We're humbled to have been a part of conversations, raising and broadening awareness through education and importantly resources to connect those in treatment, in recovery or effected by cancer to the cancer community. We'd like to give a huge thank you to the following organizations that we've partnered with this year: Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Fight Colorectal Cancer Testicular Cancer Society Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN) Sarcoma Foundation of America, Inc. Global Liver Institute No Stomach For Cancer
We're happy to have collaborated on episodes featuring Juan Vallle, MD, Zac Getty, Mike Craycraft, R.Ph, Stephanie Chisolm, Brandi Felser, Sarah Manes and Jon Florin, respectively.
We'd also like to thank our subject matter experts Hui Amy Chen, MD, Wendy Hobbie, CRNP, and Julia Diaz, RD for dedicating time to discuss the topics on cervical cancer, survivorship and thyroid cancer. We appreciate you and look to you in leading the way to make changes in the cancer field!
And lastly, thank you to our listeners for joining in our conversations throughout the Cancer Awareness Series. It was a blast!
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