VeintiTres Productions

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VeintiTres Productions VeinteTres Productions is a media production company that was derived from .

Born on the same day (5/23), we joined ideas to create an ever growing platform giving our views on sports, entertainment & politics... with some levity.


EP. 5... Miles Long makes the scammers mad again, by talking about his Mama!


EP. 4 Miles Long gets called Maam, and he doesn't like it so much!


Miles Long at it again.. EP. 3


EP. 2 PT. 2...Scammer calls Miles back! LOL


Miles Long is at it again! Ep. 2 is up and running! Scammers are Miles' favorite part of the day, today he encounters a very nice scammer! EP. 2 PT. 1


Hey Guys! I know it's been a while, but we now have our good Friend Miles Long dealing with daily scammers. Episode 1.

Look up: US Patent US6506148 B2TV, Computer and Smartphone Screens are patented as a mind manipulating devices through t...

Look up:

US Patent US6506148 B2

TV, Computer and Smartphone Screens are patented as a mind manipulating devices through the US Patent Office.

Check out un-afraid good=powerless evil's video.


"Did you hear?...":
We never went to the Moon... 🤷🏿‍♂️

NASA seems to have lost ALL of the footage, logs and data taken during their maiden voyage. And also, they lost the technology to go back too. 🤨 Which is funny because the "Van Allen Belt" (which we know Is the Firmament), is not safe for any Astronaut to pass through safely. Actually stop, and look at the stock footage and photos. Think about the fact that they flew off of the moon in a tiny capsule, with barely enough room for 4 Grown men. Yet drove a dune buggy on the moon. Where'd they store it on the trip home? And as you look at the photos, take note of the "lunar leaves" floating on the surface of the moon...

Oh! And please observe a moment of silence for the bravery of the Astronaut who sacrificed his life to remain behind and take the final video of the lunar module lifting of to return back to Earth. His sacrafice and bravery will not ne forgotten. 🫡

The following is a confession by Stanley Kubric, 3 days before his death. And stay tuned because you'll also get a verbal description and visible evidence of the truth of 'what' the moon ACTUALLY is.

**For entertainment purposes only**

**For Entertainment purposes only**"Did you hear?..."There's an sinister ancient plot against humanity being carried out...

**For Entertainment purposes only**

"Did you hear?..."

There's an sinister ancient plot against humanity being carried out right before our eyes? And no one is paying attention?

There are 3 types of people in the world...:

1.) Those who see
2.) Those who see when shown
3.) Those who will never see.

Unfortunately. Those of the latter suffer from a psychological condition known as "cognative dissonance".

Cognitive dissonance is the perception of contradictory information and the mental toll of it. Relevant items of information include a person's actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, values, and things in the environment. Cognitive dissonance is typically experienced as psychological stress when persons participate in an action that goes against one or more of those things. When confronted with two actions or ideas that are not psychologically consistent with each other, people do all in their power to change them until they become consistent.

When presented with factual evidence from multiple sources showing proof of the action or idea that is contrary to their beliefs, a person will deny the information without research, and find every possible explanation to explain or justify why the conflicting idea or action is untrue. When they are left with no with no way to refute the information, they will move into the final stage of denial by justification... These 3 methods are what our brain resorts to as a "fight or flight" mechanism to protect the sanctity of our "world view". And it is also a way to recognize very quickly which type of person you are dealing with.

1.) If they say: "If it was true, I would have heard it on the news"

2.) If they attempt to refute the action or idea by using 'Fact check' websites like Snopes, Politifact, etc...

And finally...

3.) Those affected by this condition will usually resort to name calling, by using terms such as "conspiracy theorist" or childish quips about 'tinfoil hats'. And also including, but not limited to, challenging ones intelligence or mental capacity, (using labels like "Crazy", "disillusioned", or recommending counceling or some form of psychological help.) (Fight)


They will attempt to remove themselves from the conversation as quickly as possible, by saying things like "I dont have time for this..." or finding any excuse to remove themselves from the conversation immediately... (Flight) Usually in both instances, anger quickly follows.

As someone who didn't 'see' until 2 years ago, trying to share with people the TRUTH of the World in which we live has shown me that not one among us is truly knowledgeable on the infallible truth of our world. But the lies, we can rattle off without missing a step. Because that is what we are indoctrinated to do.

-Intelligence is NOT wisdom... Just us understanding is NOT knowledge.

We have been trained, brainwashed, molded, coerced, indoctrinated, manipulated, hoodwinked, swindled and bamboozled. And it's not just 1 generation. It is ALL of humanity.

But, by whom?

Biblical scriptures have specifically told us 'who'. And so has secular history... But you know the old saying: "Those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it."

Their psychological oppression that we voluntarily receive is affectively given to us through the media, verbal and non-verbal binding contracts via your Birth Certificate, SSN, DL, Vehicle Registration, The judicial system, music, TV and Pro-Sports, accompanied by the physical and psychlogical destruction of the human mind and body through poisoned food via additives and soft metals, fluoridated water, deliberate air contamination, destruction of food supply, intentional environmental contamination, development of and patents on harmful pathogens, untested, expiramental and contaminated immunotherapy treatments to the global population, and carsinogenic and addictive petroleum based pharmaceuticals. To finish the job, our emotional stability and integrity is attacked through clandestined mind manipulation techniques, "natural disasters" created by non-civilian developed weather and EMF manipulating technology, and an undeniably purposeful financial collapse.

If you have a Bible, read these scriptures and you will find out EXACTLY 'who', or should I say 'what' we are dealing with.:

Acts 7:43 ESV
"You took up the tent of Moloch (Ba'al) and the star of your god Rephan (or Saturn), the images that you made to worship; and I will send you into exile beyond Babylon.’

Revelation 2:9
“‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are J**s and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan (or Saturn)."

Revelation 3:9
"Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan (or Saturn) who say that they are J**s and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you"

Genesis 49:17 (ESV)
" (The Tribe of) Dan shall be a 'serpent' in the way, a 'viper' by the path, that bites the horse’s heels so that his rider falls backward.

2 Corinthians 11:3 (ESV) But "I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ."

Matthew 3:7 (ESV)
"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, “You brood of 'vipers'! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"

Matthew 23:37
"Therefore I send you prophets and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town, so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the BLOOD OF RIGHTEOUS ABEL, to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar..."

Only 1 person murdered Abel.

There is a clear 'serpent theme' through out those verses, specifically describing the descendants of the Tribe of Dan. (In the photos below, you will see the Sigil for the Tribe of Dan)

And only one person who has walked the Earth do they despise and fear the most...:
Yahshua Ha'Maschiach - The Messiah

This is why 'THEY' sought to kill the Messiah so badly. Yahua, our creator, gave the Serpent (Satan) his fate in the Garden. The serpents plan since the "Beguiling"👀 of Eve, was to kill the Bloodline of Yahshua to prevent his coming... But he did not succeed. So when he came to Earth, the Serpent (through his serpent seed) vowed to complete the job. And they did. But just like Obi-Wan said:
"If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine."

That power lives within EACH OF US! But 'they' are doing everything possible to keep you from the true knowledge of our divine purpose through Yashua given to us by Yahua, and who we really are.

And by no coincidence, the families within he "13 Bloodlines" of Talmudic Khazarian descent, that own the media, music and entertainment industry, banking industry, pharmaceutical, political, military industrial, corporate, big tech, and all global agricultural and energy industries affectionately and proudly describe themselves as 'Chidren of Cain'. And no coincidence that 97% of the US Presidents are ALL related. And they are realated to the British Royal Family. Who is related to every Royal Family across the Globe, not just Europe. And share relation to the Bloodline of the 13 families.

They also claim relation to the 1st Anti-Christ, NI**OD. Now does it make a bit more sense as to why the first stop for the Military in Iraq was to raid the museums in search of the Resurrection Chamber of Ni**od, found by Sadaam Hussein (33 degree Freemason) just the previous summer? And why HRC had an email on her server In which she was inquiring about the same said artifact?


Every great empire has fallen... And just like Humpty Dumpy in 'Puss in Boots', "THEY" were always there. Financial and political corruption, pestilence and disease, wars/conflict and misery & strife follow them wherever they go. Even the sacrifice of there own is within their realm of acceptability (a la WWII) ... If it fullfis their 'masters' plan.

Research "The Black Cube of Saturn" and its symbolism. Watch 'THEY LIVE' w/ Rowdy Roddy Piper. Watch The MATRIX, and listen very closely to Morpheus as he describes the Matrix to Neo. And also when he describes the people in line #3 (listed above) right before Neo sees the 'Woman in the Red Dress'.

They tell us what they're doing and what their plans are In the movies we watch. They show us who are with their corporate logos. It's all hidden in plain sight.

Until we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, we will continue to be unwittingly enslaved. The worse part is, we will also hand over our children to the same 'Masters' we continue to serve.

To give you an idea of the Saturn/Moloch/Satanic/Masonic Worship and symbolism that is completely ingrained into ever fabric of our lives, take a look at the photos attached. You will gain a better understanding of how it is hidden in plain sight, right in front of our eyes.


They've been telling us right to our faces for years... And now, we are at that moment.

If your not paying attention by now, it seems you never will. They've been telling us exactly what this world really is,...

If your not paying attention by now, it seems you never will. They've been telling us exactly what this world really is, and what their plan is for our future. It's no longer a secret. They're telling us straight to our faces at this point.

The brainwashing and distractions through incessant "Natural" disasters, public shootings, the undeniable destruction and poisoning of our food and water supply, political and economic turmoil sensationalized by Charletons pretending to serve our needs and wants. Along with an ever growing moral apostasy, and wilful ignorance to the truth in this country, their plan has been successful at keeping us fat too busy & distracted from realizing that they are in the final stages of their plan. From every high political, corporate, financial and religious office, they've deceived all of humanity.

90-95% of Americans arent payenig attention to where we are headed. The other 5-10% are dismissed as 'conspiracy theorists' for trying to warn the other 95%.
..It's time to WAKE UP!

This animated film lays out their plan for us very plainly.

**For educational purposes only.**

A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyran...

**3 banks in 3 days** This is just the beginning. I pray you were paying attention since my warnings last year, and prep...

**3 banks in 3 days**
This is just the beginning. I pray you were paying attention since my warnings last year, and prepared for what is now here. The Fed jas been flooding the market with cash for over 3 years, the bonds the banks purchased in lieu of your assets have collapsed in value, and now they can't back the assets of yours they held. Now these banks are collapsing at a fast rate and dominoes will continue to fall across the board.

Accounts with funds OVER $250,000 are NOT guaranteed return. Those under $250k are "FDIC insured". But its safe to say that with the amount of Americans who are going to be looking to the FDIC to recover their funds, and the FDIC having TRILLION$ to insure with only about $100 Billion to cover it, it's going to be a challenge to get those funds back.

Not to mention the companies with over $250,000 in accounts, won't be able to clear the payroll owed to employees. Further exasperating the situation.

The FDIC talked about 'stopping withdrawals' in a leaked November meeting, and decided to covered it up as to not panic the public.

But its not just here... It's happening all around the world. CBDC's, Social credit scores and mandatory "pokes" are in our very near future.

No bail outs are coming.

Only "Bail-ins". Thats where it's YOUR money that will float the banks until they recover. (A legislation passed in the dark of night, without us knowing about it... Look it up!)

This is all planned... from the beginning!! Make no mistake about it. What do you think was discussed in "The room where it happens"?

-"Hamilton's financial plan is nothing more than Government control..."

Remember that?
They've been telling us right to our faces!! And same entities (families/organizations, etc...) backing Hamilton, atebthe same ones pulling the strings today.

But it seems it's "business as usual"... They've caused the problem, now they'll come up with an extreme plan to fix the problem. Further placing our reliance on them.

The ISO200022 protocol will be the future of transactions and financing all over the world. And ALL digital. Blockchains and ledgers are the future of the financial system. They tell us Crypto is dead and are bad investments... People listened. Yet, they use the operating systems of those same bad investments to create a new financial system. While intentionally demolishing the old system.

ALL of these moves have been made throughout the last year or two, and many were not paying attention. Those who were, may possibly weather what is at our doorstep. But this is truly a wake up call for everyone else!

I challenge you to research for yourself what I am speaking of. It's all there, right in front of you.

Wake up!

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Well Fam, it's become more than evident that we are on a crash course. It's something that can no longer be denied or refuted. The current administration has set us up for failure and we are on she precipice of a large (and seemingly painful) shift in our Nation... And the world.

For those that have not believed or seen the signs of how we got here, I pray your eyes and ears are now open. For those who scoffed and called your friends who have seen the signs "Conspiracy Theorists", I suggest you start listening.

If you need an update on where we are and where we're headed, this video will help catch you up.

The United States citizens have been under a state of 'Martial Law since 1863. Abraham Lincoln signed the executive orde...

The United States citizens have been under a state of 'Martial Law since 1863. Abraham Lincoln signed the executive order "General Orders No.100" or 'The Leiber Code'. This code, among other things, gave the congress and President Lincoln power to institute 'continuous Martial Law' by ordering the states (People) to provide troops and/or money in support of the North, or be recognized as enemies of the Nation. The authority of 'Marshal Law' gives the President the dictative power to do anything that can be done by government, in accord with the Constitution 'OF' The United States of America. This is the foundation of the Presidents Executive Order.

This Act of Congress is still in effect today. Congress annually ratifies and enhances these Acts.

So those we have "elected" to congress, have been searching for ways for over 100 years, to extort you and to further classify you as an 'enemy'. Lying in wait to execute the indefinite power of Martial Law upon you.

***PLEASE READ!!***This is hiding in plain sight. Its infuriating and pretty unbelievable. Please research what I am sha...


This is hiding in plain sight. Its infuriating and pretty unbelievable. Please research what I am sharing with you. The shock of this info may make you think it's a 'conspiracy theory'. But I promise you, it is not. Unfortunately, it is all true...:

The United States is not a country... It is a private corporation, with un-named stockholders. A private corporation is its fiscal agent. (Federal Reserve Bank of New York - "the Fed")

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was chartered in Deleware as a private corporation. It is not a division of the US treasury.

A private corporation owns and circulates the currency we are forced to use. (Federal Reserve)

'Citizens' of the US are expected to pay taxes to a private corporation.

The US CEO (The President) has maintained unconstitutional emergency power for the last 80 years.

All United States offices, officials and departments are now operating within a de facto status, in name only, under 'Emergency War Powers' with the constitutional Republic now dissolved.

The federal and state governments are not real. They are privately owned corporations called governments, and the law is nothing more than their corporate regulations clearly statutes.

States are listed as Sub-Corporations under the ownership of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION Company.

This company was created without the consent of congress, nor the knowledge and authority of the Amercan People.

The United States is a corporate franchised network represented by there all caps names, such as 'STATE OF CALIFORNIA'. Corporate statutes have replaced laws. A corporate statute is a rule of a corporation given the force of law by the consent of the parties. This consent generally requires a signed contract.

Our silence is considered a kin to consstates.

In 1933, the Trading with the Enemies Act is adjusted to recognize the people of the United States as 'enemies of Corp. U.S.'.

The UNITED STATES is NOT a "Republic of the people, by the people and for the people". We are slaves to a corporation, that considers us 'enemies of the state'.


See the link below for the full timeline of how we got to this point.

Posts about U.S. citizens enemies of the state written by eowyndbh

4/11/2022Did you Hear?... (A financial Editorial)A lot of things are seriously about to change in the US...I'm sure you ...


Did you Hear?... (A financial Editorial)

A lot of things are seriously about to change in the US...

I'm sure you many of you have already caught wind of what's going on around the Globe, and the effects it will have on the US economy. But if you haven't, something REALLY BIG is coming. I've felt it for a while, and the evidence points to it starting to happen Globally, and financially here in the US... and it's happening NOW.

As I said in my previous blog (4/8/2022), Russia has backed the Ruble with Gold and Saudi Arabia will be backing the Chinese Yuan with Oil. This will remove the US as the world reserve currency. Therefore, plummeting the value of the US Dollar. In response it is predicted that the US Federal Reserve will attempt to slow the US economy. Many fear that this will not work and in response, the Fed will lock down the finances of American citizens. Instead of a "Bail-out", there will be a "Bail-In". Bank accounts, stocks, and all transactions will be held, controlled and regulated by the Fed until they finish the roll out of the Government regulated Crypto called "fed-coin". The sanctions against Russia are hurting the US, not Russia. It is completely backfiring on us. Russia and China have been preparing to move away from the US Dollar for over a year. They have created an international bank (BRIC's Bank) with other countries that will replace the IMF and BIS and make a way for them to be able to sidestep the US and SWIFT . This until the US Dollar is completely out of the picture and useless.

Arrogance, hubris, and fiscal irresponsibility have caused our government to fall right into their plan. We've fallen into insurmountable debt, and have made poor diplomatic and political decisions for decades. And now, we will reap what we've sewn. Our Nation is in TRUE TROUBLE.

Financial experts suggest that citizens secure their finances. Get $$ out of banks. Invest in physical precious metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum) prepare your families and your homes. Ensure you have stores of food, water and essentials for the foreseeable future. The US dollar will soon be just paper. By as soon as the end of the summer, record inflation and possibly another depression are a true possibility.

Please research what I am saying and what is happening around our globe. Read, listen and watch what the top financial minds in our nation and the world are saying. Our media is downplaying and even hiding this because our government does not want us to know the severity of what's coming.

I am not trying to be an alarmist. And this is not a conspiracy theory. From what I am reading, this is absolutely real. I have been doing a lot of research writing this blog. Reading, Watching, and Listening to financial experts like Robert Kiyosaki, E.B. Tucker, Kevin O'leary, Jim Rickards, Porter Stansberry and Yale Prof. Stephen Roach. Last week I wrote on this exact topic. It was through that research that I learned this information, and it is very evident what is about to happen. Please DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!! Pray for our Country and Protect your families...

I'm sharing this with you because I care about your well being. I'm not sure if this will get taken down. But with what I've learned, I can't keep it to myself. We need to be prepared.

***As with any post shared on the VeinteTres Productions page, all information has been researched. In no way is this the belief of any other person or entity outside of the Author. VeinteTres Productions encourages you to take the time to research any information you have read above and make your own educated conclusion.***

4/8/2022“Did you Hear?...Many global powers are working towards moving away from the oil backed dollar, or “Petro Dollar...


“Did you Hear?...

Many global powers are working towards moving away from the oil backed dollar, or “Petro Dollar”, as the worlds reserve currency. With the sanctions handed down to Russia by President Joe Biden disrupting supply chains, limiting trade, and forcing countries to scramble to make up for the resources lost by these sanctions, it seems this will have severe negative effects on the Dollar and the American economy. It will raise inflation, fed rates, and possibly cause the Petro-Dollar to lose its role as the world’s dominant currency.

For decades the dollar has been the preeminent global currency. As a result, most international transactions, including oil, are priced in dollars. Oil-exporting nations receive dollars for their exports, not their own currency. Most oil-exporting nations own their own oil industries. That makes their national income dependent on the value of the dollar. If it falls, so does their government's revenue. To helps these countries avoid wide swings in inflation or deflation, they peg their currency to the US dollar. This way, if the dollar’s value falls, so does the price of all their domestic goods and services.

But how did the US Dollar become the world’s most dominant currency?

Soon after World War II, the US held most of the world's gold supply. The US agreed to redeem any U.S. dollar for its equal value in gold with the stipulation that other countries pegged their currencies to the dollar. During the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944, officially known as the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, delegates from 44 nations met from July 1-22, in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to agree upon a series of new rules for the post-WWII international monetary system. The two major accomplishments of the conference were the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). The IMF was charged with the maintenance of a system of fixed exchange rates centered on the U.S. dollar and gold. The IBRD, meanwhile, was responsible for providing financial assistance for the reconstruction of war-ravaged nations and the economic development of less developed countries. From then until 1971 the US Dollar was backed by the “Gold Standard”.

On February 14, 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated an alliance with Saudi Arabia. He met with Saudi King Abd al-Aziz, and solidified alliance that was so critical that it has survived subsequent years of differences of opinion between the two nations. Namely, over the Arab-Israeli conflict. The 1945 agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia cemented the relationship between the dollar and oil. From this, the petrodollar was born.

Presidential initiatives has brought the gold standard into its current chapter. After Roosevelts move away from gold, a stockpile began to grow at Fort Knox. But by 1971, this stockpile had dwindled down to almost nothing after decades of international trade. US “stagflation”, which is the combination of high interest rates, high inflation, and high unemployment, prompted runs on the dollar. Many countries asked to redeem their U.S. dollars for gold. But, to protect the remaining U.S. gold reserves, President Richard Nixon removed the dollar from the gold standard.

This move caused the value of the dollar to plummet. But it also helped the U.S. economy as its export values also decreased, making them more competitive. The falling value of the dollar hurt oil-exporting countries because contracts were priced in U.S. dollars. Their oil revenue dropped along with the dollar, and the cost of imports, denominated in other currencies, increased.

In 1973, Nixon requested military aid from Congress for Israel as they fought in the Yom Kippur War. The newly formed Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) halted oil exports to the United States and other Israeli allies. The OPEC oil embargo quadrupled the price of oil in six months. As a result, gas prices in the US were crippling American citizens at the pump. Prices remained high even after the embargo ended.

In 1979, the United States and Saudi Arabia negotiated the United States-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation. They agreed to use the U.S. dollars for oil contracts. The Dollars would be recycled back to America through contracts with U.S. companies. These companies would then improve Saudi infrastructure through technology transfer. All Oil-exporting countries would come to use petrodollars to fund domestic consumption. This would prove to increase imports, provide higher wages for government employees, and boosts the local economy. The rest would be used to improve the nations' finances. They recycled their petrodollars through sovereign wealth funds, and use these funds to invest in non-oil related businesses. The profits from these businesses would make them less dependent on oil prices.

Unfortunately, the US government and politicians have used the power of the petrodollar to enforce its foreign policy. Some larger powers do not like the prospect of being subject to U.S. policies when they transact in dollars. When the U.S. dollar is used or transactions are cleared through an American bank, entities are subject to U.S. jurisdiction — even if they have nothing to do with the U.S.. Sanctions on countries like Iran, for refusing the nuclear deal, or Russia for Crimea and Ukraine, and Venenzuela have made many nations wary of continuing down the path of the petrodollar. But some countries don’t fight back. They are afraid it would mean the collapse of the petrodollar system and damage their economy. But this desire to move away from the US dollar is not new. It takes on a new dimension with the war in Ukraine because it draws a fault line between Western countries and emerging countries. Even if countries don’t approve of the Russian invasion, the emerging countries are reluctant to align themselves with the position of the United States... Even some European nations.

Saudi Arabia has been a large, long standing ally for the US and their petroleum trade since 1979. Though there have been some diplomatic bumps in the road, they have held strong with their trade relationship, until recently. There are now signs showing that trust has been lost, and the relationship is becoming strained. The Saudi kingdom feels less and less a part of a system put in place by President Nixon. In exchange for security guaranteed by the United States, the Gulf oil monarchies agreed to denominate their transactions in dollars. In doing this, the oil-producing countries accumulated foreign exchange reserves in dollars, and the oil-consuming countries had to purchase dollars to buy oil, reinforcing the role of the greenback as a reference currency. But feelings have changed between the two nations. Why?

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi regime’s strongman, was publicly ostracized by the Biden administration. President Biden had accused him of instigating the assassination of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey on October 2, 2018. Since then, relations between Washington and Riyadh have become more distant. Riyadh also criticizes the United States for not supporting the coalition formed with the United Arab Emirates, which has been bogged down since 2015 in the civil war in Yemen where it is fighting a Houthi rebellion, supported by Iran. The war has claimed 377,000 lives, 150,000 of which were due to the fighting, the rest due to famine and disease. In addition to the human cost, it has a financial cost for Saudi Arabia that amounts to tens of billions of dollars.

This descent has found Saudi Arabia forming new friendships with China, a major foe of the US in terms of politics and trade. China has openly called for a replacement of the U.S. dollar as a global currency. Ironically, it is one of the largest foreign holders of the dollar. China influences the U.S. dollar by pe***ng its currency, the yuan, to it. The sanctions against Russia have crippled the Russian economy and the Rupal, diminishing trade between Russia the US, EU, and NATO nations. The US continues to pressure other countries to halt trade with Russia, or also risk sanctions or being ostracized politically. But will this tactic work? The answer is no… By the US strong arming countries to go along with these sanctions, they are forcing the hands of many countries to find an alternative to the US dollar. Even some countries in the EU, who’s nations have been the strongest supporters of the sanctions, are reconsidering the dollars hold as the world’s global currency. Along with Russia and China, other countries like India and even Germany, France, and the United Kingdom are setting up swap lines which bypass the dollar and SWIFT, which is the dollar-based worldwide financial transaction system. Also taking into account that many countries are moving away from fossil fuels and petroleum and investing in cleaner, greener fuel alternatives, therefore diminishing need for petroleum products.

The evidence is shown in agreements between Russia and India, to trade oil in a currency exchange of Rupees and Rupals. This agreement has gotten India oil and gas from Russia at a discounted rate. “Russia is offering oil and other commodities at a heavy discount. We will be happy to take that. We have some issues like tanker, insurance cover and oil blends to be resolved. Once we have that we will take the discount offer,” one of the Indian government officials said. The US is now taking the opportunity brought by these sanctions, to ramp up oil production and take its place as the worlds #1 oil producer. Despite the stance the Biden Administration ran their election campaign to transition out of the oil industry by eliminating subsidies for oil companies and invest in renewable energy companies. The US has attempted to discourage India’s trade with Russia, and instead import oil from the US at a higher price. India refused.

In recent years, China has tried to internationalize the use of the yuan. Some actions included the introduction of yuan-denominated crude oil futures, and reports that China is preparing to pay for imported crude in its own currency rather than the U.S. dollar. Thus, creating a Petro-Yuan. Saudi Arabia in active talks with Beijing to price some of its oil sales to China in yuan, a move that would put a significant dent in the U.S. dollar’s dominance of the global petroleum market and mark another shift by the world’s top crude exporter. Saudi Aramco Asia Company (SAAC), and China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation known as Sinopec, has entered a joint venture to develop a major refinery and petrochemical complex in Panjin, China in the northeastern province of Liaoning, expected to start operations in 2024. The Saudi group said the venture would capitalize on each company’s strengths and bolster their existing long-term relationship.

There is also an agreement between China, Russia, and other countries, ending the dollar's stranglehold over oil and how it is purchased. The past 14 months have seen a momentous rush towards setting up the infrastructure to replace the dollar completely in global transactions. China, along with the BRICs nations of Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa, loaned money to a new financial institution they established and labeled the BRICs bank. This bank was created with the intention of bypassing the dollar, allowing free trade to occur between nations without the need to trade for dollars first, as is the current format. In fact, the new BRICs bank will function both as a bank of international settlement, as well as a lender of last resort, eliminating the need for the BIS and IMF, which currently reside under Petrodollar dominion. With Saudi Arabia seemingly prepared to align itself with China, they too will be in the fold of countries turning their backs on the US and the reliance on the Dollar.

With Crypto and blockchain technology offering a digital, centralized and currently unregulated way of doing trade and business. Many more countries are either using, accepting, or even creating their own crypto currencies. Both Russia and China have created their own crypto currencies to off set the dollar. Russian Bank Sberbank created the sBercoin in March, but sanctions have stalled its growth. They are also developing a Putin commissioned cryptocurrency called CryptoRuble. It is different than normal crypto in that it will hold the same value as the ruble and will be government issued. China also has developed a crypto currency. The Digital-Yuan seems to be the world’s best bet to further the bolster the yuan as the top competitor to de-thrown the dollar. They have already begun using it in China successfully, by settling 3 large Construction deals. Any foreign businesses doing business in China, will need to convert to the China Yuan. This gains China economic clout, the #1 financial superpower by having the yuan the currency of choice, and the satisfaction of beating their global nemesis… The US.

The US Dollar is still the top choice of currency in the world for cross-border transactions. But the nations of the world are working hard to unseat the dollar and there seems to be no doubt that the decades long reign the US Dollar has had over the world markets will soon become something of the past. The sanctions, world advancement of cryptocurrency, political strife, and decisions and policies of President Joe Biden and the US government will put the US economy and the dollar into a tailspin. Some believe the fate will be worse than that of 2008, fearing the possibility of a nearly 100-year return to another US depression. High inflation, soaring federal rates, and the loss of value and status of the dollar as the worlds dominant currency, will have a detrimental effect on the US Economy and the American people that will last for years… I just hope we can recover.

***As with any post shared on the VeinteTres Productions page, all information has been researched and verified. Any portion of this article classified as a ‘theory’ was taken from sources or websites partial to that point of view. In no way is it the belief of the author, and or any other person or entity associated with VeinteTres Productions. We encourage you to take the time to research any information you have read above and come to your own educated conclusion. This article is for informational and entertainment purposes only.***


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- “Saudi Arabia Mulls Accepting Yuan for China Oil Sales – WSJ c/o Asia Financial - March 15, 2022
- “Gold Standard: A currency's value in gold” – Corporate Finance Institute
- “The Bretton Woods Conference, 1944” Archive – US Department of State
- “Saudi Aramco to Build ‘Major’ Refinery Complex in China - March 11, 2022 – Asia Financial
- “India May Buy Discounted Russian Oil, Officials Say” - March 14, 2022 – Asia Financial
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- “Petrodollars and the System that Created It: Will the Petrodollar Collapse?” By Kimberly Amadeo - January 20, 2022 – The Balance
- “A ‘growing club’ of ‘very powerful countries’ is steering away from using the dollar” - Eustance Huang - WED, OCT 30 2019
- “23 Countries Now Abandoning US Dollar” – Truth in Action via Examiner .com
- “THE DIGEST: NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2007 – “The Impact of the Euro and Prospects for the Dollar” – National Bureau of Economic Research
- “World Moving Away From Dollar As Global Reserve Currency” By Scott Schaefer - Sep 22, 2017 – Global Trade Funding


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