Jedi Templar

Jedi Templar There is nothing stronger then a broken man who was strong enough to rebuild himself. This is my life, this is my journey.

Also check out Jedi Realist Radio
This is the of a sin of and the difficulties 2014 and 2015 I made a choice to allow clips from my life to be recorded. In 2017 the...

In 2014 and 2015 I made a choice to allow clips from my life to be recorded. In 2017 the project was released under the name American Jedi. The documentary film was released on multiple platforms but my personal favorite is Tubi as it is free and has some fun older movies on it.

In the years since its release I have worked tirelessly to bring awareness to to mental health and addiction. I have also been highly active in the Wichita Recovery Community and I am working on releasing a new podcast dedicated to that community on Spotify.

Please click the link below and give the gilf a watch this week and see where I was then and how the results of that film has had such an impact on my current life.

Shout out to my friends and support system for all they have done. Shout out to the Rock Stars who recovery out loud so others do not need to suffer in silence.

Follow Star Wars fans who’ve abandoned their personal religions for Jedi-ism and must reconcile their dark issues in order to attain Knighthood.


Fun Star Wars quote for the day.

The will of the force is always flowing. You can go with it or fight against it but it is always there.

You can understand your higher powers will for you. You can have the power to carry it out, however the real question is do you have the will to do it. Do you have the will to to remain in recovery, to help those in need regardless of time or what you think about the person calling for help? Do you have the will to step out on your hero’s journey or are you going to sit at home and fight against your mission?

When all your friends are in bulking season but you are trying to maintain a light cut since you were raised Catholic an...

When all your friends are in bulking season but you are trying to maintain a light cut since you were raised Catholic and your lent diet sucks.

But it is all good because you know it will be greater later and your hardship will be rewarded.

During this time of hardship I feel a greater connection to the universe energy and a deeper understanding of Gods will for my life.

For the haters that are tons of fun on your internet groups preaching about a life path but not actually living it keep up with the hate because of cults hate you then you are doing something correct.

To my friends who are still out there grinding in the streets to make a positive impact on the lives of those around you, keep grinding as you will see your work flourish into something greater then even you imagined.

As always check out American Jedi on Tubi and the Newest Episodes of Arkinnea Jedi Templar on Spotify. Post links and tell your friends about it.


When people talk about Pride often they view it from the hyper inflated ego perspective instead of it’s true meaning.

Perhaps that is because of all the new toxic mindsets I remember the days we had pride in ourselves , our family’s, community’s, schools, and in our work. It would be nice to see this happen once again

What is Pride? Pride is Personal Responsibility In Daily Exercises. If you do not have pride then perhaps you should understand how much of a character asset this concept could truly be.

Happy Monday get Swol at the gym, read and ponder your daily reflection, read 30 minutes from a book or listen to a audi...

Happy Monday get Swol at the gym, read and ponder your daily reflection, read 30 minutes from a book or listen to a audiobook. If you are struggling reach out and if you are home and someone reaches out take a minute and answer your phone as that could save a life.

I love you all and I hope you have a amazing week.

To thy own self be true. Be true to yourself, and your beliefs but show your morals and values in your life not in the n...

To thy own self be true.

Be true to yourself, and your beliefs but show your morals and values in your life not in the noise that comes from your vocal cords as air is released from your body.

The only thing worse then saying one thing and doing another is lying about it when you get caught.

If you want to know why people love their God but hates his fan club look into the mirrior and ask yourself are you really being true to yourself and living your values as a ambassador of your way of life.

Any event I am going to go hit mass and pick up these gainz that have been left behind and praise the swoly spirit for another opportunity to impact the lives around me.

After the workout I am going to work on podcast notes and get some things done.

Strongly considering picking up Sunday Sermons from where Alan Wilson left off over at Jedi Realist Radio. If I can come up with a set of 12 or more episodes I will get that rolling again.

Love to my friends and more love to the haters i hope yinz find the way through your darkness.

MJ Hannigan


You will not always know where a path will take you but enjoy the journey and take the lessons you learn to make you a better person moving forward. Temp...

Jedi Templar Reflections
What does it take to be a Jedi Templar?

The Jedi Templar is a path within Jedi Realism movement that appeared in 2014 when MJ Hannigan was knighted by the gathering community as seen in the documentary film American Jedi This path was a blend of wisdom from the star wars extended universe books, Knights Templar, Taekwondo practice as well as philosophy, Reiki Principles, and my path in Recovery.

Jedi Templar Reflections are the thoughts of MJ Hannigan from his personal reflections and meditations. We hope you find the episodes interesting and insightful.

If you want to learn more about Jedi please check out the group and join in the discussions.

Jedi Templar Reflections What does it take to be a Jedi Templar? The Jedi Templar is a path within Jedi Realism movement that appeared in 2014 when MJ Hannigan was knighted by the gathering community as seen in the documentary film American Jedi. This path was a blend of wisdom from the star wars ex... Jedi Praxeum Pride and Hum...

The Jedi Praxeum Pride and Humility

The name Jedi Praxeum is from the Jedi Academy under Luke Skywalker in the EU cannon.

It was a place where learning was completed with action and is still a fitting concept for those involved in Jedi Realism. Anyone can start a facebook group, create a website or even host a podcast but if you are not applying what you learn in your everyday life then why are you wasting your time doing those activities?

Join host MJ Hannigan as he brings lessons and quotes from the Star Wars universe and discusses how they apply to the world we live in, not just in Jedi Realism but also in Recovery, Martial arts, your job, and every other aspect of your life.

Love and Light

The name Jedi Praxeum is from the Jedi Academy under Luke Skywalker in the EU cannon. It was a place where learning was completed with action and is still a fitting concept for those involved in Jedi Realism. Anyone can start a facebook group, create a website or even host a podcast but if you are n... does it take to be a Jedi  Templar? ...

What does it take to be a Jedi Templar?

There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, others see it as a religion and still others use it for facebook flexing. The Jedi Templar is just one branch of Jedi Realism. I hope you find useful ideas from this podcast to apply to your life path.

The Jedi Templar's are rooted in Kansas and was inspired by The Knight's Templar, Star Wars Legends, Martial Arts, Revovery and Reiki.

Check out the Arkinnea Jedi Templar podcast on Anchor as well as the documentary film American Jedi for more information.

What does it take to be a Jedi Templar? There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, others see it as a religion and still others use it for facebook flexing. The Jedi Templar is just one branch of Jedi Realism. I hope you find useful ideas from this podcast to apply to yo... does it take to be a Jedi...

What does it take to be a Jedi Templar?

There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, others see it as a religion and still others use it for facebook flexing. The Jedi Templar is just one branch of Jedi Realism. I hope you find useful ideas from this podcast to apply to your life path.

The Jedi Templar's are rooted in Kansas and was inspired by The Knight's Templar, Star Wars Legends, Martial Arts, Revovery and Reiki.

Check out the Arkinnea Jedi Templar podcast on Anchor as well as the documentary film American Jedi for more information.

Today's episode about questions and Answers from messages I have been receiving. What does it take to be a Jedi Templar? There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, others see it as a religion and still others use it for facebook flexing. The Jedi Templar is just one bran... Templar Reflection...

Jedi Templar Reflections is a series where I take quotes and break the 4th wall and discuss how those quotes inspire me not just in Jedi Realism but more importantly in my daily grind.

What does it take to be a Jedi Templar?

There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, others see it as a religion and still others use it for facebook flexing. The Jedi Templar is just one branch of Jedi Realism. I hope you find useful ideas from this podcast to apply to your life path.

The Jedi Templar's are rooted in Kansas and was inspired by The Knight's Templar, Star Wars Legends, Martial Arts, Revovery and Reiki.

Check out the Arkinnea Jedi Templar podcast on Anchor as well as the documentary film American Jedi for more information.

Jedi Templar Reflections is a series where I take quotes and break the 4th wall and discuss how those quotes inspire me not just in Jedi Realism but more importantly in my daily grind. What does it take to be a Jedi Templar? There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, oth... name Jedi Praxeum is from the Jedi Aca...

The name Jedi Praxeum is from the Jedi Academy under Luke Skywalker in the EU cannon.

It was a place where learning was completed with action and is still a fitting concept for those involved in Jedi Realism. Anyone can start a facebook group, create a website or even host a podcast but if you are not applying what you learn in your everyday life then why are you wasting your time doing those activities?

Join host MJ Hannigan as he brings lessons and quotes from the Star Wars universe and discusses how they apply to the world we live in, not just in jedi Realism but also in recovery, Martial arts, your job, and every other aspect of your life.

Love and Light

The name Jedi Praxeum is from the Jedi Academy under Luke Skywalker in the EU cannon. It was a place where learning was completed with action and is still a fitting concept for those involved in Jedi Realism. Anyone can start a facebook group, create a website or even host a podcast but if you are n... Templar Reflections is a ...

Jedi Templar Reflections is a series where I take quotes and break the 4th wall and discuss how those quotes inspire me not just in Jedi Realism but more importantly in my daily grind.

What does it take to be a Jedi Templar?

There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, others see it as a religion and still others use it for facebook flexing. The Jedi Templar is just one branch of Jedi Realism. I hope you find useful ideas from this podcast to apply to your life path.

The Jedi Templar's are rooted in Kansas and was inspired by The Knight's Templar, Star Wars Legends, Martial Arts, Revovery and Reiki.

Check out the Arkinnea Jedi Templar podcast on Anchor as well as the documentary film American Jedi for more information.

Arkinnea Jedi Templar Reflections 12 Principles of Recovery We all need to take time for our mental wellness, how this is done is up to the individual. Once a week I will be completely breaking the 4th wall and discussing one of my personal reflections from the prior week. The first inspiration will... Templar Reflections is a series wher...

Jedi Templar Reflections is a series where I take quotes and break the 4th wall and discuss how those quotes inspire me not just in Jedi Realism but more importantly in my daily grind.

What does it take to be a Jedi Templar?

There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, others see it as a religion and still others use it for facebook flexing. The Jedi Templar is just one branch of Jedi Realism. I hope you find useful ideas from this podcast to apply to your life path.

The Jedi Templar's are rooted in Kansas and was inspired by The Knight's Templar, Star Wars Legends, Martial Arts, Revovery and Reiki.

Check out the Arkinnea Jedi Templar podcast on Anchor as well as the documentary film American Jedi for more information.

Jedi Templar Reflections is a series where I take quotes and break the 4th wall and discuss how those quotes inspire me not just in Jedi Realism but more importantly in my daily grind. What does it take to be a Jedi Templar? There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, oth... name Jedi Praxeum is ...

The name Jedi Praxeum is from the Jedi Academy under Luke Skywalker in the EU cannon.

It was a place where learning was completed with action and is still a fitting concept for those involved in Jedi Realism. Anyone can start a facebook group, create a website or even host a podcast but if you are not applying what you learn in your everyday life then why are you wasting your time doing those activities?

Join host MJ Hannigan as he brings lessons and quotes from the Star Wars universe and discusses how they apply to the world we live in, not just in jedi Realism but also in recovery, Martial arts, your job, and every other aspect of your life.

Love and Light

The name Jedi Praxeum is from the Jedi Academy under Luke Skywalker in the EU cannon. It was a place where learning was completed with action and is still a fitting concept for those involved in Jedi Realism. Anyone can start a facebook group, create a website or even host a podcast but if you are n... Templar Reflections is a series wher...

Jedi Templar Reflections is a series where I take quotes and break the 4th wall and discuss how those quotes inspire me not just in Jedi Realism but more importantly in my daily grind.

What does it take to be a Jedi Templar?

There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, others see it as a religion and still others use it for facebook flexing. The Jedi Templar is just one branch of Jedi Realism. I hope you find useful ideas from this podcast to apply to your life path.

The Jedi Templar's are rooted in Kansas and was inspired by The Knight's Templar, Star Wars Legends, Martial Arts, Revovery and Reiki.

Check out the Arkinnea Jedi Templar podcast on Anchor as well as the documentary film American Jedi for more information.

Jedi Templar Reflections is a series where I take quotes and break the 4th wall and discuss how those quotes inspire me not just in Jedi Realism but more importantly in my daily grind. What does it take to be a Jedi Templar? There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, oth...

Jedi Templar Reflections is a series where I take quotes and break the 4th wall and discuss how those quotes inspire me not just in Jedi Realism but more importantly in my daily grind.

What does it take to be a Jedi Templar?

There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, others see it as a religion and still others use it for facebook flexing. The Jedi Templar is just one branch of Jedi Realism. I hope you find useful ideas from this podcast to apply to your life path.

The Jedi Templar's are rooted in Kansas and was inspired by The Knight's Templar, Star Wars Legends, Martial Arts, Revovery and Reiki.

Check out the Arkinnea Jedi Templar podcast on Anchor as well as the documentary film American Jedi for more information.

What does it take to be a Jedi Templar? There are many branches of Jedi Realism. Some take this as a life path, others see it as a religion and still others use it for facebook flexing. The Jedi Templar is just one branch of Jedi Realism. I hope you find useful ideas from this podcast to apply to yo... MJ Hannigan from the documentary film American Jedi  and Jedi R...

Join MJ Hannigan from the documentary film American Jedi and Jedi Realist Radio as he explores the impact of Star Wars legends books and how he applied the lessons of Jedi Realism to all aspects of his life.

Arkinnea Jedi Templar covers a variety of topics from quotes and lessons from the Legends books, movie, and current Disney Cannon and shows. Episodes include how those lessons can be applied to school, work, community service, martial arts, fitness, spiritual, recovery from addiction and much more.

If you want to learn more about Jedi Realism please check out Jedi and Arkinnea Jedi Academy (Jedi Coffee House).

All episodes are free to listen to as well as download but if you want to help support the message you can donate .99, $4.99, or $9.99 a month. Or please share the podcast links with anyone or any group you believe would be interested.

If you have any questions please post them to the links you see this on, send us a message or even call as as our phone number is listed on our page.

Love and Light
MJ Hannigan

Listen to Arkinnea Jedi Templar on Spotify. Arkinnea Jedi Templar is a podcast dedicated to the Jedi Realist way of life. On these episodes we will be discussing Jedi Realism, martial arts philosophy, spirituality, the star wars legends books, as well as many practical life development concepts. Sup... Principles of RecoveryWe al...

12 Principles of Recovery

We all need to take time for our mental wellness, how this is done is up to the individual.

Once a week I will be completely breaking the 4th wall and discussing one of my personal reflections from the prior week. The first inspiration will be from one of meditation/reflections books as well as life experiences.

I hope you find the content interesting but more importantly I hope the episodes are a inspiration for your own reflection.

If you have any questions on our content please message me on tht Jedi Templar page or visit either Jedi or Arkinnea Jedi Order on Facebook.

Love and Light
MJ Hannigan

Arkinnea Jedi Templar Reflections 12 Principles of Recovery We all need to take time for our mental wellness, how this is done is up to the individual. Once a week I will be completely breaking the 4th wall and discussing one of my personal reflections from the prior week. The first inspiration will... 12 vows of the Arkinnea Je...

The 12 vows of the Arkinnea Jedi Order

So you want to become a Knight or Master within the Arkinnea Jedi Order? If so you need to be prepared to work and part of that work means not only learning the 12 vows of the Arkinnea Jedi Order but more importantly how to apply those vows to all aspects of your life.

If you are interested in learning more about Jedi Realism please check out Jedi or Arkinnea Jedi Academy (Jedi Coffee House)

If you have any questions please be sure to ask where you see our links, send me a message or call me as our number is listed on the page.

Love and light
MJ Hannigan

The 12 vows of the Arkinnea Jedi Order So you want to become a Knight or Master within the Arkinnea Jedi Order? If so you need to be prepared to work and part of that work means not only learning the 12 vows of the Arkinnea Jedi Order but more importantly how to apply those vows to all aspects of yo... Jedi Templar Re...

Arkinnea Jedi Templar Reflections

12 Principles of Recovery Episode 3 Faith

We all need to take time for our mental wellness, how this is done is up to the individual.

Once a week I will be completely breaking the 4th wall and discussing one of my personal reflections from the prior week. The first inspiration will be from one of meditation/reflections books as well as life experiences.

I hope you find the content interesting but more importantly I hope the episodes are a inspiration for your own reflection.

If you have any questions on our content please message me on tht Jedi Templar page or visit either Jedi or Arkinnea Jedi Academy (Jedi Coffee House) on Facebook.

Love and Light
MJ Hannigan

Arkinnea Jedi Templar Reflections 12 Principles of Recovery Episode 3 Faith We all need to take time for our mental wellness, how this is done is up to the individual. Once a week I will be completely breaking the 4th wall and discussing one of my personal reflections from the prior week. The first.... hope you find the content interesting but more importantly I hope ...

I hope you find the content interesting but more importantly I hope the episodes are a inspiration for your own reflection.

If you have any questions on our content please message me on tht Jedi Templar page or visit either Jedi or Arkinnea Jedi Academy (Jedi Coffee House) on Facebook.

Love and Light
MJ Hannigan

Listen to Arkinnea Jedi Templar on Spotify. Arkinnea Jedi Templar is a podcast dedicated to the Jedi Realist way of life. On these episodes we will be discussing Jedi Realism, martial arts philosophy, spirituality, the star wars legends books, as well as many practical life development concepts. Sup... the Jedi Code is one thing. Living by the Je...

Knowing the Jedi Code is one thing. Living by the Jedi code is another.

Join MJ Hannigan from the documentary film American Jedi as he discussed the Jedi code and how it inspired him from the 1980s to today.

If you enjoy this podcast please share the link on your own social media, fb groups and with your friends offline. Also please like our fb page.

If you want to learn more about Jedi Realism or Jediism please check out Jedi or Arkinnea Jedi Academy (Jedi Coffee House)

The Jedi Code There is no emotion there is peace. There is no ignorance there is knowledge. There is no passion there is serenity. There is no chaos there is harmony There is no death there is the force. How did these simple lines from a roleplay game manual have such a great effect on a movement no... Arkinnea Jedi Templar ReflectionsWe all ...

Arkinnea Jedi Templar Reflections
We all need to take time for our mental wellness, how this is done is up to the individual.

Once a week I will be completely breaking the 4th wall and discussing one of my personal reflections from the prior week. The first inspiration will be from one of meditation/reflections books as well as life experiences.

I hope you find the content interesting but more importantly I hope the episodes are a inspiration for your own reflection.

If you have any questions on our content please message me on tht Jedi Templar page or visit either Jedi or Arkinnea Jedi Academy (Jedi Coffee House) on Facebook.

Love and Light
MJ Hannigan

Arkinnea Jedi Templar Reflections We all need to take time for our mental wellness, how this is done is up to the individual. Once a week I will be completely breaking the 4th wall and discussing one of my personal reflections from the prior week. The first inspiration will be from one of meditation... New Years to the Jedi Realist community. Ton...

Happy New Years to the Jedi Realist community. Tonights episode was a review of 2021 as well as my goals for 2022.

As always I hope you find the episode interesting and it inspired you to set some goals for 2022.

Happy new years to all the Arkinnea Jedi Templar supporters. Tonights episode was a simple review for 2021 as well as my plans for 2022. Grey JediFrom the early days of the Jedi R...

The Grey Jedi

From the early days of the Jedi Realist community to the Neo Starwars fans the concept of the Grey Jedi has been discussed for over 2 decades.

On Arkinnea Jedi Templar we will be discussing the possible Grey Jedi concepts from the Extended Universe Books, as well as other legends roots. We will also be discussing the concepts of the Grey Jedi within the Jedi Realist community today.

Join us for episode 1 as we discuss The Je'daii Order and their influence on the community today.

The Grey Jedi From the early days of the Jedi Realist community to the Neo Starwars fans the concept of the Grey Jedi has been discussed for over 2 decades. On Arkinnea Jedi Templar we will be discussing the possible Grey Jedi concepts from the Extended Universe Books, as well as other legends roots... American Jedi Hannigan is working on his second podcast platform so check it out a...

American Jedi Hannigan is working on his second podcast platform so check it out and send us some love.

If you want to donate to the platform just look up either Arkinnea Jedi Templar or Michael Hannigan on Spotify.

Arkinnea Jedi Templar is a podcast dedicated to the Jedi Realist way of life. On these episodes we will be discussing Jedi Realism, martial arts philosophy, spirituality, the star wars legends books, as well as many practical life development concepts. new year is starting soon. In 2022 we will be taking podcasts to a...

A new year is starting soon. In 2022 we will be taking podcasts to a new level.

Listen to Arkinnea Jedi Templar on Spotify. Arkinnea Jedi Templar is a podcast dedicated to the Jedi Realist way of life. On these episodes we will be discussing Jedi Realism, martial arts philosophy, spirituality, the star wars legends books, as well as many practical life development concepts. Sup...



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