‘Old Coot,’ in a photo published in The North Adams Transcript, Jan. 27, 1939. Photo by P. Randolph ‘Randy’ Trabold.
On cold winter nights, near the end of January, they say a ghostly figure of a man haunts the Thunderbolt Ski Trail.
“Old Coot,” as he is known, is said to have lived in a shack on the side of Mount Greylock, at the intersection of the Thunderbolt and Bellows Pipe trails. During the few select nights he chooses to appear during the last two weeks of January, Old Coot is said to walk from his former home, along a long-forgotten country road (most likely now the Bellows Pipe Trail) to an overlook above the old Bernard Farm in North Adams, Mass.
“Old Coot is one of the most harmless ghosts ever seen by man. He isn’t one of those chain-rattling, long-fingered gentry that abound in England,” a North Adams Transcript article from Jan. 19, 1939, said of the ghost.