Somedays I really just don't understand. I tell myself I'm safe and that the pain won't last forever. It's hard work healing a nervous system that never gets a break from pain. Remember to be nice to yourself today!
#endometriosis #hotsauce #idek #chornicillness #womenshealth #pelvichealth
Just an update on my illnesses. I think it's really important to remember that your diagnosis don't define you, even if things just keep getting added to the list YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR ILLNESSES!
I'm doing better now. But I am a firm believer of sharing all the parts of my #endo journey. And that includes the really #darkdays. Anyone with #chronicpain I'm sure knows how I feel. I'm still new to this life and adjusting the best I can. The good news? I finally agreen to let my soul mate take me to the #ER shortly after I made this video and I'm so excited to share what we found out. I actually have #hope again that my pain can actually be manageable.
I honestly don't even have anything else to say about this besides, yeaahhh.... sounds about right for Healthcare rn
#doctors #emergencyroom #appointments #endowarrior #thef**k
This is a hard one to share. Regardless when I'm ready I will still get it done. It's important but so is my mental health. It's a balancing act sometimes. I'm getting my footing tho!💛💛💛
#endometriosis #obgyn #ER #trauma #papsmear #positivity
That one time all my symptoms came back 2 weeks after surgery.
#endometriosis #chronicillness #thef**k #shocked
Sparkle bishes
It's so important to have support in your life when you have have chronic pain. Mr. Beans here always boosts my dopamine levels. So here's your daily dose of dopamine!
#raiseawareness #chronicpain #endo #cats #love #dopamine #positivity #mentalhealth
I have said this to nurses before. I got some funny looks 🤣
#endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #chronicillness #chronicpain
Know when to move on💛💛💛
#endometriosis #pelvichealth #birthcontrol #iud #obgyn #raiseawareness #endometriosiswarrior #standupforyourself
Sometimes you just need to sit on a ball and drink hot chocolate
#1in10 #endometriosis #pelvichealth
#endometriosis PSA of the day!
I am 1 in 10 💛
Will she? Find out next week on the endo diaries #sleeplessnights #chronicpainlife #endometriosisawareness #1in10
When they told me the "cure" for endometriosis was a hysterectomy #endometriosisawareness #1in10 #chronicpainlife #endometriosis #obgyn
#endometriosis #1in10 #chronicpainlife #work